Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the page heap manager debug extensions.
Tom McGuire (TomMcg) 06-Jan-1995 Silviu Calinoiu (SilviuC) 22-Feb-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "heap.h"
__inline BOOLEAN CheckInterrupted( VOID ) { if (CheckControlC()) { dprintf( "\nInterrupted\n\n" ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
__inline ULONG64 FetchRemotePVOID ( ULONG64 Address ) { ULONG64 RemoteValue = 0; ReadPointer( Address, &RemoteValue); return RemoteValue; }
__inline ULONG FetchRemoteULONG( ULONG64 Address ) { ULONG RemoteValue = 0; ReadMemory( Address, &RemoteValue, sizeof( ULONG ), NULL ); return RemoteValue; }
ULONG ReturnFieldOffset( PCHAR TypeName, PCHAR FieldName) { ULONG off=0;
GetFieldOffset(TypeName, FieldName, &off); return off; }
#define FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( StructBase, StructType, FieldName ) \
FetchRemotePVOID((StructBase) + ReturnFieldOffset( #StructType, #FieldName ))
#define FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( StructBase, StructType, FieldName ) \
FetchRemoteULONG((StructBase) + ReturnFieldOffset( #StructType, #FieldName ))
#define FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( StructBase, StructType, FieldName ) \
FetchRemotePVOID((StructBase) + ReturnFieldOffset( #StructType, #FieldName ))
#define DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( DumpName, StructBase, StructType, FieldName ) \
dprintf( "%s%08X\n", (DumpName), FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( StructBase, StructType, FieldName ))
#define DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( DumpName, StructBase, StructType, FieldName ) \
dprintf( "%s%p\n", (DumpName), FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( StructBase, StructType, FieldName ))
VOID DebugPageHeapLocateFaultAllocation( ULONG64 RemoteHeap, ULONG64 AddressOfFault );
VOID DebugPageHeapReportAllocation( ULONG64 RemoteHeap, ULONG64 RemoteHeapNode, PCHAR NodeType, ULONG64 AddressOfFault );
BOOLEAN DebugPageHeapExtensionShowHeapList( VOID );
VOID TraceDatabaseDump ( PCSTR Args, BOOLEAN SortByCountField );
VOID TraceDatabaseBlockDump ( ULONG64 Address );
VOID FaultInjectionTracesDump ( PCSTR Args );
VOID DebugPageHeapHelp ( ) {
dprintf ("!heap -p Dump all page heaps. \n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -h ADDR Detailed dump of page heap at ADDR. \n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -a ADDR Figure out what heap block is at ADDR. \n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -t [N] Dump N collected traces with heavy heap users.\n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -tc [N] Dump N traces sorted by count usage (eqv. with -t).\n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -ts [N] Dump N traces sorted by size.\n"); dprintf ("!heap -p -fi [N] Dump last N fault injection traces.\n"); dprintf (" \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------------+--+ \n"); dprintf (" | | | | Normal heap allocated block \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------------+--+ \n"); dprintf (" ^ ^ ^ \n"); dprintf (" | | 8 suffix bytes filled with 0xA0 \n"); dprintf (" | user allocation (filled with E0 if zeroing not requested) \n"); dprintf (" block header (starts with 0xABCDAAAA and ends with 0xDCBAAAAA).\n"); dprintf (" A `dt DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATION' on header address followed by \n"); dprintf (" a `dds' on the StackTrace field gives the stacktrace of allocation. \n"); dprintf (" \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------------+--+ \n"); dprintf (" | | | | Normal heap freed block \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------------+--+ \n"); dprintf (" ^ ^ ^ \n"); dprintf (" | | 8 suffix bytes filled with 0xA0 \n"); dprintf (" | user allocation (filled with F0 bytes) \n"); dprintf (" block header (starts with 0xABCDAAA9 and ends with 0xDCBAAA9). \n"); dprintf (" A `dt DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATION' on header address followed by \n"); dprintf (" a `dds' on the StackTrace field gives the stacktrace of allocation. \n"); dprintf (" \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------+--+------ \n"); dprintf (" | | | | ... N/A page Page heap \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------+--+------ allocated block \n"); dprintf (" ^ ^ ^ \n"); dprintf (" | | 0-7 suffix bytes filled with 0xD0 \n"); dprintf (" | user allocation (filled with C0 if zeroing not requested) \n"); dprintf (" block header (starts with 0xABCDBBBB and ends with 0xDCBABBBB).