Name : WHATNEXT.C Comment : T30 Decision-point Callback function
Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corp.
Revision Log Num Date Name Description --- -------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************/
#include "prep.h"
#include "efaxcb.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
#define faxTlog(m) DEBUGMSG(ZONE_WHATNEXT, m)
// used in eventPOSTPAGERESPONSE
// first index got from ifrSend (MPS=0, EOM=1, EOP=2, EOMwithFastTurn=3)
// second index got from ifrRecv (MCF=0, RTP=1, RTNnoRetrans=2, RTNretrans=3)
ET30ACTION PostPageAction[4][4] = { { actionGONODE_I, actionGONODE_D, actionGONODE_D, actionGONODE_D }, { actionGONODE_T, actionGONODE_T, actionGONODE_T, actionGONODE_T /* or D? */ }, { actionDCN, actionDCN, actionDCN, actionGONODE_D }, { actionGONODE_A, actionGONODE_A, actionGONODE_A, actionGONODE_D /* or A? */ } };
void CopyFrToRFS(PThrdGlbl pTG, NPRFS npRecvd, LPFR lpfr) { USHORT uLen;
BG_CHK(MAXFRAMES == (sizeof(npRecvd->rglpfr) / sizeof(LPFR))); if(npRecvd->uNumFrames >= (sizeof(npRecvd->rglpfr) / sizeof(LPFR))) { BG_CHK(FALSE); return; } uLen = sizeof(FRBASE) + lpfr->cb; if(npRecvd->uFreeSpaceOff + uLen >= sizeof(npRecvd->b)) { BG_CHK(FALSE); return; } _fmemcpy(npRecvd->b + npRecvd->uFreeSpaceOff, lpfr, uLen); npRecvd->rglpfr[npRecvd->uNumFrames++] = (LPFR)(npRecvd->b + npRecvd->uFreeSpaceOff); npRecvd->uFreeSpaceOff += uLen;
BG_CHK(npRecvd->uNumFrames <= MAXFRAMES); BG_CHK(npRecvd->uFreeSpaceOff <= MAXSPACE); }
/***-------------- Warning. This is called as a Vararg function --------***/
ET30ACTION __cdecl FAR WhatNext ( PThrdGlbl pTG, ET30EVENT event, WORD wArg1, DWORD lArg2, DWORD lArg3 ) { ET30ACTION action = actionERROR; NPPROT npProt = &pTG->ProtInst;
// program bug. failure will cause a GP fault
if (pTG->fAbortRequested) {
if (pTG->fOkToResetAbortReqEvent && (!pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset)) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "WhatNext RESETTING AbortReqEvent at %lx\n",GetTickCount() ); pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset = 1; ResetEvent(pTG->AbortReqEvent); }
MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "WhatNext ABORTing at %lx\n",GetTickCount() ); return actionERROR; }
if(npProt->fAbort) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Aborting in WhatNext\r\n")); // ICommFailureCode already set
return actionERROR; }
switch(event) { case eventGOTFRAMES: { /* uCount=wArg1. This is the number of frames received.
* * lplpfr=(LPLPET30FR)lArg2. Pointer to an array of pointers to * the received frames, each in an ET30FR structure whose * format is defined in ET30defs.H * * return must be actionNULL */
USHORT uCount = wArg1; LPLPFR lplpfr = (LPLPFR)lArg2; LPIFR lpifr = (LPIFR)lArg3; // pointer to IFR that the "Response Recvd"
// routine will return to the main body
// can be modified, for example, if a bad
// franes is deciphered.
