#include <basedef.h>
#include <vmm.h>
#include <vwin32.h>
#include "ntddpack.h"
#include "except.h"
#include "exvector.h"
extern PVOID C_Handle_Trap_1; extern PVOID C_Handle_Trap_3; extern DWORD pfnHandler; extern PVOID pProcessHandle;
BOOL DriverControl(DWORD dwMessage) { switch (dwMessage) { case 0: _asm mov eax, 1 _asm mov esi, offset C_Handle_Trap_1 VMMCall( Hook_PM_Fault );
_asm mov eax, 3 _asm mov esi, offset C_Handle_Trap_3 VMMCall( Hook_PM_Fault );
case 1: _asm mov eax, 1 _asm mov esi, offset C_Handle_Trap_1 VMMCall( Unhook_PM_Fault ); _asm mov eax, 3 _asm mov esi, offset C_Handle_Trap_3 VMMCall( Unhook_PM_Fault ); break;
default: 0; }
DWORD _stdcall DriverIOControl(DWORD dwService, DWORD dwDDB, DWORD hDevice, PDIOCPARAMETERS pDiocParms) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the dispatch routine for create/open and close requests. These requests complete successfully.
DeviceObject - Pointer to the device object.
Irp - Pointer to the request packet.
Return Value:
Status is returned.
{ PVOID pInputParams;
switch ( dwService ) { case DIOC_OPEN: //
// Nothing to do
// If our client for the except handler is going away, initialize the exception handler data
if (pProcessHandle == VWIN32_GetCurrentProcessHandle()) { pfnHandler = 0; pProcessHandle = 0; }
break; case INSTALL_RING_3_HANDLER: //
// See if we already have a client
if (pProcessHandle) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
pProcessHandle = VWIN32_GetCurrentProcessHandle();
// Copy the handler into our global
pInputParams = (PVOID)(pDiocParms->lpvInBuffer); _asm mov eax, pInputParams _asm mov eax, [eax] _asm mov pfnHandler, eax
default: //
// Error, Unrecognized IOCTL
*(DWORD *)(pDiocParms->lpcbBytesReturned) = 0;
break; }
// Helper function for maintaining context information between ring levels
VOID FillContextRecord(PCRS pcrs, PCONTEXT pContext) { DWORD dwDebugRegister;
// Clear trace and direction flags for the exception dispatcher
pcrs->Client_EFlags &= ~(TF_MASK | DF_MASK);
// Fill context record
pContext->Eax = pcrs->Client_EAX; pContext->Ebx = pcrs->Client_EBX; pContext->Ecx = pcrs->Client_ECX; pContext->Edx = pcrs->Client_EDX; pContext->Esi = pcrs->Client_ESI; pContext->Edi = pcrs->Client_EDI; pContext->Eip = pcrs->Client_EIP; pContext->Ebp = pcrs->Client_EBP; pContext->Esp = pcrs->Client_ESP; pContext->SegGs = pcrs->Client_GS; pContext->SegFs = pcrs->Client_FS; pContext->SegEs = pcrs->Client_ES; pContext->SegDs = pcrs->Client_DS; pContext->SegCs = pcrs->Client_CS; pContext->EFlags = pcrs->Client_EFlags;
// Store the debug registers
_asm mov eax, dr0 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr0 = dwDebugRegister; _asm mov eax, dr1 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr1 = dwDebugRegister; _asm mov eax, dr2 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr2 = dwDebugRegister; _asm mov eax, dr3 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr3 = dwDebugRegister; _asm mov eax, dr6 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr6 = dwDebugRegister; _asm mov eax, dr7 _asm mov dwDebugRegister, eax pContext->Dr7 = dwDebugRegister;
// This is a full context
pContext->ContextFlags = (DWORD)-1; }
VOID RestorePCRS(PCRS pcrs, PCONTEXT pContext) { DWORD dwDebugRegister;
// Restore pcrs
pcrs->Client_EAX = pContext->Eax; pcrs->Client_EBX = pContext->Ebx; pcrs->Client_ECX = pContext->Ecx; pcrs->Client_EDX = pContext->Edx; pcrs->Client_ESI = pContext->Esi; pcrs->Client_EDI = pContext->Edi; pcrs->Client_EIP = pContext->Eip; pcrs->Client_EBP = pContext->Ebp; pcrs->Client_ESP = pContext->Esp; pcrs->Client_GS = pContext->SegGs; pcrs->Client_FS = pContext->SegFs; pcrs->Client_ES = pContext->SegEs; pcrs->Client_DS = pContext->SegDs; pcrs->Client_CS = pContext->SegCs; pcrs->Client_EFlags = pContext->EFlags;
