| Process Control //
| //
|Copyright (c) 1998 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. //
| //
|File Name: Component.cpp //
| //
|Description: //
| //
|Created: Paul Skoglund 07-1998 //
| //
|Rev History: //
| //
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ProcCon.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include "BaseNode.h"
#include "DataObj.h"
// CComponent
CComponent::CComponent() { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Component\n")); m_ipConsole2 = NULL; m_ipHeaderCtrl2 = NULL; m_ipResultData = NULL; m_ipConsoleVerb = NULL; m_ipConsoleNameSpace2 = NULL; m_ipDisplayHelp = NULL;
m_pCompData = NULL; // Points to parent object not an interface
m_hbmp16x16 = NULL; m_hbmp32x32 = NULL;
m_hSelectedScope = NULL;
m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed = FALSE;
} // end Constructor()
CComponent::~CComponent() { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::~Component\n") ); } // end Destructor()
// IComponent implementation
// IComponent::Initialize is called when a snap-in is being created and
// has items in the result pane to enumerate. The pointer to IConsole that
// is passed in is used to make QueryInterface calls to the console for
// interfaces such as IResultData.
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::Initialize ( LPCONSOLE ipConsole // [in] Pointer to IConsole's IUnknown interface
) { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Initialize()\n") );
ASSERT( NULL != ipConsole );
// Save away all the interfaces we'll need.
// Fail if we can't QI the required interfaces.
hr = ipConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IConsole2, (VOID**)&m_ipConsole2 ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = m_ipConsole2->QueryInterface( IID_IResultData, (VOID**)&m_ipResultData ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = m_ipConsole2->QueryInterface( IID_IHeaderCtrl2, (VOID**)&m_ipHeaderCtrl2 ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr; // Console needs the header
else // control pointer
m_ipConsole2->SetHeader( m_ipHeaderCtrl2 );
hr = m_ipConsole2->QueryConsoleVerb( &m_ipConsoleVerb ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = m_ipConsole2->QueryInterface( IID_IConsoleNameSpace2, (VOID**)&m_ipConsoleNameSpace2 ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
hr = m_ipConsole2->QueryInterface( IID_IDisplayHelp, (VOID**)&m_ipDisplayHelp ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Load the bitmaps from the dll for the results pane
m_hbmp16x16 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_NODES_16x16)); ASSERT( m_hbmp16x16 ); m_hbmp32x32 = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_NODES_32x32)); ASSERT( m_hbmp32x32 ); m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed = TRUE;
return hr;
} // end Initialize()
// Store the parent CComponetData object.
void CComponent::SetComponentData ( CComponentData* pCompData // [in] Parent CComponentData object
) { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::SetComponentData\n") ); ASSERT( NULL != pCompData ); ASSERT( NULL == m_pCompData ); // Can't do this twice
m_pCompData = pCompData; // Cache a way to get to the
// parent CComponentData
} // end SetComponentData()
// Releases all references to the console.
// Only the console should call this method.
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::Destroy ( MMC_COOKIE Cookie // Reserved, not in use at this time
) { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Destroy\n") );
m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed = FALSE;
// Release the interfaces that we QI'ed
SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipHeaderCtrl2 ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipResultData ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipConsoleVerb ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipConsoleNameSpace2 ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipConsole2 ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_ipDisplayHelp );
if( NULL != m_hbmp16x16 ) DeleteObject(m_hbmp16x16);
if( NULL != m_hbmp32x32 ) DeleteObject(m_hbmp32x32);
return S_OK;
} // end Destroy()
// Returns a data object that can be used to retrieve context information
// for the specified cookie.
//ok, now believe this interface is only queried about items added to the result pane.
