stillvue.cpp Simple test of WDM Still Image Class
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 All rights reserved
#define INITGUID
#include "stillvue.h"
#include <dbt.h>
#include <devguid.h>
#include <pnpmgr.h>
#include "stivar.h" // stillvue local includes
// defined in wsti.cpp
extern WCHAR szFriendlyName[]; extern WCHAR szInternalName[]; extern DWORD dwStiTotal; extern PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATION pStiInfoPtr;
BOOL CommandParse(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
Handle user menu commands. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL CommandParse(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hres = STI_OK; DWORD dwSize = 0, dwType = 0, dwPriority = STI_TRACE_ERROR, EscapeFunction = 0, dwNumberOfBytes = 0; WCHAR szMessage[] = L"Sti Compliance Test message"; WCHAR szDevKey[LONGSTRING]; char lpInData[LONGSTRING], lpOutData[LONGSTRING]; int nReturn = 0; // generic return value
BOOL bReturn;
// Set the InATest semaphore
nInATestSemaphore = 1;
switch(wParam) { // IStillImage Interfaces
case IDM_CREATE_INSTANCE: hres = StiCreateInstance(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_DEVLIST: hres = StiEnum(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_CREATE_DEV: if (bAuto) hres = StiSelect(hWnd,AUTO,&bReturn); else hres = StiSelect(hWnd,MANUAL,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_DEVINFO: hres = StiGetDeviceInfo(szInternalName,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_DEVVAL: hres = StiGetDeviceValue(szInternalName, STI_DEVICE_VALUE_TWAIN_NAME,(LPBYTE) lpInData, &dwType,DWORD(LONGSTRING),&bReturn); hres = StiGetDeviceValue(szInternalName, STI_DEVICE_VALUE_ISIS_NAME,(LPBYTE) lpInData, &dwType,DWORD(LONGSTRING),&bReturn); hres = StiGetDeviceValue(szInternalName, STI_DEVICE_VALUE_ICM_PROFILE,(LPBYTE) lpInData, &dwType,DWORD(LONGSTRING),&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_SET_DEVVAL: //
// Store a dummy registry key and value
wcscpy(szDevKey,L"StiTestRegKey"); strcpy(lpOutData,"This is a bland statement"); dwType = REG_SZ; dwSize = strlen(lpOutData);
// set the value and then retrieve it
hres = StiSetDeviceValue(szInternalName, szDevKey,(LPBYTE) lpOutData,dwType,dwSize,&bReturn); hres = StiGetDeviceValue(szInternalName, szDevKey,(LPBYTE) lpOutData,&dwType,DWORD(LONGSTRING),&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_REGISTER_LAUNCH: hres = StiRegister(hWnd,hThisInstance,ON,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_UNREGISTER_LAUNCH: hres = StiRegister(hWnd,hThisInstance,OFF,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_ENABLE_HWNOTIF: //
// Change Hw notification to inverse
nHWState = 0;
hres = StiEnableHwNotification(szInternalName,&nHWState,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); if (nHWState == 0) nHWState = 1; else nHWState = 0; hres = StiEnableHwNotification(szInternalName,&nHWState,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_HWNOTIF: //
// Look at the current HW notification state
nHWState = PEEK; hres = StiEnableHwNotification(szInternalName,&nHWState,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_REFRESH_DEVBUS: hres = StiRefresh(szInternalName,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_WRITE_ERRORLOG: for (;lParam >= 1;lParam--) hres = StiWriteErrLog(dwPriority,szMessage,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_IMAGE_RELEASE: hres = StiImageRelease(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break;
// IStillImage_Device Interfaces
case IDM_GET_STATUS_A: nReturn = STI_DEVSTATUS_ONLINE_STATE; hres = StiGetStatus(nReturn,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_STATUS_B: nReturn = STI_DEVSTATUS_EVENTS_STATE; hres = StiGetStatus(nReturn,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_STATUS_C: nReturn = STI_DEVSTATUS_ONLINE_STATE | STI_DEVSTATUS_EVENTS_STATE; hres = StiGetStatus(nReturn,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_CAPS: hres = StiGetCaps(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_DEVICERESET: hres = StiReset(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_DIAGNOSTIC: hres = StiDiagnostic(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_GET_LASTERRINFO: hres = StiGetLastErrorInfo(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); DisplayOutput(""); break; case IDM_SUBSCRIBE: hres = StiSubscribe(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_UNSUBSCRIBE: nUnSubscribe = 0; DisplayOutput(""); break;
