// (c) 1997-1999 by Microsoft Corp.
// Mapped NT5 Perf Counter Provider
// raymcc 02-Dec-97 Created.
// raymcc 20-Feb-98 Updated to use new initializer.
// bobw 8-Jub-98 optimized for use with NT Perf counters
#include "wpheader.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "oahelp.inl"
#define __WBEMSECURITY 1
// HRESULT CNt5PerfProvider::CheckImpersonationLevel (void);
// BOOL CNt5PerfProvider::HasPermission (void);
// Timeout for our wait calls
class CMutexReleaseMe { private: HANDLE m_hMutex;
public: CMutexReleaseMe( HANDLE hMutex ) : m_hMutex( hMutex ) {}; ~CMutexReleaseMe() { if ( NULL != m_hMutex ) ReleaseMutex( m_hMutex ); }; };
// RefresherCacheEl::RefresherCacheEl
// Constructor
// ok
RefresherCacheEl::RefresherCacheEl() { m_dwPerfObjIx = 0; m_pClassMap = NULL; m_pSingleton = NULL; m_lSingletonId = 0; m_plIds = NULL; // array of ID's
m_lEnumArraySize = 0; // size of ID array in elements
m_pHiPerfEnum = NULL; m_lEnumId = 0; }
// RefresherCacheEl::~RefresherCacheEl()
// Destructor
// ok
RefresherCacheEl::~RefresherCacheEl() { LONG nNumInstances; int i;
delete m_pClassMap;
if (m_pSingleton != NULL) { m_pSingleton->Release(); m_pSingleton = NULL; m_lSingletonId = 0; } nNumInstances = m_aInstances.Size(); for (i = 0; i < nNumInstances; i++) { delete (CachedInst *) m_aInstances[i]; }
nNumInstances = m_aEnumInstances.Size(); if (nNumInstances> 0) { IWbemObjectAccess *pAccess; for (i = 0; i < nNumInstances ; i++) { pAccess = (IWbemObjectAccess *)(m_aEnumInstances.GetAt(i)); if (pAccess != NULL) { pAccess->Release(); } } m_aEnumInstances.Empty(); }
if (m_plIds != NULL) { delete (m_plIds); m_plIds = NULL; m_lEnumArraySize = 0; }
if (m_pHiPerfEnum != NULL) { m_pHiPerfEnum->Release(); m_pHiPerfEnum = NULL; } }
// CNt5Refresher constructor
// ok
CNt5Refresher::CNt5Refresher(CNt5PerfProvider *pPerfProviderArg) { assert (pPerfProviderArg != NULL);
m_ClsidType = pPerfProviderArg->m_OriginClsid; m_pPerfProvider = pPerfProviderArg;
m_pPerfProvider = NULL; // for testing of local class map
if (m_pPerfProvider != NULL) { m_pPerfProvider->AddRef(); } m_hAccessMutex = CreateMutex (NULL, TRUE, NULL); m_dwGetGetNextClassIndex = 0; m_lRef = 0; // COM Ref Count
m_lProbableId = 1; // Used for new IDs
m_aCache.Empty(); // clear and reset the array
RELEASE_MUTEX (m_hAccessMutex); }
// CNt5Refresher destructor
// ok
CNt5Refresher::~CNt5Refresher() { int nNumElements; int i;
PRefresherCacheEl pCacheEl;
assert (m_lRef == 0);
// Make sure we get access to the mutex before we try and clean things up.
// If we don't get it in a reasonable time, something's up. Since we're
// destructing, we'll just quietly let stuff go.
if ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hAccessMutex, REFRESHER_MUTEX_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // This will auto-release the mutex in case something bad happens
CMutexReleaseMe mrm( m_hAccessMutex );
nNumElements = m_aCache.Size(); for (i = 0; i < nNumElements; i++) { pCacheEl = (PRefresherCacheEl)m_aCache[i];
// We want to call this once for each instance
for ( int n = 0; n < pCacheEl->m_aInstances.Size(); n++ ) { m_PerfObj.RemoveClass (pCacheEl->m_pClassMap->m_pClassDef); }
// If we have a Singleton value, RemoveClass should be
// called once more
if ( NULL != pCacheEl->m_pSingleton ) { m_PerfObj.RemoveClass (pCacheEl->m_pClassMap->m_pClassDef); }
// And finally if we have an enumerator, remove the class
// once more.
