Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Routines to pre-migrate Win9x to NT
Keisuke Tsuchida (KeisukeT) 10-Oct-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "devguid.h"
// Globals
LPCSTR g_WorkingDirectory = NULL; LPCSTR g_SourceDirectory = NULL; LPCSTR g_MediaDirectory = NULL; //LPCSTR g_WorkingDirectory = ".";
//LPCSTR g_SourceDirectory = ".";
//LPCSTR g_MediaDirectory = ".";
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x( IN LPCSTR pszWorkingDir, IN LPCSTR pszSourceDir, IN LPCSTR pszMediaDir ) { LONG lError;
// Initialize local.
// Save given parameters.
g_WorkingDirectory = AllocStrA(pszWorkingDir); g_SourceDirectory = AllocStrA(pszSourceDir); g_MediaDirectory = AllocStrA(pszMediaDir);
if( (NULL == g_WorkingDirectory) || (NULL == g_SourceDirectory) || (NULL == g_MediaDirectory) ) { SetupLogError("WIA Migration: Initialize9x: ERROR!! insufficient memory.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Initialize9x_return; }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Can't process migration. Clean up.
if(NULL != g_WorkingDirectory){ FreeMem((PVOID)g_WorkingDirectory); g_WorkingDirectory = NULL; }
if(NULL != g_SourceDirectory){ FreeMem((PVOID)g_SourceDirectory); g_SourceDirectory = NULL; }
if(NULL != g_MediaDirectory){ FreeMem((PVOID)g_MediaDirectory); g_MediaDirectory = NULL; } } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
return lError; } // Initialize9x()
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPCSTR pszUnattendFile, IN HKEY hUserRegKey, IN LPCSTR pszUserName, LPVOID Reserved ) { //
// Nothing to do
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // MigrateUser9x()
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPCSTR pszUnattendFile, IN LPVOID Reserved ) { LONG lError; CHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szInfName[MAX_PATH];
HANDLE hSettingStore; HANDLE hInf;
// Initialize locals.
// Check global initialization.
if( (NULL == g_WorkingDirectory) || (NULL == g_SourceDirectory) || (NULL == g_MediaDirectory) ) { SetupLogError("WIA Migration: MigrateSystem9x: ERROR!! Initialize failed.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MigrateSystem9x_return; }
// Create path to the files.
wsprintfA(szFile, "%s\\%s", g_WorkingDirectory, NAME_WIN9X_SETTING_FILE_A); wsprintfA(szInfName, "%s\\%s", g_WorkingDirectory, NAME_MIGRATE_INF_A);
// Create files.
hSettingStore = CreateFileA(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSettingStore){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: MigrateSystem9x: ERROR!! Unable to create setting file.", LogSevError);
lError = GetLastError(); goto MigrateSystem9x_return; } // if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSettingStore)
// Create setting file based on device registry.
lError = Mig9xGetDeviceInfo(hSettingStore); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ goto MigrateSystem9x_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Clean up.
if(hSettingStore != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(hSettingStore); } if(hInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(hInf); }
return lError;
} // MigrateSystem9x()
LONG CALLBACK Mig9xGetGlobalInfo( IN HANDLE hFile ) {
LONG lError; HKEY hKey;
// Initialize local.
// Open HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StillImage.
lError = RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_STICONTROL_A, &hKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: Mig9xGetGlobalInfo: ERROR!! Unable to open Conrtol\\StilImage.", LogSevError);
goto Mig9xGetGlobalInfo_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Spew to a file.
lError = WriteRegistryToFile(hFile, hKey, "\0");
// Clean up.
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey){ RegCloseKey(hKey); } // if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey)
return lError;
} // Mig9xGetGlobalInfo()
LONG CALLBACK Mig9xGetDeviceInfo( IN HANDLE hFile ) {
LONG lError; DWORD Idx; GUID Guid; HANDLE hDevInfo; SP_DEVINFO_DATA spDevInfoData; HKEY hKeyDevice; PCHAR pTempBuffer;
// Initialize locals.
// Enumerate WIA/STI devices and spew device info.
hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&Guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PROFILE); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDevInfo){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: Mig9xGetDeviceInfo: ERROR!! Unable to acquire device list.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Mig9xGetDeviceInfo_return; } // if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDevInfo)
// Save installed device setting.
spDevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(spDevInfoData); for (Idx = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDevInfo, Idx, &spDevInfoData); Idx++) {
// Open device registry key.
hKeyDevice = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(hDevInfo, &spDevInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_READ);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKeyDevice) { if( (TRUE == IsSti(hKeyDevice)) && (FALSE == IsKernelDriverRequired(hKeyDevice)) ) { //
// This is STI/WIA device with no kernel driver . Spew required info.