case IDM_ESCAPE_A: //
// Set up the Escape command parameters
EscapeFunction = 0; strcpy(lpInData,"This is a bland statement");
hres = StiEscape(EscapeFunction,&lpInData[0],&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_RAWREADDATA_A: //
// Set up the RawReadData command parameters
ZeroMemory(lpInData,LONGSTRING); dwNumberOfBytes = 16;
hres = StiRawReadData(lpInData,&dwNumberOfBytes,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_RAWWRITEDATA_A: //
// Set up the RawReadData command parameters
strcpy(lpOutData,"The eagle flies high"); dwNumberOfBytes = strlen(lpOutData);
hres = StiRawWriteData(lpOutData,dwNumberOfBytes,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_RAWREADCOMMAND_A: //
// Set up the RawReadCommand command parameters
ZeroMemory(lpInData,LONGSTRING); dwNumberOfBytes = 16;
hres = StiRawReadCommand(lpInData,&dwNumberOfBytes,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_RAWWRITECOMMAND_A: //
// Set up the RawWriteCommand command parameters
strcpy(lpOutData,"Jack and Jill went up the hill"); dwNumberOfBytes = strlen(lpOutData);
hres = StiRawWriteCommand(lpOutData,dwNumberOfBytes,&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break;
case IDM_DEVICE_RELEASE: hres = StiDeviceRelease(&bReturn); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break; case IDM_NEXT_DEVICE: hres = NextStiDevice(); DisplayLogPassFail(bReturn); break;
case IDM_LAMPON: StiLamp(ON); break; case IDM_LAMPOFF: StiLamp(OFF); break; case IDM_SCAN: hres = StiScan(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHOWDIB: hres = DisplayScanDIB(hWnd); break;
// assign a test suite and start the automated test timer
pSuite = nComplianceSuite; nMaxCount = 3; nTimeScan = 10; nTimeNext = 1; bAuto = StartAutoTimer(hWnd); break; case IDM_SHIPCRIT: //
// assign a test suite and start the automated test timer
pSuite = nShipcritSuite; nMaxCount = 200; nTimeScan = 10; nTimeNext = 1; bAuto = StartAutoTimer(hWnd); break;
case IDM_PAUSE: // toggle pausing automation (if running) on/off
if (! nPause) { DisplayOutput("..pausing automated test.."); nPause = 1; } else { DisplayOutput("Resuming automated test"); nPause = 0; } break; case IDM_AUTO: // toggle the automation on/off
if (bAuto) { // stop the auto timer and the stress tests
KillTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE); bAuto = FALSE; EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_PAUSE, MF_DISABLED); DisplayOutput("Ending the tests"); } else { // start the auto timer and the stress tests
LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_APPNAME,pszStr1,MEDSTRING); if (! SetTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE,nTimeNext * nTimeMultiplier,NULL)) ErrorMsg((HWND) NULL,"Too many clocks or timers!",pszStr1,TRUE); else { bAuto = TRUE; EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_PAUSE, MF_ENABLED); DisplayOutput("Starting the Sti Compliance tests"); pSuite = nComplianceSuite; //
// initialize NT Logging
NTLogInit(); } } break; case IDM_SETTINGS: bReturn = fDialog(IDD_SETTINGS, hWnd, (FARPROC) Settings);
// implement the settings if user pressed OK
if (bReturn != FALSE) { if (nTTNext != nTimeNext) { nTimeNext = nTTNext; DisplayOutput("Test interval changed to %d seconds",nTimeNext); } if (nTTScan != nTimeScan) { nTimeScan = nTTScan; DisplayOutput("Scan interval changed to %d seconds", nTimeScan * nTimeNext); } if (nTTMax != nMaxCount) { nMaxCount = nTTMax; DisplayOutput("Test loops changed to %d (0 is forever)", nMaxCount); } } break; case IDM_HELP: Help(); break; default: break; } //
// Clear the InATest semaphore
nInATestSemaphore = 0;
// always return 0
return 0; }
BOOL TimerParse(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
Each timer tick, decide whether to run the next test, repeat a prior test, end testing, or shut everything down. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL TimerParse(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hres = STI_OK; // generic Sti return value
int nReturn = 0, // generic return value
*pTest; // pointer to the test suite to run
BOOL bResume = TRUE, // reset timer flag
bReturn = TRUE; // dialog box return value
static int nDeviceNumber = 1; // current device
static int nCountdown = nTimeScan; // WM_TIMER ticks until next scan
static DWORD dwOut = 0;
// Don't start a test if paused or running a test currently.
if ((nInTimerSemaphore)||(nInATestSemaphore)||(nPause)) return 0;
// Suspend the timer while running this test.