if ( NULL != pCacheEl->m_pHiPerfEnum ) { m_PerfObj.RemoveClass (pCacheEl->m_pClassMap->m_pClassDef); }
delete pCacheEl; }
if (m_pPerfProvider != NULL) { m_pPerfProvider->Release(); m_pPerfProvider = NULL; } }
CloseHandle (m_hAccessMutex); }
// CNt5Refresher::Refresh
// Executed to refresh a set of instances bound to the particular
// refresher.
// ok
HRESULT CNt5Refresher::Refresh(/* [in] */ long lFlags) { HRESULT hrReturn = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; HRESULT hReturn = S_OK; BOOL bRes;
BOOL bNeedCoImpersonate = FALSE; //
// this is ugly
// wmicookr is not impersonating, because
// it relys on other provider to do that
// but, it calls the IWbemRefresher::Refresh when it's inside winmgmt or wmiprvse
// and it calls it from an UN-Impersonated thread
// so, we need that the provider calls CoImpersonateClient
// on a Refresh invocation, that is expensive in general,
// only if the provider has been invoked through the Server CLSID
BOOL fRevert; if (CNt5PerfProvider::CLSID_SERVER == m_ClsidType) { #ifdef __WBEMSECURITY
hReturn = CoImpersonateClient(); // make sure we're legit.
fRevert = SUCCEEDED( hReturn );
// The following error appears to occur when we are in-proc and there is no
// proxy/stub, so we are effectively impersonating already
if ( RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE == hReturn ) { hReturn = S_OK; }
if (S_OK == hReturn) { hReturn = CNt5PerfProvider::CheckImpersonationLevel(); } // Check Registry security here.
if ((hReturn != S_OK) || (!CNt5PerfProvider::HasPermission())) { // if Impersonation level is incorrect or
// the caller doesn't have permission to read
// from the registry, then they cannot continue
hReturn = S_OK; #endif
if (hReturn == S_OK) { // Make sure we get access to the mutex before we continue. If we can't
// get to it, something's wrong, so we'll just assume we are busy.
if ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hAccessMutex, REFRESHER_MUTEX_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // This will auto-release the mutex in case something bad happens
CMutexReleaseMe mrm( m_hAccessMutex );
bRes = PerfHelper::RefreshInstances(this); if (!bRes) { hrReturn = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else { hrReturn = WBEM_E_REFRESHER_BUSY; } }
if (CNt5PerfProvider::CLSID_SERVER == m_ClsidType) { #ifdef __WBEMSECURITY
// Revert if we successfuly impersonated the user
if ( fRevert ) { CoRevertToSelf(); } #endif
return hrReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::AddRef
// Standard COM AddRef().
// ok
ULONG CNt5Refresher::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef); }
// CNt5Refresher::Release
// Standard COM Release().
// ok
ULONG CNt5Refresher::Release() { long lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef); if(lRef == 0) delete this; return lRef; }
// CNt5Refresher::QueryInterface
// Standard COM QueryInterface().
// ok
HRESULT CNt5Refresher::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv) { if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IWbemRefresher) { *ppv = (IWbemRefresher *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; }
// CNt5Refresher::RemoveObject
// Removes an object from the refresher. Since we don't know
// by ID alone which class it is, we loop through all the ones we
// have until somebody claims it and returns TRUE for a removal.(
// ok
BOOL CNt5Refresher::RemoveObject(LONG lId) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bRes; PRefresherCacheEl pCacheEl; int nNumElements;
// Make sure we get access to the mutex before we continue. If we can't
// get to it, something's wrong, so we'll just assume we are busy.
if ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hAccessMutex, REFRESHER_MUTEX_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // This will auto-release the mutex in case something bad happens
CMutexReleaseMe mrm( m_hAccessMutex ); nNumElements = m_aCache.Size(); for (int i = 0; i < nNumElements; i++) { pCacheEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[i]); assert (pCacheEl != NULL);
bRes = pCacheEl->RemoveInst(lId); if (bRes == TRUE) { // found the matching instance so
// de register this with the perf library
m_PerfObj.RemoveClass (pCacheEl->m_pClassMap->m_pClassDef); bReturn = TRUE; break; } } } else { SetLastError( (ULONG) WBEM_E_REFRESHER_BUSY ); bReturn = FALSE; } return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::FindSingletonInst
// Based on a perf object identification, locates a singleton WBEM
// instance of that class within this refresher and returns the pointer
// to it and its WBEM class info.
