Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of a (dumb and) fast heap allocator
Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 06-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef MYHEAP_H
#define MYHEAP_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#define ALIGNMENT 8
#endif //WIN32
#ifdef _WIN64
#define ALIGNMENT 16
#endif //WIN64
typedef enum { nAllocBlockSize = 64*1024 };
template <size_t nBucketSize = nAllocBlockSize> class CMyHeap { public: CMyHeap() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs);
m_pBucket = 0; m_pNextFree = 0; }
~CMyHeap() { DumpAllocations(); FreeAllBuckets();
DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
void *allocate(size_t nSize, ULONG uFlags = 0) { int nAllocSize = AllocSize(nSize);
if (nAllocSize < 0) { if (uFlags & HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS) { RaiseException(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, 0, 0, 0); }
return 0; }
if (!(uFlags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// do we have enough buffer space?
if (m_pBucket == 0 || m_pNextFree + nAllocSize > (PBYTE) m_pBucket + nBucketSize) { // if we can manage the requested allocation size,
// try to allocate a new bucket
if (nAllocSize > nBucketSize || AllocNewBucket() == false) { // if we fail the allocation, return 0 or raise an exception
if (!(uFlags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
if (uFlags & HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS) { RaiseException(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, 0, 0, 0); }
return 0; } }
// ok, we have enough space, allocate and initialize a block
CAllocation *pAllocation = (CAllocation *) m_pNextFree; pAllocation->m_nRefCount = 1; pAllocation->m_nDataSize = nSize;
m_pNextFree += nAllocSize; m_pBucket->m_nAllocated += nAllocSize;
ASSERT(m_pBucket->m_nAllocated < nBucketSize);
// we are done
if (!(uFlags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
if (uFlags & HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY) { // virtual alloc has already given us zero-init memory
return pAllocation->m_Data; }
template <class T> T *allocate_array(size_t nItems, ULONG uFlags = 0) { return (T *) g_MyHeap.allocate(nItems * sizeof(T), uFlags); }
void AddRef(void *pMem) { if (pMem) { CAllocation *pAllocation = CONTAINING_RECORD(pMem, CAllocation, m_Data);
ASSERT(pAllocation->m_nRefCount != 0);
InterlockedIncrement(&pAllocation->m_nRefCount); } }
void deallocate(void *pMem, ULONG uFlags = 0) { if (!(uFlags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); }
// find which bucket this allocation belongs to
CBucket *pBucket;
if (nBucketSize == nAllocBlockSize) { // if the bucket size is aligned with the VirtualAlloc block size,
// then simply zero the lower WORD to reach to the base address
pBucket = (CBucket *) ((UINT_PTR)pMem & ~(nAllocBlockSize-1)); } else { // the general case: find the bucket by walking though each one
for ( pBucket = m_pBucket; pBucket != 0 && !pBucket->Contains(pMem); pBucket = pBucket->m_pNextBucket ); }
// if we have found the container bucket, release the allocation
if (pBucket) { CAllocation *pAllocation = CONTAINING_RECORD(pMem, CAllocation, m_Data);
pAllocation->m_nRefCount -= 1;
ASSERT(pAllocation->m_nRefCount >= 0);
// delete the allocation if the reference count is zero
if (pAllocation->m_nRefCount == 0) { pBucket->m_nAllocated -= AllocSize(pAllocation->m_nDataSize);
ASSERT(pBucket->m_nAllocated >= 0); // if all the allocation units in this bucket are freed,
// free the bucket
if (pBucket->m_nAllocated == 0) { FreeBucket(pBucket); } } }
if (!(uFlags & HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE)) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } }
size_t max_size() const { return nBucketSize; }
bool DumpAllocations() const { bool bResult = true;
CBucket *pBucket = m_pBucket;
while (pBucket) { CAllocation *pAllocation = (CAllocation *) pBucket->m_Data;
while (pAllocation->m_nDataSize != 0) { if (pAllocation->m_nRefCount != 0) { OutputDebugStringF( _T("0x%p, DataSize=%d, RefCount=%d; %s\n"), pAllocation->m_Data, pAllocation->m_nDataSize, pAllocation->m_nRefCount, pAllocation->m_Data ); }
pAllocation = (CAllocation *) ((PBYTE)pAllocation + AllocSize(pAllocation->m_nDataSize)); }
pBucket = pBucket->m_pNextBucket; }
return bResult; }
private: struct CBucket { CBucket *m_pNextBucket; LONG m_nAllocated; BYTE m_Data[ANYSIZE_ARRAY];
bool Contains(const void *pMem) const { return (PBYTE)pMem >= (PBYTE)m_Data && (PBYTE)pMem < (PBYTE)this + nBucketSize; } };
struct CAllocation { size_t m_nDataSize; LONG m_nRefCount; BYTE m_Data[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; };
private: static size_t AllocSize(int nDataSize) { return (nDataSize + FIELD_OFFSET(CAllocation, m_Data) + (ALIGNMENT-1)) & ~(ALIGNMENT-1); }
bool AllocNewBucket() { CBucket *pBucket = (CBucket *) VirtualAlloc( 0, nBucketSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if (pBucket) { pBucket->m_pNextBucket = m_pBucket;
m_pBucket = pBucket; m_pNextFree = pBucket->m_Data;
return true; }
return false; }
void FreeBucket(CBucket *pThisBucket) { CBucket **ppBucket = &m_pBucket; ASSERT(*ppBucket != 0);
while (*ppBucket != pThisBucket) { ppBucket = &((*ppBucket)->m_pNextBucket); ASSERT(*ppBucket != 0); }
*ppBucket = pThisBucket->m_pNextBucket;
VirtualFree(pThisBucket, 0, MEM_RELEASE); }
void FreeAllBuckets() { CBucket *pBucket = m_pBucket;
while (pBucket) { CBucket *pThisBucket = pBucket; pBucket = pBucket->m_pNextBucket; VirtualFree(pThisBucket, 0, MEM_RELEASE); }
m_pBucket = 0; m_pNextFree = 0; }
private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; CBucket *m_pBucket; PBYTE m_pNextFree; };
extern CMyHeap<> g_MyHeap;
template <class T> class CMyAlloc //: public allocator<T>
{ public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef T *pointer; typedef const T *const_pointer; typedef T &reference; typedef const T &const_reference; typedef T value_type;
pointer allocate(size_type N, const void *) { return (pointer) g_MyHeap.allocate(N); }
char *_Charalloc(size_type N) { return (char *) g_MyHeap.allocate(N); }
void deallocate(void *P, size_type) { g_MyHeap.deallocate(P); }
size_type max_size() const { return g_MyHeap.max_size(); } };
template<class T, class U> inline bool operator ==(const CMyAlloc<T>&, const CMyAlloc<U>&) { return true; }
template<class T, class U> inline bool operator !=(const CMyAlloc<T>&, const CMyAlloc<U>&) { return false; }
class CMyStr { public: CMyStr() { m_pStr = 0; }
~CMyStr() { g_MyHeap.deallocate(m_pStr); }
explicit CMyStr(int nLength) { m_pStr = (PTSTR) g_MyHeap.allocate(nLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); m_pStr[0] = _T('\0'); }
CMyStr(PCTSTR pStr) { DupStr(pStr); }
CMyStr(const CMyStr &rhs) { g_MyHeap.AddRef(rhs.m_pStr); m_pStr = rhs.m_pStr; }
CMyStr &operator =(PCTSTR pStr) { g_MyHeap.deallocate(m_pStr); DupStr(pStr); return *this; }
CMyStr &operator =(const CMyStr &rhs) { g_MyHeap.AddRef(rhs.m_pStr); g_MyHeap.deallocate(m_pStr); m_pStr = rhs.m_pStr; return *this; }
operator PTSTR() { return m_pStr; }
operator PCTSTR() const { return m_pStr; }
private: void DupStr(PCTSTR pStr) { if (!pStr) { pStr = _T(""); }
m_pStr = (PTSTR) g_MyHeap.allocate((_tcslen(pStr) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (m_pStr) { _tcscpy(m_pStr, pStr); } }
private: PTSTR m_pStr; };
#endif //MYHEAP_H