// Set Flag to reset timer
// Set the nInTimerSemaphore
// Set the current test ID
KillTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE); bResume = TRUE; nInTimerSemaphore = 1; nTestID = nNextTest;
// point to the next test in the current suite to run
pTest = pSuite + nNextTest;
switch (*pTest) { case NONE: nNextTest++; break; case HELP: nNextTest++; break; case COMPLIANCE: //
// initialize test structures
if (pdevRoot == NULL) { InitPrivateList(&pdevRoot,pSuite); pdevPtr = pdevRoot; }
// if this is COMPLIANCE test, ask user to confirm test
bResume = ComplianceDialog(hWnd);
nNextTest++; break; case SHIPCRIT: //
// initialize test structures
if (pdevRoot == NULL) { InitPrivateList(&pdevRoot,pSuite); pdevPtr = pdevRoot; } nNextTest++; break; case ERRORLOG: nNextTest++; break; case TEST: nNextTest++; break; case tBeginningOfTest: DisplayOutput("Begin Testing test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Begin Testing test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); nNextTest++; break; case tCreateInstance: DisplayOutput("CreateInstance test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"CreateInstance test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); DisplayOutput("%S (%S) is being tested", pdevPtr->szLocalName,pdevPtr->szInternalName); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"%S (%S) is being tested", pdevPtr->szLocalName,pdevPtr->szInternalName); DisplayOutput(""); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_CREATE_INSTANCE,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetDeviceList: DisplayOutput("GetDeviceList test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetDeviceList test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_DEVLIST,0); nNextTest++; break; case tCreateDevice: DisplayOutput("CreateDevice test (Device ONLINE), loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG, "CreateDevice test (Device ONLINE), loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); //
// Call Sti with device
nNameOnly = 0; PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_CREATE_DEV,0); nNextTest++; break; case tSelectDeviceName: DisplayOutput("SelectDeviceName test (Device OFFLINE), "\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"SelectDeviceName test (Device OFFLINE),"\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); //
// Call Sti with device name only
nNameOnly = 1; PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_CREATE_DEV,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetDeviceInfo: DisplayOutput("GetDeviceInfo test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetDeviceInfo test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_DEVINFO,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetDeviceValue: DisplayOutput("GetDeviceValue test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetDeviceValue test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_DEVVAL,0); nNextTest++; break; case tSetDeviceValue: DisplayOutput("SetDeviceValue test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"SetDeviceValue test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_SET_DEVVAL,0); nNextTest++; break; case tRegisterLaunchApplication: DisplayOutput("RegisterLaunchApplication test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"RegisterLaunchApplication test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_REGISTER_LAUNCH,0); nNextTest++; break; case tUnRegisterLaunchApplication: DisplayOutput("UnRegisterLaunchApplication test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"UnRegisterLaunchApplication test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_UNREGISTER_LAUNCH,0); nNextTest++; break; case tEnableHwNotifications: DisplayOutput("EnableHwNotifications test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"EnableHwNotifications test, "\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_ENABLE_HWNOTIF,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetHwNotificationState: DisplayOutput("GetHwNotificationState test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetHwNotificationState test, "\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_HWNOTIF,0); nNextTest++; break; case tWriteToErrorLog: DisplayOutput("WriteToErrorLog test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"WriteToErrorLog test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_WRITE_ERRORLOG,0); nNextTest++; break; case tWriteToErrorLogBig: DisplayOutput("WriteToErrorLog test, Variation 1, "\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"WriteToErrorLog test, Variation 1, "\ "loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_WRITE_ERRORLOG,100); nNextTest++; break; case tGetStatusA: DisplayOutput("GetStatus (Online) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetStatus test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_STATUS_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetStatusB: DisplayOutput("GetStatus (Event) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetStatus test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_STATUS_B,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetStatusC: DisplayOutput("GetStatus (All) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetStatus test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_STATUS_C,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetCapabilities: DisplayOutput("GetCapabilities test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetCapabilities test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_CAPS,0); nNextTest++; break; case tDeviceReset: DisplayOutput("DeviceReset test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"DeviceReset test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_DEVICERESET,0); nNextTest++; break; case tDiagnostic: DisplayOutput("Diagnostic test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Diagnostic test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_DIAGNOSTIC,0); nNextTest++; break; case tGetLastInfoError: DisplayOutput("GetLastInfoError test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"GetLastInfoError test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_GET_LASTERRINFO,0); nNextTest++; break; case tSubscribe: DisplayOutput("Subscribe test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Subscribe test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_SUBSCRIBE,0); nNextTest++; break; case tUnSubscribe: DisplayOutput("UnSubscribe test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"UnSubscribe test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_UNSUBSCRIBE,0); nNextTest++; break; case tEscapeA: DisplayOutput("Escape (variation A) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Escape test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_ESCAPE_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tRawReadDataA: DisplayOutput("RawReadData (variation A) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"RawReadData test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_RAWREADDATA_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tRawWriteDataA: DisplayOutput("RawWriteData (variation A) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"RawWriteData test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_RAWWRITEDATA_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tRawReadCommandA: DisplayOutput("RawReadCommand (variation A) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"RawReadCommand test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_RAWREADCOMMAND_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tRawWriteCommandA: DisplayOutput("RawWriteCommand (variation A) test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"RawWriteCommand test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_RAWWRITECOMMAND_A,0); nNextTest++; break; case tAcquire: if (! nICanScan) { nNextTest++; } else { if (nCountdown == nTimeScan) { nCountdown--; DisplayOutput("...countdown %d to acquire...",nCountdown); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_SCAN,0); } else { if (nCountdown == 0) { nNextTest++; nCountdown = nTimeScan; } else { nCountdown--; DisplayOutput("Acquire test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Acquire test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_SHOWDIB,0); } } } break; case tReleaseDevice: DisplayOutput("ReleaseDevice test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"ReleaseDevice test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_DEVICE_RELEASE,0); nNextTest++; break; case tReleaseSti: DisplayOutput("ReleaseSti test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"ReleaseSti test, loop %d, device %d",nTestCount,nDeviceNumber); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_IMAGE_RELEASE,0); nNextTest++; break; case tHelp: PostMessage(hWnd,WM_COMMAND,IDM_HELP,0); nNextTest++; break; case tTest: DisplayOutput(" Line %d",dwOut++); nNextTest++; break; case tEndOfTest: //
// Reached the end of test suite
DisplayOutput("test loop complete"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"test loop complete"); if (nICanScan) { DisplayOutput("-> %d loops (%d scans and %d errors) device %d", nTestCount,nScanCount,pdevPtr->nError,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"-> %d loops (%d scans and %d errors) device %d", nTestCount,nScanCount,pdevPtr->nError,nDeviceNumber); } else { DisplayOutput("-> %d loops (%d errors) device %d", nTestCount,pdevPtr->nError,nDeviceNumber); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"-> %d loops (%d errors) device %d", nTestCount,pdevPtr->nError,nDeviceNumber); }
// Have we run requested number of tests per device?