// Note that the <dwPerfObjIx> maps directly to a WBEM Class entry.
// To save execution time, we don't AddRef() the return value and the
// caller doesn't Release().
// ok
BOOL CNt5Refresher::FindSingletonInst( IN DWORD dwPerfObjIx, OUT IWbemObjectAccess **pInst, OUT CClassMapInfo **pClsMap ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; PRefresherCacheEl pCacheEl;
int l = 0; int u = m_aCache.Size() - 1; int m;
// Binary search the cache.
// ========================
while (l <= u) {
m = (l + u) / 2;
pCacheEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[m]);
if (dwPerfObjIx < pCacheEl->m_dwPerfObjIx) { u = m - 1; } else if (dwPerfObjIx > pCacheEl->m_dwPerfObjIx) { l = m + 1; } else { *pClsMap = pCacheEl->m_pClassMap; *pInst = pCacheEl->m_pSingleton; // No AddRef() caller doesn't
// change ref count
bReturn = TRUE; break; } }
// Not found
// =========
return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::FindInst
// Based on a perf object identification, locates a WBEM instance of
// that class within this refresher and returns the pointer to it.
// Note that the <dwPerfObjIx> maps directly to a WBEM Class entry.
// To save execution time, we don't AddRef() the return value and the
// caller doesn't Release().
// ok
BOOL CNt5Refresher::FindInst( IN DWORD dwPerfObjIx, IN LPWSTR pszInstName, OUT IWbemObjectAccess **pInst, OUT CClassMapInfo **pClsMap ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; IWbemObjectAccess *pTmp; PRefresherCacheEl pCacheEl;
int l = 0; int u = m_aCache.Size() - 1; int m;
// Binary search the cache.
// ========================
while (l <= u) { m = (l + u) / 2;
pCacheEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[m]);
if (dwPerfObjIx < pCacheEl->m_dwPerfObjIx) { u = m - 1; } else if (dwPerfObjIx > pCacheEl->m_dwPerfObjIx) { l = m + 1; } else { // We found the class. Now do we have the instance?
// =================================================
pTmp = pCacheEl->FindInst(pszInstName); if (pTmp == 0) { bReturn = FALSE; // Didn't have it.
} else { *pInst = pTmp; *pClsMap = pCacheEl->m_pClassMap; bReturn = TRUE; } break; } }
// Not found
// =========
return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::GetObjectIds
// Gets a list of all the perf object Ids corresponding to the instances
// in the refresher.
// Caller uses operator delete to deallocate the returned array.
// ok
BOOL CNt5Refresher::GetObjectIds( DWORD *pdwNumIds, DWORD **pdwIdList ) { DWORD *pdwIds; int nNumElements; BOOL bReturn; nNumElements = m_aCache.Size();
pdwIds = new DWORD[nNumElements ];
if (pdwIds != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < nNumElements; i++) { pdwIds[i] = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[i])->m_dwPerfObjIx; }
*pdwIdList = pdwIds; *pdwNumIds = nNumElements; bReturn = TRUE; } else { // unable to create buffer
bReturn = FALSE; }
return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::FindUnusedId
// Finds an ID not in use for new objects to be added to the refresher.
