Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains all static data related to log and alert properties, along with routines to access that data.
// Includes //
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "logmmsg.h"
#include "propbag.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "proputil.h"
// Constants and Types //
// Property constants represent indexes into the static PropertyDataMap table.
const DWORD IdFirstProp = 0; // The property constants in this first section have a one-to-one
// correspondence between HTML parameter and registry value
const DWORD IdCommentProp = IdFirstProp + 0; const DWORD IdLogTypeProp = IdFirstProp + 1; const DWORD IdCurrentStateProp = IdFirstProp + 2; const DWORD IdLogFileMaxSizeProp = IdFirstProp + 3; const DWORD IdLogFileBaseNameProp = IdFirstProp + 4; const DWORD IdLogFileFolderProp = IdFirstProp + 5; const DWORD IdLogFileSerialNumberProp = IdFirstProp + 6; const DWORD IdLogFileAutoFormatProp = IdFirstProp + 7; const DWORD IdLogFileTypeProp = IdFirstProp + 8; const DWORD IdEofCommandFileProp = IdFirstProp + 9; const DWORD IdCommandFileProp = IdFirstProp + 10; const DWORD IdNetworkNameProp = IdFirstProp + 11; const DWORD IdUserTextProp = IdFirstProp + 12; const DWORD IdPerfLogNameProp = IdFirstProp + 13; const DWORD IdTraceBufferSizeProp = IdFirstProp + 14; const DWORD IdTraceBufferMinCountProp = IdFirstProp + 15; const DWORD IdTraceBufferMaxCountProp = IdFirstProp + 16; const DWORD IdTraceBufferFlushIntProp = IdFirstProp + 17; const DWORD IdActionFlagsProp = IdFirstProp + 18; const DWORD IdTraceFlagsProp = IdFirstProp + 19;
// Property constants below require special handling for BagToRegistry,
// because there is not a one-to-one correspondence between HTML
// parameter and registry value.
const DWORD IdRestartProp = IdFirstProp + 20; const DWORD IdStartProp = IdFirstProp + 21; const DWORD IdStopProp = IdFirstProp + 22; const DWORD IdSampleProp = IdFirstProp + 23; const DWORD IdCounterListProp = IdFirstProp + 24; const DWORD IdGuidListProp = IdFirstProp + 25;
const DWORD IdLastProp = IdFirstProp + 25;
// Not handled yet, or covered by special values above.
// Some of these might be needed when writing to HTML file from registry.
const DWORD IdSysmonVersionProp = IdFirstProp + 29; const DWORD IdSysmonCounterCountProp = IdFirstProp + 29; const DWORD IdSysmonCounterPathProp = IdFirstProp + 21; const DWORD IdAlertThresholdProp = IdFirstProp + 23; const DWORD IdAlertOverUnderProp = IdFirstProp + 24; const DWORD IdTraceProviderCountProp = IdFirstProp + 25; const DWORD IdTraceProviderGuidProp = IdFirstProp + 26;
const DWORD IdLogNameProp = IdFirstProp + 27; const DWORD IdAlertNameProp = IdFirstProp + 28; const DWORD IdStartModeProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdStartAtTimeProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdStopModeProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdStopAtTimeProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdStopAfterUnitTypeProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdStopAfterValueProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ; const DWORD IdSampleIntUnitTypeProp = IdFirstProp + 21; const DWORD IdSampleIntValueProp = IdFirstProp + 21; const DWORD IdSysmonUpdateIntervalProp = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_LAST + ;
const DWORD IdSysmonSampleCountProp = IdFirstProp + 20; const DWORD IdSysmonLogFileNameProp = IdFirstProp + 18;
const DWORD IdExecuteOnlyProp = IdFirstProp + 30; */
// Local Constants //
const DWORD cdwFortyfiveDays = ((DWORD)(0xE7BE2C00)); const WORD cwFirstValidYear = ((DWORD)(2000)); const DWORD cdwNoMaxSizeLimit = ((DWORD)(0xFFFFFFFF)); const DWORD cdwNoRange = ((DWORD)(0xFFFFFFFF)); const DWORD cdwSeverityMask = ((DWORD)(0xC0000000));
const CPropertyUtils::PROPERTY_DATA_MAP CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[] = { {IdCommentProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlComment, cwszRegComment ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateString ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdLogTypeProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlLogType, cwszRegLogType ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,TRUE ,SLQ_FIRST_LOG_TYPE ,SLQ_LAST_LOG_TYPE }, {IdCurrentStateProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlCurrentState, cwszRegCurrentState ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,SLQ_QUERY_STOPPED ,SLQ_QUERY_RUNNING }, {IdLogFileMaxSizeProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlLogFileMaxSize, cwszRegLogFileMaxSize ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateMaxFileSize ,FALSE ,1 ,0x0100000 }, {IdLogFileBaseNameProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlLogFileBaseName, cwszRegLogFileBaseName ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateFileName ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdLogFileFolderProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlLogFileFolder, cwszRegLogFileFolder ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDirectoryPath ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdLogFileSerialNumberProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlLogFileSerialNumber,cwszRegLogFileSerialNumber ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,0 ,999999 }, {IdLogFileAutoFormatProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlLogFileAutoFormat, cwszRegLogFileAutoFormat ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,0 ,1 }, {IdLogFileTypeProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlLogFileType, cwszRegLogFileType ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateLogFileType ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdEofCommandFileProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlEofCommandFile, cwszRegEofCommandFile ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateFilePath ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdCommandFileProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlCommandFile, cwszRegCommandFile ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateFilePath ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdNetworkNameProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlNetworkName, cwszRegNetworkName ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateString ,TRUE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdUserTextProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlUserText, cwszRegUserText ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateString ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdPerfLogNameProp, REG_SZ, cwszHtmlPerfLogName, cwszRegPerfLogName ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateLogExists ,FALSE ,NULL ,NULL }, {IdTraceBufferSizeProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlTraceBufferSize, cwszRegTraceBufferSize ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,1 ,1024 }, {IdTraceBufferMinCountProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlTraceBufferMinCount,cwszRegTraceBufferMinCount ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,2 ,400 }, {IdTraceBufferMaxCountProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlTraceBufferMaxCount,cwszRegTraceBufferMaxCount ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateTraceBufferMaxCount,FALSE,2 ,400 }, {IdTraceBufferFlushIntProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlTraceBufferFlushInt,cwszRegTraceBufferFlushInt ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateDwordInterval ,FALSE ,0 ,300 }, {IdActionFlagsProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlActionFlags, cwszRegActionFlags ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateAlertActions ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdTraceFlagsProp, REG_DWORD, cwszHtmlTraceFlags, cwszRegTraceFlags ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateTraceFlags ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdRestartProp, REG_BINARY, cwszHtmlRestartMode, cwszRegRestart ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateSlqTimeInfo ,FALSE ,0 ,1 }, {IdStartProp, REG_BINARY ,NULL, cwszRegStartTime ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateSlqTimeInfo ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdStopProp, REG_BINARY ,NULL, cwszRegStopTime ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateSlqTimeInfo ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdSampleProp, REG_BINARY ,NULL, cwszRegSampleInterval ,(ValidationMethod)ValidateSlqTimeInfo ,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdCounterListProp, REG_MULTI_SZ,NULL, NULL ,(ValidationMethod)ValidatePrimaryObjectList,TRUE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }, {IdGuidListProp, REG_MULTI_SZ,NULL, NULL ,(ValidationMethod)ValidatePrimaryObjectList,FALSE ,cdwNoRange ,cdwNoRange }
const DWORD CPropertyUtils::m_dwPropertyDataMapEntries = sizeof(CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap)/sizeof(CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[0]);
// Friend Functions //
DWORD ValidateDwordInterval ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( ( dwValue < CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMin ) || (dwValue > CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMax ) ) {
dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); }
if ( pUtils->IsDisplayLevelMessage ( dwStatus ) ) { if ( pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ) == dwStatus ) { WCHAR szBufVal [64]; WCHAR szBufMin [64]; WCHAR szBufMax [64];
swprintf (szBufVal, L"%ld", dwValue ); swprintf (szBufMin, L"%ld", CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMin ); swprintf (szBufMax, L"%ld", CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMax );
DisplayErrorMessage ( LOGMAN_OUT_OF_RANGE, szBufVal, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, pUtils->GetQueryName(), szBufMin, szBufMax ); } else { assert ( pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ) == dwStatus ); DisplayErrorMessage ( dwStatus, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, pUtils->GetQueryName() ); } }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidatePrimaryObjectList ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; UNICODE_STRING ustrGuid; GUID guid; DWORD dwCount = 0; WCHAR achInfoBufNew[sizeof(PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_W) + MAX_PATH + 5]; PPDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_W pPathInfoNew = (PPDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_W)achInfoBufNew; ULONG ulBufSize; DWORD dwIndex; WCHAR szPropName [MAX_PATH+1]; // Todo: Remove length restriction