if (((nTestCount >= nMaxCount) && ((dwStiTotal == (DWORD) (nDeviceNumber)) || (dwStiTotal == 0)) && (nMaxCount != 0))) { DisplayOutput("Requested number of test loops per device "\ "reached"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Requested number of test loops per "\ "device reached");
// shut off timer and turn off automation
KillTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE); bAuto = FALSE; bResume = FALSE;
// print the test summary for the devices
DisplayOutput(""); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,""); if (pdevRoot == NULL) { DisplayOutput("No valid Still Imaging devices were found"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"No valid Still Imaging devices were found"); } else { PDEVLOG pD = pdevRoot; PERRECORD pR = NULL; BOOL bPF = FALSE;
DisplayOutput("Testing results:"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Testing results:");
do { DisplayOutput(" %S (%S)",pD->szLocalName,pD->szInternalName); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG," %S (%S)",pD->szLocalName, pD->szInternalName);
for (pR = pD->pRecord;pR->pNext != NULL;pR = pR->pNext) { if (pR->bFatal && pR->nCount) { DisplayOutput(" %s failures: %d", StrFromTable(pR->nTest,StSuiteStrings), pR->nCount); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG," %s failures: %d", StrFromTable(pR->nTest,StSuiteStrings), pR->nCount); //
// set the FAIL flag
bPF = TRUE; } } if (bPF == TRUE) { DisplayOutput("FAIL: This device has FAILED the "\ "Still Imaging Compliance test!"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"FAIL: This device has FAILED "\ "the Still Imaging Compliance test!"); } else { DisplayOutput("PASS: This device has PASSED the "\ "Still Imaging Compliance test!"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"PASS: This device has PASSED "\ "the Still Imaging Compliance test!"); }
// cycle through all devices, BREAK at end of list
if (pD->pNext) { pD = pD->pNext; DisplayOutput(""); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,""); bPF = FALSE; } else { DisplayOutput(""); break; } } while (TRUE); } //
// free the private lists and close Sti subsystem
ClosePrivateList(&pdevRoot); StiClose(&bReturn); //
// reset test counters
nDeviceNumber = 1; nNextTest = 0; nTestCount = 1;
DisplayOutput("End of testing"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"End of testing"); DisplayOutput("");
} else { //
// Point to first test (past initialization) in list.
nNextTest = 2; //
// select next device in device log
// Note that this list isn't dynamic for PNP changes...
nDeviceNumber = NextStiDevice();
// increment test pass counter if we're at first device again
if ((++nDeviceNumber) == 1) nTestCount++;
DisplayOutput(""); } break; default: DisplayOutput(""); DisplayOutput("Unimplemented test # %d",*pTest); DisplayOutput(""); nNextTest++; break; } //
// Resume the timer if the flag is set
if (bResume) { if (! SetTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE,nTimeNext * nTimeMultiplier,NULL)) { LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_APPNAME,pszStr1,MEDSTRING); ErrorMsg((HWND) NULL,"Too many clocks or timers!",pszStr1,TRUE); } } //
// Clear the nInTimerSemaphore
nInTimerSemaphore = 0;
// always return 0
return 0; }
int EndTest(HWND hWnd,int nNumTest)
After each test run cleanup. ******************************************************************************/ int EndTest(HWND hWnd,int nNumTest) { int nReturn = 0; // generic return value
BOOL bReturn; // generic return value
// shut off timer
// close any open still imaging devices
// save test stats if more than non-trivial number of tests run
if (nTestCount >= 2) { LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVINI,pszOut,LONGSTRING); LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVSECTION,pszStr4,LONGSTRING);
_itoa(nTestCount,pszStr2,10); WritePrivateProfileString(pszStr4,"Last count",pszStr2,pszOut); _itoa(nScanCount,pszStr2,10); WritePrivateProfileString(pszStr4,"Last scan",pszStr2,pszOut); _itoa(nError,pszStr2,10); WritePrivateProfileString(pszStr4,"Last error",pszStr2,pszOut); } DisplayOutput("Testing complete"); DisplayOutput("This run was %d loops (%d scans and %d errors)", nTestCount,nScanCount,nError);
// reset current line, errors
// nError = nNextLine = 0;
// end NT Logging
return nReturn; }
BOOL NTLogInit()
Initialize NT logging ******************************************************************************/ BOOL NTLogInit() { //
// Create the log object. We are specifying that the file be refreshed,
// and that logging be output for variations. The flags also specify that
// only output at SEV2, WARN and PASS levels should be logged.
LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_NTLOG,pszStr1,LONGSTRING); hNTLog = tlCreateLog(pszStr1,dwNTStyle); tlAddParticipant(hNTLog,NULL,0);
return (TRUE); }
Terminate NT logging ******************************************************************************/ BOOL NTLogEnd() {
tlRemoveParticipant(hNTLog); tlDestroyLog(hNTLog);
return (TRUE); }
void Help()
Display help. ******************************************************************************/ void Help() { DisplayOutput("Stillvue command line parameters"); DisplayOutput(""); DisplayOutput("Stillvue -COMPLIANCE"); DisplayOutput(" WHQL external Sti Compliance test"); DisplayOutput("Stillvue -SHIPCRIT"); DisplayOutput(" Internal PSD Sti Compliance test"); DisplayOutput("Stillvue -ERRORLOG"); DisplayOutput(" Errorlog limits test"); // DisplayOutput("Stillvue -EXIT");
// DisplayOutput(" Application will Exit after test completes");
DisplayOutput("Stillvue -NODIALOG"); DisplayOutput(" Don't display opening dialog"); DisplayOutput("Stillvue -HELP"); DisplayOutput(" Display this help"); DisplayOutput("");
DisplayOutput("Stillvue /INF test.inf"); DisplayOutput(" Read test.inf file"); DisplayOutput("Stillvue /LOG test.log"); DisplayOutput(" Write to test.log file"); DisplayOutput("Stillvue /"); DisplayOutput(" "); */
BOOL StartAutoTimer(HWND) Start the automated test timer
Parameters Handle to app's window
Return Return TRUE if successful, else FALSE
******************************************************************************/ BOOL StartAutoTimer(HWND hWnd) { BOOL bAutoTimer = TRUE;
// start the timer to run tests automatically
if (! SetTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE,nTimeNext * nTimeMultiplier,NULL)) { ErrorMsg((HWND) NULL,"Too many clocks or timers!",pszStr1,TRUE); bAutoTimer = FALSE; } else { EnableMenuItem(hMenu, IDM_PAUSE, MF_ENABLED); DisplayOutput("Starting the Automated tests"); }
return (bAutoTimer); }
BOOL ComplianceDialog(HWND) Call the Compliance test confirmation dialog
Parameters Handle to app's window
Return Return TRUE if user pressed OK, else FALSE
******************************************************************************/ BOOL ComplianceDialog(HWND hWnd) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if ((pSuite[0] == COMPLIANCE)&&(bCompDiag == TRUE)) { bReturn = fDialog(IDD_COMPLIANCE, hWnd, (FARPROC) Compliance); //
// implement the settings if user pressed OK
if (bReturn == FALSE) { //
// shut off timer and turn off automation
KillTimer(hWnd,TIMER_ONE); bAuto = FALSE;
// free the private lists
DisplayOutput("Testing cancelled at user request"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Testing cancelled at user request"); } else { DisplayOutput("Testing starting at user request"); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,"Testing starting at user request"); } }
return (bReturn); }
BOOL FAR PASCAL Compliance(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM) OK the Compliance test dialog
Parameters: The usual dialog box parameters.
Return: Result of the call.
******************************************************************************/ BOOL FAR PASCAL Compliance(HWND hDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { PDEVLOG pPtr = pdevRoot; int iIndex = 0;
switch (msg) {
// fill dialog with Sti Device Internal Names
if (pPtr == NULL) { //
// could not find any devices
wsprintf(pszStr1,"%s","No Sti devices found!"); iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_COMPLIANCE_DEV_NAME, LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); } else { for (;pPtr->szLocalName;) { //
// convert UNICODE string to ANSI
wsprintf(pszStr1,"%ls",pPtr->szLocalName); iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_COMPLIANCE_DEV_NAME, LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1);
if (pPtr->pNext) pPtr = pPtr->pNext; else break; } }
return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL FAR PASCAL Settings(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM) Miscellaneous settings dialog
Parameters: The usual dialog box parameters.
Return: Result of the call.
******************************************************************************/ BOOL FAR PASCAL Settings(HWND hDlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int iIndex; int iMC[] = { 0,1,10,100,200,300,-1 }; int iTN[] = { 1,2,5,10,20,30,-1 }; int iTS[] = { 10,20,30,60,120,-1 };
switch (msg) {
// fill the comboboxes
for (iIndex = 0;iMC[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { _itoa(iMC[iIndex],pszStr1,10); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_MAX_SCAN, CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); } for (iIndex = 0;iTN[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { _itoa(iTN[iIndex],pszStr1,10); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_AUTO_SECONDS, CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); } for (iIndex = 0;iTS[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { _itoa(iTS[iIndex],pszStr1,10); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_SCAN_SECONDS, CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); }
// set the combobox to the current setttings
for (iIndex = 0;iMC[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { if (nMaxCount == iMC[iIndex]) break; } SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_MAX_SCAN,CB_SETCURSEL,iIndex,0); for (iIndex = 0;iTN[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { if (nTimeNext == iTN[iIndex]) break; } SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_AUTO_SECONDS,CB_SETCURSEL,iIndex,0); for (iIndex = 0;iTS[iIndex] != -1;iIndex++) { if (nTimeScan == iTS[iIndex]) break; } SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_SCAN_SECONDS,CB_SETCURSEL,iIndex,0);