\n"); dprintf (" A `dt DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATION' on header address followed by \n"); dprintf (" a `dds' on the StackTrace field gives the stacktrace of allocation. \n"); dprintf (" \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------+--+------ \n"); dprintf (" | | | | ... N/A page Page heap \n"); dprintf (" +-----+---------+--+------ freed block \n"); dprintf (" ^ ^ ^ \n"); dprintf (" | | 0-7 suffix bytes filled with 0xD0 \n"); dprintf (" | user allocation (filled with F0 bytes) \n"); dprintf (" block header (starts with 0xABCDBBA and ends with 0xDCBABBBA).\n"); dprintf (" A `dt DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATION' on header address followed by \n"); dprintf (" a `dds' on the StackTrace field gives the stacktrace of allocation. \n"); dprintf (" \n"); }
VOID DebugPageHeapExtensionFind( PCSTR ArgumentString ) { ULONG64 RemoteHeapList; ULONG64 RemoteHeap; ULONG64 RemoteVirtualNode; ULONG64 RemoteVirtualBase; ULONG64 RemoteVirtualSize; ULONG64 AddressOfFault; BOOL Result;
Result = GetExpressionEx (ArgumentString, &AddressOfFault, &ArgumentString);
if (Result == FALSE) { dprintf ("\nFailed to convert `%s' to an address.\n", ArgumentString); return; }
RemoteHeapList = (ULONG64) GetExpression( "NTDLL!RtlpDphHeapListHead" ); RemoteHeap = FetchRemotePVOID( RemoteHeapList );
if (RemoteHeap == 0) { dprintf( "\nNo page heaps active in process (or bad symbols)\n\n" ); AddressOfFault = 0; }
if (( AddressOfFault == 0 ) || ( strchr( ArgumentString, '?' ))) {
DebugPageHeapHelp(); return; }
// Find the heap that contains the range of virtual addresses that
// contain the AddressOfFault.
for (;;) {
// The heap header contains a linked list of virtual memory
// allocations.
RemoteVirtualNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pVirtualStorageListHead );
while (RemoteVirtualNode != 0) {
RemoteVirtualBase = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteVirtualNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pVirtualBlock ); RemoteVirtualSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( RemoteVirtualNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nVirtualBlockSize );
if (( RemoteVirtualBase == 0 ) || ( RemoteVirtualSize == 0 )) { dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: Heap 0x%p appears to have an invalid\n" " virtual allocation list\n\n", RemoteHeap ); }
if ((AddressOfFault >= RemoteVirtualBase) && (AddressOfFault <= RemoteVirtualBase + RemoteVirtualSize )) {
// The fault appears to have occurred in the range of this
// heap, so we'll search the busy and free lists for the
// closest match and report it. Then exit.
DebugPageHeapLocateFaultAllocation( RemoteHeap, AddressOfFault ); return; }
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return; }
RemoteVirtualNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteVirtualNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pNextAlloc );
// Not found in this heap. Continue with next heap or end
// of heap list.
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return; }
RemoteHeap = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pNextHeapRoot );
if (RemoteHeap == 0) { dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: Could not find a page heap containing\n" " the virtual address 0x%p\n\n", AddressOfFault ); return; } } }
VOID DebugPageHeapLocateFaultAllocation( ULONG64 RemoteHeap, ULONG64 AddressOfFault ) { ULONG64 ClosestHeapNode; ULONG64 ClosestDifference; ULONG64 RemoteHeapNode; ULONG64 RemoteAllocBase; ULONG64 RemoteAllocSize; ULONG RemoteFreeListSize;
ClosestHeapNode = 0;
// First search the busy list for the containing allocation, if any.
RemoteHeapNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pBusyAllocationListHead );
while (RemoteHeapNode != 0) {
RemoteAllocBase = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pVirtualBlock ); RemoteAllocSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nVirtualBlockSize );
if ((AddressOfFault >= RemoteAllocBase) && (AddressOfFault < RemoteAllocBase + RemoteAllocSize)) {
// The fault appears to have occurred in this allocation's
// memory (which includes the NO_ACCESS page beyond the user
// portion of the allocation).
DebugPageHeapReportAllocation( RemoteHeap, RemoteHeapNode, "allocated", AddressOfFault ); return; }
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return; }
RemoteHeapNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pNextAlloc ); }
// Failed to find containing allocation on busy list, so search free.
RemoteHeapNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pFreeAllocationListHead );
while (RemoteHeapNode != 0) {
RemoteAllocBase = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pVirtualBlock ); RemoteAllocSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nVirtualBlockSize );
if ((AddressOfFault >= RemoteAllocBase) && (AddressOfFault < RemoteAllocBase + RemoteAllocSize)) {
// The fault appears to have occurred in this freed alloc's
// memory.
DebugPageHeapReportAllocation( RemoteHeap, RemoteHeapNode, "freed", AddressOfFault ); return; }
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return; }
RemoteHeapNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pNextAlloc ); }
// Failed to find containing allocation in free list, but we wouldn't
// have gotten this far if the debug heap did not contain the virtual
// address range of the fault. So, report it as a wild pointer that
// could have been freed memory.
RemoteFreeListSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nFreeAllocations );
dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: %p references memory contained in the heap %p,\n" " but does not reference an existing allocated or\n" " recently freed heap block. It is possible that\n" " the memory at %p could previously have been\n" " allocated and freed, but it must have been freed\n" " prior to the most recent %d frees.\n\n", AddressOfFault, RemoteHeap, AddressOfFault, RemoteFreeListSize );
VOID DebugPageHeapReportAllocation( ULONG64 RemoteHeap, ULONG64 RemoteHeapNode, PCHAR NodeType, ULONG64 AddressOfFault ) { ULONG64 RemoteUserBase; ULONG64 RemoteUserSize; ULONG64 EndOfBlock; ULONG64 PastTheBlock; ULONG64 BeforeTheBlock;
RemoteUserBase = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pUserAllocation ); RemoteUserSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nUserRequestedSize );
EndOfBlock = RemoteUserBase + RemoteUserSize - 1;
if (AddressOfFault > EndOfBlock) {
PastTheBlock = AddressOfFault - EndOfBlock;
dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: %p is %p bytes beyond the end of %s heap block at\n" " %p of 0x%x bytes", AddressOfFault, PastTheBlock, NodeType, RemoteUserBase, RemoteUserSize );
else if (AddressOfFault >= RemoteUserBase) {
dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: %p references %s heap block at\n" " %p of 0x%x bytes", AddressOfFault, NodeType, RemoteUserBase, RemoteUserSize );
else {
BeforeTheBlock = (PCHAR) RemoteUserBase - (PCHAR) AddressOfFault;
dprintf( "\nPAGEHEAP: %p is %p bytes before the %s heap block at\n" " %p of 0x%x bytes", AddressOfFault, BeforeTheBlock, NodeType, RemoteUserBase, RemoteUserSize );
{ ULONG64 Trace;
Trace = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR (RemoteHeapNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, StackTrace); dprintf ("\n\n"); TraceDatabaseBlockDump (Trace); } }
BOOLEAN DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( ULONG64 RemoteList, PCH ListName, ULONG FormatType ) { ULONG64 RemoteNode; ULONG64 RemoteBase; ULONG64 RemoteSize; ULONG64 RemoteUser; ULONG64 RemoteUsiz; ULONG RemoteFlag; ULONG64 RemoteValu;
RemoteNode = RemoteList; dprintf( "\n%s:\n", ListName );
switch (FormatType) { case FORMAT_TYPE_BUSY_LIST: dprintf( "UserAddr UserSize VirtAddr VirtSize UserFlag UserValu\n" ); break; case FORMAT_TYPE_FREE_LIST: dprintf( "UserAddr UserSize VirtAddr VirtSize\n" ); break; }
while (RemoteNode) {
RemoteBase = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pVirtualBlock ); RemoteSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nVirtualBlockSize ); RemoteUser = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pUserAllocation ); RemoteUsiz = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_SIZE_T( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, nUserRequestedSize ); RemoteFlag = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, UserFlags ); RemoteValu = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, UserValue ); RemoteNode = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteNode, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_BLOCK, pNextAlloc );
switch (FormatType) { case FORMAT_TYPE_BUSY_LIST:
dprintf(( RemoteFlag || RemoteValu ) ? "%p %08X %p %08X %08X %p\n" : "%p %08X %p %08X\n", RemoteUser, RemoteUsiz, RemoteBase, RemoteSize, RemoteFlag, RemoteValu ); break;
dprintf( "%p %08X %p %08X\n", RemoteUser, RemoteUsiz, RemoteBase, RemoteSize ); break;
dprintf( "%p - %p (%08X)\n", RemoteBase, (PCH)RemoteBase + RemoteSize, RemoteSize ); break;
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN DebugPageHeapDumpThisHeap( ULONG64 RemoteHeap ) { ULONG64 RemoteNode;
dprintf( "\nDPH Heap at %p:\n\n", RemoteHeap );
DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Signature: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Signature ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "HeapFlags: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, HeapFlags ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "ExtraFlags: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, ExtraFlags ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "NormalHeap: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, NormalHeap ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "VirtualRanges: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nVirtualStorageRanges ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "VirtualCommit: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nVirtualStorageBytes ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "BusyAllocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nBusyAllocations ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "BusyVirtual: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nBusyAllocationBytesCommitted ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "BusyReadWrite: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nBusyAllocationBytesAccessible ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "FreeAllocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nFreeAllocations ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "FreeVirtual: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nFreeAllocationBytesCommitted ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "AvailAllocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nAvailableAllocations ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "AvailVirtual: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nAvailableAllocationBytesCommitted ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "NodePools: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nNodePools ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( "NodeVirtual: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nNodePoolBytes ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "AvailNodes: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, nUnusedNodes ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Seed: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Seed );
dprintf (" --- Counters --- \n"); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Size < 1K: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[0] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Size < 4K: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[1] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Size >= 4K: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[2] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "W/o alloc info: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[3] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Total allocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[4] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Total reallocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[5] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Total frees: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[6] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Normal allocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[7] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Normal reallocs: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[8] ); DUMP_REMOTE_FIELD_INT( "Normal frees: ", RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, Counter[9] );
{ ULONG64 Trace;
dprintf ("\n"); Trace = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR (RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, CreateStackTrace); TraceDatabaseBlockDump (Trace); }
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pVirtualStorageListHead ), "VirtualList", FORMAT_TYPE_VIRT_LIST )) { return FALSE; }
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pNodePoolListHead ), "NodePoolList", FORMAT_TYPE_VIRT_LIST )) { return FALSE; }
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pAvailableAllocationListHead ), "AvailableList", FORMAT_TYPE_VIRT_LIST )) { return FALSE; }
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pFreeAllocationListHead ), "FreeList", FORMAT_TYPE_FREE_LIST )) { return FALSE; }
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisList( FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pBusyAllocationListHead ), "BusyList", FORMAT_TYPE_BUSY_LIST )) { return FALSE; }
dprintf( "\n" ); return TRUE; }
VOID DebugPageHeapExtensionDump( PCSTR ArgumentString ) { ULONG64 RemoteHeapList; ULONG64 RemoteHeap; ULONG64 RemoteHeapToDump; BOOLEAN AnyDumps = FALSE; BOOL Result;
Result = GetExpressionEx (ArgumentString, &RemoteHeapToDump, &ArgumentString);
if (Result == FALSE) { dprintf ("\nFailed to convert `%s' to an address.\n", ArgumentString); return; }
RemoteHeapList = (ULONG64) GetExpression( "NTDLL!RtlpDphHeapListHead" ); RemoteHeap = FetchRemotePVOID( RemoteHeapList );
if (( RemoteHeap == 0 ) || ( RemoteHeapToDump == 0 ) || ( strchr( ArgumentString, '?' ))) {
DebugPageHeapHelp(); DebugPageHeapExtensionShowHeapList(); return; }
while (RemoteHeap != 0) {
if ((((LONG_PTR)RemoteHeapToDump & 0xFFFF0000 ) == ((LONG_PTR)RemoteHeap & 0xFFFF0000 )) || ((LONG_PTR)RemoteHeapToDump == -1 )) {
AnyDumps = TRUE;
if (! DebugPageHeapDumpThisHeap( RemoteHeap )) return;
if (CheckInterrupted()) { return; }
RemoteHeap = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pNextHeapRoot ); }
if (! AnyDumps) { dprintf( "\nPage heap \"0x%p\" not found in process\n\n", RemoteHeapToDump ); DebugPageHeapExtensionShowHeapList(); } }
BOOLEAN DebugPageHeapExtensionShowHeapList( VOID ) { ULONG64 RemoteHeapList = (ULONG64)GetExpression( "NTDLL!RtlpDphHeapListHead" ); ULONG64 RemoteHeap = FetchRemotePVOID( RemoteHeapList ); ULONG64 NormalHeap; ULONG HeapFlags;
if (RemoteHeap == 0) {
dprintf( "\nNo page heaps active in process (or bad symbols)\n" ); return FALSE; } else {
dprintf( "\nPage heaps active in process:\n\n" );
do {
NormalHeap = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR (RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, NormalHeap); HeapFlags = (ULONG) FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT (RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, ExtraFlags);
dprintf (" %p (%p, flags %X)\n", RemoteHeap, NormalHeap, HeapFlags);
RemoteHeap = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR( RemoteHeap, NTDLL!_DPH_HEAP_ROOT, pNextHeapRoot );
} while (RemoteHeap);
dprintf( "\n" ); return TRUE; } }
BOOLEAN DebugPageHeapIsActive( VOID ) { ULONG64 RemoteHeapList = (ULONG64)GetExpression( "NTDLL!RtlpDphHeapListHead" ); ULONG64 RemoteHeap = FetchRemotePVOID( RemoteHeapList );
if (RemoteHeap == 0) {
return FALSE; } else {
return TRUE; } }
VOID DebugPageHeapExtension( PCSTR ArgumentString ) { PCSTR Current; //
// Is help requested?