DWORD dwPropBagStringLen = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; DOUBLE dThreshold = 0;
LPCWSTR szHtmlCountProp = NULL; LPCWSTR szHtmlPathProp = NULL;
assert ( REG_MULTI_SZ == CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwRegType );
if ( IdCounterListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType || SLQ_ALERT == dwLogType ) { szHtmlCountProp = cwszHtmlSysmonCounterCount; szHtmlPathProp = cwszHtmlSysmonCounterPath; } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if ( IdGuidListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) { szHtmlCountProp = cwszHtmlTraceProviderCount; szHtmlPathProp = cwszHtmlTraceProviderGuid; } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, szHtmlCountProp, dwCount ); // Todo: Require counter count? Yes for now
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) {
// Todo: Add dwCount to properties table?
if ( 0 < dwCount ) { for ( dwIndex = 1; dwIndex <= dwCount && SUCCEEDED ( hr ); dwIndex++ ) {
swprintf ( szPropName, szHtmlPathProp, dwIndex );
hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, szPropName, &pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, &pUtils->m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwPropBagStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr ) ) { if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType ) { // Validate counter path
ulBufSize = sizeof(achInfoBufNew); ZeroMemory ( achInfoBufNew, ulBufSize );
dwStatus = PdhParseCounterPathW( pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, pPathInfoNew, &ulBufSize, 0);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) {
// Validate guid
// Check to ensure that the length and form are correct
ustrGuid.Length = (USHORT)(dwPropBagStringLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); ustrGuid.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(dwPropBagStringLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); ustrGuid.Buffer = pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer; dwStatus = GuidFromString (&ustrGuid, &guid );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( SLQ_ALERT == dwLogType ) { // Alert threshold and threshold log values are required.
swprintf ( szPropName, cwszHtmlAlertOverUnder, dwIndex ); hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, szPropName, dwTemp ); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr ) ) { if ( ( dwTemp != AIBF_OVER ) && ( dwTemp != AIBF_UNDER ) ) { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_INVALID; } } else { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_MISSING; break; } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { swprintf ( szPropName, cwszHtmlAlertThreshold, dwIndex );
hr = DoubleFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, szPropName, dThreshold ); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr ) ) { // Validate threshold value
if ( 0.0 >= dThreshold ) { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_INVALID; } } else { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_MISSING; break; } } } // else invalid log type.
} else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); break; } } // for dwIndex
} else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { // Display error, to include property name
} else { //Todo: Will need to display errors here, in order to include property name
dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } // Todo: Display error messages.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateSlqTimeInfo ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiData; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault; WORD wTimeType; LONGLONG llmsecs;
if ( IdRestartProp == dwPropId ) { dwStatus = ValidateDwordInterval ( pUtils, dwPropId, dwLogType ); } else { assert ( IdStartProp == dwPropId || IdStopProp == dwPropId || IdSampleProp == dwPropId );
if ( IdStartProp == dwPropId ) { wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; } else if ( IdStopProp == dwPropId ) { wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; } else { assert ( IdSampleProp == dwPropId ); wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE; }
// Initialize time structure to default, in case of missing fields.
hr = InitDefaultSlqTimeInfo ( dwLogType, wTimeType, &stiDefault );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { ZeroMemory ( &stiData, sizeof(stiData) ); hr = SlqTimeFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, wTimeType, &stiDefault, &stiData ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( IdStartProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == stiData.dwAutoMode ) { if ( !pUtils->IsValidDateTime ( stiData.llDateTime ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiData.dwAutoMode ) { if ( MIN_TIME_VALUE != stiData.llDateTime && MAX_TIME_VALUE != stiData.llDateTime ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( IdStopProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == stiData.dwAutoMode ) { if ( !pUtils->IsValidDateTime ( stiData.llDateTime ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } // Todo: Ensure stop is after start time.
