Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
parses commands and acts
User mode only
Revision History:
05-26-98 : Created
#include "common.h"
#define VERSION_STRING "1.00"
ULONG32 TestCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] );
ULONG32 ListCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] );
ULONG32 DumpTrackCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] );
ULONG32 VerifyHeaderCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] );
ULONG32 ReadTOCCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] );
// Each structure instance can have a function pointer, name, and description
typedef struct { char *Name; char *Description; ULONG32 (*Function)(HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[]); } COMMAND;
// List of commands
// all command names are case sensitive
// arguments are passed into command routines
// list must be terminated with NULL command
// command will not be listed in help if description == NULL
COMMAND CommandArray[] = { {"test", NULL, TestCommand}, {"help", "help for all commands", ListCommand}, {"dump", "[track] dump an audio track", DumpTrackCommand}, {"toc", "prints the table of contents", ReadTOCCommand}, {"header", "[file] verifies the info in the wav header", VerifyHeaderCommand}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} };
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses input, showing help or calling function requested appropriately
Return Value:
0 - success -1 - insufficient arguments -2 - error opening device (DNE?)
--*/ { int i = 0; int buflen; char *buffer; HANDLE h;
if ( argc < 3 ) { ListCommand( NULL, argc, argv ); return -1; }
buflen = ( strlen(argv[1]) + 5 ) * sizeof(char);
buffer = (char *)malloc( buflen ); if (buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient memory\n"); return -1; }
sprintf( buffer, "\\\\.\\%s", argv[1] ); DebugPrint((2, "Main => Sending command %s to drive %s\n", argv[2], buffer));
h = CreateFile( buffer, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d opening device %s\n", GetLastError(), buffer); return -2; }
// Iterate through the command array and find the correct function to
// call.
while ( CommandArray[i].Name != NULL ) {
if(strcmp(argv[2], CommandArray[i].Name) == 0) {
(CommandArray[i].Function)(h, (argc - 2), &(argv[2]));
break; }
i++; }
if ( CommandArray[i].Name == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command %s\n", argv[2]); }
return 0; }
ULONG32 VerifyHeaderCommand( HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
opens the next argument and reads the wav header, printing to stdout
device - unused argc - the number of additional arguments. argv - the additional arguments
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful The value of GetLastError() from the point of failure
--*/ { HANDLE wavHandle;
if (argv[1] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Need filename to attempt to parse\n"); return -1; }
DebugPrint((2, "VerifyHeader => Opening %s\n", argv[1]));
if (wavHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Error openingfile %x\n", GetLastError()); LEAVE; }
return 0;
ULONG32 TestCommand(HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Tests the command "parsing"
device - a file handle to send the ioctl to argc - the number of additional arguments. argv - the additional arguments
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful The value of GetLastError() from the point of failure
{ int i; printf("Test - %d additional arguments\n", argc);
for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("arg %d: %s\n", i, argv[i]); }
ULONG32 ListCommand(HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Prints out the command list
device - unused argc - unused argv - unused
Return Value:
{ int i;
printf("\nCdDump Version " VERSION_STRING "\n"); printf("\tUsage: cddump <drive> <command> [parameters]\n"); printf("\tpossible commands: \n"); for (i = 0; CommandArray[i].Name != NULL; i++) {
if(CommandArray[i].Description != NULL) { printf( "\t\t%s - %s\n", CommandArray[i].Name, CommandArray[i].Description ); }
} printf( "\n" );
ULONG32 ReadTOCCommand(HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads and prints out the cdrom's table of contents
device - a file handle to send the ioctl to argc - the number of additional arguments. should be zero argv - the additional arguments
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful The value of GetLastError() from the point of failure
--*/ { PCDROM_TOC toc; PTRACK_DATA track; ULONG numberOfTracks; ULONG i;
DebugPrint((2, "ReadToc => Reading Table of Contents\n"));
toc = CddumpGetToc( device ); if (toc == NULL) { return -1; }
printf("First Track Number: %d\n", toc->FirstTrack); printf("Last Track Number: %d\n", toc->LastTrack); printf("CDDB ID: %08x\n", CDDB_ID(toc));
numberOfTracks = (toc->LastTrack - toc->FirstTrack) + 1;
// parse and print the information
track = (PTRACK_DATA) &(toc->TrackData[0]);
printf("Number ADR Control Start End Bytes\n"); printf("------ --- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
for(i = 0; i < numberOfTracks; i++) {
ULONG trackStart; ULONG trackEnd; ULONG trackBytes;
trackStart = MSF_TO_LBA(track->Address[1], track->Address[2], track->Address[3]); trackEnd = MSF_TO_LBA((track+1)->Address[1], (track+1)->Address[2], (track+1)->Address[3]); trackEnd--;
trackBytes = (trackEnd - trackStart) * RAW_SECTOR_SIZE;
printf(" %2d %2d %2d %10d %10d %8dk \n", track->TrackNumber, track->Adr, track->Control, trackStart, trackEnd, trackBytes / 1000 );
track++; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
ULONG32 DumpTrackCommand(HANDLE device, int argc, char *argv[]) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads a section of disc in raw read mode
device - a file handle to send the ioctl to
argc - the number of additional arguments.
argv[1] - the starting LBA. Starts at zero if this is not here argv[2] - the ending LBA. if not specified, equal to start
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if successful The value of GetLastError() from the point of failure
--*/ { PCDROM_TOC toc; HANDLE outputFile = (HANDLE)-1; ULONG track; ULONG endingSector; ULONG numberOfSectors; // actually useful data
ULONG numberOfReads; ULONG status;
ULONG startingSector; LONG i;
ULONG cddbId = 0;
UCHAR fileName[1024]; // randomly chosen size.
