* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 2000 * * TITLE: Entry.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: KeisukeT * * DATE: 27 Mar, 2000 * * DESCRIPTION: * Co/Installer/DLL entry point. * *******************************************************************************/
// Precompiled header
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Include
#include "sti_ci.h"
#include <setupapi.h>
#include "firstpg.h"
#include "portsel.h"
#include "nameit.h"
#include "finalpg.h"
#include "prevpg.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "stiregi.h"
#include "userdbg.h"
// Global
HINSTANCE g_hDllInstance = NULL;
// Function
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( IN HINSTANCE hDll, IN ULONG ulReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entrypoint when this DLL is loaded.
IN HINSTANCE hDll Handle to this DLL instance. IN ULONG ulReason The reason this entry is called. IN LPVOID lpReserved
Return Value:
TRUE always.
Side effects:
--*/ {
if (ulReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
// Initialize globals.
g_hDllInstance = hDll;
// Initialize Fusion
SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID( hDll, 123 );
DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hDll); InitCommonControls();
DBG_INIT(g_hDllInstance); // MyDebugInit();
} else if (ulReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { //
// Shutdown Fusion
SHFusionUninitialize(); }
return TRUE; } // DllMain ()
extern "C" DWORD APIENTRY ClassInstall ( IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entrypoint of WIA class installer.
IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction Function to perform. IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, Handle to Device Information. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData Pointer to Device Data.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Operation succeeded. ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT - Operation succeeded, or failed but let it continue. Other - Operation failed and unable to continue.
Side effects:
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwSize; SP_INSTALLWIZARD_DATA InstallWizardData; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS spDevInstallParams; BOOL fCleanupContext; PINSTALLER_CONTEXT pInstallerContext;
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("ClassInstall: Enter... \r\n"))); DebugTrace(TRACE_STATUS,(("ClassInstall: Processing %ws message.\r\n"), DifDebug[diFunction].DifString));
// Initialize locals.
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; dwSize = 0; fCleanupContext = FALSE; pInstallerContext = NULL;
memset(&InstallWizardData, 0, sizeof(InstallWizardData)); memset(&spDevInstallParams, 0, sizeof(spDevInstallParams));
// Dispatch requests.
fCleanupContext = TRUE;
// Get install parameter(s).
InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); if(!SetupDiGetClassInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(InstallWizardData), NULL) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); // DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetClassInstallParams failed. Err=0x%x. dwSize=0x%x\n"), dwError, dwSize));
DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetClassInstallParams failed. Err=0x%x\n"), dwError));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Check if operation is correct.
if (InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction != diFunction) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! InstallHeader.InstallFunction is incorrect..\r\n")));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Check if we still have enough room to add pages.
if( (MAX_INSTALLWIZARD_DYNAPAGES - NUM_WIA_PAGES) < InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages ){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! No room for WIA installer pages.\r\n")));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Allocate context structure.
if(NULL == InstallWizardData.PrivateData){ pInstallerContext = new INSTALLER_CONTEXT; if(NULL == pInstallerContext){ DebugTrace(TRACE_WARNING,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! Insufficient memory.\r\n")));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; goto ClassInstall_return; } InstallWizardData.PrivateData = (DWORD_PTR)pInstallerContext; memset((PBYTE)pInstallerContext, 0, sizeof(INSTALLER_CONTEXT)); } else { DebugTrace(TRACE_WARNING,(("ClassInstall: WARNING!! Installer context already exists.\r\n"))); }
// See who invoked installer.
pInstallerContext->bShowFirstPage = InstallWizardData.PrivateFlags & SCIW_PRIV_SHOW_FIRST; pInstallerContext->bCalledFromControlPanal = InstallWizardData.PrivateFlags & SCIW_PRIV_CALLED_FROMCPL;
// Save device info set.
pInstallerContext->hDevInfo = hDevInfo;
// Save wizard windows handle.
pInstallerContext->hwndWizard = InstallWizardData.hwndWizardDlg;
// Create/Initialize all wizard pages and a device class object.
