#include "stdafx.h"
#include "HotfixManager.h"
#include "Hotfix_Manager.h"
#define REMOTE_STATE 0
#define HOTFIX_STATE 1
BSTR CHotfix_ManagerData::m_bstrColumnType; BSTR CHotfix_ManagerData::m_bstrColumnDesc; static CComPtr<IDispatch> gpDisp = NULL;
// CHotfix_ManagerComponentData
static const GUID CHotfix_ManagerGUID_NODETYPE = { 0x2315305b, 0x3abe, 0x4c07, { 0xaf, 0x6e, 0x95, 0xdc, 0xa4, 0x82, 0x5b, 0xdd } }; const GUID* CHotfix_ManagerData::m_NODETYPE = &CHotfix_ManagerGUID_NODETYPE; const OLECHAR* CHotfix_ManagerData::m_SZNODETYPE = OLESTR("2315305B-3ABE-4C07-AF6E-95DCA4825BDD"); const OLECHAR* CHotfix_ManagerData::m_SZDISPLAY_NAME = OLESTR("Hotfix_Manager"); const CLSID* CHotfix_ManagerData::m_SNAPIN_CLASSID = &CLSID_Hotfix_Manager;
static const GUID CHotfix_ManagerExtGUID_NODETYPE = { 0x476e6448, 0xaaff, 0x11d0, { 0xb9, 0x44, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd8, 0xd5, 0xb0 } }; const GUID* CHotfix_ManagerExtData::m_NODETYPE = &CHotfix_ManagerExtGUID_NODETYPE; const OLECHAR* CHotfix_ManagerExtData::m_SZNODETYPE = OLESTR("476e6448-aaff-11d0-b944-00c04fd8d5b0"); const OLECHAR* CHotfix_ManagerExtData::m_SZDISPLAY_NAME = OLESTR("Hotfix_Manager"); const CLSID* CHotfix_ManagerExtData::m_SNAPIN_CLASSID = &CLSID_Hotfix_Manager;
CHotfix_Manager::CHotfix_Manager() { DWORD dwSize = 255; GetComputerName(m_szComputerName,&dwSize); InitializeCriticalSection(&CritSec); // m_pNode = new CHotfix_ManagerData(NULL ,m_szComputerName, FALSE);
// _ASSERTE(m_pNode != NULL);
m_pComponentData = this; RegisterRemotedClass(); } HRESULT CHotfix_ManagerData::GetScopePaneInfo(SCOPEDATAITEM *pScopeDataItem) { if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_STR) pScopeDataItem->displayname = m_bstrDisplayName; if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_IMAGE) pScopeDataItem->nImage = m_scopeDataItem.nImage; if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_OPENIMAGE) pScopeDataItem->nOpenImage = m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage; if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_PARAM) pScopeDataItem->lParam = m_scopeDataItem.lParam; if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_STATE ) pScopeDataItem->nState = m_scopeDataItem.nState;
// TODO : Add code for SDI_CHILDREN
if (pScopeDataItem->mask & SDI_CHILDREN ) pScopeDataItem->cChildren = 0; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHotfix_ManagerData::GetResultPaneInfo(RESULTDATAITEM *pResultDataItem) { if (pResultDataItem->bScopeItem) { if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_STR) { pResultDataItem->str = GetResultPaneColInfo(pResultDataItem->nCol); } if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_IMAGE) { pResultDataItem->nImage = m_scopeDataItem.nImage; } if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_PARAM) { pResultDataItem->lParam = m_scopeDataItem.lParam; }
return S_OK; }
if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_STR) { pResultDataItem->str = GetResultPaneColInfo(pResultDataItem->nCol); } if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_IMAGE) { pResultDataItem->nImage = m_resultDataItem.nImage; } if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_PARAM) { pResultDataItem->lParam = m_resultDataItem.lParam; } if (pResultDataItem->mask & RDI_INDEX) { pResultDataItem->nIndex = m_resultDataItem.nIndex; }
return S_OK; } HRESULT CHotfix_Manager::Notify(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
if (lpDataObject != NULL) { switch ( event ) { case MMCN_EXPAND: { //
// Process out the local or machine name if we're expanding.