LPFR lpfr; USHORT i; BOOL fGotRecvCaps=0, fGotRecvParams=0, fGotPollReq=0;
Each time we enter here we have an entire block of frames that were sent as one "command" or "response". For frames that can be multiple (NSF/NSS/NSC), we want to be sure that _iff_ we have new ones, we throw away the old ones. Therefore on the _first_ occurence of NSF, NSC and NSS resp. in the loop below, zap npProt->uNumRecvdNS?s to 0. This may hold good for SEP/PWD/SUB also. ***/
BOOL fZappedNSxCount=0; // fZappedSEPPWDCount=0;
// BOOL fWaitingForPWD=0;
if(*lpifr == ifrBAD) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<WARNING>> Callback on Bad Frame. Ignoring ALL\r\n")); action = actionNULL; // only allowed response to eventGOTFRAMES
break; }
for(i=0; i<uCount; i++) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Prepare to get trash (upto 2 bytes) at end of every frame //
lpfr = lplpfr[i]; switch(lpfr->ifr) { case ifrBAD: ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Bad Frame not caught\r\n")); BG_CHK(FALSE); // ignore it
case ifrCSI: case ifrTSI: case ifrCIG: CopyRevIDFrame(pTG, npProt->bRemoteID, lpfr); // trailing-trash removed by length limit IDFIFSIZE
npProt->fRecvdID = TRUE;
// prepare CSID for logging by FaxSvc
pTG->RemoteID = AnsiStringToUnicodeString(pTG->ProtInst.bRemoteID); if (pTG->RemoteID) { pTG->fRemoteIdAvail = 1; }
case ifrDIS: npProt->uRemoteDISlen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->RemoteDIS), lpfr, sizeof(DIS)); // trailing-trash removed in ParseDISDTCDCS
npProt->fRecvdDIS = TRUE; fGotRecvCaps = TRUE; break;
case ifrDCS: npProt->uRemoteDCSlen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->RemoteDCS), lpfr, sizeof(DIS)); // trailing-trash removed in ParseDISDTCDCS
npProt->fRecvdDCS = TRUE; fGotRecvParams = TRUE; break;
case ifrDTC: npProt->uRemoteDTClen = CopyFrame(pTG, (LPBYTE)(&npProt->RemoteDTC), lpfr, sizeof(DIS)); // trailing-trash removed in ParseDISDTCDCS
npProt->fRecvdDTC = TRUE; fGotPollReq = TRUE; break;
case ifrNSS: fGotRecvParams = TRUE; //some OEMs send NSS w/o DCS
goto DoRecvNSx; case ifrNSC: fGotPollReq = TRUE; //some OEMs send NSC w/o DTC
goto DoRecvNSx;
case ifrNSF: goto DoRecvNSx;
DoRecvNSx: if(!fZappedNSxCount) { ZeroRFS(pTG, &npProt->RecvdNS); fZappedNSxCount = TRUE; } CopyFrToRFS(pTG, &npProt->RecvdNS, lpfr); break;
case ifrCFR: case ifrFTT: case ifrEOM: case ifrMPS: case ifrEOP: case ifrPRI_EOM: case ifrPRI_MPS: case ifrPRI_EOP: case ifrMCF: case ifrRTP: case ifrRTN: case ifrPIP: case ifrPIN: case ifrDCN: case ifrCRP: /*** ECM frames below ***/ case ifrCTR: case ifrERR: case ifrRR: case ifrRNR: case ifrEOR_NULL: case ifrEOR_MPS: case ifrEOR_PRI_MPS: case ifrEOR_EOM: case ifrEOR_PRI_EOM: case ifrEOR_EOP: case ifrEOR_PRI_EOP: // These have no FIF
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<WARNING>> These are not supposed to be signalled\r\n")); // bad frame. ignore it
/********* New T.30 frames ******************************/
case ifrSUB: CopyRevIDFrame(pTG, npProt->bRecipSubAddr, lpfr); npProt->fRecvdSUB = TRUE; break;
case ifrSEP: case ifrPWD: if(!fZappedSEPPWDCount) { ZeroRFS(pTG, &npProt->RecvdSEPPWD); fZappedSEPPWDCount = TRUE; } CopyFrToRFS(pTG, &npProt->RecvdSEPPWD, lpfr); break; **/
/********* ECM stuff starts here. T.30 section A.4 ******/
// These have FIFs
case ifrPPR: if(lpfr->cb < 32) { // bad frame. FORCE A RETRANSMIT!!
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Bad PPR length!!\r\n")); *lpifr = ifrNULL; break; } _fmemcpy(npProt->bRemotePPR, lpfr->fif, 32); // trailing-trash removed by length limit 32
npProt->fRecvdPPR = TRUE; break;
case ifrPPS_NULL: case ifrPPS_EOM: case ifrPPS_MPS: case ifrPPS_EOP: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOM: case ifrPPS_PRI_MPS: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOP: if(lpfr->cb < 3) { // bad frame. FORCE A RETRANSMIT!!
