Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Performance counter implementation
// PerfDataBlock // Not created here, but this block
// exists before the real one that
// we create.
_PERF_OBJECT_TYPE // There is one object type in this counter.
00 Total size // Size of entire returned structure
04 Definition length // Instance offset
+ _PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION | 00 Total size // Offset
| 04 | 08 | 0c Unique ID (-1) | 10 Offset to Name | 14 Name Length | _PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK | 00 Total size // Offset to next instance definition
| <data> variable // Holds struct of perf data
| // (e.g., LSPL_COUNTER_DATA).
| +----This entire block repeats, one per printer
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 17-Dec-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "perf.hxx"
#include "perfp.hxx"
#include "messages.h"
Forward prototypes
LPCWSTR gszGlobal = TEXT( "Global" ); LPCWSTR gszForeign = TEXT( "Foreign" ); LPCWSTR gszCostly = TEXT( "Costly" ); LPCWSTR gszNULL = TEXT( "" );
LPCTSTR gszLogLevelKeyName = TEXT( "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib" ); LPCTSTR gszLogLevelValueName = TEXT( "EventLogLevel" );
Performance interface functions:
PerOpen, PerfCollect, PerfClose
if( !gpd.cOpens ) { Status = Pf_dwClientOpen( pszDeviceNames, &gpd.ppdd );
HKEY hAppKey; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD dwValueSize; UINT uLogLevel;
LONG lStatus;
gpd.uLogLevel = kUser << kLevelShift;
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszLogLevelKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hAppKey );
dwValueSize = sizeof(uLogLevel);
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hAppKey, gszLogLevelValueName, (LPDWORD)NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&uLogLevel, &dwValueSize );
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { gpd.uLogLevel = uLogLevel; }
RegCloseKey(hAppKey); } }
if( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ++gpd.cOpens; }
Pf_vReportEvent( kInformation | kDebug, MSG_PERF_OPEN_CALLED, sizeof( Status ), &Status, NULL );
return Status; }
DWORD APIENTRY PerfCollect( LPCWSTR pszValue, PBYTE *ppData, PDWORD pcbData, PDWORD pcObjectTypes ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbObjectType; DWORD cbDataLeft; PBYTE pData = *ppData; DWORD cNumInstances; DWORD cbTotalSize; PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE ppot;
// pszValue can be NULL, in this case we consider it gszNULL.
pszValue = pszValue == NULL ? gszNULL : pszValue;
// We need to punt if we're:
// Not initialized
// Foreign
// Costly
if( !gpd.cOpens || !wcsncmp( pszValue, gszForeign, FOREIGN_LENGTH ) || !wcscmp( pszValue, gszCostly )) { goto Fail; }
// If we're not global, then see if our title index is requested.
if( wcscmp( pszValue, gszGlobal )) { if( !Pfp_bNumberInUnicodeList( gpd.ppdd->ObjectType.ObjectNameTitleIndex, pszValue )) { goto Fail; } }
// Add the header information to the buffer if there is space.
// First check if we have space.
cbObjectType = gpd.ppdd->ObjectType.DefinitionLength; if( *pcbData < cbObjectType ) { //
// Out of space; fail.
Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto Fail; }
// Copy the data then update the space used.
CopyMemory( pData, &gpd.ppdd->ObjectType, cbObjectType );
pData += cbObjectType; cbDataLeft = *pcbData - cbObjectType;
// Call back to the client to collect instance information.
Status = Pf_dwClientCollect( &pData, &cbDataLeft, &cNumInstances );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Fail; }
// Update header information then return.
cbTotalSize = *pcbData - cbDataLeft; ppot = reinterpret_cast<PPERF_OBJECT_TYPE>(*ppData); ppot->NumInstances = cNumInstances; ppot->TotalByteLength = cbTotalSize;
*ppData += cbTotalSize; *pcbData = cbTotalSize; *pcObjectTypes = 1;
*pcbData = 0; *pcObjectTypes = 0;
return Status;
DWORD PerfClose( VOID ) { --gpd.cOpens;
if( !gpd.cOpens ) { //
// Close everything.