// ok
LONG CNt5Refresher::FindUnusedId() { PRefresherCacheEl pEl; PCachedInst pInst; int nRetries = 0x100000; // A hundred thousand retries
LONG lReturn = -1; int i; int i2; int nNumElements; int nNumInstances; // assume the object is locked for access
Restart: while (nRetries--) { i = 0; nNumElements = m_aCache.Size(); while(i < nNumElements) { pEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[i]); // test enum Id first
if (pEl->m_lEnumId == m_lProbableId) { m_lProbableId++; goto Restart; } i2 = 0; nNumInstances = pEl->m_aInstances.Size(); while (i2 < nNumInstances) { pInst = (PCachedInst) pEl->m_aInstances[i2]; if (pInst->m_lId == m_lProbableId) { m_lProbableId++; goto Restart; } i2++; } i++; } lReturn = m_lProbableId; break; } return lReturn; }
// RefresherCacheEl::RemoveInst
// Removes the requested instances from the cache element for a particular
// class.
// ok
BOOL RefresherCacheEl::RemoveInst(LONG lId) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; int i; PCachedInst pInst; int nNumInstances;
if (lId == m_lEnumId) { // then clean out the enumerator for this object
nNumInstances = m_aEnumInstances.Size(); if (nNumInstances> 0) { IWbemObjectAccess *pAccess; for (i = 0; i < nNumInstances ; i++) { pAccess = (IWbemObjectAccess *)(m_aEnumInstances.GetAt(i)); if (pAccess != NULL) { pAccess->Release(); } } m_aEnumInstances.Empty(); }
if (m_plIds != NULL) { delete (m_plIds); m_plIds = NULL; m_lEnumArraySize = 0; }
if (m_pHiPerfEnum != NULL) { m_pHiPerfEnum->Release(); m_pHiPerfEnum = NULL; }
// Now, if this is a singleton (m_pSingleton != NULL),
// then check if m_aInstances is empty. If so, then
// no instances are referencing the singleton object
// so we can free up its resources.
if ( NULL != m_pSingleton && 0 == m_aInstances.Size() ) { m_pSingleton->Release(); m_pSingleton = NULL; }
return TRUE; } else { // walk the instances to find a match
nNumInstances = m_aInstances.Size(); for (i = 0; i < nNumInstances; i++) { pInst = (PCachedInst) m_aInstances[i]; if (lId == pInst->m_lId) { delete pInst; m_aInstances.RemoveAt(i); bReturn = TRUE; break; } }
// Now, if we removed an instance, m_aInstances is empty
// and this is a singleton (m_pSingleton != NULL), then
// check if m_pHiPerfEnum is NULL, meaning no Enumerator
// exists, so none of its instances will be referencing
// the singleton object, so we can free up its resources.
if ( NULL != m_pSingleton && bReturn && 0 == m_aInstances.Size() && NULL == m_pHiPerfEnum ) { m_pSingleton->Release(); m_pSingleton = NULL; }
if ( bReturn ) { } } return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::AddEnum
// Creates an enumerator for the specified class
// to it.
// ?
BOOL CNt5Refresher::AddEnum ( IN IWbemHiPerfEnum *pEnum, // enum interface pointer
IN CClassMapInfo *pClsMap, // Class of object
OUT LONG *plId // id for new enum
) { BOOL bRes = FALSE; LONG lStatus; LONG lNewId; PRefresherCacheEl pWorkEl; int iReturn;
// Make sure we get access to the mutex before we continue. If we can't
// get to it, something's wrong, so we'll just assume we are busy.
if ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hAccessMutex, REFRESHER_MUTEX_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // This will auto-release the mutex in case something bad happens
CMutexReleaseMe mrm( m_hAccessMutex );
lNewId = FindUnusedId(); if (lNewId != -1) { // First, find the cache element corresponding to this object.
// ===========================================================
pWorkEl = GetCacheEl(pClsMap); // If <pWorkEl> is NULL, we didn't have anything in the cache
// and have to add a new one.