if (strstr (ArgumentString, "?") != NULL) {
DebugPageHeapHelp (); }
// If page heap not active then return immediately.
if (! DebugPageHeapIsActive()) { dprintf ("Page heap is not active for this process. \n"); return; }
// Parse command line
if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-h")) != NULL) {
DebugPageHeapExtensionDump (Current + strlen("-h")); } else if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-a")) != NULL) {
DebugPageHeapExtensionFind (Current + strlen("-a")); } else if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-tc")) != NULL) {
TraceDatabaseDump (Current + strlen("-tc"), TRUE); } else if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-ts")) != NULL) {
TraceDatabaseDump (Current + strlen("-ts"), FALSE); } else if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-t")) != NULL) {
TraceDatabaseDump (Current + strlen("-t"), TRUE); } else if ((Current = strstr (ArgumentString, "-fi")) != NULL) {
FaultInjectionTracesDump (Current + strlen("-fi")); } else { DebugPageHeapExtensionShowHeapList (); }
return; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Trace database
typedef struct { ULONG64 Address; ULONG64 Count; ULONG64 Size;
VOID TraceDatabaseDump ( PCSTR Args, BOOLEAN SortByCountField ) { ULONG64 Database; ULONG I, J, Min, TraceIndex; PTRACE Trace; ULONG64 TracesToDisplay = 0; ULONG64 MaximumSize; ULONG64 CurrentSize; ULONG64 NoOfTraces; ULONG64 NoOfHits; ULONG NoOfBuckets; ULONG PvoidSize; if (Args) { sscanf (Args, "%I64u", &TracesToDisplay);
if (TracesToDisplay == 0) { TracesToDisplay = 4; } }
Database = (ULONG64) GetExpression ("NTDLL!RtlpDphTraceDatabase" ); Database = FetchRemotePVOID (Database);
PvoidSize = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4;
dprintf ("MaximumSize: %p \n", MaximumSize); dprintf ("CurentSize: %p \n", CurrentSize); dprintf ("NoOfBuckets: %u \n", NoOfBuckets); dprintf ("NoOfTraces: %p \n", NoOfTraces); dprintf ("NoOfHits: %p \n", NoOfHits);
// Dump hash counters.
dprintf ("HashCounters:");
for (I = 0; I < 16; I += 1) {
CHAR FieldName[16];
sprintf (FieldName, "HashCounter[%u]", I);
dprintf (" %u", FetchRemoteULONG ( Database + ReturnFieldOffset("NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_DATABASE", FieldName))); } dprintf ("\n");
if (NoOfTraces < TracesToDisplay) { TracesToDisplay = NoOfTraces; }
Trace = (PTRACE) malloc (sizeof(TRACE) * (ULONG)NoOfTraces);
if (Trace == NULL) { dprintf ("Error: cannot allocate trace database debug structure.\n"); return; }
// Read all the traces from the hash table.
for (I = 0, TraceIndex = 0; I < NoOfBuckets; I += 1) {
ULONG64 Current;
Current = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR(Database, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_DATABASE, Buckets); Current += I * PvoidSize;
Current = FetchRemotePVOID (Current);
while (Current != 0) {
if (TraceIndex >= NoOfTraces) { dprintf ("Internal error: TraceIndex >= NoOfTraces \n"); return; }
Trace[TraceIndex].Address = Current; Trace[TraceIndex].Count = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR (Current, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, UserCount); Trace[TraceIndex].Size = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR (Current, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, UserSize); TraceIndex += 1;
// Sort the traces just read based on Count field.