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::QueryDataObject ( MMC_COOKIE Cookie, // [in] Specifies the unique identifier
DATA_OBJECT_TYPES Context, // [in] Type of data object
LPDATAOBJECT* ppDataObject // [out] Points to address of returned data
) { if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// check for magic multi-select cookie
if (IS_SPECIAL_COOKIE(Cookie) ) { if (Cookie == MMC_MULTI_SELECT_COOKIE) ATLTRACE( _T("Component::QueryDataObject: MMC_MULTI_SELECT_COOKIE unimplemented\n") ); else ATLTRACE( _T("Component::QueryDataObject: special cookie %p unimplemented\n"), Cookie ); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
ASSERT( CCT_SCOPE == Context || // Must have a context
CCT_RESULT == Context || // we understand
CCT_SNAPIN_MANAGER == Context ); if (Context == CCT_SCOPE) { ASSERT(FALSE); ATLTRACE( _T("Component::QueryDataObject: asking for CCT_SCOPE Context??\n") ); return m_pCompData->QueryDataObject(Cookie, Context, ppDataObject); } else if (Context == CCT_RESULT) { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::QueryDataObject: CCT_RESULT \n") );
CComObject<CDataObject>* pDataObj; CComObject<CDataObject>::CreateInstance( &pDataObj ); if( ! pDataObj ) // DataObject was not created
{ ASSERT(pDataObj); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// use selected node to get, "parent" folder
memset(&Item, 0, sizeof(Item)); Item.mask = SDI_PARAM; Item.ID = m_hSelectedScope;
if ( S_OK != m_ipConsoleNameSpace2->GetItem(&Item) ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
CBaseNode *pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CBaseNode *>(Item.lParam);
pDataObj->SetDataObject( Context, pFolder, Cookie );
//ATLTRACE( _T("%s-Component::QueryDataObject: CCT_RESULT \n"), pFolder->GetNodeName() );
return pDataObj->QueryInterface( IID_IDataObject, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppDataObject) ); }
// else ...
ASSERT( Context == 0); //
return E_UNEXPECTED; } // end QueryDataObject()
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::GetDisplayInfo ( LPRESULTDATAITEM pResultItem // [in,out] Type of info required
) { ASSERT( NULL != pResultItem );
if( NULL == pResultItem) return E_UNEXPECTED;
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// the RDI_PARAM flag does not have to be set on input to indicate that the LPARAM is valid
//if (!(pResultItem->mask & RDI_PARAM))
// return E_UNEXPECTED;
if (pResultItem->bScopeItem) { ASSERT(pResultItem->lParam); CBaseNode *pData= reinterpret_cast<CBaseNode *>(pResultItem->lParam); if (!pData) return E_UNEXPECTED;
hr = pData->GetDisplayInfo(*pResultItem); } else { SCOPEDATAITEM Item;
memset(&Item, 0, sizeof(Item)); Item.mask = SDI_PARAM; Item.ID = m_hSelectedScope;
if ( !m_hSelectedScope || S_OK != m_ipConsoleNameSpace2->GetItem(&Item) || !Item.lParam) return E_UNEXPECTED;
CBaseNode *pData = reinterpret_cast<CBaseNode *>(Item.lParam);
hr = pData->GetDisplayInfo(*pResultItem); }
return hr;
} // end GetDisplayInfo()
// Determines what the result pane view should be
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::GetResultViewType ( MMC_COOKIE Cookie, // [in] Specifies the unique identifier
BSTR* ppViewType, // [out] Points to address of the returned view type
long* pViewOptions // [out] Pointer to the MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS enumeration
) { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::GetResultViewType Cookie 0x%lX\n"), Cookie);
if (!Cookie) // root node
return S_FALSE; // Ask for default listview.
} // end GetResultViewType()
HRESULT CComponent::CompareObjects ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObjectA, // [in] First data object to compare
LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObjectB // [in] Second data object to compare
) { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects\n"));
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CDataObject *pdoA; CDataObject *pdoB;
pdoA = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObjectA ); pdoB = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObjectB ); ASSERT( pdoA || pdoB );
// If extraction failed for one of them, then that one is foreign and
// can't be equal to the other one. (Or else ExtractOwnDataObject
// returned NULL because it ran out of memory, but the most conservative
// thing to do in that case is say they're not equal.)
if( !pdoA || !pdoB ) { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects() - FALSE one or both objects not recognized\n") ); return S_FALSE; }
// If they differ then the objects refer to different things.
CBaseNode *pNodeA = pdoA->GetBaseObject(); CBaseNode *pNodeB = pdoB->GetBaseObject();
if( pNodeA && pNodeB && pNodeA->GetNodeType() == pNodeB->GetNodeType() ) { if (!pdoA->IsResultItem() && !pdoB->IsResultItem()) { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects() - TRUE both nodes %s\n"), pNodeA->GetNodeName() ); return S_OK; } if ( pdoA->GetResultItemCookie() == pdoB->GetResultItemCookie() ) { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects() - TRUE both %s\n"), pNodeA->GetNodeName() ); return S_OK; } ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects() - FALSE both %s\n"), pNodeA->GetNodeName() ); } else { ATLTRACE(_T("Component::CompareObjects() - FALSE\n") ); } return S_FALSE;
} // end CompareObjects()
// Handle notifications from the console
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::Notify ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject, // [in] Points to data object
MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE Event, // [in] Identifies action taken by user
LPARAM Arg, // [in] Depends on the notification type
LPARAM Param // [in] Depends on the notification type
) { ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify %p 0x%X %p %p\n"), ipDataObject, Event, Arg, Param );
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// not all notifies set ipDataObject...