if (arg == TRUE) { if ( ExtractString( lpDataObject, m_ccfRemotedFormat, m_szComputerName, DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ) ) { if (!_tcscmp (m_szComputerName,_T("\0"))) { DWORD dwSize = 255; GetComputerName(m_szComputerName,&dwSize); } } else { DWORD dwSize = 255; GetComputerName(m_szComputerName,&dwSize); } if ( _tcscmp (gszComputerName, m_szComputerName) ) { // MessageBox (NULL,_T("Setting Computername sent to false"), _T("Main Data Notify"),MB_OK);
ComputerNameSent = FALSE; _tcscpy (gszComputerName,m_szComputerName); } //
// Intentionally left to fall through to default handler.
} } default: { //
// Call our default handling.
hr = IComponentDataImpl<CHotfix_Manager, CHotfix_ManagerComponent>::Notify( lpDataObject, event, arg, param ); } } } return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHotfix_ManagerData::Notify( MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, long arg, long param, IComponentData* pComponentData, IComponent* pComponent, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type) { // Add code to handle the different notifications.
// Handle MMCN_SHOW and MMCN_EXPAND to enumerate children items.
// In response to MMCN_SHOW you have to enumerate both the scope
// and result pane items.
// For MMCN_EXPAND you only need to enumerate the scope items
// Use IConsoleNameSpace::InsertItem to insert scope pane items
// Use IResultData::InsertItem to insert result pane item.
_ASSERTE(pComponentData != NULL || pComponent != NULL);
CComPtr<IConsole> spConsole; CComQIPtr<IHeaderCtrl, &IID_IHeaderCtrl> spHeader; if (pComponentData != NULL) spConsole = ((CHotfix_Manager*)pComponentData)->m_spConsole; else { spConsole = ((CHotfix_ManagerComponent*)pComponent)->m_spConsole; spHeader = spConsole; }
switch (event) { case MMCN_INITOCX: { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Recieved init OCX"),NULL,MB_OK);
CComQIPtr<IDispatch,&IID_IDispatch> pDisp = (IUnknown *) param; gpDisp = pDisp; // MessageBox(NULL,m_szComputerName,_T("Init Ocx Sending"),MB_OK);
SendComputerName(m_szComputerName, gpDisp); // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Setting ComputerNameSent to TRUE"),_T("ManagerData::Notify"),MB_OK);
ComputerNameSent = TRUE; break; }
{ CComQIPtr<IDisplayHelp,&IID_IDisplayHelp> spHelp = spConsole; spHelp->ShowTopic(CoTaskDupString(OLESTR("snapsamp.chm::/default.htm"))); hr = S_OK; } break; */ case MMCN_SHOW: { if (arg == TRUE) { IUnknown *pUnk; if (gpDisp == NULL) { CComQIPtr<IResultData, &IID_IResultData> spResultData(spConsole); spConsole->QueryResultView(&pUnk); CComQIPtr<IDispatch,&IID_IDispatch> pDisp = pUnk; gpDisp = pDisp; } EnterCriticalSection(&CritSec);
if (!ComputerNameSent) { SendComputerName(m_szComputerName,gpDisp); // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Setting SentComputerName to TRUE:"), _T("ManagerData::Notify, Show"), MB_OK);
ComputerNameSent = TRUE; // MessageBox(NULL,m_szComputerName,_T("Show Sending"),MB_OK);
} LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSec); EnterCriticalSection(&CritSec); SendProductName(m_ProductName,gpDisp); LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSec);
} hr = S_OK; break; } case MMCN_EXPAND: { HKEY hKLM = NULL; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwProductIndex = 0; _TCHAR szProductName[255]; DWORD dwBufferSize = 255;
if (arg == TRUE) { gszManagerCtlDispatch = (IDispatch *) NULL; //SendProductName(m_ProductName);
if ( !m_bChild) {
if (!ComputerNameSent) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Expand Determining New ComputerName"),NULL,MB_OK);
