/* jpegapi.h -- header file for JPEG image compression interface.
* Written by Ajai Sehgal * (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation * * 08-27-1997 (kurtgeis) Removed dependency on Gromit/Fletcher funky data * types and includes. */
#include "jinclude.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include "jerror.h" /* get library error codes too */
#include "jmemfile.h"
#ifndef __JPEGAPI_H__
#define __JPEGAPI_H__
#define ALIGNIT(ap,t) \
((((size_t)(ap))+(sizeof(t)<8?3:7)) & (sizeof(t)<8?~3:~7))
class THROWN { public: // Default constructor
THROWN() { m_hr = S_OK; }
// Purpose:
// Construct a throw object for an hresult.
THROWN( HRESULT hr ) { m_hr = hr; }
HRESULT Hr() { return m_hr; } // The HRESULT thrown
private: HRESULT m_hr; // Associated HResult;
// Destroy the JPEG handle
HRESULT DestroyJPEGCompressHeader(HANDLE hJpegC); HRESULT DestroyJPEGDecompressHeader(HANDLE hJpegD);
// Takes the parameters for a tile write and creates a JPEG table for it
HRESULT JPEGCompressHeader(BYTE *prgbJPEGBuf, UINT tuQuality, ULONG *pcbOut, HANDLE *phJpegC, J_COLOR_SPACE ColorSpace ); HRESULT JPEGDecompressHeader(BYTE *prgbJPEGBuf, HANDLE *phJpegD, ULONG ulBufferSize );
// Takes a raw RGBA image buffer and spits back a JPEG data stream.
HRESULT JPEGFromRGBA(BYTE *prgbImage, BYTE *prgbJPEGBuf,UINT tuQuality, ULONG *pcbOut, HANDLE hJpegC,J_COLOR_SPACE ColorSpace, UINT nWidth, UINT nHeight );
// Takes a JPEG data stream and spits back a raw RGBA image buffer.
// iraklis's comment: the second argument is the RGBA buffer to be
// loaded with the decompressed tile; we are
// asserting that it is of the right size (i.e. sizeof (TIL))
HRESULT RGBAFromJPEG(BYTE *prgbJPEG, BYTE *prgbImage, HANDLE hJpegD, ULONG ulBufferSize, BYTE bJPEGConversions, ULONG *pulReturnedNumChannels, UINT nWidth, UINT nHeight );
HRESULT GetJPEGHeaderFields( HANDLE hJpegC, UINT *pWidth, UINT *pHeight, INT *pNumComponents, J_COLOR_SPACE *pColorSpace );
BOOL WINAPI Win32DIBFromJPEG( BYTE *prgbJPEG, ULONG ulBufferSize, LPBITMAPINFO pbmi, HBITMAP *phBitmap , PVOID *ppvBits );
#endif // __JPEGAPI_H__