Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
This module contains the win95 side of the migration code.
Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-18
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <mapidefs.h>
#include <mapitags.h> // To get the property definitions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "migrate.h" // Contains prototypes & version information.
#include "property.h" // Stolen from Elliott -- contains their fax properties
#include "debug.h" // for tracing.
#include "resource.h" // Migration resources.
#include "msg.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines & macros
#define SWAPWORD(x) (((x) << 16) | ((x) >> 16))
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal data
// First, this is the name of the INF file that we generate.
static TCHAR szInfFileBase[] = TEXT("migrate.inf"); TCHAR szInfFileName[MAX_PATH]; // This will be the fully qualified path of the above.
static char lpWorkingDir[MAX_PATH]; // This is our working directory.
static TCHAR szDoInstall[4]; // Will be either "No" or "Yes".
static TCHAR szFaxPrinterName[MAX_PATH]; // Name of the fax printer.
static TCHAR szFaxAreaCode[16]; // Contains the fax modem area code.
static TCHAR szFaxNumber[9]; // Fax # w/o area or country code.
static TCHAR szNTProfileName[MAX_PATH]; // Profile to use for routing.
static TCHAR szFaxStoreDir[MAX_PATH]; // Folder to use for routing.
static TCHAR szUserName[MAX_PATH]; // This will be the user's name who owns the fax service.
static TCHAR szUserID[MAX_PATH]; // This is the login name of the user who owns the fax.
static TCHAR szPerformInstall[16]; // Will be szPerformYes or szPerformNo.
static TCHAR szPerformYes[] = TEXT("New"); static TCHAR szPerformNo[] = TEXT("Skip");
// The following are section names from the Microsoft registry.
// They're used to find the fax profile for a user.
static const LPTSTR LPUSERPROF = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles"); static const LPTSTR LPPROFNAME = TEXT("DefaultProfile");
// The following's part of the path to the Exchange profile in question.
static const LPTSTR LPPROFILES = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles");
// This is how we find the fax printer.
static const LPTSTR LPPRINTER = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers");
// This is how we get the root UID.
static const LPTSTR LPPROFUID = TEXT("Profile UID");
// This is the name we use for the logon user section of 'faxuser.ini'
LPCTSTR lpLogonUser = TEXT("Logon User");
// This keeps track of the number of users migrated. Used to make annotations
// in the INF file.
static DWORD dwUserCount = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal function prototypes
static BOOL GetUserProfileName(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, DWORD cbSize); static BOOL GetFaxPrinterName(LPTSTR lpPrinterName, DWORD cbSize); static BOOL GetRegProfileKey(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, PHKEY phRegProfileKey); static void DumpUserInfo(HKEY hUserInfo, LPCSTR UserName, LPTSTR szProfileName); static void SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(LPCTSTR szPhone); static void GenerateIncompatableMessages(); static BOOL InitializeInfFile(LPCTSTR WorkingDirectory);
typedef struct { CHAR CompanyName[256]; CHAR SupportNumber[256]; CHAR SupportUrl[256]; CHAR InstructionsToUser[1024]; } VENDORINFO, *PVENDORINFO;
// QueryVersion
// This routine returns version information about the migration DLL.
// Parameters:
// Commented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-23
LONG CALLBACK QueryVersion ( OUT LPCSTR *ProductID, // Unique identifier string.
OUT LPUINT DllVersion, // Version number. Cannot be zero.
OUT LPINT *CodePageArray, // OPTIONAL. Language dependencies.
OUT LPCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, // OPTIONAL. Executables to look for.
OUT PVENDORINFO *ppVendorInfo ) { *ProductID = "Microsoft Fax"; *DllVersion = FAX_MIGRATION_VERSION; *CodePageArray = NULL; // No language dependencies
*ExeNamesBuf = NULL; *ppVendorInfo = &VendorInfo;
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &VendorInfo.CompanyName[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.CompanyName), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &VendorInfo.SupportNumber[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.SupportNumber), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &VendorInfo.SupportUrl[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.SupportUrl), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser), NULL ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Initialize9x
// This is called to initialize the migration process. See the migration dll
// spec for more details.
