#ifndef _MTRACE_H
#define _MTRACE_H
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : MWMIObject interface.
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// Description:
// -----------
// include files
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <comdef.h>
using namespace std;
// use this call to do tracing.
// eg usage.
// TRACE( MTrace::WARNING, "running out of non paged pool\n");
#define TRACE(traceLevel, traceMessage) MYTRACE( (__LINE__ ), (__FILE__), (traceLevel), (traceMessage) );
class MTrace { public:
// the trace levels which can be set.
enum TraceLevel { FULL_TRACE = 0,
NO_TRACE = 100, };
// the maximum single message size which can be logged.
enum { MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 2000, };
// Description:
// -----------
// gets instance of MTrace singleton class.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// none
// Returns:
// -------
// the MTrace singleton object.
static MTrace* Instance();
// Description:
// -----------
// Initialize. The trace object will write the trace data to the screen and the traceFile
// if file is specified.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// level IN : level determines what is the high threshold for data to be output.
// traceFile IN : file to store trace output to. Any previous file is deleted when call is
// made.
// Returns:
// -------
// none
void Initialize( TraceLevel level, string traceFile );
void Initialize( TraceLevel level );
// Description:
// -----------
// Initializes the objects to which the singleton object will write data to.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// level IN : level determines what is the high threshold for data to be output.
// traceMessage IN : trace message to be logged.
// Returns:
// -------
// none
void SendTraceOutput( TraceLevel level, wstring traceMessage );
void SendTraceOutput( TraceLevel level, string traceMessage );
// Description:
// -----------
// Gets the present trace level
// Parameters:
// ----------
// none
// Returns:
// -------
// trace level set.
TraceLevel GetLevel();
// Description:
// -----------
// Sets the trace level.
// Parameters:
// ----------
// level IN : level to set.
// Returns:
// -------
// none
void SetLevel(TraceLevel level );
protected: MTrace();
private: static MTrace* _instance;
string _traceFile;
TraceLevel _level;
void FormatOutput( TraceLevel level, string traceMessage );
// Ensure type safety
typedef class MTrace MTrace;
// helper functions.
void MYTRACE( int lineNum, string fileName, MTrace::TraceLevel level, string traceMessage );
void MYTRACE( int lineNum, string fileName, MTrace::TraceLevel level, wstring traceMessage );
// utility functions
void CharToWChar( PCHAR pchCharString, int iSizeOfCharString, PWCHAR pwchCharString, int iSizeOfWideCharString );
void WCharToChar( PWCHAR pwchWideCharString, int iSizeOfWCharString, PCHAR pchCharString, int iSizeOfCharString );