// ==========================================================
if (pWorkEl == NULL) { bRes = AddNewCacheEl(pClsMap, &pWorkEl); }
if (pWorkEl != NULL) { if (pWorkEl->m_pHiPerfEnum == NULL) { // then we can init it as it hasn't been opened
pEnum->AddRef(); pWorkEl->m_pHiPerfEnum = pEnum; pWorkEl->m_lEnumId = lNewId;
assert (pWorkEl->m_aEnumInstances.Size() == 0L); bRes = TRUE;
if (pClsMap->IsSingleton()) { LONG lNumObjInstances; // then create the singleton IWbemObjectAccess entry here
lNumObjInstances = 1;
// If we do NOT have a singleton pointer, make it so.
if ( NULL == pWorkEl->m_pSingleton ) { // add the new IWbemObjectAccess pointers
IWbemClassObject *pClsObj; pWorkEl->m_pClassMap->m_pClassDef->SpawnInstance(0, &pClsObj); pClsObj->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemObjectAccess, (LPVOID *) &pWorkEl->m_pSingleton); pClsObj->Release(); // We only need the IWbemObjectAccess pointer
// We don't really care about the singleton id anymore
// pWorkEl->m_lSingletonId = pWorkEl->m_plIds[0];
if (pWorkEl->m_aEnumInstances.Size() < lNumObjInstances) { // alloc and init the ID array
if (pWorkEl->m_plIds != NULL) { delete (pWorkEl->m_plIds); } pWorkEl->m_lEnumArraySize = lNumObjInstances; pWorkEl->m_plIds = new LONG[lNumObjInstances];
if (pWorkEl->m_plIds != NULL) { pWorkEl->m_plIds[0] = 0; // AddRef the singleton class and place it in the enuminstances array
pWorkEl->m_pSingleton->AddRef(); iReturn = pWorkEl->m_aEnumInstances.Add (pWorkEl->m_pSingleton); if (iReturn == CFlexArray::no_error) { // Add the singleton object to the enumerator. Then, all we have to
// do is update this object and we will, by default update the
// enumerator, since the number of objects in it will always
// be one.
pWorkEl->m_pHiPerfEnum->AddObjects( 0, 1, pWorkEl->m_plIds, (IWbemObjectAccess __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *)pWorkEl->m_aEnumInstances.GetArrayPtr()); } else { SetLastError((ULONG) WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); bRes = FALSE; }
} else { SetLastError ((ULONG)WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); bRes = FALSE; } } assert (pWorkEl->m_aEnumInstances.Size() >= lNumObjInstances);
// load provider library since all went OK so far
lStatus = m_PerfObj.AddClass (pClsMap->m_pClassDef, FALSE); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // return new ID & successful status
*plId = lNewId; bRes = TRUE; } else { // set error: Class or library failed to load
SetLastError ((ULONG)WBEM_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE); bRes = FALSE; } } else { // this class already has an enumerator
// what to do here?
// for now we'll return the id of the existing one
} // IF WaitForSingleObject
else { bRes = FALSE; // We're locked out of the mutex
return bRes; }
// CNt5Refresher::AddObject
// Adds the requested object to the refresher and assigns an ID
// to it.
// ?
BOOL CNt5Refresher::AddObject( IN IWbemObjectAccess **ppObj, // Object to add
IN CClassMapInfo *pClsMap, // Class of object
OUT LONG *plId // The id of the object added
) { BOOL bRes = FALSE; LONG lStatus; LONG lNewId; PRefresherCacheEl pWorkEl;
// Make sure we get access to the mutex before we continue. If we can't
// get to it, something's wrong, so we'll just assume we are busy.
if ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hAccessMutex, REFRESHER_MUTEX_WAIT_TIMEOUT ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // This will auto-release the mutex in case something bad happens
CMutexReleaseMe mrm( m_hAccessMutex );
lNewId = FindUnusedId(); if (lNewId != -1) { // First, find the cache element corresponding to this object.
// ===========================================================
pWorkEl = GetCacheEl(pClsMap); // If <pWorkEl> is NULL, we didn't have anything in the cache
// and have to add a new one.
// ==========================================================
if (pWorkEl == NULL) { bRes = AddNewCacheEl(pClsMap, &pWorkEl); }
if (pWorkEl != NULL) { // If here, we have successfully added a new cache element.
// ========================================================
bRes = pWorkEl->InsertInst(ppObj, lNewId);
if (bRes) { // load provider library since all went OK so far
lStatus = m_PerfObj.AddClass (pClsMap->m_pClassDef, FALSE);
if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // return new ID & successful status
*plId = lNewId; bRes = TRUE; } else { // set error: Class or library failed to load
SetLastError ((ULONG)WBEM_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE); bRes = FALSE; } } } }
} // IF acquired mutex
else { bRes = FALSE; // Return a busy error
return bRes; }
// CNt5Refresher::AddNewCacheEl
// Adds a new cache element in the proper position so that a binary
// search on perf object id can occur later.