// MessageBox(NULL,m_szComputerName,gszComputerName,MB_OK);
b_Expanded = FALSE; } } if ( ( !m_bChild) && (!b_Expanded)) { b_Expanded =TRUE; // open the updates registry key and enumerate the children
// MessageBox(NULL,m_szComputerName,_T("Expand Connecting to "),MB_OK);
RegConnectRegistry(m_szComputerName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,&hKLM); if (hKLM != NULL) { RegOpenKeyEx(hKLM,_T("SOFTWARE\\MICROSOFT\\UPDATES"),0,KEY_READ,&hKey); if (hKey != NULL) { dwProductIndex = 0; while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwProductIndex,szProductName, &dwBufferSize,0,NULL,NULL,NULL) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { CSnapInItem* m_pNode; CComQIPtr<IConsoleNameSpace, &IID_IConsoleNameSpace> spConsoleNameSpace(spConsole); // TODO : Enumerate scope pane items
SCOPEDATAITEM *pScopeData; // MessageBox(NULL,szProductName,_T("Creating node"),MB_OK);
// MessageBox(NULL, m_szComputerName,_T("With computer Name"),MB_OK);
m_pNode = new CHotfix_ManagerData( szProductName,m_szComputerName, TRUE); m_pNode->GetScopeData( &pScopeData ); pScopeData->cChildren = 0; pScopeData->relativeID = param; spConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( pScopeData );
_tcscpy(szProductName,_T("\0")); ++dwProductIndex; dwBufferSize = 255; } RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKLM); } } // SendProductName(m_ProductName);
} //gf_NewComputer = FALSE;
hr = S_OK; } break; } case MMCN_ADD_IMAGES: { // Add Images
IImageList* pImageList = (IImageList*) arg; hr = E_FAIL; // Load bitmaps associated with the scope pane
// and add them to the image list
// Loads the default bitmaps generated by the wizard
// Change as required
HBITMAP hBitmap16 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_HOTFIXMANAGER_16)); if (hBitmap16 != NULL) { HBITMAP hBitmap32 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_HOTFIXMANAGER_32)); if (hBitmap32 != NULL) { hr = pImageList->ImageListSetStrip((long*)hBitmap16, (long*)hBitmap32, 0, RGB(0, 128, 128)); if (FAILED(hr)) ATLTRACE(_T("IImageList::ImageListSetStrip failed\n")); } } break; } } return hr; }
LPOLESTR CHotfix_ManagerData::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) { //if (nCol == 0)
// return m_bstrDisplayName;
switch ( nCol ) { case 0: pStr = m_bstrDisplayName; break;
case 1: pStr = m_bstrColumnType; break;
case 2: pStr = m_bstrColumnDesc; break; }
_ASSERTE( pStr != NULL ); return( pStr ); // TODO : Return the text for other columns
// return OLESTR("Override GetResultPaneColInfo");
HRESULT CHotfix_Manager::Initialize(LPUNKNOWN pUnknown) { HRESULT hr = IComponentDataImpl<CHotfix_Manager, CHotfix_ManagerComponent >::Initialize(pUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IImageList> spImageList;
if (m_spConsole->QueryScopeImageList(&spImageList) != S_OK) { ATLTRACE(_T("IConsole::QueryScopeImageList failed\n")); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// Load bitmaps associated with the scope pane
// and add them to the image list
// Loads the default bitmaps generated by the wizard
// Change as required
HBITMAP hBitmap16 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_HOTFIXMANAGER_16)); if (hBitmap16 == NULL) return S_OK;
HBITMAP hBitmap32 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_HOTFIXMANAGER_32)); if (hBitmap32 == NULL) return S_OK;
if (spImageList->ImageListSetStrip((long*)hBitmap16, (long*)hBitmap32, 0, RGB(0, 128, 128)) != S_OK) { ATLTRACE(_T("IImageList::ImageListSetStrip failed\n")); return E_UNEXPECTED; } return S_OK; }
// Retrieves the value of a given clipboard format from a given data object.
