Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module maintains the module (symbol) information for the pfmon application
Mark Lucovsky (markl) 27-Jan-1995
Revision History:
#include "pfmonp.h"
BOOL AddModule( LPDEBUG_EVENT DebugEvent ) { PMODULE_INFO Module; LPVOID BaseAddress; HANDLE Handle; IMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo;
if (DebugEvent->dwDebugEventCode == CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT) { Handle = DebugEvent->u.CreateProcessInfo.hFile; BaseAddress = DebugEvent->u.CreateProcessInfo.lpBaseOfImage; } else { Handle = DebugEvent->u.LoadDll.hFile; BaseAddress = DebugEvent->u.LoadDll.lpBaseOfDll; }
Module = FindModuleContainingAddress(BaseAddress);
if (Module) { DeleteModule(Module); }
Module = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof( *Module ) );
if (Module == NULL) { return FALSE; }
Module->Handle = Handle; Module->BaseAddress = BaseAddress;
if (!Module->Handle) { LocalFree(Module); return FALSE; }
if (!SymLoadModule (hProcess,Handle,NULL,NULL,(DWORD_PTR)BaseAddress,0)) { LocalFree(Module); return FALSE; }
ModuleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(ModuleInfo); if (!SymGetModuleInfo (hProcess, (DWORD_PTR)BaseAddress, &ModuleInfo)) { LocalFree(Module); return FALSE; }
Module->VirtualSize = ModuleInfo.ImageSize; Module->ModuleName = _strdup(ModuleInfo.ModuleName);
InsertTailList( &ModuleListHead, &Module->Entry );
return TRUE; }
BOOL DeleteModule( PMODULE_INFO Module ) { CHAR Line[256];
if ( Module ) { RemoveEntryList(&Module->Entry);
sprintf(Line,"%16s Caused %6d faults had %6d Soft %6d Hard faulted VA's\n", Module->ModuleName ? Module->ModuleName : "Unknown", Module->NumberCausedFaults, Module->NumberFaultedSoftVas, Module->NumberFaultedHardVas );
if ( !fLogOnly ) { fprintf(stdout,"%s",Line); }
if ( LogFile ) { fprintf(LogFile,"%s",Line); }
if (Module->ModuleName) { free (Module->ModuleName); }
LocalFree(Module); }
return TRUE; }
PMODULE_INFO FindModuleContainingAddress( LPVOID Address ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PMODULE_INFO Module; BOOL LazyLoadStatus;
Next = ModuleListHead.Flink; while ( Next != &ModuleListHead ) { Module = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next,MODULE_INFO,Entry); if ( Address >= Module->BaseAddress && Address < (LPVOID)((PUCHAR)(Module->BaseAddress)+Module->VirtualSize) ) { return Module; } Next = Next->Flink; }
Module = NULL;
// if address is a kernel mode address and we have lazy loaded
// kernel symbols, then try to load a kernel symbol file
if ( fKernel && (ULONG_PTR)Address >= SystemRangeStart && LazyModuleInformation ) { fKernel = FALSE; LazyLoadStatus = LazyLoad(Address);
if ( LazyLoadStatus ) { Module = FindModuleContainingAddress(Address); } fKernel = TRUE; }
return Module; }
VOID SetSymbolSearchPath( VOID ) { LPSTR lpSymPathEnv, lpAltSymPathEnv, lpSystemRootEnv; ULONG cbSymPath; DWORD dw;
cbSymPath = 18; if (lpSymPathEnv = getenv("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH")) { cbSymPath += strlen(lpSymPathEnv) + 1; } if (lpAltSymPathEnv = getenv("_NT_ALT_SYMBOL_PATH")) { cbSymPath += strlen(lpAltSymPathEnv) + 1; }
if (lpSystemRootEnv = getenv("SystemRoot")) { cbSymPath += strlen(lpSystemRootEnv) + 1; }
SymbolSearchPath = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,cbSymPath); if (!SymbolSearchPath) { return; }
if (lpAltSymPathEnv) { dw = GetFileAttributes(lpAltSymPathEnv); if ( dw != 0xffffffff && dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { strcat(SymbolSearchPath,lpAltSymPathEnv); strcat(SymbolSearchPath,";"); } } if (lpSymPathEnv) { dw = GetFileAttributes(lpSymPathEnv); if ( dw != 0xffffffff && dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { strcat(SymbolSearchPath,lpSymPathEnv); strcat(SymbolSearchPath,";"); } }
if (lpSystemRootEnv) { dw = GetFileAttributes(lpSystemRootEnv); if ( dw != 0xffffffff && dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { strcat(SymbolSearchPath,lpSystemRootEnv); strcat(SymbolSearchPath,";"); } }
strcat(SymbolSearchPath,".;"); }
LONG AddKernelDrivers(VOID)
This function is used to load the symbol information for the system files that are loaded so that the page faults in the kernal can be displayed.