// ok
BOOL CNt5Refresher::AddNewCacheEl( IN CClassMapInfo *pClsMap, PRefresherCacheEl *pOutput ) { // assumes the object is locked for access
PRefresherCacheEl pWorkEl; PRefresherCacheEl pNew = 0;
int i; int nNumElements; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
* pOutput = NULL; pNew = new RefresherCacheEl;
if (pNew != NULL) { pNew->m_dwPerfObjIx = pClsMap->GetObjectId(); pNew->m_pClassMap = pClsMap->CreateDuplicate();
if (pNew->m_pClassMap != NULL) { nNumElements = m_aCache.Size(); for (i = 0; i < nNumElements; i++) { // walk through the list of cache elements
// and find the first entry that has a
// larger index then the one we are adding
pWorkEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[i]); if (pNew->m_dwPerfObjIx < pWorkEl->m_dwPerfObjIx) { m_aCache.InsertAt(i, pNew); *pOutput = pNew; bReturn = TRUE; break; } }
if (i == nNumElements) { // this entry is larger than anyone in the list
// so Add it to the end.
// =====-===============
m_aCache.Add(pNew); *pOutput = pNew; bReturn = TRUE; } } else { // cannot duplicate ClassMap,
// delte allocated object and return false
delete pNew; }
} else { // return false
return bReturn; }
// CNt5Refresher::GetCacheEl
// ok
PRefresherCacheEl CNt5Refresher::GetCacheEl( CClassMapInfo *pClsMap ) { // assumes the structure is locked for access
PRefresherCacheEl pReturn = NULL; PRefresherCacheEl pWorkEl; int i; int nNumElements; DWORD dwObjectIdToFind;
if (pClsMap != NULL) { dwObjectIdToFind = pClsMap->GetObjectId(); nNumElements = m_aCache.Size(); for (i = 0; i < nNumElements; i++) { pWorkEl = PRefresherCacheEl(m_aCache[i]); if (pWorkEl->m_pClassMap->GetObjectId() == dwObjectIdToFind) { pReturn = pWorkEl; break; } } }
return pReturn; }
// RefresherCacheEl::FindInstance
// Finds an instance in the current cache element for a particular instance.
// For this to work, the instances have to be sorted by name.
// ok
IWbemObjectAccess *RefresherCacheEl::FindInst( LPWSTR pszInstName ) { // Binary search the cache.
// ========================
int l = 0; int u = m_aInstances.Size() - 1; int m; CachedInst *pInst;
while (l <= u) { m = (l + u) / 2;
pInst = PCachedInst(m_aInstances[m]);
if (_wcsicmp(pszInstName, pInst->m_pName) < 0) { u = m - 1; } else if (_wcsicmp(pszInstName, pInst->m_pName) > 0) { l = m + 1; } else { // We found the instance.
// ======================
return pInst->m_pInst; } }
// Not found
// =========
return NULL; }
// Inserts a new instance.
BOOL RefresherCacheEl::InsertInst(IWbemObjectAccess **ppNew, LONG lNewId) { // Save the value passed in
IWbemObjectAccess* pNew = *ppNew;
IWbemClassObject *pObj; VARIANT v; PCachedInst pNewInst; DWORD dwInstanceNameLength; PCachedInst pTest; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; HRESULT hRes; int nNumInstances;
// Check for singleton.
// ====================
if (m_pClassMap->IsSingleton()) {
// If we don't already have an object, use the one passed in. Otherwise
// we will replace it.
if ( NULL == m_pSingleton ) { m_pSingleton = pNew; m_pSingleton->AddRef(); // We don't really need the id anymore
// m_lSingletonId = lNewId;
} else { // Now we're sneaking around by replacing *ppNew with the
// singleton we already have. We must release *ppNew in
// order to get away with this.