bool CHotfix_Manager::ExtractString( IDataObject* pDataObject, unsigned int cfClipFormat, LPTSTR pBuf, DWORD dwMaxLength) { USES_CONVERSION; bool fFound = false; FORMATETC formatetc = { (CLIPFORMAT) cfClipFormat, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }; STGMEDIUM stgmedium = { TYMED_HGLOBAL, NULL }; stgmedium.hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc( GMEM_SHARE, dwMaxLength * sizeof(TCHAR)); HRESULT hr;
do { //
// This is a memory error condition!
if ( NULL == stgmedium.hGlobal ) break;
hr = pDataObject->GetDataHere( &formatetc, &stgmedium ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
LPWSTR pszNewData = reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>( ::GlobalLock( stgmedium.hGlobal ) ); if ( NULL == pszNewData ) break;
pszNewData[ dwMaxLength - 1 ] = L'\0'; _tcscpy( pBuf, OLE2T( pszNewData ) ); fFound = true; } while( false );
if ( NULL != stgmedium.hGlobal ) { GlobalUnlock( stgmedium.hGlobal ); GlobalFree( stgmedium.hGlobal ); } _tcscpy (gszComputerName, pBuf); return( fFound ); }
// Determines if the enumeration is for a remoted machine or not.
bool CHotfix_Manager::IsDataObjectRemoted( IDataObject* pDataObject ) { bool fRemoted = false; TCHAR szComputerName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; DWORD dwNameLength = (DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); TCHAR szDataMachineName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ];
// Get local computer name.
GetComputerName(szComputerName, &dwNameLength);
// Get the machine name from the given data object.
if ( ExtractString( pDataObject, m_ccfRemotedFormat, szDataMachineName, DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1 ) ) { _toupper( szDataMachineName );
// Find the start of the server name.
LPTSTR pStr = szDataMachineName; while ( pStr && *pStr == L'\\' ) pStr++;
// Compare the server name.
if ( pStr && *pStr && wcscmp( pStr, szComputerName ) != 0 ) fRemoted = true; }
if (fRemoted) _tcscpy (m_szComputerName, szDataMachineName); else _tcscpy (m_szComputerName, szComputerName); return( fRemoted ); }
STDMETHODIMP CHotfix_ManagerData::GetResultViewType ( LPOLESTR* ppViewType, long* pViewOptions ) {
*ppViewType = _T("{883B970F-690C-45F2-8A3A-F4283E078118}"); return S_OK; }
// Dispatch interface of the OCX to send commands
BOOL CHotfix_ManagerData::SendComputerName(_TCHAR *szDataMachineName, IDispatch * pDisp) { HRESULT hr;
// Ensure that we have a pointer to the OCX
if (pDisp == NULL ){ // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed to send Message"),NULL,MB_OK);
return( FALSE ); }
// get the OCX dispatch interface
CComPtr<IDispatch> pManagerCtlDispatch = pDisp;
// get the ID of the "ComputerName" interface
OLECHAR FAR* szMember = TEXT("ComputerName"); // maps this to "put_Command()"
DISPID dispid; hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, // Reserved for future use. Must be IID_NULL.
&szMember, // Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
1, // Count of the names to be mapped.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,// The locale context in which to interpret the names.