Pf_vReportEvent( kInformation | kDebug, MSG_PERF_CLOSE_CALLED, 0, NULL, NULL );
// If event log was opened, close it.
Pfp_vCloseEventLog(); }
return 0; }
Utility functions
LPCTSTR gszFirstCounter = TEXT( "First Counter" ); LPCTSTR gszFirstHelp = TEXT( "First Help" );
VOID Pf_vFixIndiciesFromIndex( DWORD dwFirstCounter, DWORD dwFirstHelp, PPERF_DATA_DEFINITION ppdd )
Routine Description:
Fix the offsets to the localized strings based on indicies.
dwFirstCounter - Offset for counter text.
dwFirstHelp - Offset for help text.
Return Value:
{ //
// Update object indicies.
ppdd->ObjectType.ObjectNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter; ppdd->ObjectType.ObjectHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp;
// Update all counter definitions.
UINT i; UINT cCounters = ppdd->ObjectType.NumCounters; PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION ppcd;
for( i = 0, ppcd = ppdd->aCounterDefinitions; i < cCounters; ++i, ++ppcd ) { ppcd->CounterNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter; ppcd->CounterHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp; } }
DWORD Pf_dwFixIndiciesFromKey( LPCTSTR szPerformanceKey, PPERF_DATA_DEFINITION ppdd )
Routine Description:
Open the performance key so that we can fix up the offsets of the localized strings.
szPerformanceKey - Performance registry key.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure
{ HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwFirstCounter; DWORD dwFirstHelp; DWORD cbSize = 0; DWORD dwType; DWORD Error;
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPerformanceKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey );
if( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Read the first counter DWORD.
cbSize = sizeof(DWORD);
Error = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, gszFirstCounter, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>( &dwFirstCounter ), &cbSize ); }
if( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Read the first counter DWORD.
cbSize = sizeof(DWORD);
Error = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, gszFirstHelp, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>( &dwFirstHelp ), &cbSize ); }
if( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Pf_vFixIndiciesFromIndex( dwFirstCounter, dwFirstHelp, ppdd ); }
if ( hkey != NULL) { RegCloseKey( hkey ); }
return Error; }
DWORD Pf_dwBuildInstance( IN DWORD dwParentObjectTitleIndex, IN DWORD dwParentObjectInstance, IN DWORD dwUniqueID, IN LPCWSTR pszName, IN OUT PBYTE* ppData, IN OUT PDWORD pcbDataLeft )
Routine Description:
Builds and initializes the variable structre PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION.
dwParentObjectTitleIndex - Index of the parent object in the database.
dwParentObjectInstance - Instance of the parent object (0 or greater).
dwUniqueID - Id of the object. May be PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID.
pszName - Name of the instance.
ppData - On entry, holds the pointer to the buffer. Should be QUADWORD aligned. On exit, holds the next free QUADWORD aligned point in the buffer. If this function fails, this is not modified.
pcbDataLeft - On entry, holds the size of the buffer. On exit, holds the space remaining (unused) in the buffer. If this function fails, this is not modified.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success, else error code.
{ //
// First calculate if we have enough space. (Assumes that the
UINT cbName = ( wcslen( pszName ) + 1 ) * sizeof( pszName[0] ); UINT cbInstanceDefinition = sizeof( PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION ) + cbName;
cbInstanceDefinition = QuadAlignUp( cbInstanceDefinition );
if( *pcbDataLeft < cbInstanceDefinition ) { return ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
// Build the structure.
pped = reinterpret_cast<PPERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION>( *ppData );
pped->ByteLength = cbInstanceDefinition; pped->ParentObjectTitleIndex = dwParentObjectTitleIndex; pped->ParentObjectInstance = dwParentObjectInstance; pped->UniqueID = dwUniqueID; pped->NameOffset = sizeof( PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION ); pped->NameLength = cbName;
// Move the pointer past this structure.
// Copy the name right after this structure.
CopyMemory( pped, pszName, cbName );
// Update the pointers.
*ppData += cbInstanceDefinition; *pcbDataLeft -= cbInstanceDefinition;