Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the debug code for the fax project. All components that require debug prints, asserts, etc.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Dec-1995
Minor modifications by Brian Dewey (t-briand) 4-Aug-1997 -- to work with the FAX migration DLL.
User Mode
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
BOOL ConsoleDebugOutput = FALSE;
VOID ConsoleDebugPrint( LPTSTR buf ) { }
void dprintf( LPTSTR Format, ... )
Routine Description:
Prints a debug string
format - printf() format string ... - Variable data
Return Value:
{ TCHAR buf[1024]; DWORD len; static TCHAR AppName[16]; va_list arg_ptr; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime;
if (AppName[0] == 0) { if (GetModuleFileName( NULL, buf, sizeof(buf) )) { _tsplitpath( buf, NULL, NULL, AppName, NULL ); } }
va_start(arg_ptr, Format);
GetLocalTime( &CurrentTime ); _stprintf( buf, TEXT("%x %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s: "), GetCurrentThreadId(), CurrentTime.wHour, CurrentTime.wMinute, CurrentTime.wSecond, CurrentTime.wMilliseconds, AppName[0] ? AppName : TEXT("") ); len = _tcslen( buf );
_vsntprintf(&buf[len], sizeof(buf)-len, Format, arg_ptr);
len = _tcslen( buf ); if (buf[len-1] != TEXT('\n')) { buf[len] = TEXT('\r'); buf[len+1] = TEXT('\n'); buf[len+2] = 0; }
OutputDebugString( buf ); #ifndef TEST_WIN95
SetupLogError(buf, LogSevInformation); #else
// When testing win95, we write to the console instead of the
// setup log.
_ftprintf(stderr, buf); #endif
_stprintf( buf, TEXT("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d "), CurrentTime.wHour, CurrentTime.wMinute, CurrentTime.wSecond, CurrentTime.wMilliseconds ); len = _tcslen( buf );
_vsntprintf(&buf[len], sizeof(buf)-len, Format, arg_ptr);
ConsoleDebugPrint( buf ); }
VOID AssertError( LPTSTR Expression, LPTSTR File, ULONG LineNumber )
Routine Description:
Thie function is use together with the Assert MACRO. It checks to see if an expression is FALSE. if the expression is FALSE, then you end up here.
Expression - The text of the 'C' expression File - The file that caused the assertion LineNumber - The line number in the file.
Return Value:
{ dprintf( TEXT("Assertion error: [%s] %s @ %d\n"), Expression, File, LineNumber );
__try { DebugBreak(); } __except (UnhandledExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { // Nothing to do in here.
} }
// DebugSystemError
// Displays a system error message on the debug console.
// Parameters:
// dwSysErrorCode The system error code returned by GetLastError().
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Side effects:
// Does a dprintf() of the message associated with an error code.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-25
void DebugSystemError(DWORD dwSysErrorCode) { TCHAR szErrorMsg[MAX_PATH]; // Holds our message.
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, // We're given a system error code.
NULL, // No string.
dwSysErrorCode, // The error code.
0, // Default language.
szErrorMsg, // The error message.
sizeof(szErrorMsg), // Size of our buffer.
NULL // No arguments.
); dprintf(szErrorMsg); }