CFirstPage *tempFistPage = new CFirstPage(pInstallerContext); CPrevSelectPage *tempPrevSelectPage = new CPrevSelectPage(pInstallerContext); CPortSelectPage *tempPortSelectPage = new CPortSelectPage(pInstallerContext); CNameDevicePage *tempNameDevicePage = new CNameDevicePage(pInstallerContext); CInstallPage *tempInstallPage = new CInstallPage(pInstallerContext);
if( (NULL == tempFistPage) || (NULL == tempPrevSelectPage) || (NULL == tempPortSelectPage) || (NULL == tempNameDevicePage) || (NULL == tempInstallPage) ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_WARNING,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! Insufficient memory.\r\n")));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Save created to context.
pInstallerContext->pFirstPage = (PVOID) tempFistPage; pInstallerContext->pPrevSelectPage = (PVOID) tempPrevSelectPage; pInstallerContext->pPortSelectPage = (PVOID) tempPortSelectPage; pInstallerContext->pNameDevicePage = (PVOID) tempNameDevicePage; pInstallerContext->pFinalPage = (PVOID) tempInstallPage;
// Add created pages.
InstallWizardData.DynamicPages[InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages++] = tempFistPage->Handle(); InstallWizardData.DynamicPages[InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages++] = tempPrevSelectPage->Handle(); InstallWizardData.DynamicPages[InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages++] = tempPortSelectPage->Handle(); InstallWizardData.DynamicPages[InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages++] = tempNameDevicePage->Handle(); InstallWizardData.DynamicPages[InstallWizardData.NumDynamicPages++] = tempInstallPage->Handle();
// Indicate "pages are added".
InstallWizardData.DynamicPageFlags |= DYNAWIZ_FLAG_PAGESADDED;
// Set the parameters back.
SetupDiSetClassInstallParams (hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(InstallWizardData));
fCleanupContext = FALSE; dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto ClassInstall_return; break;
// Get install parameter(s).
InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); if(!SetupDiGetClassInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(InstallWizardData), &dwSize) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetClassInstallParams failed. Err=0x%x\n"), dwError));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// //
// // Check if operation is correct.
// //
// if (InstallWizardData.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction != diFunction) {
// DebugTrace(TRACE_WARNING,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! InstallHeader.InstallFunction is incorrect..\r\n")));
// dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT;
// goto ClassInstall_return;
// }
// Free all allocated resources.
fCleanupContext = TRUE; pInstallerContext = (PINSTALLER_CONTEXT)InstallWizardData.PrivateData; InstallWizardData.PrivateData = NULL;
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto ClassInstall_return; break;
case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: { BOOL bSucceeded; BOOL bIsPnp;
// Sanity check of DevInfoSet and DevInfoData.
if( (NULL == pDevInfoData) || (!IS_VALID_HANDLE(hDevInfo)) ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! Wrong Infoset(0x%x) or instance(0x%x). Unable to continue.\r\n"),pDevInfoData,hDevInfo));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Get device install parameters.
spDevInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); if(!SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDevInstallParams)) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams failed Err=0x%x.\r\n"), GetLastError())); }
if(spDevInstallParams.FlagsEx & DI_FLAGSEX_SETFAILEDINSTALL){
// Installing NULL driver. Let default handler handle it.
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; } // if(spDevInstallParams.FlagsEx & DI_FLAGSEX_SETFAILEDINSTALL)
// See if it's root-enumerated or not.
if(IsDeviceRootEnumerated(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData)){ bIsPnp = FALSE; } else { bIsPnp = TRUE; }
// Create CDevice class.
// Start the WIA service. We start it here so that it will be running when we finish, so
// it will receive the PnP device arrival notification.
// Notice we don't change the startup-type here - this will be done later if the device
// installation was successful.
CDevice cdThis(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, bIsPnp);
// Let it create unique FriendlyName.
bSucceeded = cdThis.NameDefaultUniqueName(); if(bSucceeded){
// Do pre-installation process.
bSucceeded = cdThis.PreInstall(); if(bSucceeded){
// Do actual installation.
bSucceeded = cdThis.Install(); if(!bSucceeded){ dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! Installation failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); } } else { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! PreInstall failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); } } else { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! NameDefaultUniqueName failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; }
// So far, installation is working fine. Do final touch.
bSucceeded = cdThis.PostInstall(TRUE); if(!bSucceeded){ dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! PostInstall failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); }
// Installation succeeded.
dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
} else {
// There's an error during installation. Revert.
cdThis.PostInstall(FALSE); dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL; DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: Reverting installation...\r\n"))); }
goto ClassInstall_return; break; } // case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE:
case DIF_REMOVE: {
// Check if operation is correct.
memset (&rdp, 0, sizeof(SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS)); rdp.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof (SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); if (!SetupDiGetClassInstallParams (hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &rdp.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS), NULL)) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetClassInstallParams failed Err=0x%x.\r\n"), GetLastError()));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; } // if (!SetupDiGetClassInstallParams ()
if (rdp.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction != DIF_REMOVE) { dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; }
// Create CDevice object.