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Bad PPS length!!\r\n")); *lpifr = ifrNULL; break; } _fmemset(npProt->bRemotePPS, 0, 4); _fmemcpy(npProt->bRemotePPS, lpfr->fif, 3); // trailing-trash removed by length limit 3
npProt->fRecvdPPS = TRUE; // only set this on first PPS in a block
if(!npProt->uFramesInThisBlock) npProt->uFramesInThisBlock = (USHORT)(npProt->bRemotePPS[2]) + 1; //3rd byte of fif
break; case ifrCTC: BG_CHK(npProt->fllRecvParamsGot); if(lpfr->cb < 2) { // bad frame. FORCE A RETRANSMIT!!
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Bad CTC length!!\r\n")); *lpifr = ifrNULL; break; } npProt->llRecvParams.Baud = ((LPDIS)(&(lpfr->fif)))->Baud; // trailing-trash removed by length limit 2
break; } } if(fGotRecvCaps) { // program bug. Failure may cause some random (non fatal) results
BG_CHK(!fGotRecvParams && !fGotPollReq); GotRecvCaps(pTG); } if(fGotRecvParams) { // program bug. Failure may cause some random (non fatal) results
BG_CHK(!fGotRecvCaps && !fGotPollReq); GotRecvParams(pTG); } if(fGotPollReq) { // program bug. Failure may cause some random (non fatal) results
BG_CHK(!fGotRecvCaps && !fGotRecvParams); GotPollReq(pTG); } action = actionNULL; // only allowed response to eventGOTFRAMES
break; }
/****** Transmitter Phase B. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventNODE_T: // do nothing. Hook for abort in T1 loop
action=actionNULL; break; case eventNODE_R: // do nothing. Hook for abort in T1 loop
action=actionNULL; break;
case eventNODE_A: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
if(ifrRecv != ifrDIS && ifrRecv != ifrDTC) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Unknown frames at NodeA\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAIL_NODEA_UNKNOWN); action = actionHANGUP; // G3 only
} else if(npProt->fSendParamsInited) { BG_CHK(npProt->SendParams.bctype == SEND_PARAMS); action = actionGONODE_D; // sends DCS/NSS (in response to DIS or DTC)
} else if(npProt->fSendPollReqInited) { BG_CHK(npProt->SendPollReq.bctype == SEND_POLLREQ); // BG_CHK(ifrRecv == ifrDIS); // no need. DTC can follow DTC for Stalling
action = actionGONODE_R2; // sends DTC/NSC (in response to DIS only)
} else { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> NodeA: No more work...!!\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_NODEA_NOWORK); action = actionDCN; // hangs up (sends DCN)
} break; } case eventSENDDCS: { // 0==1st DCS 1==after NoReply 2==afterFTT
USHORT uWhichDCS = (UWORD)wArg1;
// where to return the number of frames returned
LPUWORD lpuwN = (LPUWORD)lArg2; // where to return a pointer to an array of pointers to
// return frames
LPLPLPFR lplplpfr = (LPLPLPFR)lArg3; USHORT uSize = 0;
if(uWhichDCS == 2) // got FTT
{ if(!DropSendSpeed(pTG)) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> FTT: Can't Drop speed any lower\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_FTT_FALLBACK); action = actionDCN; break; } }
CreateNSSTSIDCS(pTG, npProt, &pTG->rfsSend, uWhichDCS);
BG_CHK(npProt->fllNegotiated); if(npProt->llNegot.fECM) { uSize = (1 << (ProtGetECMFrameSize(pTG))); BG_CHK(uSize==64 || uSize==256); ICommSetSendMode(pTG, TRUE, MY_ECMBUF_SIZE, uSize, TRUE); } else { ICommSetSendMode(pTG, FALSE, MY_BIGBUF_SIZE, MY_BIGBUF_ACTUALSIZE-4, FALSE); }
*lpuwN = pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames; *lplplpfr = pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr;
action = actionSENDDCSTCF;
#ifdef OEMNSF
if(wOEMFlags && lpfnOEMNextAction) { switch(lpfnOEMNextAction()) { case OEMNSF_SENDDCN: action = actionDCN; break; case OEMNSF_SKIPTCF: action = actionSKIPTCF; break; } } #endif
// Could also return DCN if not compatible
// or SKIPTCF for Ricoh hook
case eventGOTCFR: { // wArg1, lArg2 & lArg3 are all missing
// Can return GONODE_D (Ricoh hook)
BG_CHK(npProt->fllNegotiated); if(npProt->llNegot.fECM) action = actionGONODE_IV; else action = actionGONODE_I; break; } /****** Transmitter Phase C. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventSTARTSEND: { if(!StartNextSendPage(pTG)) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> PhaseC: No more pages\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(T30FAILS_BUG3); action = actionDCN; } else action = actionCONTINUE; break; } ***/
/****** Transmitter ECM and non-ECM Phase D1. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
case eventECM_POSTPAGE: case eventPOSTPAGE: { USHORT uNextSend;
// wArg1, lArg2 & lArg3 are all missing
// Can turn Zero stuffing off here, or wait for next page....
