This file implement the class that will parse an inf file. \******************************************************/ #include "inf.h"
#define MAX_INF_STR 8192*2
#define LanguageSection "[LanguagesSupported]"
#define LanguageSection1 "[LanguageID]"
// Constructors and Destructors
CInfFile::CInfFile() { m_lBufSize = -1; m_pfileStart = NULL; m_pfilePos = NULL; m_pfileLastPos = NULL; m_pfileLocalize = NULL; m_strLang = "0000000000"; }
CInfFile::CInfFile(LPCTSTR strFileName ) { CFileException fe; Open(strFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fe); }
CInfFile::~CInfFile() { if(m_pfileStart) { m_file.Close(); delete m_pfileStart; } }
// String functions
BOOL CInfFile::ReadString(CString & str, BOOL bLastFilePos) { if(m_pfilePos==NULL) return FALSE;
// search for the next /n in the file
BYTE * pEnd = (BYTE*)memchr(m_pfilePos, '\n', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(m_pfilePos-m_pfileStart)));
if(!pEnd) return FALSE;
if(bLastFilePos) m_pfileLastPos = m_pfilePos;
int istrSize = (int)((pEnd-m_pfilePos) > MAX_INF_STR ? MAX_INF_STR : (pEnd-m_pfilePos));
LPSTR pStr = (LPSTR)str.GetBuffer(istrSize);
memcpy(pStr, m_pfilePos, istrSize-1);
if(*(pEnd-1)=='\r') *(pStr+istrSize-1) = '\0'; else *(pStr+istrSize) = '\0';
m_pfilePos = pEnd+1; str.ReleaseBuffer(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CInfFile::ReadSectionString(CString & str, BOOL bRecursive) { CString strNext; BYTE * pPos = m_pfilePos;
while(ReadString(strNext, !bRecursive)) { if(!strNext.IsEmpty()) { if(!bRecursive) str = "";
// Check for a section
if(strNext.Find('[')!=-1 && strNext.Find(']')!=-1) break;
// remove spaces at the end of the string...
// Check for multiple line. Assume only last char can be a +
if(strNext.GetAt(strNext.GetLength()-1)=='+') { //
// Remove the +
if(!str.IsEmpty()) { strNext.TrimLeft(); //strNext = strNext.Mid(1);
str += strNext.Left(strNext.GetLength()-1);
ReadSectionString(str, TRUE); } else { if(!str.IsEmpty()) { strNext.TrimLeft(); } str += strNext; }
// Make sure the " are balanced with
int iPos; while((iPos = str.Find("\"\""))!=-1) { str = str.Left(iPos) + str.Mid(iPos+2); }
return TRUE; } }
m_pfilePos = pPos; return FALSE; }
BOOL CInfFile::ReadSectionString(CInfLine & str) { CString strLine; if( !ReadSectionString(strLine) ) return FALSE;
str = strLine;
return TRUE; }
BOOL CInfFile::ReadTextSection(CString & str) { CString strSection; while(ReadSection(strSection)) { if(strSection.Find(m_strLang)!=-1) { str = strSection; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CInfFile::ReadSection(CString & str) { if(m_pfilePos==NULL) return 0;
BYTE * pOpen; BYTE * pClose; BYTE * pEnd; BOOL bFound = FALSE; while(!bFound) { // search for the next [ in the file
if((pOpen = (BYTE*)memchr(m_pfilePos, '[', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(m_pfilePos-m_pfileStart))))==NULL) return 0;
if((pClose = (BYTE*)memchr(pOpen, ']', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(pOpen-m_pfileStart))))==NULL) return 0;
if((pEnd = (BYTE*)memchr(pOpen, '\n', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(pOpen-m_pfileStart))))==NULL) return 0;
// pClose must be before pEnd
if((pClose>pEnd) || (*(pOpen-1)!='\n') || (*(pClose+1)!='\r')) m_pfilePos = pEnd+1; else bFound = TRUE; }
int istrSize = (int)((pEnd-pOpen) > MAX_INF_STR ? MAX_INF_STR : (pEnd-pOpen));
LPSTR pStr = (LPSTR)str.GetBuffer(istrSize);
memcpy(pStr, pOpen, istrSize-1);
if(*(pEnd-1)=='\r') *(pStr+istrSize-1) = '\0'; else *(pStr+istrSize) = '\0';
m_pfilePos = pEnd+1; str.ReleaseBuffer();
return 1; }
// File functions
LONG CInfFile::Seek( LONG lOff, UINT nFrom ) { switch(nFrom) { case SEEK_SET: if(lOff<=m_lBufSize) m_pfilePos = m_pfileStart+lOff; else return -1; break; case SEEK_CUR: if(lOff<=m_lBufSize-(m_pfilePos-m_pfileStart)) m_pfilePos = m_pfilePos+lOff; else return -1; break; case SEEK_END: if(lOff<=m_lBufSize) m_pfilePos = m_pfileStart+(m_lBufSize-lOff); else return -1; break; case SEEK_LOC: if(m_pfileLocalize) m_pfilePos = m_pfileLocalize; else return -1; break; default: break; }