return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDOK: iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_MAX_SCAN,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_MAX_SCAN, CB_GETLBTEXT,iIndex,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); nTTMax = atoi(pszStr1);
iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_AUTO_SECONDS,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_AUTO_SECONDS, CB_GETLBTEXT,iIndex,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); nTTNext = atoi(pszStr1);
iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_SCAN_SECONDS,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); iIndex = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_SCAN_SECONDS, CB_GETLBTEXT,iIndex,(LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pszStr1); nTTScan = atoi(pszStr1);
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; }
} return FALSE; }
BOOL SizeDiff(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
Output redraw handler when window size changes. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL SizeDiff(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { RECT rcClient;
GetClientRect(hWnd,&rcClient); SetWindowPos(hLogWindow,NULL,0,0, rcClient.right+(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)*2), rcClient.bottom+(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)*2), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); // always return 0
return 0; }
Horizontal scroll handler. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL HScroll(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int iHscrollInc;
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case SB_LINEUP : iHscrollInc = -1 ; break ;
case SB_LINEDOWN : iHscrollInc = 1 ; break ;
case SB_PAGEUP : iHscrollInc = -8 ; break ;
case SB_PAGEDOWN : iHscrollInc = 8 ; break ;
case SB_THUMBPOSITION : iHscrollInc = HIWORD(wParam) - iHscrollPos ; break ;
default : iHscrollInc = 0 ; } iHscrollInc = max (-iHscrollPos, min (iHscrollInc, iHscrollMax - iHscrollPos)) ;
if (iHscrollInc != 0) { iHscrollPos += iHscrollInc ; ScrollWindow (hWnd, -cxChar * iHscrollInc, 0, NULL, NULL) ; SetScrollPos (hWnd, SB_HORZ, iHscrollPos, TRUE) ; } // always return 0
return 0; }
Vertical scroll handler. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL VScroll(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int iVscrollInc;
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) { case SB_TOP : iVscrollInc = -iVscrollPos ; break ;
case SB_BOTTOM : iVscrollInc = iVscrollMax - iVscrollPos ; break ;
case SB_LINEUP : iVscrollInc = -1 ; break ;
case SB_LINEDOWN : iVscrollInc = 1 ; break ;
case SB_PAGEUP : iVscrollInc = min (-1, -cyClient / cyChar) ; break ;
case SB_PAGEDOWN : iVscrollInc = max (1, cyClient / cyChar) ; break ;
case SB_THUMBTRACK : iVscrollInc = HIWORD (wParam) - iVscrollPos ; break ;
default : iVscrollInc = 0 ; } iVscrollInc = max (-iVscrollPos, min (iVscrollInc, iVscrollMax - iVscrollPos)) ;
if (iVscrollInc != 0) { iVscrollPos += iVscrollInc ; ScrollWindow (hWnd, 0, -cyChar * iVscrollInc, NULL, NULL) ; SetScrollPos (hWnd, SB_VERT, iVscrollPos, TRUE) ; UpdateWindow (hWnd) ; } // always return 0
return 0; }
Initialization and global allocation. Return 0 to continue creation of window, -1 to quit ******************************************************************************/ BOOL Creation(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { TEXTMETRIC tm; RECT rRect; HDC hDC;
// seed random generator
// create the 5 display and utility strings
if (! ((hLHand[0] = LocalAlloc(LPTR,LONGSTRING)) && (pszOut = (PSTR) LocalLock(hLHand[0])))) return -1; if (! ((hLHand[1] = LocalAlloc(LPTR,LONGSTRING)) && (pszStr2 = (PSTR) LocalLock(hLHand[1])))) return -1; if (! ((hLHand[2] = LocalAlloc(LPTR,LONGSTRING)) && (pszStr1 = (PSTR) LocalLock(hLHand[2])))) return -1; if (! ((hLHand[3] = LocalAlloc(LPTR,LONGSTRING)) && (pszStr3 = (PSTR) LocalLock(hLHand[3])))) return -1; if (! ((hLHand[4] = LocalAlloc(LPTR,LONGSTRING)) && (pszStr4 = (PSTR) LocalLock(hLHand[4])))) return -1;
// create output display window
hDC = GetDC(hWnd); GetTextMetrics(hDC,&tm);
cxChar = tm.tmAveCharWidth ; cxCaps = (tm.tmPitchAndFamily & 1 ? 3 : 2) * cxChar / 2 ; cyChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading ; iMaxWidth = 40 * cxChar + 22 * cxCaps ;
if (NULL == (hLogWindow = CreateWindow("LISTBOX",NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_NOSEL, 0,0,rRect.right,rRect.bottom,hWnd,NULL, (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_HINSTANCE),NULL))) return -1;
// create the DIB to display scanned image
// return 0 to continue creation of window
return 0; }
Current instance termination routines. Free error message buffer, send destroy window message. Note that if Creation() fails, pszMessage is 0. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL Destruction(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int x; // loop counter
LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVINI,pszStr2,LONGSTRING); LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVSECTION,pszStr1,LONGSTRING);
// save window location
// free the 5 display and utility strings
for (x = 0;x < 5;x++) { LocalUnlock(hLHand[x]); LocalFree(hLHand[x]); }
// delete the DIB object
// free the output and main windows
DestroyWindow(hLogWindow); DestroyWindow(hWnd);
// always return 0
return 0; }
const CHAR cszStiBroadcastPrefix[] = TEXT("STI");