// Parameters:
// Commented below.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x( IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory, // Place to store files.
IN LPCSTR SourceDirectory, // Location of the Windows NT source.
LPVOID Reserved // Exactly what it says.
) { TRACE((TEXT("Fax migration DLL initialized.\r\n"))); InitializeInfFile(WorkingDirectory); strncpy(lpWorkingDir, WorkingDirectory, MAX_PATH); _tcscpy(szPerformInstall, szPerformNo); // First assume we don't need to install.
return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
// MigrateUser9x
// This routine records the fax information specific to a user.
// Parameters:
// Documented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent (if need a UI)
IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file
IN HKEY UserRegKey, // Key to this user's registry settings.
IN LPCSTR UserName, // Account name of user.
LPVOID Reserved ) { TCHAR szProfileName[MAX_PATH]; // Holds the name of this user's profile.
HKEY hRegProfileKey; // The fax profile key in the registry.
DWORD dwExceptCode; // Exception error code
__try { TRACE((TEXT("Fax migration dll migrating user.\r\n"))); if(GetUserProfileName(UserRegKey, szProfileName, sizeof(szProfileName))) { TRACE((TEXT("\tProfile name = %s.\r\n"), szProfileName)); if(GetRegProfileKey(UserRegKey, szProfileName, &hRegProfileKey)) { // We now know we want to do an installation.
_tcscpy(szPerformInstall, szPerformYes); TRACE((TEXT("Successfully got profile information.\r\n"))); _tcscpy(szNTProfileName, szProfileName); // Remember this name for NT.
// NULL means the logon user...
if(UserName != NULL) _tcscpy(szUserID, UserName); // Remember the ID for the unattend.txt file.
else _tcscpy(szUserID, lpLogonUser); // Use the logon user name.
DumpUserInfo(hRegProfileKey, szUserID, szProfileName); RegCloseKey(hRegProfileKey); } else { TRACE(TEXT(("Could not get profile information.\r\n"))); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } } else { TRACE((TEXT("\tCould not find profile name.\r\n"))); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwExceptCode = GetExceptionCode(); switch(dwExceptCode) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: TRACE((TEXT("Fax:MigrateUser9x:Access violation.\r\n"))); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: TRACE((TEXT("Fax:MigrateUser9x:Divide by zero.\r\n"))); break; default: TRACE((TEXT("Fax:MigrateUser9x:Unhandled exception.\r\n"))); break; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// MigrateSystem9x
// This routine copies system-wide settings.
// It also takes care of writing the [Fax] section of the unattend file.
// Parameters:
// Documented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent for UI.
IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file
LPVOID Reserved ) { typedef struct tagANSWER { LPTSTR szKey; LPTSTR szValue; } ANSWER; // This array defines the information we need to add to the unattend.txt
// file.
ANSWER aAnswers[] = { { TEXT("Mode"), szPerformInstall }, // Must be "New" or "Skip".
{ TEXT("SetupType"), TEXT("Workstation") }, // Must be "Workstation".
{ TEXT("FaxPrinterName"), szFaxPrinterName }, // I'm guessing here.
{ TEXT("FaxNumber"), szFaxNumber }, // Must get this from a profile...
// { TEXT("UseExchange"), TEXT("No") }, // Assume "No" Exchange Server.
// { TEXT("ProfileName"), TEXT("") }, // And therefore no exchange profile.
// { TEXT("RouteMail"), TEXT("No") }, // Don't deliver to an inbox.
// { TEXT("RouteProfileName"), TEXT("") }, // Therefore, profile not needed.
// { TEXT("Platforms"), TEXT("i386") }, // win95 => i386 (only platform!)
// { TEXT("RoutePrint"), TEXT("No") }, // Default to "No" printing
// { TEXT("RoutePrintername"), TEXT("") }, // And therefore no printer name.
// { TEXT("AccountName"), TEXT("Administrator") }, // Run as local administrator.
// { TEXT("Password"), TEXT("") }, // Password for that darn account.
{ TEXT("FaxPhone"), szFaxNumber }, // Again, pull this from a user.
// { TEXT("RouteFolder"), TEXT("Yes") }, // Default "Yes".