for (I = 0; I < NoOfTraces; I += 1) {
for (J = I, Min = I; J < NoOfTraces; J += 1) {
if (SortByCountField) {
if (Trace[J].Count > Trace[Min].Count) { Min = J; } } else {
if (Trace[J].Size > Trace[Min].Size) { Min = J; } } }
if (Min != I) {
ULONG64 Address; ULONG64 Count; ULONG64 Size;
Address = Trace[I].Address; Count = Trace[I].Count; Size = Trace[I].Size;
Trace[I].Address = Trace[Min].Address; Trace[I].Count = Trace[Min].Count; Trace[I].Size = Trace[Min].Size;
Trace[Min].Address = Address; Trace[Min].Count = Count; Trace[Min].Size = Size; } }
#if 0
for (I = 1; I < NoOfTraces; I += 1) {
if (Trace[I].Size > Trace[I-1].Size) { dprintf ("."); } }
dprintf ("\n");
// Print first N
for (I = 0; I < TracesToDisplay; I += 1) { dprintf ("\n"); TraceDatabaseBlockDump (Trace[I].Address);
if (CheckControlC()) { dprintf ("Interrupted \n"); break; } }
dprintf ("\n"); free (Trace); }
VOID TraceDatabaseBlockDump ( ULONG64 Address ) { ULONG64 TraceAddress; ULONG64 ReturnAddress; CHAR SymbolName[ 1024 ]; ULONG64 Displacement; ULONG I; ULONG BlockSize; ULONG PvoidSize; if (Address == 0) { dprintf (" No trace\n"); return; }
PvoidSize = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4; BlockSize = FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_INT(Address, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, Size);
dprintf (" Trace @ %p: %p bytes, %u blocks (heap @ %p) \n", Address, FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR(Address, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, UserSize), FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR(Address, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, UserCount), FETCH_REMOTE_FIELD_PTR(Address, NTDLL!_RTL_TRACE_BLOCK, UserContext));
for (I = 0; I < BlockSize; I += 1) {
ReturnAddress = FetchRemotePVOID (TraceAddress + I * PvoidSize);
GetSymbol (ReturnAddress, SymbolName, &Displacement);
dprintf (" %p %s+0x%p\n", ReturnAddress, SymbolName, Displacement); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////// Fault injection traces
VOID FaultInjectionTracesDump ( PCSTR Args ) { ULONG64 TracesToDisplay = 0; ULONG64 TraceAddress; ULONG64 IndexAddress; ULONG Index; ULONG I; const ULONG NO_OF_FAULT_INJECTION_TRACES = 128; ULONG PvoidSize; ULONG64 TraceBlock; ULONG TracesFound = 0; BOOLEAN Interrupted = FALSE; ULONG64 FlagsAddress; ULONG Flags; if (Args) { sscanf (Args, "%I64u", &TracesToDisplay);
if (TracesToDisplay == 0) { TracesToDisplay = 4; } }
PvoidSize = IsPtr64() ? 8 : 4; TraceAddress = (ULONG64) GetExpression ("NTDLL!RtlpDphFaultStacks"); IndexAddress = (ULONG64) GetExpression ("NTDLL!RtlpDphFaultStacksIndex"); FlagsAddress = (ULONG64) GetExpression ("NTDLL!RtlpDphGlobalFlags");
Flags = FetchRemoteULONG (FlagsAddress);
dprintf ("Fault injection is not enabled for this process. \n"); dprintf ("Use `pageheap /enable PROGRAM /fault RATE' to enable it. \n"); return; }
Index = FetchRemoteULONG (IndexAddress);
for (I = 0; I < NO_OF_FAULT_INJECTION_TRACES; I += 1) {
Index -= 1; Index &= (NO_OF_FAULT_INJECTION_TRACES - 1); TraceBlock = FetchRemotePVOID (TraceAddress + Index * PvoidSize);
if (TraceBlock != 0) { TracesFound += 1; dprintf ("\n"); TraceDatabaseBlockDump (TraceBlock);
if (TracesFound >= TracesToDisplay) { break; } } if (CheckControlC()) { Interrupted = TRUE; dprintf ("Interrupted \n"); break; } }
if (Interrupted == FALSE && TracesFound == 0) {
dprintf ("No fault injection traces found. \n"); } }