WriteDeviceToFile(hFile, hKeyDevice); } // if( IsSti(hKeyDevice) && !IsKernelDriverRequired(hKeyDevice))
} // if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKeyDevice)
} // for (Idx = 0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDevInfo, Idx, &spDevInfoData); Idx++)
if(NULL != pTempBuffer){ FreeMem(pTempBuffer); } // if(NULL != pTempBuffer)
return lError; } // Mig9xGetGlobalInfo()
BOOL IsSti( HKEY hKeyDevice ) { BOOL bRet; PCHAR pTempBuffer; LONG lError; //
// Initialize local.
bRet = FALSE; pTempBuffer = NULL; lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; //
// See if it's StillImage device.
lError = GetRegData(hKeyDevice, REGVAL_USDCLASS_A, &pTempBuffer, NULL, NULL); if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) || (NULL == pTempBuffer) ) { //
// Unable to get "SubClass" data. This is not STI/WIA.
bRet = FALSE; goto IsSti_return; } // if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) || (NULL == pTempBuffer)
// This is STI/WIA device.
bRet = TRUE;
IsSti_return: //
// Clean up.
if(NULL != pTempBuffer){ FreeMem(pTempBuffer); } // if(NULL != pTempBuffer)
return bRet; } // IsSti()
BOOL IsKernelDriverRequired( HKEY hKeyDevice ) { BOOL bRet; PCHAR pTempBuffer; LONG lError; //
// Initialize local.
bRet = FALSE; pTempBuffer = NULL; lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; //
// See if it's StillImage device.
lError = GetRegData(hKeyDevice, REGVAL_NTMPDRIVER_A, &pTempBuffer, NULL, NULL); if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) || (NULL == pTempBuffer) ) { //
// Unable to get "NTMPDriver" data. This device doesn't require kernel mode component.
bRet = FALSE; goto IsKernelDriverRequired_return; } // if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) || (NULL == pTempBuffer)
// This device requires kernel mode component.
bRet = TRUE;
IsKernelDriverRequired_return: //
// Clean up.
if(NULL != pTempBuffer){ FreeMem(pTempBuffer); } // if(NULL != pTempBuffer)
return bRet; } // IsKernelDriverRequired()
LONG WriteDeviceToFile( HANDLE hFile, HKEY hKey ) { LONG lError; PCHAR pFriendlyName; PCHAR pCreateFileName; PCHAR pInfPath; PCHAR pInfSection; DWORD dwType; CHAR SpewBuffer[256]; HKEY hDeviceData; //
// Initialize local.
lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; pFriendlyName = NULL; pCreateFileName = NULL; pInfPath = NULL; pInfSection = NULL; hDeviceData = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; memset(SpewBuffer, 0, sizeof(SpewBuffer));
// Get FriendlyName.
lError = GetRegData(hKey, NAME_FRIENDLYNAME_A, &pFriendlyName, &dwType, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to get FriendlyName.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! Unable to get FriendlyName.", LogSevError); goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
if(REG_SZ != dwType){
// FriendlyName key is other than REG_SZ.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! FriendlyName is other than REG_SZ.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT; goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(REG_SZ != dwType)
// Get CreateFileName.
lError = GetRegData(hKey, NAME_CREATEFILENAME_A, &pCreateFileName, &dwType, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to get CreateFileName.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! Unable to get CreateFileName.", LogSevError); goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
if(REG_SZ != dwType){
// CreateFileName key is other than REG_SZ.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! CreateFileName is other than REG_SZ.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT; goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(REG_SZ != dwType)
// Get InfPath.
lError = GetRegData(hKey, NAME_INF_PATH_A, &pInfPath, &dwType, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to get InfPath.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! Unable to get InfPath.", LogSevError); goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
if(REG_SZ != dwType){
// InfPath key is other than REG_SZ.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! InfPath is other than REG_SZ.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT; goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(REG_SZ != dwType)
// Get InfSection.
lError = GetRegData(hKey, NAME_INF_SECTION_A, &pInfSection, &dwType, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to get InfSection.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! Unable to get InfSection.", LogSevError); goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
if(REG_SZ != dwType){
// InfSection key is other than REG_SZ.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteDeviceToFile: ERROR!! InfSection is other than REG_SZ.", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT; goto WriteDeviceToFile_return; } // if(REG_SZ != dwType)
// Spew device information.
WriteToFile(hFile, "\r\n"); WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_DEVICE_A, NAME_BEGIN_A); WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_FRIENDLYNAME_A, pFriendlyName); WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_CREATEFILENAME_A, pCreateFileName); WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_INF_PATH_A, pInfPath); WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_INF_SECTION_A, pInfSection);
// Spew DaviceData section.
lError = RegOpenKey(hKey, REGKEY_DEVICEDATA_A, &hDeviceData);
if(lError != ERROR_SUCCESS){
// Unable to open DeviceData or doesn't exist.
// Spew DeviceData section if exists.
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hDeviceData){ lError = WriteRegistryToFile(hFile, hDeviceData, REGKEY_DEVICEDATA_A); } // if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hDeviceData)
// Indicate the end of device description.
WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\r\n", NAME_DEVICE_A, NAME_END_A);
WriteDeviceToFile_return: //
// Clean up.
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hDeviceData){ RegCloseKey(hDeviceData); } //if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hDeviceData)
if(NULL != pFriendlyName){ FreeMem(pFriendlyName); }
if(NULL != pCreateFileName){ FreeMem(pCreateFileName); }
if(NULL != pInfPath){ FreeMem(pInfPath); }
if(NULL != pInfSection){ FreeMem(pInfSection); }
return lError; } // WriteDeviceToFile()
// The following are to make sure if setup changes the header file they
// first tell me (otherwise they will break build of this)
P_INITIALIZE_9X pfnInitialize9x = Initialize9x; P_MIGRATE_USER_9X pfnMigrateUser9x = MigrateUser9x; P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_9X pfnMigrateSystem9x = MigrateSystem9x;