// Todo: Ensure stop is after current time.
// Todo: Ensure session time is >= Sample time
} else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiData.dwAutoMode ) { if ( MIN_TIME_VALUE != stiData.llDateTime && MAX_TIME_VALUE != stiData.llDateTime ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == stiData.dwAutoMode ) { if ( SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS > stiData.dwUnitType || SLQ_TT_UTYPE_DAYS < stiData.dwUnitType ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } else { if ( 1 > stiData.dwValue || 100000 < stiData.dwValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } }
} else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { assert ( IdSampleProp == dwPropId ); if ( SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS > stiData.dwUnitType || SLQ_TT_UTYPE_DAYS < stiData.dwUnitType ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } else { // Sample time interval must be less than or equal to 45 days.
if ( SlqTimeToMilliseconds ( &stiData, &llmsecs ) ) { if ( cdwFortyfiveDays < llmsecs ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } else {
// Todo: Ensure session time is >= Sample time
} } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateMaxFileSize ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */ ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( cdwNoMaxSizeLimit != dwValue ) { if ( ( dwValue < CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMin ) || (dwValue > CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMax ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[IdLogFileTypeProp].cwszHtmlName, dwValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( SLF_BIN_CIRC_FILE == dwValue || SLF_CIRC_TRACE_FILE == dwValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } // else, default file type is not circular, so not a problem.
} } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateLogFileType ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
assert ( IdLogFileTypeProp == dwPropId );
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType ) { if ( SLF_CSV_FILE != dwValue && SLF_TSV_FILE != dwValue && SLF_BIN_FILE != dwValue && SLF_BIN_CIRC_FILE != dwValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) { if ( SLF_CIRC_TRACE_FILE != dwValue && SLF_SEQ_TRACE_FILE != dwValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateString ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwPropBagStringLen = 0;
hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, &pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, &pUtils->m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwPropBagStringLen );
// Just check for missing or empty string.
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( NULL == pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } else { if ( 0 == lstrlenW ( pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); }
// Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateTraceFlags ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
if ( IdTraceFlagsProp == dwPropId && SLQ_TRACE_LOG != dwLogType ) { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_MASK != ( dwValue | SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_MASK ) ) { // Too many flags specified.
dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateAlertActions ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwValue;
if ( IdActionFlagsProp == dwPropId && SLQ_ALERT != dwLogType ) { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( IdActionFlagsProp == dwPropId ) { // Todo: Validate, and check for empty fields. Yes.
if ( (0 == dwValue ) || ( ALRT_ACTION_MASK != ( dwValue | ALRT_ACTION_MASK ) ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); }
// No validation for ALRT_ACTION_LOG_EVENT
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { if ( ALRT_ACTION_SEND_MSG & dwValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->Validate ( IdNetworkNameProp ); }
if ( ALRT_ACTION_START_LOG & dwValue ) { /*
// Todo: Validate log existence
dwIndividualStatus = if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwIndividualStatus ) { dwStatus = general failure status } } */ }
if ( ALRT_ACTION_EXEC_CMD & dwValue ) { // Todo: Validate command file
if ( 0 == ( dwValue | ALRT_CMD_LINE_MASK ) ) { //dwLocalStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId );
// Todo: Display error message here.
} } }
} else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateDirectoryPath ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Todo: Implement
// Validate the existence of the directory path, if local machine?
