Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
ARC/NV-RAM manipulation routines for 32-bit winnt setup. Also works on boot.ini on i386 machines.
Ted Miller (tedm) 19-December-1993
Revision History:
#include "nvram.h"
typedef enum { BootVarSystemPartition, BootVarOsLoader, BootVarOsLoadPartition, BootVarOsLoadFilename, BootVarLoadIdentifier, BootVarOsLoadOptions, BootVarCountdown, BootVarMax } BOOT_VARS;
#ifndef i386
// Helper macro to make object attribute initialization a little cleaner.
#define INIT_OBJA(Obja,UnicodeString,UnicodeText) \
\ RtlInitUnicodeString((UnicodeString),(UnicodeText)); \ \ InitializeObjectAttributes( \ (Obja), \ (UnicodeString), \ OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, \ NULL, \ NULL \ )
RtlInitUnicodeString(&U1,VarName); RtlInitUnicodeString(&U2,VarValue);
return(NT_SUCCESS(NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue(&U1,&U2))); }
VOID PrintNvRamVariable( IN PWSTR VariableName, IN PWSTR VariableValue ) { PWSTR pEnd; WCHAR c; BOOL FirstComponent = TRUE;
while(*VariableValue) {
// Find the termination of the current component,
// which is either a ; or 0.
pEnd = wcschr(VariableValue,L';'); if(!pEnd) { pEnd = wcschr(VariableValue,0); }
c = *pEnd; *pEnd = 0;
wprintf( L"%s%s %s\n", FirstComponent ? VariableName : L" ", FirstComponent ? L":" : L" ", VariableValue );
*pEnd = c;
VariableValue = pEnd + (c ? 1 : 0);
FirstComponent = FALSE; } }
VOID RotateNvRamVariable( IN PWSTR VariableValue ) { PWSTR pEnd; WCHAR Buffer[32768]; //
// Find the termination of the current component,
// which is either a ; or 0.
pEnd = wcschr(VariableValue,L';'); if(!pEnd) { pEnd = wcschr(VariableValue,0); }
// Copy VariableValue into Buffer starting at second entry
wcscpy(Buffer, pEnd + (*pEnd ? 1 : 0));
// Append first entry at the end of Buffer
if (*pEnd) wcscpy(Buffer + wcslen(Buffer), L";");
*pEnd = 0;
wcscpy(Buffer + wcslen(Buffer), VariableValue);
// Copy whole thing back into VariableValue
wcscpy(VariableValue, Buffer);
int _cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { DWORD var; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN OldPriv; WCHAR Buffer[32768]; WCHAR Buffer1[32768]; WCHAR Buffer2[32768];
Status = RtlAdjustPrivilege( SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &OldPriv );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { wprintf(L"Insufficient privilege.\n"); return(0); }
if(argc == 1) {
for(var=0; var<BootVarMax; var++) {
Status = NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue( &UnicodeString, Buffer, SIZECHARS(Buffer), NULL );
if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PrintNvRamVariable(PaddedBootVarNames[var],Buffer); } else { wprintf(L"%s: <empty>\n",PaddedBootVarNames[var]); }
wprintf(L"\n"); } }
if((argc == 2) && !lstrcmpiA(argv[1],"rotate")){
for(var=0; var<BootVarMax; var++) {
Status = NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue( &UnicodeString, Buffer, SIZECHARS(Buffer), NULL );
if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RotateNvRamVariable(Buffer); printf( "Setting variable %ws to %ws [%s]\n", UnicodeString.Buffer, Buffer, DoSetNvRamVar(UnicodeString.Buffer,Buffer) ? "OK" : "Error" ); } else { wprintf(L"%s: <empty>\n",PaddedBootVarNames[var]); }
wprintf(L"\n"); } }
if((argc == 5) && !lstrcmpiA(argv[1]+1,"set") && !lstrcmpA(argv[3],"=")) {
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_OEMCP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, argv[2], -1, Buffer1, SIZECHARS(Buffer1) );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_OEMCP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, argv[4], -1, Buffer2, SIZECHARS(Buffer2) );
