// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// This is unpublished source code of Microsoft.
// The copyright notice above does not evidence any
// actual or intended publication of such source code.
// OneLiner : Implementation of MWmiInstance
// DevUnit : wlbstest
// Author : Murtaza Hakim
// include files
#include "MWmiInstance.h"
#include "MTrace.h"
#include "MWmiError.h"
#include "WTokens.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// default constructor is purposely left undefined. No one should use it.
// constructor
MWmiInstance::MWmiInstance( const _bstr_t& objectName, const _bstr_t& path, IWbemLocatorPtr pwl, IWbemServicesPtr pws ) : _objectName( objectName ), _path( path ), _pwl( pwl ), _pws( pws ) { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mwmiinstance constructor\n" ); }
// copy constructor
MWmiInstance::MWmiInstance( const MWmiInstance& obj) : _path( obj._path ), _pwl( obj._pwl ), _pws( obj._pws ), _objectName( obj._objectName )
{ TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mwmiinstance copy constructor\n" ); }
// assignment operator
MWmiInstance& MWmiInstance::operator=( const MWmiInstance& rhs ) { _path = rhs._path; _pwl = rhs._pwl; _pws = rhs._pws; _objectName = rhs._objectName;
TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mwmiinstance assignment operator\n" ); return *this; }
// destructor
MWmiInstance::~MWmiInstance() { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"mwmiinstance destructor\n" ); }
// runMethod
MWmiInstance::MWmiInstance_Error MWmiInstance::runMethod( const _bstr_t& methodToRun, const vector<MWmiParameter *>& inputParameters, vector<MWmiParameter *>& outputParameters ) { HRESULT hr;
_variant_t v_retVal;
IWbemClassObjectPtr pwcoClass; IWbemClassObjectPtr pwcoOutput; IWbemClassObjectPtr pwcoInput; IWbemClassObjectPtr pwcoInputInstance;
hr = _pws->GetObject( _objectName, 0, NULL, &pwcoClass, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemServices::GetObject failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
// check if any input parameters specified.
if( inputParameters.size() != 0 ) {
hr = pwcoClass->GetMethod( methodToRun, 0, &pwcoInput, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemClassObject::GetMethod failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); } hr = pwcoInput->SpawnInstance( 0, &pwcoInputInstance ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "IWbemClassObject::SpawnInstance failure. Unable to spawn instance.\n" ); throw _com_error( hr ); } for( int i = 0; i < inputParameters.size(); ++i ) { hr = pwcoInputInstance->Put( inputParameters[i]->getName(), 0, &(inputParameters[i]->getValue() ), 0 ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemClassObject::Put failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); } } }
// execute method.
hr = _pws->ExecMethod( _path, methodToRun, 0, NULL, pwcoInputInstance, &pwcoOutput, NULL); if( FAILED( hr) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemServices::ExecMethod failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
// get output parameters
for( int i = 0; i < outputParameters.size(); ++i ) { hr = pwcoOutput->Get( outputParameters[i]->getName(), 0, &v_retVal, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemClassObject::Get failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
outputParameters[i]->setValue( v_retVal );
v_retVal.Clear(); }
return MWmiInstance_SUCCESS; }
// getParameters
MWmiInstance::MWmiInstance_Error MWmiInstance::getParameters( vector<MWmiParameter *>& parametersToGet ) { HRESULT hr;
IEnumWbemClassObjectPtr pewco; IWbemClassObjectPtr pwco;
unsigned long count;
_variant_t v_path;
bool found;
CIMTYPE vtype;
_variant_t v_value;
// get object corresponding to this path.
hr = _pws->GetObject( _path, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pwco, NULL ); if( hr == 0x8004100c || hr == 0x8004100a ) { TRACE(MTrace::INFO, L"as this is not supported, trying different mechanism\n");
hr = _pws->CreateInstanceEnum( _objectName, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pewco ); if ( FAILED(hr)) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnum failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
// there may be multiple instances.
count = 1; while ( (hr = pewco->Next( INFINITE, 1, &pwco, &count ) ) == S_OK ) { hr = pwco->Get( _bstr_t(L"__RELPATH"), 0, &v_path, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnum failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
if( _bstr_t( v_path ) == _path ) { // required instance found
found = true; v_path.Clear(); break; } count = 1; v_path.Clear(); }
if( found == false ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "unable to find instance with path specified\n"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } } else if ( FAILED(hr) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"IWbemServices::GetObject failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
for( int i = 0; i < parametersToGet.size(); ++i ) { hr = pwco->Get( parametersToGet[i]->getName(), 0, &v_value, &vtype, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "IWbemClassObject::Get failure\n"); throw _com_error(hr); }
parametersToGet[i]->setValue( v_value ); v_value.Clear(); }
return MWmiInstance_SUCCESS; }
// setParameters
MWmiInstance::MWmiInstance_Error MWmiInstance::setParameters( const vector<MWmiParameter *>& parametersToSet ) { HRESULT hr; IWbemClassObjectPtr pwco = NULL;
_variant_t v_value;
// get object corresponding to this path.
hr = _pws->GetObject( _path, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pwco, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "IWbemServices::GetObject failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); }
for( int i = 0; i < parametersToSet.size(); ++i ) { v_value = parametersToSet[i]->getValue();
hr = pwco->Put( parametersToSet[i]->getName(), 0, &v_value, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "IWbemClassObject::Get failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); } v_value.Clear(); }
hr = _pws->PutInstance( pwco, WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "IWbemServices::PutInstance failure\n"); throw _com_error( hr ); } return MWmiInstance_SUCCESS; }