pUtils; dwPropId; dwLogType;
// Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateTraceBufferMaxCount ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwMaxValue; DWORD dwMinValue;
if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType && IdTraceBufferMaxCountProp == dwPropId ) { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwMaxValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( ( dwMaxValue < CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMin ) || (dwMaxValue > CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwMax ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } else { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[IdTraceBufferMinCountProp].cwszHtmlName, dwMinValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( dwMinValue > dwMaxValue ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } // else no min value specified, and default min is always <= max
} } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateFileName ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */ ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwPropBagStringLen = 0;
if ( NULL != pUtils ) { hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, &pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, &pUtils->m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwPropBagStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( 0 != dwPropBagStringLen ) { if ( !IsValidFileName ( pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer ) ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateFilePath ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */ ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwPropBagStringLen = 0; HANDLE hOpenFile = NULL;
if ( NULL != pUtils ) { hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( pUtils->m_pPropBag, CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, &pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, &pUtils->m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwPropBagStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { if ( 0 != dwPropBagStringLen ) { hOpenFile = CreateFileW ( pUtils->m_szPropBagBuffer, GENERIC_READ, 0, // Not shared
NULL, // Security attributes
if ( ( NULL == hOpenFile ) || INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hOpenFile ) { dwStatus = pUtils->GetInvalidStatus ( dwPropId ); } else { CloseHandle( hOpenFile ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { dwStatus = pUtils->GetMissingStatus ( dwPropId ); } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
DWORD ValidateLogExists ( CPropertyUtils* pUtils, DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Todo: Implement. Check via m_hkeyQueries
pUtils; dwPropId; dwLogType;
// Todo: Display error messages here.
return dwStatus; }
* CPropertyUtils::CPropertyUtils * * Purpose: * Constructor. * * Return Value: */
CPropertyUtils::CPropertyUtils ( LPCWSTR cszMachineName, LPCWSTR cszQueryName, CPropertyBag* pPropBag, HKEY hkeyQuery, HKEY hkeyQueryList ) : m_szPropBagBuffer ( NULL ), m_dwPropBagBufLen ( 0 ), m_pPropBag ( pPropBag ), m_hkeyQuery ( hkeyQuery ), m_hkeyQueryList ( hkeyQueryList ), m_eMessageDisplayLevel ( eWarnings ) { if ( NULL != cszMachineName ) { lstrcpynW ( m_szMachineName, cszMachineName, sizeof(m_szMachineName) ); } else { m_szMachineName[0] = NULL_W; }
if ( NULL != cszQueryName ) { lstrcpynW ( m_szQueryName, cszQueryName, sizeof(m_szQueryName) ); } else { m_szQueryName[0] = NULL_W; } return; }
* CPropertyUtils::CPropertyUtils * * Purpose: * Constructor. * * Return Value: */
CPropertyUtils::CPropertyUtils ( LPCWSTR cszMachineName ) : m_szPropBagBuffer ( NULL ), m_dwPropBagBufLen ( 0 ), m_pPropBag ( NULL ), m_hkeyQuery ( NULL ), m_hkeyQueryList ( NULL ), m_eMessageDisplayLevel ( eWarnings ) { if ( NULL != cszMachineName ) { lstrcpynW ( m_szMachineName, cszMachineName, sizeof(m_szMachineName) ); } else { m_szMachineName[0] = NULL_W; } m_szQueryName[0] = NULL_W; return; }
* CPropertyUtils::~CPropertyUtils * * Purpose: * Destructor. * * Return Value: */
CPropertyUtils::~CPropertyUtils ( void ) { if ( NULL != m_szPropBagBuffer ) { delete m_szPropBagBuffer; }
return; }
// Public methods
void CPropertyUtils::SetQueryName ( LPCWSTR szQueryName ) { assert ( NULL != szQueryName ); if ( NULL != szQueryName ) { lstrcpynW ( m_szQueryName, szQueryName, sizeof(m_szQueryName) ); } }
LPCWSTR CPropertyUtils::GetQueryName ( void ) { return m_szQueryName; }
void CPropertyUtils::SetPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag ) { m_pPropBag = pPropBag; }
void CPropertyUtils::SetQueryKey ( HKEY hkeyQuery ) { m_hkeyQuery = hkeyQuery; }