printf( "Setting variable %ws to %ws [%s]\n", Buffer1, Buffer2, DoSetNvRamVar(Buffer1,Buffer2) ? "OK" : "Error" ); }
return(0); }
TCHAR LoadID[500]; // load identifier (no quotes)
TCHAR CountDown[100]; // countdown timer
TCHAR OsLoadOptions[500]; // load options
TCHAR OsName[500]; // name of default os
TCHAR OsLine[500]; // complete line of os description and options
#define STR_BOOTINI TEXT("c:\\boot.ini")
#define STR_BOOTLDR TEXT("boot loader")
#define STR_TIMEOUT TEXT("timeout")
#define STR_DEFAULT TEXT("default")
#define STR_OPERATINGSYS TEXT("operating systems")
#define STR_NULL TEXT("")
// HandleOption - add option to OsLoadOptions
VOID HandleOption( TCHAR* Option ) { TCHAR SlashOption[200]; TCHAR SlashOptionSlash[200]; //
// find out if option already exists
// add blank to end to prevent debug from matching debugport
wsprintf( SlashOption, TEXT("/%s "), Option ); wsprintf( SlashOptionSlash, TEXT("/%s/"), Option );
if( wcsstr( OsLoadOptions, SlashOption ) || wcsstr( OsLoadOptions, SlashOptionSlash ) ) { printf("option already exists: %ws\n",Option); } else { //
// append option without the trailing blank
printf("added option %ws\n",Option); lstrcat( OsLoadOptions, TEXT("/") ); lstrcat( OsLoadOptions, Option ); } }
// WriteBootIni - update the boot.ini file with our changes
VOID WriteBootIni() { DWORD FileAttr;
// Get file attributes of boot.ini for later restoration
FileAttr= GetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI );
// Change file attributes on boot.ini so we can write to it.
if( !SetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ) { printf("Failed to turn off read-only on boot.ini (lasterr= %d)\n", GetLastError() ); }
// Update boot.ini strings
if( !WritePrivateProfileString( STR_BOOTLDR, STR_TIMEOUT, CountDown, STR_BOOTINI ) ) { printf("failed to write timeout (lasterr= %d)\n",GetLastError()); }
// create the osline from its parts
wsprintf(OsLine, TEXT("\"%s\"%s"), LoadID, OsLoadOptions );
if( !WritePrivateProfileString( STR_OPERATINGSYS, OsName, OsLine, STR_BOOTINI ) ) { printf("failed to write OS line (lasterr= %d)\n",GetLastError()); }
// Restore boot.ini file attributes
if( FileAttr != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { SetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI, FileAttr ); }
// Usage - print out usage information
VOID Usage() { printf("\nUsage:\n"); printf(" no parameters: prints current settings.\n"); printf(" /set parameter = value : sets value in boot.ini\n"); printf(" rotate : rotates default build through boot options\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Example: nvram /set osloadoptions = debug\n"); printf(" This will set the debug option on\n\n"); printf("Available options:\n"); printf(" loadidentifier, osloadoptions, countdown\n"); }
int _cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { DWORD dwStatus; LPWSTR* pArgs;
// parse command line in unicode
pArgs= CommandLineToArgvW( GetCommandLine(), &argc );
// Get the boot information from boot.ini
// timeout
dwStatus= GetPrivateProfileString( STR_BOOTLDR, STR_TIMEOUT, STR_NULL, CountDown, SIZECHARS(CountDown), STR_BOOTINI ); if( !dwStatus ) { printf("Failed to get timeout value\n"); return(-1); }
// default os description and options
dwStatus= GetPrivateProfileString( STR_BOOTLDR, STR_DEFAULT, STR_NULL, OsName, SIZECHARS(OsName), STR_BOOTINI ); if( !dwStatus ) { printf("Failed to get default OS name\n"); return(-1); }
dwStatus= GetPrivateProfileString( STR_OPERATINGSYS, OsName, STR_NULL, OsLine, SIZECHARS(OsLine), STR_BOOTINI ); if( !dwStatus ) { printf("Failed to get default os description\n"); return(-1); } //
// Now parse the line into description and options.
