Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Utility routines copied from sockets\internet\svcs\lib\perfutil.c (which were in-turn copied from perfmon interface common code). Code reuse from copy & paste instead of fixing the interface.
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 17-Dec-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "perf.hxx"
#include "perfp.hxx"
#include "messages.h"
// Translation table from kEventLogLevel to EVENTLOG_*_TYPE
UINT gauEventLogTable[] = { EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, // kSuccess
// Test for delimiter, end of line and non-digit characters
// used by IsNumberInUnicodeList routine.
enum CHAR_TYPE { kDigit = 1, kDelimiter = 2, kInvalid = 3 };
inline CHAR_TYPE EvalThisChar( WCHAR c, WCHAR d ) { if( c == d || c == 0 ) { return kDelimiter; }
if( c < L'0' || c > L'9' ) { return kInvalid; }
return kDigit; }
BOOL Pfp_bNumberInUnicodeList ( IN DWORD dwNumber, IN LPCWSTR lpwszUnicodeList )
IN dwNumber DWORD number to find in list
IN lpwszUnicodeList Null terminated, Space delimited list of decimal numbers
Return Value:
TRUE: dwNumber was found in the list of unicode number strings
FALSE: dwNumber was not found in the list. --*/
{ DWORD dwThisNumber; LPCWSTR pwcThisChar; BOOL bValidNumber; BOOL bNewItem; WCHAR wckDelimiter; // could be an argument to be more flexible
if( !lpwszUnicodeList ) { //
// NULL pointer, # not found.
return FALSE; }
pwcThisChar = lpwszUnicodeList; dwThisNumber = 0; wckDelimiter = (WCHAR)' '; bValidNumber = FALSE; bNewItem = TRUE;
while (TRUE) { switch (EvalThisChar (*pwcThisChar, wckDelimiter)) { case kDigit: // if this is the first kDigit after a kDelimiter, then
// set flags to start computing the new number
if (bNewItem) { bNewItem = FALSE; bValidNumber = TRUE; } if (bValidNumber) { dwThisNumber *= 10; dwThisNumber += (*pwcThisChar - L'0'); } break;
case kDelimiter: // a delimter is either the kDelimiter character or the
// end of the string ('\0') if when the kDelimiter has been
// reached a valid number was found, then compare it to the
// number from the argument list. if this is the end of the
// string and no match was found, then return.
if (bValidNumber) { if (dwThisNumber == dwNumber) return TRUE; bValidNumber = FALSE; } if (*pwcThisChar == 0) { return FALSE; } else { bNewItem = TRUE; dwThisNumber = 0; } break;
case kInvalid: // if an kInvalid character was encountered, ignore all
// characters up to the next kDelimiter and then start fresh.
// the kInvalid number is not compared.
bValidNumber = FALSE; break;
default: break;
} pwcThisChar++; }
} // IsNumberInUnicodeList
VOID Pfp_vOpenEventLog ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Reads the level of event logging from the registry and opens the channel to the event logger for subsequent event log entries.
Return Value:
Revision History:
{ if (gpd.hEventLog == NULL) { gpd.hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, gszAppName );
if (gpd.hEventLog != NULL) { Pf_vReportEvent( kInformation | kDebug, MSG_PERF_LOG_OPEN, 0, NULL, NULL ); } } }
VOID Pfp_vCloseEventLog( VOID )
Routine Description:
Closes the global event log connection.
Return Value:
{ if( gpd.hEventLog ) { Pf_vReportEvent( kInformation | kDebug, MSG_PERF_LOG_CLOSE, 0, NULL, NULL );
DeregisterEventSource( gpd.hEventLog );
gpd.hEventLog = NULL; } }
VOID Pf_vReportEvent( IN UINT uLevel, IN DWORD dwMessage, IN DWORD cbData, OPTIONAL IN PVOID pvData, OPTIONAL IN LPCWSTR pszFirst, OPTIONAL ... )
Routine Description:
Log an event.
uLevel - Combination of level (e.g., kSuccess, kError) and type (e.g., kUser, kVerbose).
dwMessage - Message number.
cbData - Size of optional data.
pvData - Optional data.
pszFirst - String inserts begin here, optional.
Return Value:
{ LPCWSTR apszMergeStrings[kMaxMergeStrings]; UINT cMergeStrings = 0; va_list vargs;
// Skip the message if the log level is not high enough.
if(( uLevel >> kLevelShift ) > gpd.uLogLevel ) { return; }
if( !gpd.hEventLog ) { Pfp_vOpenEventLog(); }
if( !gpd.hEventLog ) { return; }
if( pszFirst ) { apszMergeStrings[cMergeStrings++] = pszFirst;
va_start( vargs, pszFirst );
while(( cMergeStrings < kMaxMergeStrings ) && ( apszMergeStrings[cMergeStrings] = va_arg( vargs, LPCWSTR ))) { cMergeStrings++; }
va_end( vargs ); }
ReportEvent( gpd.hEventLog, (WORD)gauEventLogTable[uLevel & kTypeMask], 0, dwMessage, NULL, (WORD)cMergeStrings, cbData, apszMergeStrings, pvData ); }