// Enable driver verifier support for ntoskrnl
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// module: genutil.cxx
// author: DMihai
// created: 04/19/99
// description: genaral purpose utility routines
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "resutil.hxx"
#include "genutil.hxx"
void __cdecl DisplayMessage( UINT uFormatResId, ... ) { TCHAR strMsgFormat[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; va_list prms;
va_start (prms, uFormatResId);
bResult = GetStringFromResources( uFormatResId, strMsgFormat, ARRAY_LEN( strMsgFormat ) );
if( bResult == TRUE ) { _vtprintf ( strMsgFormat, prms); _tprintf ( _TEXT( "\n" ) ); }
va_end (prms); }
// Function:
// ConvertAnsiStringToTcharString
// Description:
// This function converts an ANSI string to a TCHAR string,
// that is ANSO or UNICODE.
// The function is needed because the system returns the active
// modules as ANSI strings.
BOOL ConvertAnsiStringToTcharString (
LPBYTE Source, ULONG SourceLength, LPTSTR Destination, ULONG DestinationLength) { ULONG Index;
for (Index = 0; Index < SourceLength && Index < DestinationLength - 1; Index++) {
if (Source[Index] == 0) {
break; }
Destination[Index] = (TCHAR)(Source[Index]); }
Destination[Index] = 0; return TRUE; }