CDevice cdThis(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, TRUE);
// Remove the device.
dwReturn = cdThis.Remove(&rdp);
goto ClassInstall_return; break; } // case DIF_REMOVE:
// Get driver info.
memset(&spDriverInfoData, 0, sizeof(spDriverInfoData)); spDriverInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA); for(Idx = 0; SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, Idx, &spDriverInfoData); Idx++){
// Get driver install params.
memset(&spDriverInstallParams, 0, sizeof(spDriverInstallParams)); spDriverInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINSTALL_PARAMS); if(!SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDriverInfoData, &spDriverInstallParams)){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams() failed LastError=0x%x.\r\n", GetLastError()));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; } // if(!SetupDiGetDriverInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDriverInfoData, &spDriverInstallParams))
// Get buffer size required for driver derail data.
dwSize = 0; SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDriverInfoData, NULL, 0, &dwSize); dwLastError = GetLastError(); if(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwLastError){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail() doesn't return required size.Er=0x%x\r\n"),dwLastError));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; } // if(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwLastError)
// Allocate required size of buffer for driver detailed data.
pspDriverInfoDetailData = (PSP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA)new char[dwSize]; if(NULL == pspDriverInfoDetailData){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("ClassInstall: ERROR!! Unable to allocate driver detailed info buffer.\r\n")));
dwReturn = ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT; goto ClassInstall_return; } // if(NULL == pspDriverInfoDetailData)
// Initialize allocated buffer.
memset(pspDriverInfoDetailData, 0, dwSize); pspDriverInfoDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA);
// Get detailed data of selected device driver.
if(!SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDriverInfoData, pspDriverInfoDetailData, dwSize, NULL) ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail() failed LastError=0x%x.\r\n", GetLastError()));
delete pspDriverInfoDetailData; continue; } // if(NULL == pspDriverInfoDetailData)
// See if INF filename is valid.
if(NULL == pspDriverInfoDetailData->InfFileName){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,("ClassInstall: ERROR!! SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail() returned invalid INF name.\r\n"));
delete pspDriverInfoDetailData; continue; } // if(NULL == pspDriverInfoDetailData->InfFileName)
// If it's Inbox driver, set DNF_BASIC_DRIVER.
if( IsWindowsFile(pspDriverInfoDetailData->InfFileName) && IsProviderMs(pspDriverInfoDetailData->InfFileName ) ) {
// This is inbox INF. set DNF_BASIC_DRIVER.
spDriverInstallParams.Flags |= DNF_BASIC_DRIVER; SetupDiSetDriverInstallParams(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, &spDriverInfoData, &spDriverInstallParams); } // if(IsWindowsFilw() && IsProviderMs())
// Clean up.
delete pspDriverInfoDetailData;
} // for(Idx = 0; SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, Idx, &spDriverInfoData), Idx++)
goto ClassInstall_return; break; } // case DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV:
default: break;
} // switch(diFunction)
if(fCleanupContext){ if(NULL != pInstallerContext){
if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pFirstPage){ delete (CFirstPage *)(pInstallerContext->pFirstPage); } if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pPrevSelectPage){ delete (CPrevSelectPage *)(pInstallerContext->pPrevSelectPage); } if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pPortSelectPage){ delete (CPortSelectPage *)(pInstallerContext->pPortSelectPage); } if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pNameDevicePage){ delete (CNameDevicePage *)(pInstallerContext->pNameDevicePage); } if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pFinalPage){ delete (CInstallPage *)(pInstallerContext->pFinalPage); }
// Removed this delete call for the pDevice pointer. The Wizard pages
// delete this memory when a user presses "cancel" or closes the Wizard
// dialog.
// COOPP - 01-18-2001. Quick fix to BUG #284981 Heap Corruption
// Note for future: As discussed with KeisukeT, a better design would be
// adding a shared pInstallerContext pointer in the BASE class of the
// Wizard pages. This would allow this routine to remain enabled as a
// "catch-all" case. (Catching the case if the Wizard dialogs did not free
// the memory first)
// if(NULL != pInstallerContext->pDevice){
// delete pInstallerContext->pDevice;
delete pInstallerContext; } // if(NULL != pInstallerContext)
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("ClassInstall: Leaving... Ret=0x%x.\r\n"), dwReturn)); return dwReturn; } // ClassInstall()
extern "C" DWORD APIENTRY CoinstallerEntry( IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData, IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA pCoinstallerContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entrypoint of WIA class coinstaller.
IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction, Function to perform. IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, Handle to Device Information. IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData, Pointer to Device Data. IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA pCoinstallerContext Context data for coinstaller.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Operation succeeded. ERROR_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED - Need post processing after installation has done.
Side effects:
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn;
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("CoinstallerEntry: Enter... \r\n")));
// Initialize local.
dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
// Do Pre/Post process.
// Do post-process.
dwReturn = CoinstallerPostProcess(diFunction, hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, pCoinstallerContext); } else {
// Do pre-process.
dwReturn = CoinstallerPreProcess(diFunction, hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, pCoinstallerContext); } // if(pCoinstallerContext->PostProcessing)
// CoinstallerEntry_return:
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("CoinstallerEntry: Leaving... Ret=0x%x.\r\n"), dwReturn)); return dwReturn;
} // CoinstallerEntry()
DWORD APIENTRY CoinstallerPreProcess( IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData, IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA pCoinstallerContext ) { DWORD dwReturn;
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: Enter... \r\n"))); DebugTrace(TRACE_STATUS,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: Processing %ws message.\r\n"), DifDebug[diFunction].DifString));
// Initialize local.
dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
// Dispatch requests.
case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: { BOOL bSucceeded;
// Initialize private data.
if(NULL != pCoinstallerContext->PrivateData){ DebugTrace(TRACE_WARNING,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: WARNING!! Private has value other than NULL.\r\n"))); } pCoinstallerContext->PrivateData = NULL;
// Create CDevice class.
CDevice *pDevice = new CDevice(hDevInfo, pDevInfoData, TRUE); if(NULL == pDevice){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: ERROR!! Insufficient memory.\r\n"))); dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto CoinstallerPreProcess_return; } // if(NULL == pDevice)
// Let it create unique FriendlyName.
bSucceeded = pDevice->NameDefaultUniqueName(); if(bSucceeded){
// Do pre-installation process.
bSucceeded = pDevice->PreInstall(); if(!bSucceeded){ DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: ERROR!! Pre-Installation failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); delete pDevice;
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto CoinstallerPreProcess_return; } } else { DebugTrace(TRACE_ERROR,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: ERROR!! NameDefaultUniqueName failed in CDevice class.\r\n"))); delete pDevice;
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto CoinstallerPreProcess_return; }
// Post-installation have to free allocated object.
pCoinstallerContext->PrivateData = (PVOID)pDevice; dwReturn = ERROR_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED;
goto CoinstallerPreProcess_return; break; } // case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE:
default: break; } // switch(diFunction)
CoinstallerPreProcess_return: DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("CoinstallerPreProcess: Leaving... Ret=0x%x.\r\n"), dwReturn)); return dwReturn; } // CoinstallerPreProcess()
DWORD APIENTRY CoinstallerPostProcess( IN DI_FUNCTION diFunction, IN HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pDevInfoData, IN OUT PCOINSTALLER_CONTEXT_DATA pCoinstallerContext ) { DWORD dwReturn;
DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_ENTER,(("CoinstallerPostProcess: Enter... \r\n"))); DebugTrace(TRACE_STATUS,(("CoinstallerPostProcess: Processing %ws message.\r\n"), DifDebug[diFunction].DifString));
// Initialize local.
dwReturn = NO_ERROR;
// Dispatch requests.
case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE: { BOOL bSucceeded; CDevice *pDevice;
if(NO_ERROR == pCoinstallerContext->InstallResult){ bSucceeded = TRUE; } else { bSucceeded = FALSE; } //
// Get pointer to the CDevice class created in pre-process.
pDevice = (CDevice *)pCoinstallerContext->PrivateData;
// Do post-installation process.
// Delete CDevice object.
delete pDevice; pCoinstallerContext->PrivateData = NULL;
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; goto CoinstallerPostProcess_return; break; } // case DIF_INSTALLDEVICE:
default: break; } // switch(diFunction)
CoinstallerPostProcess_return: DebugTrace(TRACE_PROC_LEAVE,(("CoinstallerPostProcess: Leaving... Ret=0x%x.\r\n"), dwReturn)); return dwReturn; } // CoinstallerPostProcess(