BOOL OnDeviceChange(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { struct _DEV_BROADCAST_USERDEFINED *pBroadcastHeader;
if (wParam == DBT_USERDEFINED ) {
pBroadcastHeader = (struct _DEV_BROADCAST_USERDEFINED *)lParam;
__try {
if (pBroadcastHeader && (pBroadcastHeader->dbud_dbh.dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_OEM) && (_strnicmp(pBroadcastHeader->dbud_szName,cszStiBroadcastPrefix,lstrlen(cszStiBroadcastPrefix)) == 0) ) {
// Got STI device broadcast
DisplayOutput("Received STI device broadcast with message:%s ", pBroadcastHeader->dbud_szName + lstrlen(cszStiBroadcastPrefix));
} } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { ::GetExceptionCode(); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL FirstInstance(HANDLE)
Register the window. Return TRUE/FALSE on success/failure. ******************************************************************************/ BOOL FirstInstance(HINSTANCE hInst) { PWNDCLASS pClass; PSTR pszClass;
if (! (pszClass = (PSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, LONGSTRING))) return FALSE; LoadString((HINSTANCE)hInst, IDS_CLASSNAME, pszClass, LONGSTRING);
pClass = (PWNDCLASS) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WNDCLASS));
// set hbrBackground to 0 for no background (app draws background)
// use COLOR_BACKGROUND+1 for desktop color
pClass->style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; pClass->lpfnWndProc = WiskProc; pClass->cbClsExtra = 0; pClass->cbWndExtra = 0; pClass->hInstance = (HINSTANCE)hInst; pClass->hIcon = LoadIcon((HINSTANCE)hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_STI)); pClass->hCursor = LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW); pClass->hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1); pClass->lpszMenuName = NULL; pClass->lpszClassName = (LPSTR) pszClass;
if (! (RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS) pClass))) return FALSE;
LocalFree((HANDLE) pClass); LocalFree((HANDLE) pszClass);
return TRUE; }
Create a window for current instance. Return handle to window (which is 0 on failure) ******************************************************************************/ HWND MakeWindow(HINSTANCE hInst) { HWND hWindow; PSTR pszA,pszB; RECT rect; DWORD dwError;
// if we can't get string memory, shut down app
if (pszA = (PSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, LONGSTRING)) { if (! (pszB = (PSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, LONGSTRING))) { LocalFree((HANDLE) pszA); return FALSE; } } else return FALSE;
// get the caption, classname
hWindow = CreateWindow((LPSTR) pszB, (LPSTR) pszA, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, (HWND) NULL, 0, hInst, NULL);
if (hWindow == 0) dwError = GetLastError();
// Save Instance globally
hThisInstance = hInst;
LocalFree((HANDLE) pszB); LocalFree((HANDLE) pszA);
return hWindow; }
void DisplayOutput(LPSTR pString,...)
Show text on the display window ******************************************************************************/ void DisplayOutput(LPSTR pString,...) { char Buffer[512]; MSG msg; int iIndex; va_list list;
va_start(list,pString); vsprintf(Buffer,pString,list);
if (ulCount1++ == MAX_LOOP) { ulCount1 = 1; ulCount2++; SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); }
iIndex = SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)Buffer); SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_SETCURSEL,iIndex,(LPARAM)MAKELONG(FALSE,0));
while (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }
UpdateWindow(hLogWindow); }
void LogOutput(int,LPSTR pString,...)
Show text on the display window ******************************************************************************/ void LogOutput(int nVerbose,LPSTR pString,...) { char Buffer[512]; MSG msg; int iIndex; va_list list;
va_start(list,pString); vsprintf(Buffer,pString,list);
if (ulCount1++ == MAX_LOOP) { ulCount1 = 1; ulCount2++; SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); }
iIndex = SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)Buffer); SendMessage(hLogWindow,LB_SETCURSEL,iIndex,(LPARAM)MAKELONG(FALSE,0));
while (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }
UpdateWindow(hLogWindow); }
void StiDisplayError(HRESULT,char *,BOOL) Display verbose error information
Parameters: HRESULT from failed call failed call title string BOOL TRUE to record error, else ignore it
Return: none
*****************************************************************************/ void FatalError(char *szMsg) { DisplayOutput(szMsg); DisplayOutput("* FATAL ERROR CANNOT CONTINUE *");
return; }
void DisplayLogPassFail(BOOL bPass)
******************************************************************************/ void DisplayLogPassFail(BOOL bPass) { if (bPass) sprintf(pszStr1," PASS"); else sprintf(pszStr1," FAIL"); DisplayOutput(pszStr1); DisplayOutput(""); tlLog(hNTLog,TL_LOG,pszStr1); }
BOOL ParseCmdLine(LPSTR lpCmdLine)
Parse the command line for valid options
Return TRUE if an automated test was selected, else FALSE ******************************************************************************/ BOOL ParseCmdLine(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { int nAnyTest = 0, nInfFile = 0, nLogFile = 0, nWLogFile = 0, next; char *pArg, *szPtr, szTmpBuf[LONGSTRING];
if (*lpCmdLine) { DisplayOutput("Command line: \"%s\"",lpCmdLine); DisplayOutput(""); }
for (pArg = lpCmdLine;*pArg;) { next = NextToken(szTmpBuf,pArg); pArg += next;
// remove the common command line separators (if present)
if (szTmpBuf[0] == '/' || szTmpBuf[0] == '-') strcpy(szTmpBuf,(szTmpBuf + 1));
