// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: sift.hxx
// Contents: Definition of server side sift object
// Classes: ISift - sifting interface
// Functions: DbgDllSetSiftObject - sets the global sift pointer
// History: 6-01-94 t-chripi Created
#ifndef __SIFT_HXX__
#define __SIFT_HXX__
// Sift Resource types:
#define SR_DISK_WRITE 16
#define SR_RPC 256
// Interface: ISift (sft)
// Purpose: Interface that defines general sift methods.
// Interface: Init - Initializes the object for each test run.
// SiftOn - Enables the counting mechanism.
// SiftOff - Disables the counting mechanism.
// GetCount - Gets current allocation count.
// History: 24-May-94 t-chripi Created.
// 6-14-94 t-chripi Generalized, moved to cinc
class ISift : public IUnknown { public: virtual VOID Init(BOOL fPlay, LONG lFailCount) = 0; virtual VOID SiftOn(DWORD dwResource) = 0; virtual LONG SiftOff(DWORD dwResource) = 0; virtual LONG GetCount(DWORD dwResource) = 0; virtual BOOL SimFail(DWORD dwResource) = 0;
// Function: DbgDllSetSiftObject
// Synopsis: Sets up a sift object for use
// History: 6-14-94 t-chripi Created
STDAPI DbgDllSetSiftObject(ISift *psftSiftImpl);
#endif // __SIFT_HXX__