// { TEXT("FolderName"), szFaxStoreDir }, // Where we stick the stuff.
// { TEXT("ServerName"), TEXT("") }, // Server irrelivant in NTW stand-alone.
// { TEXT("SenderName"), szUserName }, // Pull from a user
// { TEXT("SenderFaxAreaCode"), szFaxAreaCode }, // Pull from a user
// { TEXT("SenderFaxNumber"), szFaxNumber } // Pull from a user
}; UINT i, // Loop index
iMax; // Largest index.
LPCTSTR szFaxSection = TEXT("Fax"); TCHAR szFaxStoreDirRes[MAX_PATH];
// Get the fax printer.
GetFaxPrinterName(szFaxPrinterName, sizeof(szFaxPrinterName)); // Figure out where to put the fax.
// FIXBKD. This will need an incompatability message.
_tcscpy(szFaxStoreDirRes, TEXT("uninitialized")); if(!LoadString(hinstMigDll, IDS_FAXSTORE, szFaxStoreDirRes, sizeof(szFaxStoreDirRes) )) { TRACE((TEXT("Unable to get fax storage directory; using default.\r\n"))); DebugSystemError(GetLastError()); TRACE((TEXT("I currently think the store dir is '%s'.\r\n"), szFaxStoreDirRes)); _tcscpy(szFaxStoreDirRes, TEXT("%windir%\\FaxStore")); } ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szFaxStoreDirRes, szFaxStoreDir, sizeof(szFaxStoreDir));
iMax = sizeof(aAnswers)/sizeof(ANSWER); // Compute size of array.
for(i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { WritePrivateProfileString( szFaxSection, aAnswers[i].szKey, aAnswers[i].szValue, UnattendFile ); }
return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Auxiliary functions
// GetUserProfileName
// This function gets the name of the default MAPI profile for a user.
// Parameters:
// hUser Pointer to the HKCU equivalent in setup.
// lpProfName Pointer to buffer that will hold the profile name.
// cbSize Size of said buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static BOOL GetUserProfileName(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, DWORD cbSize) { LONG lResult; // Result of API calls.
HKEY hUserProf; // Key to the user profile section.
DWORD dwType; // Holds the type of the data.
TRACE((TEXT("In GetUserProfileName.\r\n"))); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hUser, // Opening a user key...
LPUSERPROF, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hUserProf // Store the key here.
); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; // We failed.
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hUserProf, // The key to the registry.
LPPROFNAME, // Name of the value I want.
NULL, // Reserved.
&dwType, // Holds the type.
lpProfName, // Holds the profile name.
&cbSize // Size of the buffer.
); RegCloseKey(hUserProf); // Remember to close the key!!
TRACE((TEXT("Leaving GetUserProfileName.\r\n"))); return lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// GetFaxPrinterName
// This routine searches the win9x registry for a printer on port "FAX:". When it finds it,
// it returns the name in the provided buffer.
// Parameters:
// lpPrinterName Pointer to buffer that will hold the printer name.
// cbSize Size of the buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE if a fax printer was found. FALSE otherwise. The data stored in
// lpPrinterName is only valid on a return of TRUE.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static BOOL GetFaxPrinterName(LPTSTR lpPrinterName, DWORD cbSize) { HKEY hPrinterSection; // Printer information in the registry.
HKEY hPrinterKey; // Key to a specific printer.
LONG lResult; // Result of api calls.
DWORD dwIndex; // Index for enumeration.
TCHAR szTempBuf[MAX_PATH]; // Temporary buffer for printer names.
DWORD cbBufSize; // Size of said buffer.
FILETIME ftTime; // What time was the key last modified?
static const TCHAR LPPORT[] = TEXT("Port"); // The value we want to query.
static const TCHAR LPFAX[] = TEXT("FAX:"); // What we're looking for.
DWORD dwType; // Value type.
TCHAR lpPortName[16]; // Should be amply big.
DWORD cbPortSize; // Holds the size of the port name buffer.
TRACE((TEXT("Attempting to get fax printer name.\r\n"))); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Start here.
LPPRINTER, // We're going for the printer section...
0, // Reserved.
KEY_READ, // Get read permission
&hPrinterSection // Put the key here.
); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Unable to open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s.\r\n"), LPPRINTER)); return FALSE; } dwIndex = 0; // Start getting subkeys with the first.
cbBufSize = sizeof(szTempBuf); // Initialize the size variable.
while(RegEnumKeyEx(hPrinterSection, // Enumerate the printers.
dwIndex++, // Keep incrementing the index.
szTempBuf, // Store the name here.
&cbBufSize, // This will hold the length of the name.
NULL, // Class info -- I don't need.
NULL, // Size of class info -- also not needed.
&ftTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Examining printer %s.\r\n"), szTempBuf)); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hPrinterSection, szTempBuf, // Try to open this key.
0, // Reserved.
KEY_READ, // Get read-only permission
&hPrinterKey // Save the key here.
); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hPrinterSection); return FALSE; } cbPortSize = sizeof(lpPortName); lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hPrinterKey, // Look in here...
LPPORT, // The name of the desired value.
NULL, // Reserved.
&dwType, // Holds the type.
lpPortName, // Store the value here.
&cbPortSize // Get the size.
); RegCloseKey(hPrinterKey); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Unable to get the port information.\r\n"))); RegCloseKey(hPrinterSection); return FALSE; } TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Port = %s (looking for %s).\r\n"), lpPortName, LPFAX)); if(!_tcsnicmp(LPFAX, lpPortName, cbPortSize)) { // Found it!
TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Success! Printer = %s.\r\n"), szTempBuf)); RegCloseKey(hPrinterSection); _tcsncpy(lpPrinterName, szTempBuf, cbSize); return TRUE; }
// If we get this far, then just try again.
// couldn't find a fax printer...
TRACE((TEXT("GetFaxPrinterName:Unable to get fax printer.\r\n"))); return FALSE; }
// GetRegProfileKey
// OK, this is a horrible routine. Given a key to a user, and the name of
// that user's MAPI profile, it will get a key to FAX service section of the
// MAPI profile in the registry. The advantage of this is I can get MAPI properties
// (such as user name, fax number, etc.) without using MAPI routines --
// they come straight from the registry. But still, it seems like an awful
// hack. I cringe. You can see me cringe in the comments below.
// Parameters:
// hUser The HKCU equivalent for setup.
// lpProfName Name of the user's default profile.
// phRegProfileKey (OUT) Pointer to the FAX section of the MAPI profile.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static BOOL GetRegProfileKey(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, PHKEY phRegProfileKey) { LONG lResult; HKEY hProfiles; // Key to all the profiles.
HKEY hUserProf; // Key to the user's profile section
BYTE abProfileUID[32]; // Holds the profile UID.
DWORD cbProfileUID = sizeof(abProfileUID); TCHAR szProfileName[65]; // This will hold the encoded profile name.
DWORD dwType; // Data type for registry query
UINT i; // Loop index.
TRACE((TEXT("In GetRegProfileKey.\r\n"))); lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hUser, // Opening a user key...
LPPROFILES, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hProfiles ); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hProfiles, // Opening a user key...
lpProfName, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hUserProf ); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hUserProf, // From the current profile section,
LPPROFUID, // Get the profile root uid.
NULL, &dwType, // Holds the type of data
abProfileUID, // Store the value here.
&cbProfileUID // Holds the size.
); if(lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hUserProf); RegCloseKey(hProfiles); return FALSE; }
// WARNING: The following is an incredibly horrid hack. I'm ashamed to write
// code like this. But anyway, I think the way to get to the registry entries
// associated with a mapi profile is to get the root UID of the profile, add 5 to
// the first byte, ignore the last byte, and use that as a registry key. So that's
// what I do. It works on the win95 box I've got in my office... probably the
// best thing to do is to connect to MAPI, but I don't want to think of that
// possibility yet...
abProfileUID[0] += 4; // 5 is the magic offset???
cbProfileUID--; // Chop off the extraneous byte at the end.
for(i=0; i < cbProfileUID; i++) _stprintf(szProfileName + (i*2), TEXT("%0*x"), 2, abProfileUID[i]);
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hUserProf, // This section...
szProfileName, // The long MAPIUID...
0, // Reserved.
KEY_READ, // Read permission.
phRegProfileKey // Store the key here.