// upper case our parameter
for (szPtr = &szTmpBuf[0];*szPtr;szPtr++) *szPtr = toupper(*szPtr);
// Look for other switches
switch(szTmpBuf[0]) { case '?': case 'H': if (! nAnyTest) { // request for help
if ((! strncmp("?",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf)) || (! strncmp("HELP",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))))) { pSuite = nHelpSuite; nMaxCount = 1; nAnyTest = 1; } } break; case 'C': if (! nAnyTest) { // external Sti compliance test
if (! strncmp("COMPLIANCE",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { pSuite = nComplianceSuite; nMaxCount = 3; nTimeScan = 10; nTimeNext = 1; nAnyTest = 1;
// get handle to the compliance menu
hMenu = LoadMenu(hThisInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_STI_COMP)); } } break; case 'E': if (! nAnyTest) { // external Sti compliance test
if (! strncmp("ERRORLOG",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { pSuite = nErrorlogSuite; nMaxCount = 1; nTimeNext = 1; nAnyTest = 1; } } // exit when test has run
if (! strncmp("EXIT",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) bExit = TRUE; break; case 'I': if (! nInfFile) { // read test instructions from an .INF file
if (! strncmp("INF",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { // inf file stuff
nInfFile = 1; } } break; case 'L': if (! nLogFile) { // write screen output to .LOG file
if (! strncmp("LOG",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { // log file stuff
nLogFile = 1; } } break; case 'N': // don't show COMPLIANCE test dialog
if (! strncmp("NODIALOG",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) bCompDiag = FALSE; break; case 'S': if (! nAnyTest) { // internal Sti SHIPCRIT test
if (! strncmp("SHIPCRIT",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { pSuite = nShipcritSuite; nMaxCount = 200; nTimeScan = 10; nTimeNext = 1; nAnyTest = 1; } } // the application was launched by an Sti event!
if (! (strncmp(STIEVENTARG,szTmpBuf, strlen(STIEVENTARG))) || (! (strncmp(STIDEVARG,szTmpBuf, strlen(STIDEVARG))))) { nEvent = 1; MessageBox(NULL,szTmpBuf,"Stillvue",MB_OK); } break; case 'T': if (! nAnyTest) { // external Sti compliance test
if (! strncmp("TEST",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { pSuite = nOutputSuite; nMaxCount = 0; nTimeNext = 1; nAnyTest = 1; nTimeMultiplier = 1; } } break; case 'W': if (! nWLogFile) { // write NTLOG output to STIWHQL.LOG file
if (! strncmp("WHQL",szTmpBuf,strlen(szTmpBuf))) { // log file stuff
nWLogFile = 1; } } break; default: break; } }
if (nAnyTest) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
The app itself. ******************************************************************************/ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; // message passing structure
HWND hWnd; // Handle to main window
HMENU hMenuPopup; // add ports to PORT menu
// exit if registration and window creation fail
if (! FirstInstance (hInstance)) return FALSE;
// Can't create window? Bail out
if (! (hWnd = MakeWindow (hInstance))) return FALSE;
// save instance
hThisInstance = hInstance;
// initialize NT Logging
// display name of this app
LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_APPNAME,pszOut,LONGSTRING); LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_CAPTION,pszStr2,LONGSTRING); wsprintf(pszStr1,"%s - %s",pszOut,pszStr2); DisplayOutput(pszStr1);
// display last run statistics
{ int nCount, nScan, nError;
LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVINI,pszStr3,LONGSTRING); LoadString(hThisInstance,IDS_PRIVSECTION,pszStr4,LONGSTRING);
nCount = GetPrivateProfileInt(pszStr4,"Last count",0,pszStr3); nScan = GetPrivateProfileInt(pszStr4,"Last scan",0,pszStr3); nError = GetPrivateProfileInt(pszStr4,"Last error",0,pszStr3);
wsprintf(pszStr1, "Last run was %d loops (%d scans and %d errors)", nCount,nScan,nError); DisplayOutput(pszStr1); }
// get handle to the standard menu
hMenu = LoadMenu(hThisInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_STI_LAB));
// parse the command line
bAuto = ParseCmdLine(lpCmdLine);
// start test timer if automated test on command line
if (bAuto) { bAuto = StartAutoTimer(hWnd); }
// start Sti event handler if an Sti event launched us
if (nEvent) { BOOL bReturn;
StiCreateInstance(&bReturn); StiEnum(&bReturn); StiEvent(hWnd); // select the device that called the event
StiSelect(hWnd,EVENT,&bReturn); }
// load the selected menu
hMenuPopup = CreateMenu(); SetMenu(hWnd, hMenu);
while (GetMessage(&msg,(HWND) NULL,0,0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); }
return 0; }
The main exported procedure. ******************************************************************************/ long FAR PASCAL WiskProc(HWND hWnd,UINT wMsgID,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (wMsgID) { case WM_COMMAND: return CommandParse(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_TIMER: return TimerParse(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_SIZE: return SizeDiff(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_HSCROLL: return HScroll(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_VSCROLL: return VScroll(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_CLOSE: EndTest(hWnd,0); return Destruction(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return 0L;
case WM_CREATE: return Creation(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
case WM_DEVICECHANGE: return OnDeviceChange(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam);
default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd,wMsgID,wParam,lParam); } }