Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This tool updates debug files to match corresponding binary checksum, base address and timestamp
Matthew Hoehnen (matthoe) 08-Jun-1995
Revision History:
--*/ #define _IMAGEHLP_SOURCE_
#include <private.h>
BOOL fUpdate; LPSTR CurrentImageName; LOADED_IMAGE CurrentImage; CHAR DebugFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; CHAR SymbolPathBuffer[MAX_PATH*10]; LPSTR SymbolPath; DWORD dw; LPSTR FilePart; CHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; PIMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY ConfigInfo; CHAR c; LPSTR p; BOOL DbgHeaderModified; ULONG CheckSum; HANDLE hDbgFile; ULONG cb; IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER DbgHeader;
VOID DisplayUsage( VOID ) { fputs("usage: UPDDBG [switches] image-names... \n" " [-?] display this message\n" " [-u] update image\n" " [-s] path to symbol files\n", stderr ); }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { if (argc <= 1) { DisplayUsage(); return 1; }
while (--argc) { p = *++argv; if (*p == '/' || *p == '-') { while (c = *++p) switch (tolower( c )) { case '?': DisplayUsage(); return 0;
case 'u': fUpdate = TRUE; break;
case 's': argc--, argv++; SymbolPath = *argv; break;
default: fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: Invalid switch - /%c\n", c ); DisplayUsage(); return 1; } } }
if (!SymbolPath) { if (GetEnvironmentVariable( "_nt_symbol_path", SymbolPathBuffer, sizeof(SymbolPathBuffer)-1 )) { SymbolPath = SymbolPathBuffer; } }
if (!SymbolPath) { fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: uknown symbol file path\n" ); return 1; }
CurrentImageName = p;
// Map and load the current image
if (!MapAndLoad( CurrentImageName, NULL, &CurrentImage, FALSE, TRUE )) { fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: failure mapping and loading %s\n", CurrentImageName ); return 1; }
CurrentImageName = CurrentImage.ModuleName;
FlushViewOfFile( CurrentImage.MappedAddress, 0 );
if (!fUpdate) { hDbgFile = FindDebugInfoFile( CurrentImageName, SymbolPath, DebugFilePath ); if (hDbgFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hDbgFile == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: could not locate DBG file %s\n", CurrentImageName ); return 1; }
if (!ReadFile( hDbgFile, &DbgHeader, sizeof(IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_HEADER), &cb, NULL )) { fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: could not read DBG file %s\n", CurrentImageName ); return 1; }
printf( "*\n" ); if (((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)CurrentImage.FileHeader)->OptionalHeader.CheckSum != DbgHeader.CheckSum) { printf( "*************************************\n" ); printf( "* WARNING: checksums do not match *\n" ); printf( "*************************************\n" ); printf( "*\n" ); }
_strlwr( CurrentImageName ); _strlwr( DebugFilePath );
printf( "Image 0x%08x %s\n", ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)CurrentImage.FileHeader)->OptionalHeader.CheckSum, CurrentImageName ); printf( "DBG File 0x%08x %s\n", DbgHeader.CheckSum, DebugFilePath );
return 0; }
if (!((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)CurrentImage.FileHeader)->FileHeader.Characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED) { fprintf( stderr, "UPDDBG: symbols have not been split %s\n", CurrentImageName ); return 1; }
if ( UpdateDebugInfoFileEx( CurrentImageName, SymbolPath, DebugFilePath, (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)(CurrentImage.FileHeader), ((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)CurrentImage.FileHeader)->OptionalHeader.CheckSum ) ) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) { printf( "UPDDBG: Warning - Old checksum did not match for %s\n", DebugFilePath ); } printf( "Updated symbols for %s\n", DebugFilePath ); } else { printf( "Unable to update symbols: %s\n", DebugFilePath ); }
return 0; }
#include "upddbgi.c"