CDataObject* pDO = NULL; CBaseNode *pNode = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(NeedDataObject); i++) { if (Event == NeedDataObject[i]) { pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject(ipDataObject); pNode = ExtractBaseObject(ipDataObject);
if (!pDO || !pNode) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; } break; } }
switch( Event ) { case MMCN_ADD_IMAGES: //ok
hr = OnAddImages( ipDataObject, (IImageList *) Arg, Param ); break;
case MMCN_SHOW: //ok
//ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_SHOW\n") );
hr = OnShow( ipDataObject, (BOOL) Arg, Param ); break;
case MMCN_SELECT: //fair
//ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_SELECT\n") );
hr = OnSelect( ipDataObject, Arg, Param ); break;
case MMCN_REFRESH: //ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_REFRESH\n") );
hr = OnRefresh( ipDataObject ); break;
case MMCN_DELETE: // Arg and Param have no meaning
if (pNode && pDO->IsResultItem() ) hr = pNode->OnDelete(m_ipConsole2, pDO->GetResultItemCookie()); else hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; case MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE\n") ); if (m_hSelectedScope == pNode->GetID() ) hr = pNode->OnViewChange(m_ipResultData, Arg, Param); break;
case MMCN_PROPERTY_CHANGE: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_PROPERTY_CHANGE\n") ); hr = OnPropertyChange( (BOOL) Arg, Param); break;
case MMCN_HELP: // obsolete
ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_HELP unimplemented\n") ); hr = S_FALSE; break;
case MMCN_SNAPINHELP: // obsolete
// 11/1998
// nolonger used: implement ISnapinHelp interface, then MMC will merge the snapin's help and MMC help
ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_SNAPINHELP unimplemented\n") ); hr = S_FALSE; break;
case MMCN_CONTEXTHELP: // return S_FALSE for default behavior... actually, any return value other than S_OK
// invokes HTMLHelp with MMC overview topic.
ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_CONTEXTHELP\n") ); if (pNode) hr = pNode->OnHelpCmd(m_ipDisplayHelp ); else hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break;
case MMCN_CLICK: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_CLICK unimplemented\n") ); break;
case MMCN_DBLCLICK: // return S_FALSE to have MMC do the default verb action...
if (pNode && pDO->IsResultItem() ) hr = pNode->OnDblClick(m_ipConsole2, pDO->GetResultItemCookie()); else hr = S_FALSE; break;
case MMCN_ACTIVATE: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_ACTIVATE (%s) unimplemented\n"), Arg ? _T("activate") : _T("deactivate") ); break;
case MMCN_MINIMIZED: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_MINIMIZED unimplemented\n") ); break;
case MMCN_BTN_CLICK: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_BTN_CLICK unimplemented\n") ); break;
case MMCN_COLUMN_CLICK: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_COLUMN_CLICK col: %p %s\n"), Arg, (Param == RSI_DESCENDING ) ? _T("Descending") : _T("Ascending") ); break;
case MMCN_COLUMNS_CHANGED: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: MMCN_COLUMNS_CHANGED Arg: %p, Param: %p\n"), Arg, Param ); hr = S_OK; break;
default: ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Notify: unhandled notify event 0x%X\n"), Event ); hr = S_OK; break; } return hr;
} // end Notify()
// Support methods
// handle the MMCN_SHOW message.
