Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the prefetcher definitions that are shared between the kernel mode component and the user mode service.
Stuart Sechrest (stuartse) Cenk Ergan (cenke) Chuck Leinzmeier (chuckl)
Revision History:
#ifndef _PREFETCH_H
#define _PREFETCH_H
// Prefetcher version. Be sure to update this after making any changes
// to any defines or structures in this file. When in doubt, update
// the version.
// Magic numbers to identify scenario dump files.
#define PF_SCENARIO_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x41434353
#define PF_TRACE_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x43435341
#define PF_SYSINFO_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x6B756843
// Define various limits used in sanity checking a prefetch scenario.
// Do not use these limits except for sanity checking. Most of these are
// very large values that are overkills.
#define PF_MAXIMUM_PAGES (128*1024)
#define PF_MAXIMUM_FILE_NAME_DATA_SIZE (4*1024*1024)
#define PF_MAXIMUM_TIMER_PERIOD (-1i64 * 10 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10)
// This is the maximum size a scenario can grow to.
#define PF_MAXIMUM_SCENARIO_SIZE (16*1024*1024)
// This is the maximum size a trace file can grow to. It is a function
// of the limits above.
// Maximum allowed sections in a scenario should fit into a USHORT,
// sizeof the SectionId field in log entries.
// Maximum number of unique directories the files for a scenario can
// be in. This is a sanity check constant.
// Minimum size in pages for new scenarios. Smaller traces will be discarded.
// Define various types of prefetch scenarios (starting from 0).
typedef enum _PF_SCENARIO_TYPE { PfApplicationLaunchScenarioType, PfSystemBootScenarioType, PfMaxScenarioType, } PF_SCENARIO_TYPE;
// Define structure used to identify traces and prefetch instructions
// for a scenario. For application launch scenarios, it consists of
// the first characters in the executable image's name (NUL
// terminated) and a hash of its full path including the image
// name. Both path and image name are uppercased. On a file system
// with case sensitive names executables at the same path with the
// same name except for case will get the same id.
// This is the scenario name and hash code value for the boot scenario.
// Extension for the prefetch files.
// A scenario id can be converted to a file name using the following
// sprintf format, using ScenName, HashId and prefetch file extension.
#define PF_SCEN_FILE_NAME_FORMAT L"%ws-%08X.%ws"
// This is the maximum number of characters in a scenario file name
// (not path) given the format and definitions above with some head
// room.
// Define the number of periods over which we track page faults for a
// scenario. The duration of the periods depend on the scenario type.
// Define maximum number of characters for the relative path from
// system root to where prefetch files can be found.
// Define maximum number of characters for the list of known hosting
// applications.
// Define invalid page index used to terminate a section's page record
// lists in scenarios.
#define PF_INVALID_PAGE_IDX (-1)
// Define the number of launches of the scenario we keep track of for
// usage history of pages. In every page record there is a bit field
// of this size. Do not grow this over 32, size of (ULONG).
// Define the maximum and minimum scenario sensitivity. A page has to be
// used in this many of the launches in the history for it to be prefetch.
// Define structure for kernel trace dumps. The dump is all in a
// single contiguous buffer at the top of which is the trace header
// structure. The trace header contains offsets to an array of log
// entries in the buffer and to a list of section info
// structures. Section info structures come one after the other
// containing file names. There is a log entry for every page
// fault. Every log entry has a SectionId that is the number of the
// section info structure that contains the name of the file the fault
// was to. These are followed by variable sized volumeinfo entries
// that describe the volumes on which the sections in the trace are
// located.
// NOTE: Do not forget about alignment issues on 64 bit platforms as
// you modify these structures or add new ones.
// One of these is logged for every page fault.
typedef struct _PF_LOG_ENTRY {
// File offset of the page that was faulted.
ULONG FileOffset;
// Index into the section info table in the trace header that helps
// us identify the file.
USHORT SectionId;
// Whether this page was faulted as an image page or data page.
// Whether this is a fault that happened in the process in which
// the scenario is active. We may log faults in special system
// process as a part of this scenario.
BOOLEAN InProcess;
// This structure associates a page fault with a file name.