); RegCloseKey(hUserProf); // Don't need this key any more!
RegCloseKey(hProfiles); // Nor this one.
TRACE((TEXT("Leaving GetRegProfileKey.\r\n"))); return lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// DumpUserInfo
// Writes user information out to 'faxuser.ini'.
// Parameters:
// hUserInfo Pointer to the fax section of the user's profile.
// UserName the user ID of this user.
// szProfileName The MAPI profile name the user uses.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static void DumpUserInfo(HKEY hUserInfo, LPCSTR UserName, LPTSTR szProfileName) { // Types
typedef struct tagUSERINFO { DWORD dwPropID; // Property ID
LPTSTR szDescription; } USERINFO;
// Data
USERINFO auiProperties[] = { { PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS, TEXT("Address") }, { PR_COMPANY_NAME, TEXT("Company") }, { PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, TEXT("Department") }, { PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, TEXT("FaxNumber") }, { PR_SENDER_NAME, TEXT("FullName") }, { PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TEXT("HomePhone") }, { PR_OFFICE_LOCATION, TEXT("Office") }, { PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TEXT("OfficePhone") }, { PR_TITLE, TEXT("Title") } }; TCHAR szPropStr[9]; // DWORD == 32 bits == 4 bytes == 8 hex digits + 1 null
UINT iCount; // Loop counter.
UINT iMax; // Largest property number.
DWORD dwType; // Type of registry data
BYTE abData[256]; // Data buffer.
DWORD cbData; // Size of the data buffer.
LONG lResult; // Result of API call.
UINT i; // Loop counter.
BOOL bMailboxFound; // Flag used when searching for a mailbox.
TCHAR szUserBuf[9]; // used for annotating INF file.
TRACE((TEXT("Entering DumpUserInfo.\r\n")));
// Note that we're dumping this user's information.
_stprintf(szUserBuf, "USER%04d", dwUserCount++); WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Users"), szUserBuf, UserName, szInfFileName );
// Write the MAPI profile name.
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), // this works???
TEXT("MAPI"), szProfileName, szInfFileName );
iMax = sizeof(auiProperties) / sizeof(USERINFO); TRACE((TEXT("There are %d properties.\r\n"), iMax)); for(iCount = 0; iCount < iMax; iCount++) { _stprintf(szPropStr, TEXT("%0*x"), 8, SWAPWORD(auiProperties[iCount].dwPropID)); cbData = sizeof(abData); // Reset the size.
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hUserInfo, // Get info from this key...
szPropStr, // using this name.
NULL, // reserved.
&dwType, // Will store the data type.
abData, // Data buffer.
&cbData // Size of data buffer.
); if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // TODO: handle more data types!
if(_tcscmp(auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, TEXT("FullName")) == 0) { // We've got the full name. Remember this for the unattend.txt
// file.
_tcscpy(szUserName, abData); } switch(dwType) { case REG_SZ: if(_tcscmp(auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, TEXT("FaxNumber")) == 0) { // We special case the fax number.
// Why? Because it's either a fax number -OR-
// it's "mailbox@faxnumber". I search for the "@" in
// the string. If it's there, everything before it goes
// into the mailbox property, everything after goes into
// the fax number. If it's not there, I assume the entire
// string is a fax number.
i = 0; bMailboxFound = FALSE; while(abData[i] != _T('\0')) { if(abData[i] == _T('@')) { // Found it!
abData[i] = _T('\0');// Null terminate the mailbox name.
if(!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), TEXT("Mailbox"), abData, szInfFileName )) { DebugSystemError(GetLastError()); } if(!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), TEXT("FaxNumber"), abData + i + 1, // Print what was after the '@'.
szInfFileName )) { DebugSystemError(GetLastError()); } SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(abData + i + 1); bMailboxFound = TRUE; break; // while
} i++; } if(bMailboxFound) break; // case -- if we found the mailbox, we're done.