HRESULT CComponent::OnShow ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject, // [in] Points to data object
BOOL bSelected, // [in] selected/deselected scope
) {
ASSERT( NULL != ipDataObject ); ASSERT( NULL != m_ipResultData ); CBaseNode *pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject) ; ASSERT(pNode); if (!pNode) { m_hSelectedScope = NULL; return S_FALSE; }
ATLTRACE(_T("%s-MMCN_SHOW Selected=%s\n"), pNode->GetNodeName(), (bSelected ? _T("true") : _T("false")) );
if (!bSelected) // deselected scope pane item
m_hSelectedScope = NULL; else // selected scope pane item
{ VERIFY(S_OK == m_ipResultData->SetViewMode( MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_REPORT ) ); m_hSelectedScope = hScopeID; }
CJobFolder *pJobFolder = dynamic_cast<CJobFolder *> (pNode);
if (pJobFolder) return pJobFolder->OnShow(bSelected, hScopeID, m_ipHeaderCtrl2, m_ipConsole2, m_ipConsoleNameSpace2);
CJobItemFolder *pJobItemFolder = dynamic_cast<CJobItemFolder *> (pNode); if (pJobItemFolder) return pJobItemFolder->OnShow(bSelected, hScopeID, m_ipHeaderCtrl2, m_ipConsole2, m_ipConsoleNameSpace2);
return pNode->OnShow(bSelected, hScopeID, m_ipHeaderCtrl2, m_ipConsole2); } // end OnShow()
HRESULT CComponent::OnAddImages ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject, // [in] Points to the data object
IImageList *ipImageList, // [in] Interface pointer to IImageList
HSCOPEITEM hID // [in] HSCOPEITEM of item currently selected or deselected
) { ASSERT( ipImageList ); if (!ipImageList) return E_UNEXPECTED;
HRESULT hr = ipImageList->ImageListSetStrip( (LONG_PTR *) m_hbmp16x16, (LONG_PTR *) m_hbmp32x32, 0, RGB(255,0, 255) );
ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
return hr;
} // end OnAddImages()
// This is a handler for the MMCN_SELECT notification.
// MMC 1.1 documentation for IComponent::Notify MMCN_SELECT
// claims the LPDATAOBJECT is for the scope item but
// in reality appears to be the dataobject for whatever item/node is selected
HRESULT CComponent::OnSelect ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject, // [in] Points to the data object
LPARAM Arg, // [in] Contains flags about the selected item
LPARAM Param // [in] Not used
) { CDataObject *pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObject ); CBaseNode *pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject);
if( !m_ipConsoleVerb || !pDO || !pNode) return E_UNEXPECTED;
ATLTRACE(_T("%s-MMCN_SELECT: Scope=%s, Select=%s, ResultItem=%s\n"), pNode->GetNodeName(), (LOWORD(Arg) ? _T("true") : _T("false")), (HIWORD(Arg) ? _T("true") : _T("false")), pDO->IsResultItem() ? _T("yes") : _T("no"));
ASSERT(!(pDO->IsResultItem()) == (BOOL) LOWORD(Arg) );
if (pDO->IsResultItem()) return pNode->OnSelect(LOWORD(Arg), HIWORD(Arg), m_ipConsoleVerb, pDO->GetResultItemCookie()); else return pNode->OnSelect(LOWORD(Arg), HIWORD(Arg), m_ipConsoleVerb);
} // end OnSelect()
// MMCN_REFRESH notification
HRESULT CComponent::OnRefresh ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject // [in] Points to the data object
) { CBaseNode* pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject ); ASSERT(pNode); if (!pNode ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
ATLTRACE( _T("%s-Component::Notify: MMCN_REFRESH\n"), pNode->GetNodeName() );
if (m_hSelectedScope != pNode->GetID() ) { ATLTRACE( _T("Attempt patch of framework!\n")); //OnShow(ipDataObject, TRUE, pNode->GetID());
m_ipConsole2->SelectScopeItem(pNode->GetID()); }
CJobFolder *pJobFolder = dynamic_cast<CJobFolder *> (pNode); if (pJobFolder) return pJobFolder->OnRefresh(m_ipConsole2, m_ipConsoleNameSpace2);
return pNode->OnRefresh(m_ipConsole2); } // end OnRefresh()
// MMCN_PROPERTY_CHANGE notification
HRESULT CComponent::OnPropertyChange ( BOOL bScopeItem, LPARAM Param ) { if (bScopeItem) { ASSERT(FALSE); // what is this path being used by?