void CPropertyUtils::SetQueryListKey ( HKEY hkeyQueryList ) { m_hkeyQueryList = hkeyQueryList; }
void CPropertyUtils::SetMessageDisplayLevel ( eMessageDisplayLevel eLevel ) { m_eMessageDisplayLevel = eLevel; }
CPropertyUtils::eMessageDisplayLevel CPropertyUtils::GetMessageDisplayLevel ( void ) { return m_eMessageDisplayLevel; }
DWORD CPropertyUtils::Validate ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
assert ( NULL != m_pPropBag ); assert ( ( IdFirstProp <= dwPropId ) && ( IdLastProp >= dwPropId ) );
if ( NULL != m_pPropBag ) {
if ( ( IdFirstProp <= dwPropId ) && ( IdLastProp >= dwPropId ) ) { if ( NULL != m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].fValidate ) { dwStatus = m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].fValidate ( this, dwPropId, dwLogType ); } } }
return dwStatus; }
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::BagToRegistry ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
if ( ( IdFirstProp > dwPropId ) || ( IdLastProp < dwPropId ) ) { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if ( NULL == m_pPropBag || NULL == m_hkeyQuery ) { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_POINTER; } else {
switch ( m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwRegType ) {
case REG_SZ: hr = StringBagToRegistry ( dwPropId, dwLogType ); break;
case REG_BINARY: hr = SlqTimeBagToRegistry ( dwPropId, dwLogType ); break;
case REG_DWORD: hr = DwordBagToRegistry ( dwPropId, dwLogType ); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: hr = MultiSzBagToRegistry ( dwPropId, dwLogType ); break;
default: hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; }
// Private methods
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::MultiSzBagToBufferAlloc ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType, LPWSTR* pszMszBuf, DWORD* pdwMszBufLen, DWORD* pdwMszStringLen ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwCount = 0;
LPCWSTR szHtmlCountProp = NULL; LPCWSTR szHtmlPathProp = NULL; if ( IdCounterListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType || SLQ_ALERT == dwLogType ) { szHtmlCountProp = cwszHtmlSysmonCounterCount; szHtmlPathProp = cwszHtmlSysmonCounterPath; } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else if ( IdGuidListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) { szHtmlCountProp = cwszHtmlTraceProviderCount; szHtmlPathProp = cwszHtmlTraceProviderGuid; } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( m_pPropBag, szHtmlCountProp, dwCount ); // Todo: Require counter count? Yes for now
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwPropBagStringLen = 0;
assert ( 0 < dwCount );
for ( dwIndex = 1; dwIndex <= dwCount && SUCCEEDED ( hr ); dwIndex++ ) {
WCHAR szPropName [MAX_PATH+1]; // Todo: Remove length restriction
swprintf ( szPropName, szHtmlPathProp, dwIndex ); hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( m_pPropBag, szPropName, &m_szPropBagBuffer, &m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwPropBagStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr ) ) { if ( SLQ_ALERT != dwLogType ) { dwStatus = AddStringToMszBufferAlloc ( m_szPropBagBuffer, pszMszBuf, pdwMszBufLen, pdwMszStringLen ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } else { DWORD dwTemp; DOUBLE dThreshold = 0; WCHAR szAlert [MAX_PATH*2]; // Todo: Remove length restriction
swprintf ( szPropName, cwszHtmlAlertOverUnder, dwIndex );
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( m_pPropBag, szPropName, dwTemp );
if ( SUCCEEDED (hr ) ) { swprintf ( szPropName, cwszHtmlAlertThreshold, dwIndex );
hr = DoubleFromPropertyBag ( m_pPropBag, szPropName, dThreshold );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { swprintf ( szAlert, cwszAlertFormatString, m_szPropBagBuffer, ( AIBF_OVER == (dwTemp&AIBF_OVER ) ) ? cwszGreaterThan : cwszLessThan, dThreshold );
dwStatus = AddStringToMszBufferAlloc ( szAlert, pszMszBuf, pdwMszBufLen, pdwMszStringLen ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } } } } } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::MultiSzBagToRegistry ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR szMszBuf = NULL; DWORD dwMszBufLen = 0; DWORD dwMszStringLen = 0;
LPCWSTR szRegListProp = NULL;
if ( IdCounterListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwLogType || SLQ_ALERT == dwLogType ) { szRegListProp = cwszRegCounterList; } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else if ( IdGuidListProp == dwPropId ) { if ( SLQ_TRACE_LOG == dwLogType ) { szRegListProp = cwszRegTraceProviderList; } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { hr = MultiSzBagToBufferAlloc ( dwPropId, dwLogType, &szMszBuf, &dwMszBufLen, &dwMszStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { // Write buffer to the registry
