// Starts a process server and sleeps forever.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#define _ADVAPI32_
#define _KERNEL32_
#include <windows.h>
#define INITGUID
#include <objbase.h>
#define NOEXTAPI
#include <wdbgexts.h>
#include <ntdbg.h>
#include <cmnutil.hpp>
#include <dllimp.h>
#include <dbgrpc.hpp>
#include <dbgsvc.h>
#include <dbgsvc.hpp>
// The .CRT section is generated when static intializers,
// such as global class instances, exist. It needs to
// be merged into .data to avoid a linker warning.
#pragma comment(linker, "/merge:.CRT=.data")
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN PanicVa(HRESULT Status, char* Format, va_list Args) { char Msg[256];
_vsnprintf(Msg, sizeof(Msg), Format, Args); DbgPrint("Error 0x%08X: %s\n", Status, Msg); NtTerminateProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), (NTSTATUS)Status); }
void DECLSPEC_NORETURN Panic(HRESULT Status, char* Format, ...) { va_list Args;
va_start(Args, Format); PanicVa(Status, Format, Args); va_end(Args); }
#if DBG
void DbgAssertionFailed(PCSTR File, int Line, PCSTR Str) { Panic(E_FAIL, "Assertion failed: %s(%d)\n %s\n", File, Line, Str); } #endif
// Proxy and stub support.
// Generated headers.
#include "dbgsvc_p.hpp"
#include "dbgsvc_s.hpp"
void DbgRpcInitializeClient(void) { DbgRpcInitializeStubTables_dbgsvc(DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_FIRST); } DbgRpcStubFunction DbgRpcGetStub(USHORT StubIndex) { USHORT If = (USHORT) DBGRPC_STUB_INDEX_INTERFACE(StubIndex); USHORT Mth = (USHORT) DBGRPC_STUB_INDEX_METHOD(StubIndex); DbgRpcStubFunctionTable* Table;
if (If >= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_FIRST && If >= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_LAST) { Table = g_DbgRpcStubs_dbgsvc; If -= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_FIRST; } else { return NULL; } if (Mth >= Table[If].Count) { return NULL; }
return Table[If].Functions[Mth]; }
#if DBG
PCSTR DbgRpcGetStubName(USHORT StubIndex) { USHORT If = (USHORT) DBGRPC_STUB_INDEX_INTERFACE(StubIndex); USHORT Mth = (USHORT) DBGRPC_STUB_INDEX_METHOD(StubIndex); DbgRpcStubFunctionTable* Table; PCSTR** Names;
if (If >= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_FIRST && If >= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_LAST) { Table = g_DbgRpcStubs_dbgsvc; Names = g_DbgRpcStubNames_dbgsvc; If -= DBGRPC_SIF_DBGSVC_FIRST; } else { return "!InvalidInterface!"; } if (Mth >= Table[If].Count) { return "!InvalidStubIndex!"; }
return Names[If][Mth]; } #endif // #if DBG
HRESULT DbgRpcPreallocProxy(REFIID InterfaceId, PVOID* Interface, DbgRpcProxy** Proxy, PULONG IfUnique) { return DbgRpcPreallocProxy_dbgsvc(InterfaceId, Interface, Proxy, IfUnique); }
void DbgRpcDeleteProxy(class DbgRpcProxy* Proxy) { // All proxies used here are similar simple single
// vtable proxy objects so IDebugClient can represent them all.
delete (ProxyIUserDebugServices*)Proxy; }
HRESULT DbgRpcServerThreadInitialize(void) { // Nothing to do.
return S_OK; }
void DbgRpcServerThreadUninitialize(void) { // Nothing to do.
void DbgRpcError(char* Format, ...) { va_list Args;
va_start(Args, Format); PanicVa(E_FAIL, Format, Args); va_end(Args); }
DBGRPC_SIMPLE_FACTORY(LiveUserDebugServices, __uuidof(IUserDebugServices), \ "Remote Process Server", (TRUE)) LiveUserDebugServicesFactory g_LiveUserDebugServicesFactory;
#ifdef _M_IA64
#pragma section(".CRT$XCA",long,read)
#pragma section(".CRT$XCZ",long,read)
#pragma section(".CRT$XIA",long,read)
#pragma section(".CRT$XIZ",long,read)
#define _CRTALLOC(x) __declspec(allocate(x))
#else /* ndef _M_IA64 */
#define _CRTALLOC(x)
#endif /* ndef _M_IA64 */
typedef void (__cdecl *_PVFV)(void);
extern "C" {
// C initializers collect here.
#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XIA")
_CRTALLOC(".CRT$XIA") _PVFV __xi_a[] = { NULL }; #pragma data_seg(".CRT$XIZ")
_CRTALLOC(".CRT$XIZ") _PVFV __xi_z[] = { NULL }; // C++ initializers collect here.
#pragma data_seg(".CRT$XCA")
_CRTALLOC(".CRT$XCA") _PVFV __xc_a[] = { NULL }; #pragma data_seg(".CRT$XCZ")
_CRTALLOC(".CRT$XCZ") _PVFV __xc_z[] = { NULL };
void __cdecl _initterm (_PVFV * pfbegin, _PVFV * pfend) { /*
* walk the table of function pointers from the bottom up, until * the end is encountered. Do not skip the first entry. The initial * value of pfbegin points to the first valid entry. Do not try to * execute what pfend points to. Only entries before pfend are valid. */ while ( pfbegin < pfend ) { /*
* if current table entry is non-NULL, call thru it. */ if ( *pfbegin != NULL ) { (**pfbegin)(); } ++pfbegin; } }
void __cdecl main(int Argc, char** Argv) { PSTR AppName; PSTR Options; HRESULT Status;
// Manually invoke C and C++ initializers.
_initterm( __xi_a, __xi_z ); _initterm( __xc_a, __xc_z );
AppName = Argv[0]; while (--Argc > 0) { Argv++;
break; }
if (Argc != 1) { Panic(E_INVALIDARG, "Usage: dbgsrv <transport>"); }
Options = *Argv;
DbgPrint("Running %s with '%s'\n", AppName, Options);
if ((Status = InitDynamicCalls(&g_NtDllCallsDesc)) != S_OK) { Panic(Status, "InitDynamicCalls"); } ULONG Flags; if ((Status = g_LiveUserDebugServices.Initialize(&Flags)) != S_OK) { Panic(Status, "LiveUserDebugServices::Initialize"); } if ((Status = DbgRpcCreateServer(Options, &g_LiveUserDebugServicesFactory)) != S_OK) { Panic(Status, "StartProcessServer"); }
for (;;) { Sleep(1000); if (g_UserServicesUninitialized) { break; } }
DbgRpcDeregisterServers(); }