&dispid); // Caller-allocated array
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed to send Message"),NULL,MB_OK);
return FALSE; }
VariantInit(&pvars[0]); BSTR NewVal( szDataMachineName); pvars[0].vt = VT_BSTR; // pvars[0].iVal = (short)lparamCommand;
pvars[0].bstrVal = NewVal; DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, &mydispid, 1, 1 };
hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->Invoke( dispid, // unique number identifying the method to invoke
IID_NULL, // Reserved. Must be IID_NULL
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, // flag indicating the context of the method to invoke
&disp, // A structure with the parameters to pass to the method
NULL, // The result from the calling method
NULL, // returned exception information
NULL); // index indicating the first argument that is in error
delete [] pvars;
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed to send Message"),NULL,MB_OK);
return FALSE; } // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Message sent"),NULL,MB_OK);
return TRUE; }
DWORD GetCtrlStatus() { DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr; DWORD Status = 0;
if ( gpDisp == NULL) return FALSE; // array of the interface names
OLECHAR FAR* szMember[1] = { OLESTR("CurrentState") }; hr = gpDisp->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, // Reserved for future use. Must be IID_NULL.
&szMember[0], // Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
1/*INTERFACE_COUNT*/, // Count of the names to be mapped.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,// The locale context in which to interpret the names.
&dispid); // Caller-allocated array (see help for details)
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed to get Dispatch pointer"),NULL,MB_OK);
return FALSE; }
VARIANT varResult; VariantInit(&varResult); V_VT(&varResult) = VT_I2; DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};
hr = gpDisp->Invoke( dispid, // unique number identifying the method to invoke
IID_NULL, // Reserved. Must be IID_NULL
DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, // flag indicating the context of the method to invoke
&dispparamsNoArgs, // A structure with the parameters to pass to the method
&varResult, // The result from the calling method
NULL, // returned exception information
NULL); // index indicating the first argument that is in error
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed To Get Value"),NULL,MB_OK);
return FALSE; } // return varResult.bVal;
Status = varResult.lVal; //delete [] pvars;
_TCHAR Message[100]; _stprintf(Message,_T("%d"),Status); // MessageBox(NULL, Message, _T("Returned Status"),MB_OK);
return Status; } BOOL CHotfix_ManagerData::SendProductName(_TCHAR *szProductName, IDispatch * pDisp) { HRESULT hr;
if ( pDisp == NULL ){ return( FALSE ); }
// get the OCX dispatch interface
CComPtr<IDispatch> pManagerCtlDispatch = pDisp;
// get the ID of the "ComputerName" interface
OLECHAR FAR* szMember = TEXT("ProductName"); // maps this to "put_Command()"
DISPID dispid; hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, // Reserved for future use. Must be IID_NULL.
&szMember, // Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
1, // Count of the names to be mapped.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,// The locale context in which to interpret the names.
&dispid); // Caller-allocated array
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Failed to send Message"),NULL,MB_OK);
return FALSE; }
VariantInit(&pvars[0]); BSTR NewVal( szProductName); pvars[0].vt = VT_BSTR; // pvars[0].iVal = (short)lparamCommand;
pvars[0].bstrVal = NewVal; DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, &mydispid, 1, 1 };
hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->Invoke( dispid, // unique number identifying the method to invoke
IID_NULL, // Reserved. Must be IID_NULL
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, // flag indicating the context of the method to invoke
&disp, // A structure with the parameters to pass to the method
NULL, // The result from the calling method
NULL, // returned exception information
NULL); // index indicating the first argument that is in error
delete [] pvars;
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } BOOL CHotfix_ManagerData::SendCommand(LPARAM lparamCommand) { HRESULT hr;
// Ensure that we have a pointer to the OCX
if ( gpDisp == NULL ){ return( FALSE ); }
// get the OCX dispatch interface
CComPtr<IDispatch> pManagerCtlDispatch = gpDisp;
// get the ID of the "Command" interface
OLECHAR FAR* szMember = TEXT("Command"); // maps this to "put_Command()"
DISPID dispid; hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, // Reserved for future use. Must be IID_NULL.
&szMember, // Passed-in array of names to be mapped.
1, // Count of the names to be mapped.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,// The locale context in which to interpret the names.