// else we fall through to default processing.
else SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(abData); }// if
// Replace '\n' characters in the string with semicolons.
i = 0; while(abData[i] != _T('\0')) { if((abData[i] == _T('\n')) || (abData[i] == _T('\r'))) abData[i] = _T(';'); i++; } if(!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, abData, szInfFileName )) { DebugSystemError(GetLastError()); } TRACE((TEXT("%s = %s\r\n"), auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, abData)); break;
case REG_BINARY: // The data is just free-form binary. Print it one byte at a time.
TRACE((TEXT("%s = "), auiProperties[iCount].szDescription)); for(i = 0; i < cbData; i++) TRACE((TEXT("%0*x "), 2, abData[i])); TRACE((TEXT("\r\n"))); break;
default: TRACE((TEXT("Unknown data type (%d) for property '%s'.\r\n"), dwType, auiProperties[iCount].szDescription)); } } else { TRACE((TEXT("Could not get property '%s'.\r\n"), auiProperties[iCount].szDescription)); } } TRACE((TEXT("Leaving DumpUserInfo.\r\n"))); }
// SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo
// This routine sets the global variables 'szFaxAreaCode' and 'szFaxNumber' based on
// the value in szPhone. It expects szPhone to be in the following format:
// [[<country code>] '(' <area code> ')'] <phone number>
// (Brackets denote something optional. Literals are in single quotes, non-terminals are
// in angle brackets. Note that if there's a country code, there must be an area code.)
// Parameters:
// szPhone Described above.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Side effects:
// Sets the values of szFaxAreaCode and szFaxNumber.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-24
static void SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(LPCTSTR szPhone) { UINT i; // Loop index.
UINT j; // Loop index.
// First, look through the string for an area code.
i = 0; while((szPhone[i] != _T('\0')) && (szPhone[i] != _T('('))) i++; if(szPhone[i] == _T('(')) { // We've found an area code!
// are all area codes at most 3 digits?? I sized the buffer to 16, but this will
// still AV on a badly-formed #.
i++; j=0; while(szPhone[i] != _T(')')) { szFaxAreaCode[j] = szPhone[i]; i++; j++; } i++; // szPhone[i] should now immediately after the ')' at the end
// of the area code. Everything from here on out is a phone number.
while(_istspace(szPhone[i])) i++; } else { // If we're here, there was no area code. We need to rewind either to
// the beginning of the string or to the first whitespace.
while((i >= 0) && (!_istspace(szPhone[i]))) { i--; } i++; // The loop always rewinds one too far.
// ASSERT: We're now ready to begin copying from szPhone to
// szFaxNumber.
j = 0; while(szPhone[i] != '\0') { szFaxNumber[j] = szPhone[i]; i++; j++; } }
// GenerateIncompatableMessages
// This function writes incompatability messages to the MIGRATE.INF file.
// Parameters:
// None.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-1
static void GenerateIncompatableMessages() { return; }
// InitializeInfFile
// This routine writes out the [Version] section of the inf file.
// Parameters:
// None.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Side effects:
// Generates a fully-qualified file name in szInfFileName. Currently, that's
// given by <windows dir>\<base file name>.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-5
static BOOL InitializeInfFile(LPCTSTR WorkingDirectory) { TCHAR szWindowsPath[MAX_PATH]; // This will hold the path to the windows directory.
DWORD cbPathSize = sizeof(szWindowsPath); TCHAR szDriveLetter[2]; // Will hold the drive letter.
// First, fully qualify the file name.
if(!GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsPath, cbPathSize)) { TRACE((TEXT("InitializeInfFile:Unable to get the windows directory!\r\n"))); return FALSE; // It must be serious if that system call failed.
} szDriveLetter[0] = szWindowsPath[0]; szDriveLetter[1] = 0; _stprintf(szInfFileName, TEXT("%s\\%s"), WorkingDirectory, szInfFileBase); TRACE((TEXT("InitializeInfFile:Will store all information in INF file = '%s'\r\n"), szInfFileName));
// Now, put the version header on the inf file.
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("Signature"), TEXT("\"$WINDOWS NT$\""), szInfFileName ); // now, write out the amount of space we'll need. Currently, we
// just put the awdvstub.exe program in the SystemRoot directory.
// Even w/ symbols, that's under 500K. Report that.
WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("NT Disk Space Requirements"), szDriveLetter, TEXT("500000"), szInfFileName ); return TRUE; }