Setting of the environmental variables are important for ensuring that the symbols load up correctly.
returns: The success of the function \*************************************************************/
NTSTATUS status; PVOID pModuleInfo; ULONG lDataSize; ULONG lRetSize; PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES pModuleInformation;
//First we need to get a list of all the modules currently
//Allocate an initial sized buffer
lDataSize = 1024 * 12; pModuleInfo = (PVOID) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, lDataSize);
if (!pModuleInfo) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
//Keep querying the system and incrementing the
//size of the buffer until we can get all the information back
do { //Query for modules loaded up
status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, pModuleInfo, lDataSize, &lRetSize);
if (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { LocalFree (pModuleInfo); lDataSize += 1024 * 4; pModuleInfo = (PVOID) LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, lDataSize); }
if (!pModuleInfo) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
} while (status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);
LazyModuleInformation = (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES) pModuleInfo;
return 1; }
BOOL LazyLoad( LPVOID Address ) { PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES pModuleInformation; DWORD i; BYTE szImageFilePath[ MAX_PATH ]; PMODULE_INFO Module; ULONG_PTR BaseAddress; HANDLE hFile; LPSTR szFileName; IMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo;
pModuleInformation = (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES) LazyModuleInformation;
//Loop through all the items in the structure and
//and add their symbols to the module structures kept by pfmon.
for (i = 0; i < pModuleInformation->NumberOfModules; i += 1) {
BaseAddress = (ULONG_PTR)pModuleInformation->Modules[i].ImageBase;
//Only look at the kernel space modules
if (BaseAddress >= SystemRangeStart) {
if ( (ULONG_PTR)Address > BaseAddress && (ULONG_PTR)Address <= BaseAddress+pModuleInformation->Modules[i].ImageSize ) {
szFileName = pModuleInformation->Modules[i].FullPathName + pModuleInformation->Modules[i].OffsetToFileName;
strcpy (szImageFilePath, pModuleInformation->Modules[i].FullPathName);
hFile = FindExecutableImage (szFileName, SymbolSearchPath, (PCHAR) szImageFilePath );
if (!hFile) { fprintf(stdout,"Failed to get Executable Image - "); return FALSE; }
//Check to make sure this hasn't already been loaded
Module = FindModuleContainingAddress((LPVOID)BaseAddress);
if ( Module ) { fprintf(stdout,"Item has been loaded already: %s",szFileName); DeleteModule(Module); }
//Now create the module record and fill in its fields
Module = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof( *Module ) );
if (Module == NULL) { return FALSE; }
Module->Handle = hFile; Module->BaseAddress = (LPVOID)BaseAddress;
if (!SymLoadModule (hProcess, hFile, NULL, NULL, BaseAddress, 0)) { LocalFree(Module); fprintf(stdout, "Failed to load -- "); return FALSE; }
ModuleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(ModuleInfo); if (!SymGetModuleInfo (hProcess, BaseAddress, &ModuleInfo)) { LocalFree(Module); fprintf(stdout, "Failed to load -- "); return FALSE; }
Module->VirtualSize = ModuleInfo.ImageSize;
fprintf(stdout, "Loaded %s, size %u\n", szImageFilePath, Module->VirtualSize);
InsertTailList( &ModuleListHead, &Module->Entry );
return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }