Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 06-Apr-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef _WIAHELPERS_H_
#define _WIAHELPERS_H_
// cross references
#include "ComWrappers.h"
#include "WiaWrappers.h"
class CMyWiaPropertyStorage : public IWiaPropertyStorage { public: HRESULT ReadSingle( const CPropSpec &PropSpec, CPropVariant *pPropVariant ) { return ReadMultiple(1, &PropSpec, pPropVariant); }
HRESULT WriteSingle( const CPropSpec &PropSpec, const CPropVariant &PropVariant, PROPID propidNameFirst = WIA_IPA_FIRST ) { return WriteMultiple(1, &PropSpec, &PropVariant, propidNameFirst); }
HRESULT ReadSingle( const CPropSpec &PropSpec, CPropVariant *pPropVariant, VARTYPE vtNew );
HRESULT WriteVerifySingle( const CPropSpec &PropSpec, const CPropVariant &PropVariant, PROPID propidNameFirst = WIA_IPA_FIRST ); };
HRESULT ReadWiaItemProperty( IWiaItem *pWiaItem, const CPropSpec &PropSpec, CPropVariant *pPropVariant, VARTYPE vtNew );
HRESULT WriteWiaItemProperty( IWiaItem *pWiaItem, const CPropSpec &PropSpec, const CPropVariant &PropVariant );
bool operator ==(IWiaPropertyStorage &lhs, IWiaPropertyStorage &rhs);
inline bool operator !=(IWiaPropertyStorage &lhs, IWiaPropertyStorage &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
bool operator ==(IWiaItem &lhs, IWiaItem &rhs);
inline bool operator !=(IWiaItem &lhs, IWiaItem &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
// define these classes to be able to overload the == and != operators
class CIWiaPropertyStoragePtr : public CComPtr<IWiaPropertyStorage> { public: bool operator ==(CIWiaPropertyStoragePtr &rhs) { return **this == *rhs; }
bool operator !=(CIWiaPropertyStoragePtr &rhs) { return !(**this == *rhs); } };
class CIWiaItemPtr : public CComPtr<IWiaItem> { public: bool operator ==(CIWiaItemPtr &rhs) { return **this == *rhs; }
bool operator !=(CIWiaItemPtr &rhs) { return !(**this == *rhs); } };
class CMyEnumSTATPROPSTG : public IEnumSTATPROPSTG { public: HRESULT GetCount(ULONG *pcelt); HRESULT Clone(CMyEnumSTATPROPSTG **ppenum); };
BOOL InstallImageDeviceFromInf( PCTSTR pInfFileName, PCTSTR pDeviceName = 0 );
HRESULT InstallTestDevice( IWiaDevMgr *pWiaDevMgr, PCTSTR pInfFileName, BSTR *pbstrDeviceId );
#endif //_WIAHELPERS_H_