PSAMPLE sample;
toc = NULL; sample = NULL;
TRY { track = atoi(argv[1]); if (track==0) { printf( "Cannot read track 0.\n" ); status = -1; LEAVE; }
toc = CddumpGetToc( device ); if (toc==NULL) { status = -1; LEAVE; }
cddbId = CDDB_ID(toc); sprintf(fileName, "%08x - Track %02d.wav", cddbId, track);
DebugPrint((2, "DumpTrack => output filename: %s\n", fileName));
// account for zero-index
startingSector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->TrackData[track-1].Address[1], toc->TrackData[track-1].Address[2], toc->TrackData[track-1].Address[3] ); endingSector = MSF_TO_LBA(toc->TrackData[track].Address[1], toc->TrackData[track].Address[2], toc->TrackData[track].Address[3] ); endingSector--; // no overlap
numberOfSectors = endingSector - startingSector;
DebugPrint((3, "DumpTrack => old sectors: start %8d end %8d count %d\n", startingSector, endingSector, numberOfSectors));
sample = (PSAMPLE)malloc( RAW_SECTOR_SIZE ); if ( sample == NULL ) { printf("Insufficient resources (sample)\n"); status = -1; LEAVE; }
// first find a fully zero'd sample -- that will be
// the _real_ start address of the track after adjusting
// for redbook inaccuracies.
RAW_READ_INFO info; ULONG bytesReturned; ULONG j; BOOLEAN foundZeroSector = FALSE;
if ((LONG)startingSector + i > 0 ) { // only read positive
info.DiskOffset.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)((startingSector + i)*(ULONGLONG)2048); info.SectorCount = 1; info.TrackMode = CDDA;
if(DeviceIoControl(device, IOCTL_CDROM_RAW_READ, &info, // pointer to inputbuffer
sizeof(RAW_READ_INFO), // sizeof inputbuffer
sample, // pointer to outputbuffer
RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, // sizeof outputbuffer
&bytesReturned, // pointer to number of bytes returned
// read succeeded, see if all zero'd
assert(bytesReturned == RAW_SECTOR_SIZE);
foundZeroSector = TRUE; for (j=0;j<SAMPLES_PER_SECTOR;j++) { if (sample[j].AsUlong32 != 0) foundZeroSector = FALSE; }
if (foundZeroSector) { DebugPrint((1, "DumpTrack => New starting sector is " "offset by %d\n", i)); startingSector += i; // change to real starting sector
break; // stop looping.
} } // end of positive check
} // end of loop
// then find a fully zero'd sample at the end -- that will
// be the _real_ end address of the track after adjusting
// for redbook inaccuracies.
RAW_READ_INFO info; ULONG bytesReturned; ULONG j; BOOLEAN foundZeroSector = FALSE;
if ((LONG)endingSector + i > 0 ) { // only read positive
info.DiskOffset.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)((endingSector + i)*(ULONGLONG)2048); info.SectorCount = 1; info.TrackMode = CDDA;
if(DeviceIoControl(device, IOCTL_CDROM_RAW_READ, &info, // pointer to inputbuffer
sizeof(RAW_READ_INFO), // sizeof inputbuffer
sample, // pointer to outputbuffer
RAW_SECTOR_SIZE, // sizeof outputbuffer
&bytesReturned, // pointer to number of bytes returned
// read succeeded, see if all zero'd
assert(bytesReturned == RAW_SECTOR_SIZE);
foundZeroSector = TRUE; for (j=0;j<SAMPLES_PER_SECTOR;j++) { if (sample[j].AsUlong32 != 0) foundZeroSector = FALSE; }
if (foundZeroSector) { DebugPrint((2, "DumpTrack => New starting sector is " "offset by %d\n", i)); endingSector += i; // change to real starting sector
break; // stop looping.
} } // end of positive check
} // end of loop
numberOfSectors = endingSector - startingSector;
DebugPrint((2, "DumpTrack => new sectors: start %8d end %8d count %d\n", startingSector, endingSector, numberOfSectors));
// a bit of debugging info...
DebugPrint((2, "DumpTrack => Reading %d sectors starting at sector %d\n", numberOfSectors, startingSector));
// create the file
if (outputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf( "Cannot open output file.\n" ); status = -1; LEAVE; }
// dump the wav header info
DumpWavHeader(outputFile, numberOfSectors * SAMPLES_PER_SECTOR, 44100, // 44.1KHz sound
2, // stereo sound
16 // 16-bit sound
); CddumpDumpLba(device, outputFile, startingSector, endingSector );
DebugPrint((2, "DumpTrack => Done!\n"));
free(toc); free(sample);