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { dwStatus = WriteRegistryStringValue ( m_hkeyQuery, szRegListProp, REG_MULTI_SZ, szMszBuf, dwMszStringLen ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } } } if ( NULL != szMszBuf ) { delete szMszBuf; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::StringBagToRegistry ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */ ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwStringLen = 0;
hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( m_pPropBag, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, &m_szPropBagBuffer, &m_dwPropBagBufLen, &dwStringLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) && 0 != m_dwPropBagBufLen ) { dwStatus = WriteRegistryStringValue ( m_hkeyQuery, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszRegName, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwRegType, m_szPropBagBuffer, dwStringLen );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::DwordBagToRegistry ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD /* dwLogType */ ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwValue = 0;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( m_pPropBag, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszHtmlName, dwValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { DWORD dwStatus; dwStatus = WriteRegistryDwordValue ( m_hkeyQuery, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].cwszRegName, &dwValue, m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].dwRegType); // Some values, e.g. Restart, are REG_BINARY
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } return hr; }
HRESULT CPropertyUtils::SlqTimeBagToRegistry ( DWORD dwPropId, DWORD dwLogType ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiData; SLQ_TIME_INFO stiDefault; LPCWSTR cwszRegPropName; WORD wTimeType;
assert ( IdRestartProp == dwPropId || IdStartProp == dwPropId || IdStopProp == dwPropId || IdSampleProp == dwPropId );
if ( IdRestartProp == dwPropId ) { // Dword processing can handle REG_BINARY as well.
hr = DwordBagToRegistry ( dwPropId, dwLogType );
} else { assert ( IdStartProp == dwPropId || IdStopProp == dwPropId || IdSampleProp == dwPropId );
if ( IdStartProp == dwPropId ) { wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; cwszRegPropName = cwszRegStartTime; } else if ( IdStopProp == dwPropId ) { wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; cwszRegPropName = cwszRegStopTime; } else { assert ( IdSampleProp == dwPropId ); wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE; cwszRegPropName = cwszRegSampleInterval; }
// Initialize time structure to default, in case of missing fields.
hr = InitDefaultSlqTimeInfo ( dwLogType, wTimeType, &stiDefault );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { ZeroMemory ( &stiData, sizeof(stiData) ); hr = SlqTimeFromPropertyBag ( m_pPropBag, wTimeType, &stiDefault, &stiData );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { dwStatus = WriteRegistrySlqTime ( m_hkeyQuery, cwszRegPropName, &stiData ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwStatus ); } } } }
return hr; } DWORD CPropertyUtils::GetInvalidStatus ( DWORD dwPropId ) { DWORD dwStatus;
if ( CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].bRequired ) { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_INVALID; } else { dwStatus = LOGMAN_NONREQ_PROP_INVALID; } return dwStatus; }
DWORD CPropertyUtils::GetMissingStatus ( DWORD dwPropId ) { DWORD dwStatus;
if ( CPropertyUtils::m_PropertyDataMap[dwPropId].bRequired ) { dwStatus = LOGMAN_REQUIRED_PROP_MISSING; } else { dwStatus = LOGMAN_NONREQ_PROP_MISSING; } return dwStatus; }
BOOL CPropertyUtils::IsValidDateTime ( LONGLONG& rllDateTime ) { BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
// Make sure that the date is reasonable. That is, not before 10/99
if (FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&rllDateTime, &SystemTime)) { if ( cwFirstValidYear > SystemTime.wYear ) { bIsValid = FALSE; } } else { bIsValid = FALSE; } return bIsValid; }
BOOL CPropertyUtils::IsKernelTraceMode ( IN DWORD dwTraceFlags ) { BOOL bReturn;
bReturn = ( SLQ_TLI_ENABLE_KERNEL_MASK & dwTraceFlags ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return bReturn; }
BOOL CPropertyUtils::IsDisplayLevelMessage ( IN DWORD dwStatus ) { BOOL bDisplay = FALSE; DWORD dwSeverity = 0;
dwSeverity = dwStatus >> 30; if ( dwSeverity >= (DWORD)m_eMessageDisplayLevel ) { bDisplay = TRUE; } return bDisplay; }