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_ZEROPAD, 0);
// Don't turn it off!! It is used only for Page Send
// and is set only on sending a DCS, so it is set once
// before a multi-page send.
uNextSend = ICommNextSend(pTG); switch(uNextSend) { case NEXTSEND_MPS: action = actionSENDMPS; break; case NEXTSEND_EOM: action = actionSENDEOM; break; case NEXTSEND_EOP: action = actionSENDEOP; break; case NEXTSEND_ERROR: default: action = actionSENDEOP; break; } break; // also possible -- GOPRIEOP, PRIMPS or PRIEOM
/****** Transmitter Phase D2. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
case eventGOTPOSTPAGERESP: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
IFR ifrSent = (IFR)lArg2; // the IFR was simply cast to DWORD and then to LPVOID
// lArg3 is missing
USHORT i, j;
// change PRI commands to ordinary ones
if(ifrSent >= ifrPRI_FIRST && ifrSent <= ifrPRI_LAST) ifrSent = (ifrSent + ifrMPS - ifrPRI_MPS);
BG_CHK(ifrSent==ifrMPS || ifrSent==ifrEOM || ifrSent==ifrEOP); if(ifrRecv!=ifrMCF && ifrRecv!=ifrRTP && ifrRecv!=ifrRTN) { // can't BG_CHK cause we can get any garbage response anytime
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Unexpected Response %d\r\n", ifrRecv)); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_POSTPAGE_UNKNOWN); action = actionDCN; break; }
i = ifrSent - ifrMPS; //i: 0=MPS, 1=EOM, 2=EOP
j = ifrRecv - ifrMCF; //j: 0=MCF, 1=RTP, 2=RTN
# ifdef FASTTURN
if(ifrSent == ifrEOM) { BG_CHK(i==1); i = 3; //i: 3==EOM with fast turn
} # endif
if(ICommSendPageAck(pTG, ((ifrRecv==ifrRTN) ? FALSE : TRUE))) { BG_CHK(j==2); j = 3; //j: 3==RTN with retransmit
// no need at all to drop speed on RTP
if(ifrRecv==ifrRTN) // || ifrRecv==ifrRTP) // drop on RTP also??
{ if(pTG->ProtParams.RTNAction == 2) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> RTN: INI settings says HANGUP\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_RTN_FALLBACK); action = actionDCN; break; // set action to DCN and return
} else if (pTG->ProtParams.RTNAction == 1) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<WARNING>> RTN: INI setting says don't drop speed\r\n")); } else { BG_CHK(pTG->ProtParams.RTNAction == 0); // put >2 case here as well, so that we do the reasonable
// thing if this setting gets messed up
if(!DropSendSpeed(pTG)) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> RTN: Can't Drop speed any lower\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_RTN_FALLBACK); action = actionDCN; break; // set action to DCN and return
} } }
action = PostPageAction[i][j]; if(action == actionDCN) { (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "PostPage --> Game over\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_POSTPAGE_OVER); } break;
// Can also return GO_D, GO_R1, GO_R2. Only restriction is
// that GO_I is the only valid response to MPS sent followed
// by MCF
/****** Transmitter ECM Phase D2. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
case eventGOT_ECM_PPS_RESP: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
IFR ifrSent = (IFR)lArg2; // the IFR was simply cast to DWORD
// lArg3 is missing
// program bug. Failure may cause some random (non fatal) results
BG_CHK(ifrRecv == ifrMCF); // only valid response in ECM mode
if(ifrSent != ifrPPS_NULL) // not end-of-block(i.e. midpage)
ICommSendPageAck(pTG, TRUE);
switch(ifrSent) { case ifrPPS_NULL: action = actionGONODE_IV; // Same page. New block
break; case ifrPPS_MPS: case ifrPPS_PRI_MPS: action = actionGONODE_IV; // New page
break; case ifrPPS_EOM: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOM: // After sending EOM, Receiver always goes
// back to sending NSF etc so we have to go
// back to NodeT to receive all that junk.