// We need to AddRef() this because *ppNew is now referencing it
m_pSingleton->AddRef(); *ppNew = m_pSingleton; pNew = m_pSingleton; }
// Now we will Add this instance just like any other
pNewInst = new CachedInst; // assert (pNewInst != NULL);
if ( pNewInst != NULL ) { // For singletons, none of the other pointers
// should matter.
pNewInst->m_lId = lNewId; pNewInst->m_pInst = pNew; pNewInst->m_pInst->AddRef();
// We are saving the name just to be safe (It will
// really only be an "@", and I don't believe it
// will be accessed anywhere else. I hope...)
pNewInst->m_pName = Macro_CloneLPWSTR(L"@"); // assert (pNewInst->m_pName != NULL);
if ( NULL != pNewInst->m_pName ) { // We can just add this in, since any entries will all be the
// same anyway.
m_aInstances.Add(pNewInst); bReturn = TRUE; } else // Memory Allocation failed
{ bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError ((DWORD)WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); delete(pNewInst); }
} else // Memory allocation failed
{ bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError ((DWORD)WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); }
} else { VariantInit(&v); // For multi-instance, get the instance name.
// ==========================================
hRes = pNew->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject, (LPVOID *) &pObj); assert (hRes == NO_ERROR);
if (hRes == NO_ERROR) { hRes = pObj->Get(CBSTR(cszName), 0, &v, 0, 0); assert (hRes == NO_ERROR); if (hRes == NO_ERROR) { if (v.vt == VT_BSTR) { bReturn = TRUE; } else { bReturn = FALSE; // the object passed in should have an instance name
pObj->Release(); if (bReturn) { // Construct the new instance.
// ===========================
pNewInst = new CachedInst; // assert (pNewInst != NULL);
if (pNewInst != NULL) { pNewInst->m_lId = lNewId; pNewInst->m_pInst = pNew; pNewInst->m_pInst->AddRef(); pNewInst->m_pName = Macro_CloneLPWSTR(V_BSTR(&v)); // assert (pNewInst->m_pName != NULL);
if (pNewInst->m_pName != NULL) { dwInstanceNameLength = lstrlenW (pNewInst->m_pName) + 1;
// parse the instance string now to save processing time later
pNewInst->m_szParentName = new WCHAR[dwInstanceNameLength]; // assert (pNewInst->m_szParentName != NULL);
pNewInst->m_szInstanceName = new WCHAR[dwInstanceNameLength]; // assert (pNewInst->m_szInstanceName != NULL);
if ((pNewInst->m_szParentName != NULL) && (pNewInst->m_szInstanceName != NULL)) {
// break the instance name into components
bReturn = PerfHelper::ParseInstanceName (pNewInst->m_pName, pNewInst->m_szInstanceName, pNewInst->m_szParentName , &pNewInst->m_dwIndex); if (bReturn) { bReturn = FALSE; // to prime it.
// Now place the name in the instance cache element.
// =================================================
nNumInstances = m_aInstances.Size(); for (int i = 0; i < nNumInstances; i++) { // see if it belongs in the list
pTest = PCachedInst(m_aInstances[i]); if (_wcsicmp(V_BSTR(&v), pTest->m_pName) < 0) { m_aInstances.InsertAt(i, pNewInst); bReturn = TRUE; // once it's been added,
// there's no point in continuing
break; } }
if (!bReturn) { // this goes at the end of the list
m_aInstances.Add(pNewInst); bReturn = TRUE; } else { // unable to create instance
SetLastError ((DWORD)WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT_PATH); } } } // clean up if there's an error
if (!bReturn) { if (pNewInst->m_szParentName != NULL) { delete (pNewInst->m_szParentName); } if (pNewInst->m_szInstanceName != NULL) { delete pNewInst->m_szInstanceName; } delete (pNewInst->m_pName); bReturn = FALSE; delete (pNewInst); } } else { // unable to alloc memory
bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError ((DWORD)WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); delete (pNewInst); } } else { // unable to alloc memory
bReturn = FALSE; SetLastError ((DWORD)WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } } else { // return FALSE
} } else { // return FALSE
} VariantClear(&v); } return bReturn; }