&dispid); // Caller-allocated array
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
pvars[0].vt = VT_I2; pvars[0].iVal = (short)lparamCommand; DISPPARAMS disp = { pvars, &mydispid, 1, 1 };
hr = pManagerCtlDispatch->Invoke( dispid, // unique number identifying the method to invoke
IID_NULL, // Reserved. Must be IID_NULL
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, // flag indicating the context of the method to invoke
&disp, // A structure with the parameters to pass to the method
NULL, // The result from the calling method
NULL, // returned exception information
NULL); // index indicating the first argument that is in error
delete [] pvars;
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// IExtendContextMenu::Command()
STDMETHODIMP CHotfix_ManagerData::Command(long lCommandID, CSnapInObjectRootBase* pObj, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type) { // Handle each of the commands.
switch (lCommandID) {
case ID_VIEW_BY_FILE: // MessageBox(NULL,_T("Sending View By File"),NULL,MB_OK);
SendCommand(IDC_VIEW_BY_FILE); m_dwCurrentView = IDC_VIEW_BY_FILE; break;
case ID_VIEW_BY_KB: SendCommand(IDC_VIEW_BY_HOTFIX); m_dwCurrentView = IDC_VIEW_BY_HOTFIX; break;
case ID_UNINSTALL: SendCommand(IDC_UNINSTALL); break;
case ID_VIEW_WEB: SendCommand(IDC_VIEW_WEB); break;
case ID_PRINT_REPORT: SendCommand(IDC_PRINT_REPORT); break; case ID_EXPORT: SendCommand(IDC_EXPORT); break;
default: break; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHotfix_ManagerExtData::Notify( MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, long arg, long param, IComponentData* pComponentData, IComponent* pComponent, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type) { // Add code to handle the different notifications.
// Handle MMCN_SHOW and MMCN_EXPAND to enumerate children items.
// In response to MMCN_SHOW you have to enumerate both the scope
// and result pane items.
// For MMCN_EXPAND you only need to enumerate the scope items
// Use IConsoleNameSpace::InsertItem to insert scope pane items
// Use IResultData::InsertItem to insert result pane item.
HRESULT hr = E_NOTIMPL; bool fRemoted = false;
_ASSERTE( pComponentData != NULL || pComponent != NULL );
CComPtr<IConsole> spConsole;
if ( pComponentData != NULL ) { CHotfix_Manager* pExt = (CHotfix_Manager*) pComponentData; spConsole = pExt->m_spConsole;
// Determine if we're remoted.
fRemoted = pExt->IsRemoted(); } else { spConsole = ( (CHotfix_ManagerComponent*) pComponent )->m_spConsole; }
switch ( event ) { case MMCN_SHOW: arg = arg; hr = S_OK; break; case MMCN_EXPAND: { if ( arg == TRUE ) { CComQIPtr<IConsoleNameSpace, &IID_IConsoleNameSpace> spConsoleNameSpace(spConsole); SCOPEDATAITEM* pScopeData; DWORD dwSize = 255; if (!_tcscmp(gszComputerName,_T("\0"))) GetComputerName(gszComputerName,&dwSize); m_pNode = new CHotfix_ManagerData( NULL,gszComputerName, FALSE); m_pNode->GetScopeData( &pScopeData ); pScopeData->relativeID = param; spConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( pScopeData );
if ( pComponentData ) ( (CHotfix_Manager*) pComponentData )->m_pNode = m_pNode; } hr = S_OK; break; } case MMCN_REMOVE_CHILDREN: { //
// We are not deleting this node since this same pointer is
// stashed in the pComponentData in response to the MMCN_EXPAND
// notification. The destructor of pComponentData deletes the pointer
// to this node.
//delete m_pNode;
m_pNode = NULL; hr = S_OK; break; } case MMCN_ADD_IMAGES: { } } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CHotfix_ManagerComponent::Command(long lCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { HRESULT hr;
if ( IS_SPECIAL_DATAOBJECT( pDataObject ) ) { hr = m_pComponentData->m_pNode->Command( lCommandID, this, CCT_RESULT ); } else { hr = IExtendContextMenuImpl<CHotfix_Manager>::Command( lCommandID, pDataObject ); }
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CHotfix_ManagerData::AddMenuItems( LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, long *pInsertionAllowed, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type) {
DWORD Status = GetCtrlStatus(); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Note - snap-ins need to look at the data object and determine
// in what context, menu items need to be added. They must also
// observe the insertion allowed flags to see what items can be
// added.