action = actionGONODE_T; break; case ifrPPS_EOP: case ifrPPS_PRI_EOP: // action = actionSUCCESS;
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "ECM -- Send Done\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILSE_ECM_NOPAGES); action = actionDCN; break; default: ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Dunno what we sent %d\r\n", ifrSent)); // program bug. hangup
BG_CHK(FALSE); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILSE_BUG4); action = actionDCN; break; } // Can also return GO_D, GO_R1, GO_R2. Only restriction is
// that GO_I is the only valid response to MPS sent followed
// by MCF
break; }
/****** Transmitter Phase D (PIN/PIN stuff). Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 2) ******/
#ifdef PRI
case eventGOTPINPIP: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
IFR ifrSent = (IFR)lArg2; // the IFR was simply cast to DWORD
// lArg3 is missing
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Can't deal with PIN PIP\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAIL_BUG5); action = actionDCN; break;
// must alert operator, check that handset has been lifted
// and then return actionGOVOICE. If handest is not lifted
// within T3 must return GO_A (???) or maybe GO_DCN (???) or
// GO_D. Not sure what.
} case eventVOICELINE: { // All Args are missing
ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Can't deal with VOICELINE\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAIL_BUG6); action = actionDCN; break; // must connect handset to phone line, wait until operator
// finishes talking. Then return HANGUP, GO_T, GO_R1 (??)
// or GO_R2 (??)
} #endif
/****** Receiver Phase B. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventSENDDIS: { // wArg1 is 0
// where to return the number of frames returned
LPUWORD lpuwN = (LPUWORD)lArg2; // where to return a pointer to an array of pointers to
// return frames
LPLPLPFR lplplpfr = (LPLPLPFR)lArg3;
// CreateNSFCSIDIS(npProt, lpuwN, lplplpfr);
BG_CHK(npProt->fSendCapsInited); BG_CHK(npProt->fllSendCapsInited); BG_CHK(npProt->fHWCapsInited); BCtoNSFCSIDIS(pTG, &pTG->rfsSend, (NPBC)&npProt->SendCaps, &npProt->llSendCaps); *lpuwN = pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames; *lplplpfr = pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr;
action = actionSEND_DIS; break; } case eventSENDDTC: { // wArg1 is 0
// where to return the number of frames returned
LPUWORD lpuwN = (LPUWORD)lArg2; // where to return a pointer to an array of pointers to
// return frames
LPLPLPFR lplplpfr = (LPLPLPFR)lArg3;
// CreateNSCCIGDTC(npProt, lpuwN, lplplpfr);
BG_CHK(npProt->fSendPollReqInited); BG_CHK(npProt->fllSendCapsInited); BG_CHK(npProt->fHWCapsInited); BCtoNSCCIGDTC(pTG, &pTG->rfsSend, (NPBC)&npProt->SendPollReq, &npProt->llSendCaps); *lpuwN = pTG->rfsSend.uNumFrames; *lplplpfr = pTG->rfsSend.rglpfr;
action = actionSEND_DTC; break; }
#ifdef PRI
case eventQUERYLOCALINT: { // all Args are missing
// return actionTRUE if a local interrupt is pending, else actionFALSE
action = actionFALSE; break; } #endif // PRI
/*** Receiver Phase B. Main Command Loop. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1&2) ***/
case eventRECVCMD: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
switch(ifrRecv) { case ifrDTC: // flow chart says Goto D, but actually we need to decide if we
// have anything to send. So goto NodeA first
// return GONODE_D;
action = actionGONODE_A; break;
case ifrDIS: action = actionGONODE_A; break; case ifrDCS: { // Check the received DCS for compatibility with us