// Note that because we lay these structures right after each other in
// the trace buffer, if you add a new field which has an alignment
// greater than 2 bytes, we'll hit alignment problems.
typedef struct _PF_SECTION_INFO {
// Number of characters in the file name, excluding terminating NUL.
USHORT FileNameLength;
// Whether this section is for filesystem metafile (e.g. directory.)
USHORT Metafile:1; USHORT Unused:15;
// Variable length file name buffer including terminating NUL.
WCHAR FileName[1];
// This structure describes a volume on which the sections in the
// trace are on.
typedef struct _PF_VOLUME_INFO {
// Volume creation time and serial number used to identify the
// volume in case its NT/device path e.g. \Device\HarddiskVolume1
// changes.
LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; ULONG SerialNumber;
// Current NT/device path for the volume and its length in
// characters excluding terminating NUL.
ULONG VolumePathLength; WCHAR VolumePath[1];
// This is the trace header.
typedef struct _PF_TRACE_HEADER {
// Prefetcher version.
ULONG Version;
// Magic number identifying this as a trace.
ULONG MagicNumber;
// Total size of the trace buffer in bytes.
// Scenario id for which this trace was acquired.
// Type of this scenario.
// Offset from the start of the trace buffer where logged
// entries can be found and the number of them.
ULONG TraceBufferOffset; ULONG NumEntries;
// Offset from the start of the trace buffer where the section and
// file name information is located.
ULONG SectionInfoOffset; ULONG NumSections;
// Offset from the start of the trace buffer where the volume
// information is located, the number of volumes and the total
// size of the volume information block.
ULONG VolumeInfoOffset; ULONG NumVolumes; ULONG VolumeInfoSize;
// Distribution of the pagefaults over the duration of the trace.
// PeriodLength is in 100ns.
// System time when we started tracing this scenario as
// returned by KeQuerySystemTime.
// Define structure for prefetch scenario instructions. The
// instructions are all in a single contiguous buffer at the top of
// which is the scenario header structure. The header contains offsets
// to arrays of section and page records as well as a file name data
// buffer. Every section contains an offset into the file name data
// buffer where the file name for that section is located. It also has
// an index into the page record table where the first page for that
// section is located. Subsequent pages of the section are linked
// through indices embedded in the page records.
// This data is followed by the file system metadata prefetch
// instructions so opening the files will not be as expensive. These
// instructions consist of metadata records that describe the metadata
// that needs to be prefetched on the volumes containing the files to
// be prefetched.
// NOTE: Do not forget about alignment issues on 64 bit platforms as
// you modify these structures or add new ones.
// Define structure used for describing pages to be prefetched.
typedef struct _PF_PAGE_RECORD { //
// Index of the next page for this section in the page record
// table or PF_INVALID_PAGE_IDX to terminate the list.
LONG NextPageIdx;
// File offset of the page that was faulted.
ULONG FileOffset;
// Whether we should just ignore this page record.
ULONG IsIgnore:1;
// Whether this page was faulted as an image page.
ULONG IsImage:1;
// Whether this page was faulted as a data page.
ULONG IsData:1;
// The following fields are only used by the service:
// Whether this page was used in the last PF_PAGE_HISTORY_SIZE
// launches of the scenario. The least significant bit stands for
// the most recent launch. If a bit is on, it means the page was
// used in that launch.
// Whether this page was prefetched in the last PF_PAGE_HISTORY_SIZE
// launches of the scenario. The least significant bit stands for
// the most recent launch. If a bit is on, it means the page was
// prefetched in that launch.
// Define structure used for describing sections to prefetch from.
typedef struct _PF_SECTION_RECORD { //
// Index of the first page for this section in the page record
// table or PF_INVALID_PAGE_IDX to terminate the list. That page
// will contain the index for the next page etc.
LONG FirstPageIdx;
// Total number of page records for this section.
ULONG NumPages;
// Byte offset relative to the beginning of the file name data
// block where the file path for this section can be found, and
// the number of characters in the file path excluding NUL.
ULONG FileNameOffset; ULONG FileNameLength;
// Do we just ignore this section record.
ULONG IsIgnore:1;
// Was this section accessed through an image mapping.
ULONG IsImage:1;
// Was this section accessed through a data mapping.