return ((LONG)(m_pfilePos-m_pfileStart)); }
BOOL CInfFile::Open( LPCTSTR lpszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags, CFileException* pError ) { CFileException fe; if(!pError) pError = &fe; if(!m_file.Open(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags, pError)) { AfxThrowFileException(pError->m_cause, pError->m_lOsError); return FALSE; }
m_lBufSize = m_file.GetLength()+1; m_pfileStart = new BYTE[m_lBufSize];
if(m_pfileStart==NULL) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); return FALSE; }
m_pfileLastPos = m_pfilePos = m_pfileStart;
m_file.Read(m_pfileStart, m_lBufSize ); *(m_pfilePos+m_lBufSize) = '\0';
// find the localization section
I'm assuming there are no other \0 in the buffer other than the one I've just placed. This is a fair assumption since this is a text file and not a binary file. I can then use strstr to get to the first occurrence, if any of the localization string section and place my current position buffer there. \*************************************************************************************/ m_pfileLocalize = m_pfilePos = (BYTE*)strstr((LPSTR)m_pfileStart, LanguageSection);
// Check if we have the other language ID tag
if(!m_pfileLocalize) m_pfileLocalize = m_pfilePos = (BYTE*)strstr((LPSTR)m_pfileStart, LanguageSection1);
// Get the language
if(m_pfileLocalize) { BYTE * pStr = ((BYTE*)memchr(m_pfileLocalize, '\n', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(m_pfileLocalize-m_pfileStart)))+1); BYTE * pEnd = ((BYTE*)memchr(pStr, '\n', (size_t)(m_lBufSize-(pStr-m_pfileStart)))-1);
TRACE("CInfFile::Open =====> pStr = 0X%X, pEnd = 0X%X\n", pStr, pEnd);
m_strLang = "";
while( pStr<pEnd ) { TRACE("CInfFile::Open =====> pStr = %c, 0X%X\n", *pStr, pStr);
if( isalpha(*pStr++) ) m_strLang += *(pStr-1); } }
return TRUE; }
// Buffer functions
const BYTE * CInfFile::GetBuffer(LONG lPos /* = 0 */) { if(lPos>m_lBufSize || lPos<0) return NULL;
return( (const BYTE *)(m_pfileStart+lPos) ); }
CInfLine This class will parse the line and separate tag and text \******************************************************************************************/
CInfLine::CInfLine() { m_strData = ""; m_strTag = ""; m_strText = ""; m_bMultipleLine = FALSE; }
CInfLine::CInfLine( LPCSTR lpStr ) { m_bMultipleLine = FALSE; m_strData = lpStr; SetTag(); SetText(); }
void CInfLine::SetTag() { m_strTag = ""; // find the = in m_strData
int iPos = m_strData.Find('='); if(iPos==-1) return;
m_strTag = Clean(m_strData.Left( iPos )); m_strTag.TrimRight(); m_strTag.TrimLeft();
void CInfLine::SetText() { m_strText = ""; // find the = in m_strData
int iPos = m_strData.Find('='); if(iPos==-1) return;
m_strText = Clean(m_strData.Right( m_strData.GetLength()-iPos-1 )); m_strText = m_strData.Right( m_strData.GetLength()-iPos-1 ); }
void CInfLine::ChangeText(LPCSTR str) { m_strText = str;
// find the = in m_strData
int iPos = m_strData.Find('='); if(iPos==-1) return;
m_strData = m_strData.Left( iPos+1 ); m_strData += m_strText; }
// copy operators
CInfLine& CInfLine::operator=(const CInfLine& infstringSrc) { m_strData = infstringSrc.m_strData; m_strTag = infstringSrc.m_strTag; m_strText = infstringSrc.m_strText; m_bMultipleLine = infstringSrc.m_bMultipleLine; return *this; }
CInfLine& CInfLine::operator=(LPCTSTR lpsz) { m_bMultipleLine = FALSE; m_strData = lpsz; SetTag(); SetText(); return *this; }
// support functions
CString CInfLine::Clean(LPCSTR lpstr) { CString str = lpstr;
int iPos = str.Find('"'); if(iPos!=-1) { str = str.Right( str.GetLength()-iPos-1 ); iPos = str.ReverseFind('"'); if(iPos!=-1) { str = str.Left( iPos ); } }
return str; }