// set Recv Baud rate--no need. TCF already recvd by this time
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_RECVDATASPEED, npProt->RemoteDCS.Baud);
action = actionGETTCF; // only other valid action is HANGUP
break; } case ifrNSS: { // Check the received NSS for compatibility with us
// set Recv Baud rate--no need. TCF already recvd by this time
// ET30ExtFunction(npProt->het30, ET30_SET_RECVDATASPEED, npProt->RemoteDCS.Baud);
action = actionGETTCF; // only other valid action is HANGUP
break; } default: // program bug. hangup
BG_CHK(FALSE); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAIL_BUG7); action = actionHANGUP; break; } break; }
case eventGOTTCF: { SWORD swErr = (SWORD)wArg1; // errors per 1000
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "GOTTCF num of errors = %d\r\n", swErr));
if(swErr >= 0) { // very important!! Re-init the fPageOK flag in case we miss
// the page entirely, and jump into PhaseD this must be FALSE
// npProt->fPageOK = FALSE;
// done at start of PhaseC by calling ProtResetRecvPageAck()
action = actionSENDCFR; // just going along
} else action = actionSENDFTT; break; }
/****** Receiver Phase C. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
case eventSTARTRECV: { if(!StartNextRecvPage()) { ICommFailureCode(T30FAILR_BUG8); action = actionDCN; } else action = actionCONTINUE; break; } ***/
/****** Receiver Phase D. Fig A-7/T.30 (sheet 1) ******/
#ifdef PRI
case eventPRIQ: { IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
ifrRecv can be PRI-Q, PPS-PRI-Q, EOR-PRI-Q alert operator etc. can return SENDPIP, SENDPIN, GONODE_F, GO_RECVPOSTPAGE If PPS-PRIQ can send only PIP not PIN If EOR-PRIQ can send only PIN not PIP or HANGUP. Have to combine the stuff on Fig A-18/T.30 (RHS) and on LHS of FigA-7/T.30 (sheet 2) (below node III) **/
// not implemented
BG_CHK(FALSE); break; } #endif
case eventRECVPOSTPAGECMD: { // IFR ifrRecv = (IFR)wArg1; // last received frame
// lArg2 & lArg3 missing
GetRecvPageAck(pTG); if( ! pTG->fPageIsBad) action = actionSENDMCF; // quality fine
else action = actionSENDRTN; // quality unacceptable
// can also return actionSENDPIP or actionSENDPIN in a local
// interrupt is pending
break; }
/**----------------------- Exclusively ECM ----------------------------**/
case event4THPPR: { USHORT uFramesInBlock = (USHORT)wArg1; USHORT uFramesSent = (USHORT)lArg2; USHORT uNumBad, i, j;
// program bug. Failure may cause some random (non fatal) results
for(uNumBad=0, i=0; i<=uFramesInBlock; i++) { j = (1 << (i % 8)); if(npProt->bRemotePPR[i/8] & j) uNumBad++; } (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "4thPPR: FrameCount=%d FramesSent=%d NumBad=%d\r\n", uFramesInBlock, uFramesSent, uNumBad));
if(pTG->ProtParams.CTCAction == 1) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> PPR: Too many bad frames\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_4PPR_ERRORS); action = actionSENDEOR_EOP; // give up
// No need for EOR stuff. If we give up on a file, we can't
// transmit the next page. Doesn't make sense.
} else { // drop speed
if(DropSendSpeed(pTG) != TRUE) { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> PPR: Can't Drop speed any lower\r\n")); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAILS_4PPR_FALLBACK); action = actionSENDEOR_EOP; } else action = actionGONODE_ECMRETRANSMIT; } break; }
default: { ERRMSG((SZMOD "<<ERROR>> Unknown Event = %d\r\n", event)); ICommFailureCode(pTG, T30FAIL_BUG9); break; } }
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "WhatNext event %d returned %d\r\n", event, action)); return action; }