return S_OK; }
PROPERTY_CHANGE_HDR *pUpdate = reinterpret_cast<PROPERTY_CHANGE_HDR*>(Param);
if (pUpdate ) { if (pUpdate->pFolder && !pUpdate->bScopeItem) { SCOPEDATAITEM Item;
memset(&Item, 0, sizeof(Item)); Item.mask = SDI_PARAM; Item.ID = m_hSelectedScope;
if ( m_hSelectedScope && S_OK == m_ipConsoleNameSpace2->GetItem(&Item) && reinterpret_cast<CBaseNode *>(Item.lParam) == pUpdate->pFolder ) { pUpdate->pFolder->OnPropertyChange(pUpdate, m_ipConsole2); } } pUpdate = FreePropChangeInfo(pUpdate); }
return S_OK; } // end OnPropertyChange()
// IResultDataCompare method implementations
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::Compare(LPARAM lUserParam, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int * pnResult ) {
ATLTRACE( _T("Component::Compare %p %p %p\n"), lUserParam, cookieA, cookieB ); SCOPEDATAITEM Item;
memset(&Item, 0, sizeof(Item)); Item.mask = SDI_PARAM; Item.ID = m_hSelectedScope;
if ( S_OK != m_ipConsoleNameSpace2->GetItem(&Item) ) return E_UNEXPECTED;
CBaseNode *pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CBaseNode *>(Item.lParam);
if (!pFolder) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return pFolder->ResultDataCompare(lUserParam, cookieA, cookieB, pnResult); } #endif
// IExtendContextMenu method implementations
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::AddMenuItems ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject, // [in] Points to data object
LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback, // [in] Pointer to IContextMenuCallback
long* pInsertionAllowed // [in,out] Insertion flags
) { ASSERT( NULL != ipDataObject );
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (IsMMCMultiSelectDataObject(ipDataObject)) return E_UNEXPECTED;
CDataObject *pDO; CBaseNode *pNode;
VERIFY(pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObject )); VERIFY(pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject ));
if (!pDO || !pNode) return E_UNEXPECTED;
if (pDO->IsResultItem()) return pNode->AddMenuItems(piCallback, pInsertionAllowed, pDO->GetResultItemCookie() ); else return pNode->AddMenuItems(piCallback, pInsertionAllowed );
} // end AddMenuItems()
// IExtendContextMenu method implementations
STDMETHODIMP CComponent::Command ( long nCommandID, // [in] Command to handle
LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject // [in] Points to data object, pass through
) { if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CDataObject *pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObject ); CBaseNode *pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject); if (!pDO || !pNode) return S_FALSE;
if ( pDO->IsResultItem() ) hr = pNode->OnMenuCommand(m_ipConsole2, nCommandID, pDO->GetResultItemCookie() ); else { CJobFolder *pJobFolder = dynamic_cast<CJobFolder *> (pNode); if (pJobFolder) hr = pJobFolder->OnMenuCommand(m_ipConsole2, m_ipConsoleNameSpace2, nCommandID); else hr = pNode->OnMenuCommand(m_ipConsole2, nCommandID ); } if (hr == S_OK) // already successfully handled
return hr;
ATLTRACE(_T("Component::Command - unrecognized or failed command %d\n"), nCommandID);
return hr;
} // end Command()
// IExtendPropertySheet2 implementation
// The console calls this method to determine whether the Properties menu
// item should be added to the context menu. We added the Properties item
// by enabling the verb. So long as we have a vaild DataObject we
// can return OK.
HRESULT CComponent::QueryPagesFor ( LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject // [in] Points to IDataObject for selected node
) { if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CDataObject *pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObject ); CBaseNode *pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject); if (!pDO || !pNode) return S_FALSE;
if (pDO->IsResultItem()) return pNode->QueryPagesFor(pDO->GetResultItemCookie()); else return pNode->QueryPagesFor();
} // end QueryPagesFor()
HRESULT CComponent::CreatePropertyPages ( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, // Pointer to the callback interface
LONG_PTR handle, // Handle for routing notification
LPDATAOBJECT ipDataObject // Pointer to the data object
) { ASSERT( NULL != lpProvider );
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
CDataObject *pDO = ExtractOwnDataObject( ipDataObject ); CBaseNode *pNode = ExtractBaseObject( ipDataObject);
if (!pDO || !pNode) return S_FALSE;
if (pDO->IsResultItem()) return pNode->OnCreatePropertyPages(lpProvider, handle, pDO->GetContext(), pDO->GetResultItemCookie()); else return pNode->OnCreatePropertyPages(lpProvider, handle, pDO->GetContext());
} // end CreatePropertyPages()
HRESULT CComponent::GetWatermarks ( LPDATAOBJECT lpIDataObject, HBITMAP *lphWatermark, HBITMAP * lphHeader, HPALETTE * lphPalette, BOOL* bStretch ) { ATLTRACE(_T("\n\nComponent::GetWatermarks\n\n"));
if (!m_bInitializedAndNotDestroyed) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// no indication this method has ever been invoked
*lphWatermark = NULL; *lphHeader = NULL; *lphPalette = NULL; *bStretch = FALSE; return S_OK; } // end GetWatermarks()