// Restore the debug registers
dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr0; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr0, eax dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr1; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr1, eax dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr2; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr2, eax dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr3; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr3, eax dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr6; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr6, eax dwDebugRegister = pContext->Dr7; _asm mov eax, dwDebugRegister _asm mov dr7, eax }
// Exception dispatching routine
BOOL __cdecl C_Trap_Exception_Handler(ULONG ExceptionNumber, PCRS pcrs) { DWORD dwException = ExceptionNumber >> 2; PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptionRecord; PCONTEXT pContextRecord; PSTACKFRAME pStackFrame; ULONG Result; ULONG StackTop; ULONG Length;
// Make sure our current thread is Win32
if (FALSE == VWIN32_IsClientWin32()) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we only handle exceptions for our controlling "process"
if (pProcessHandle != VWIN32_GetCurrentProcessHandle()) { return FALSE; }
// If selector isn't flat, we can't handle this exception
if ((pcrs->Client_SS != pcrs->Client_DS) || (pcrs->Client_SS != pcrs->Client_ES)){ return FALSE; }
// See if this is a context set
if (SET_CONTEXT == *(DWORD *)(pcrs->Client_EIP)) { //
// Set the context data
pContextRecord = *(DWORD *)(pcrs->Client_ESP + 0x10); RestorePCRS(pcrs, pContextRecord); return TRUE; }
// Move stack pointer down one context record length
StackTop = (pcrs->Client_ESP & ~3) - ((sizeof(CONTEXT) + 3) & ~3); pContextRecord = (PCONTEXT) StackTop;
FillContextRecord(pcrs, pContextRecord);
// Adjust eip for breakpoint exceptions
if (3 == dwException) { pContextRecord->Eip -= 1; }
Length = (sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD) - (EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS - 2) * sizeof(*pExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation) + 3) & ~3;
// We are now at the Exception Record
StackTop = StackTop - Length; pExceptionRecord = (PEXCEPTION_RECORD)StackTop;
pExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags = 0; pExceptionRecord->ExceptionRecord = 0; pExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)pcrs->Client_EIP; pExceptionRecord->NumberParameters = 0;
switch (dwException) { case 1: pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_SINGLE_STEP; break;
case 3: pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_BREAKPOINT; pExceptionRecord->NumberParameters = 1; pExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0] = BREAKPOINT_BREAK; pExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)pContextRecord->Eip; break;
default: 0; }
// Setup the exception call frame
StackTop = StackTop - sizeof(STACKFRAME); pStackFrame = (PSTACKFRAME) StackTop;
pStackFrame->ExceptPointers.ExceptionRecord = pExceptionRecord; pStackFrame->ExceptPointers.ContextRecord = pContextRecord; pStackFrame->pExceptPointers = (PVOID)(StackTop + 0x08); pStackFrame->RetAddress = (PVOID)0xffecbad7; // App will page fault out if unexpected exception occurs
// Transfer control to Ring 3 handler
pcrs->Client_ESP = (ULONG)pStackFrame; pcrs->Client_EIP = (ULONG)pfnHandler;
return TRUE;
// We didn't process the exception give it to the next handler
return FALSE; }