ULONG IsData:1;
// Define a counted string structure. It can be used to put paths one
// after the other in the scenario/trace file. Its count coming before
// the string would help us verify that the strings are terminated and
// within bounds. The string is still NUL terminated.
typedef struct _PF_COUNTED_STRING { //
// Number of characters excluding the terminating NUL. Making this
// a USHORT helps alignment when stacking counted strings one
// after the other.
USHORT Length; //
// The NUL terminated string.
WCHAR String[1];
// Define structure used for describing the filesystem metadata that
// should be prefetched before prefetching the scenario.
typedef struct _PF_METADATA_RECORD {
// Byte offset relative to the beginning of metadata prefetch info
// for the NUL terminated volume name on which the metadata to
// prefetch resides. VolumeNameLength is in characters excluding
// the terminating NUL.
ULONG VolumeNameOffset; ULONG VolumeNameLength;
// In case volume's NT/device path changes, these magics are used
// to identify the volume.
LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime; ULONG SerialNumber; //
// Byte offset relative to the beginning of metadata prefetch info
// for the input buffer to FSCTL to prefetch the metadata and its size.
ULONG FilePrefetchInfoOffset; ULONG FilePrefetchInfoSize;
// Byte offset relative to the beginning of metadata prefetch info
// for the full paths of directories (PF_COUNTED_STRING's) that
// need to be prefetched on this volume. The paths come one after
// the other in the buffer.
ULONG DirectoryPathsOffset; ULONG NumDirectories;
// This is the scenario header.
typedef struct _PF_SCENARIO_HEADER { //
// Prefetcher version.
ULONG Version;
// Magic number identifying this as a scenario.
ULONG MagicNumber;
// This is the version of the prefetcher maintenance service that
// generated this file.
ULONG ServiceVersion;
// Total size of the scenario.
// Scenario id identifying the scenario.
// Type of this scenario.
// Offset from the start of the scenario buffer where the section
// info table is located.
ULONG SectionInfoOffset; ULONG NumSections;
// Offset from the start of the scenario buffer where the page
// records are located.
ULONG PageInfoOffset; ULONG NumPages;
// Offset from the start of the scenario buffer where file names
// are located.
ULONG FileNameInfoOffset; ULONG FileNameInfoSize;
// Offset from the start of the scenario buffer where file system
// metadata prefetch record table is located, number of these
// structures and the size of the whole metadata prefetch
// information.
ULONG MetadataInfoOffset; ULONG NumMetadataRecords; ULONG MetadataInfoSize;
// The following three fields are used to determine if a scenario
// is getting launched too frequently (e.g. multiple times a
// second/minute) for prefetching to be useful.
// This is the KeQuerySystemTime time of the last launch of this
// scenario for which these scenario instructions were updated.
// If this much time (in 100ns) has not passed since last launch
// time, we should not prefetch this scenario.
LARGE_INTEGER MinRePrefetchTime;
// If this much time (in 100ns) has not passed since last launch
// time, we should not trace this scenario.
// The following fields are used only by the service:
// Number of times this scenario has been launched.
ULONG NumLaunches;
// A page should be used at least this many times in the last
// PF_PAGE_HISTORY_SIZE launches to be prefetched. Otherwise the
// ignore bit on the page is set. The kernel does not have look at
// this variable. The sensitivity is adjusted dynamically by the
// service according to the hit rate of the prefetched pages.
ULONG Sensitivity;
// Definitions for the interface between the kernel and the service.
// This is the name of the event that will be signaled by the kernel
// when there are new scenario traces for the service.
#define PF_COMPLETED_TRACES_EVENT_NAME L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\PrefetchTracesReady"
#define PF_COMPLETED_TRACES_EVENT_WIN32_NAME L"PrefetchTracesReady"
// This is the name of the event that gets signaled by the kernel when
// parameters have changed.
#define PF_PARAMETERS_CHANGED_EVENT_NAME L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\PrefetchParametersChanged"
#define PF_PARAMETERS_CHANGED_EVENT_WIN32_NAME L"PrefetchParametersChanged"
// Define sub information classes for SystemPrefetcherInformation.
typedef enum _PREFETCHER_INFORMATION_CLASS { PrefetcherRetrieveTrace = 1, PrefetcherSystemParameters, PrefetcherBootPhase, } PREFETCHER_INFORMATION_CLASS;
// This is the input structure to NtQuerySystemInformation /
// NtSetSystemInformation for the SystemPrefetcherInformation
// information class.
typedef struct _PREFETCHER_INFORMATION { //
// These two fields help make sure caller does not make bogus
// requests and keep track of version for this kernel interface.