// If it starts with a quote, it may have options.
// If it doesn't start with a quote, it won't.
*LoadID= *OsLoadOptions= TEXT('\0');
if( *OsLine == TEXT('"') ) { INT i;
for( i=1; OsLine[i]; i++ ) { LoadID[i-1]= OsLine[i]; if( OsLine[i] == TEXT('"') ) break; }
if( OsLine[i] ) { LoadID[i-1]= TEXT('\0'); // don't copy final quote
lstrcpy( OsLoadOptions, &OsLine[i+1] ); lstrcat( OsLoadOptions, TEXT(" ") ); // all options end with blank
} } else { lstrcpy( LoadID, OsLine ); lstrcpy( OsLoadOptions, TEXT("") ); }
// no parameters prints out values
if( argc == 1 ) { printf("%ws: %ws\n",PaddedBootVarNames[BootVarLoadIdentifier], LoadID); printf("%ws: %ws\n",PaddedBootVarNames[BootVarOsLoadOptions], OsLoadOptions); printf("%ws: %ws\n",PaddedBootVarNames[BootVarCountdown], CountDown); } // -set parameter = value
// sets parameter to some value
if( (argc == 2) && !lstrcmpiW(pArgs[1],L"rotate") ) { INT i; DWORD FileAttr;
// Read in all boot options
dwStatus= GetPrivateProfileString( STR_OPERATINGSYS, NULL, STR_NULL, OsLine, SIZECHARS(OsLine), STR_BOOTINI ); if( !dwStatus ) { printf("Failed to get os section\n"); return(-1); }
// read through boot options until we find default entry
i = 0;
while( lstrcmpiW( OsName, &(OsLine[i]) ) ){
i = i + wcslen(&OsLine[i]) + 1; }
// increment one more entry
i = i + wcslen(&OsLine[i]) + 1;
// if we've gone off the end then start over
if (!lstrcmpiW( &(OsLine[i]), L"\0\0" ) ){ i = 0; }
// Get file attributes of boot.ini for later restoration
FileAttr= GetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI );
// Change file attributes on boot.ini so we can write to it.
if( !SetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ) { printf("Failed to turn off read-only on boot.ini (lasterr= %d)\n", GetLastError() ); }
if( !WritePrivateProfileString( STR_BOOTLDR, STR_DEFAULT, &(OsLine[i]), STR_BOOTINI ) ) { printf("failed to write default (lasterr= %d)\n",GetLastError()); }
// Restore boot.ini file attributes
if( FileAttr != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { SetFileAttributes( STR_BOOTINI, FileAttr ); }
} if( (argc == 5) && !lstrcmpiW(pArgs[1]+1,L"set") && !lstrcmpW(pArgs[3],L"=") ) { INT i;
// see if we understand parameter
for( i=0; i<BootVarMax; i++ ) { if( lstrcmpiW( pArgs[2], BootVarNames[i] ) == 0 ) break; }
// handle the ones we can
switch( i ) { default: printf("Not valid parameter name to set: %ws\n",pArgs[2]); Usage(); return(-1); break;
case BootVarLoadIdentifier: lstrcpyW( LoadID, pArgs[4] ); break;
case BootVarOsLoadOptions: HandleOption( pArgs[4] ); break;
case BootVarCountdown: lstrcpyW( CountDown, pArgs[4] ); break; }
WriteBootIni(); }
// -?
// usage message
if( argc == 2 && !lstrcmpW(pArgs[1]+1, L"?") ) { Usage(); }
return(0); }