/* handy comment:
typedef struct _CONTEXTMENUITEM { LPWSTR strName; LPWSTR strStatusBarText; LONG lCommandID; LONG lInsertionPointID; LONG fFlags; LONG fSpecialFlags; } CONTEXTMENUITEM; */ CONTEXTMENUITEM singleMenuItem; TCHAR menuText[200]; TCHAR statusBarText[300];
singleMenuItem.strName = menuText; singleMenuItem.strStatusBarText = statusBarText; singleMenuItem.fFlags = 0; singleMenuItem.fSpecialFlags = 0;
// Add each of the items to the Action menu
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) {
// setting for the Action menu
singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP; singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_VIEW_WEB; if (Status & HOTFIX_SELECTED) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_VIEW_WEB, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_VIEW_WEB_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_UNINSTALL; if (Status & UNINSTALL_OK) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED;
LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_UNINSTALL, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_UNINSTALL_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
if (Status & DATA_TO_SAVE) { singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_EXPORT; singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_EXPORT, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_EXPORT_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_PRINT_REPORT; singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_PRINT_REPORT, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_PRINT_REPORT_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem); } else { singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_EXPORT; singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_EXPORT, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_EXPORT_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_PRINT_REPORT; singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_PRINT_REPORT, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_PRINT_REPORT_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = pContextMenuCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CHotfix_ManagerComponent::AddMenuItems(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback,long *pInsertionAllowed) { HRESULT hr;
if ( IS_SPECIAL_DATAOBJECT( pDataObject ) ) { } else { CONTEXTMENUITEM singleMenuItem; TCHAR menuText[200]; TCHAR statusBarText[300]; DWORD State = GetCtrlStatus(); //
// Retrieve the control from the current component.
// assert( m_pComponent != NULL );
// CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispCtl = m_pComponent->GetControl();
singleMenuItem.strName = menuText; singleMenuItem.strStatusBarText = statusBarText; singleMenuItem.fFlags = 0; singleMenuItem.fSpecialFlags = 0;
// Add each of the items to the Action menu
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_VIEW) { singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW; singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_VIEW_BY_KB ; if ( State & STATE_VIEW_HOTFIX) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_CHECKED; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_UNCHECKED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_BY_KB_ARTICLE, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_BY_KB_ARTICLE_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = piCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem); // setting for the Action menu
singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW; singleMenuItem.lCommandID = ID_VIEW_BY_FILE; if ( State & STATE_VIEW_FILE ) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_CHECKED ; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_UNCHECKED ; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_VIEW_BY_FILE, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_BY_FILE_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = piCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
hr = IExtendContextMenuImpl<CHotfix_Manager>::AddMenuItems( pDataObject, piCallback, pInsertionAllowed ); // setting for the Action menu
/* singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP;
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = IDM_VIEW_WEB; if (HaveHotfix) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_VIEW_WEB, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_VIEW_WEB_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = piCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
// singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW;
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = IDM_UNINSTALL; // singleMenuItem.fFlags = analyzeFlags;
if ((!Remote) && (HaveHotfix)) singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; else singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_GRAYED;
LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_UNINSTALL, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_UNINSTALL_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = piCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem);
// singleMenuItem.lInsertionPointID = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW;
singleMenuItem.lCommandID = IDM_GENERATE_REPORT; singleMenuItem.fFlags = MF_ENABLED; LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_GENERATE_REPORT, menuText, sizeof(menuText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_GENERATE_REPORT_STATUS_BAR, statusBarText, sizeof(statusBarText) / sizeof(TCHAR)); hr = piCallback->AddItem(&singleMenuItem); */ } // hr = m_pComponentData->m_pNode->AddMenuItems( piCallback, pInsertionAllowed, CCT_RESULT );
return( hr ); }