ULONG Version; ULONG Magic;
// Sub information class.
// Input / Output buffer and its length.
PVOID PrefetcherInformation; ULONG PrefetcherInformationLength;
// Define boot phase id's for use with PrefetcherBootPhase information
// subclass.
typedef enum _PF_BOOT_PHASE_ID { PfKernelInitPhase = 0, PfBootDriverInitPhase = 90, PfSystemDriverInitPhase = 120, PfSessionManagerInitPhase = 150, PfSMRegistryInitPhase = 180, PfVideoInitPhase = 210, PfPostVideoInitPhase = 240, PfBootAcceptedRegistryInitPhase = 270, PfUserShellReadyPhase = 300, PfMaxBootPhaseId = 900, } PF_BOOT_PHASE_ID, *PPF_BOOT_PHASE_ID;
// Define system wide prefetch parameters structure.
// Whether a particular type of prefetching is enabled, disabled or
// just not specified.
typedef enum _PF_ENABLE_STATUS { PfSvNotSpecified, PfSvEnabled, PfSvDisabled, PfSvMaxEnableStatus } PF_ENABLE_STATUS, *PPF_ENABLE_STATUS;
// Define limits structure for different prefetch types.
typedef struct _PF_TRACE_LIMITS { //
// Maximum number of pages that can be logged.
ULONG MaxNumPages; //
// Maximum number of sections that can be logged.
ULONG MaxNumSections;
// Period for the trace timer. The trace times out after
// PF_MAX_NUM_TRACE_PERIODS. This is in 100ns. It should be
// negative denoting to the system that periods are relative.
LONGLONG TimerPeriod;
// System wide prefetch parameters structure.
// Whether different types of prefetching are enabled or not.
PF_ENABLE_STATUS EnableStatus[PfMaxScenarioType];
// Limits for different prefetch types.
PF_TRACE_LIMITS TraceLimits[PfMaxScenarioType];
// Maximum number of active prefetch traces.
ULONG MaxNumActiveTraces;
// Maximum number of saved completed prefetch traces.
// Note that this should be greater than the number of boot phases,
// since the service won't be started until later in boot.
ULONG MaxNumSavedTraces;
// Path to directory relative to system root where prefetch
// instructions can be found.
// Comma seperated list of hosting applications (e.g. dllhost.exe, mmc.exe,
// rundll32.exe ...) for which we create scenario ID's based on command line
// as well.
// Useful macros.
// Macros for alignment. Assumptions are that alignments are a power
// of 2 and allocators (malloc, heap, pool etc) allocate chunks with
// bigger alignment than what you need. You should verify these by
// using asserts and the "power of two" macro below.
// Determines whether the value is a power of two. Zero is not a power
// of 2. The value should be of an unsigned type that supports bit
// operations, e.g. not a pointer.
#define PF_IS_POWER_OF_TWO(Value) \
((Value) && !((Value) & (Value - 1)))
// Return value is the Pointer increased to be aligned with
// Alignment. Alignment must be a power of 2.
#define PF_ALIGN_UP(Pointer, Alignment) \
((PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)(Pointer) + (Alignment) - 1) & (~((ULONG_PTR)(Alignment) - 1))))
// Verification code shared with the kernel mode component. This code
// has to be kept in sync copy & paste.
BOOLEAN PfWithinBounds( PVOID Pointer, PVOID Base, ULONG Length );
BOOLEAN PfVerifyScenarioId ( PPF_SCENARIO_ID ScenarioId );
BOOLEAN PfVerifyScenarioBuffer( PPF_SCENARIO_HEADER Scenario, ULONG BufferSize, PULONG FailedCheck );
BOOLEAN PfVerifyTraceBuffer( PPF_TRACE_HEADER Trace, ULONG BufferSize, PULONG FailedCheck );
#endif // _PREFETCH_H