Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains miscellaneous utiltity routines, mostly low-level windows helpers. These routines are not specific to the System Monitor control.
// Includes //
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "unihelpr.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "utils.h"
// Constants //
#define DEFAULT_MSZ_BUF_LEN ((DWORD)0x01000)
#define MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ID_MASK ((DWORD)0x0000ffff)
// Time conversion constants
#define SECONDS_IN_DAY 86400
#define SECONDS_IN_HOUR 3600
// Local Functions //
static DWORD _stdcall ScanHexFormat( IN LPCWSTR szBuffer, IN ULONG ulMaximumLength, IN LPCWSTR szFormat, ...);
// Exported Functions //
BOOL TruncateLLTime ( IN LONGLONG llTime, OUT LONGLONG* pllTime ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&llTime, &SystemTime)) return FALSE;
SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
return SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, (FILETIME*)pllTime); }
BOOL LLTimeToVariantDate ( IN LONGLONG llTime, OUT DATE *pdate ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&llTime, &SystemTime)) return FALSE;
return SystemTimeToVariantTime(&SystemTime, pdate); }
BOOL VariantDateToLLTime ( IN DATE date, OUT LONGLONG *pllTime ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; if (!VariantTimeToSystemTime(date, &SystemTime)) return FALSE;
return SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime,(FILETIME*)pllTime); }
// Property bag I/O
HRESULT _stdcall DwordFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, DWORD& rdwData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I4; vValue.lVal = 0;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rdwData = vValue.lVal; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall BOOLFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, BOOL& rbData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BOOL;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rbData = vValue.boolVal; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall DoubleFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, DOUBLE& rdblData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R8;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rdblData = vValue.dblVal; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall FloatFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, FLOAT& rfData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R4;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rfData = vValue.fltVal; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall ShortFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, SHORT& riData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I2;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { riData = vValue.iVal; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall CyFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, CY& rcyData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_CY; vValue.cyVal.int64 = 0;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = VariantChangeType ( &vValue, &vValue, NULL, VT_CY );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rcyData.int64 = vValue.cyVal.int64; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall StringFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, LPWSTR szData, DWORD* pdwBufLen ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr; VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; vValue.bstrVal = NULL;
hr = pPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue );
// Todo: Return buflen = 1 when no data?
// Todo: Return e_fail if data found, but buffer not big enough?
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && vValue.bstrVal ) { DWORD dwNewBufLen = SysStringLen(vValue.bstrVal) + 1; // 1 for NULL terminator
if ( dwNewBufLen > 1 ) { if ( *pdwBufLen >= dwNewBufLen && NULL != szData ) { lstrcpyW ( szData, vValue.bstrVal ); } else { // Insufficient buffer
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); } } else if ( NULL != szData ) { // Property found, string is NULL
szData[0] = NULL_W; } *pdwBufLen = dwNewBufLen; } else { *pdwBufLen = 0; }
return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall LLTimeFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, LONGLONG& rllData ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hr;
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_DATE;
hr = pPropBag->Read ( szPropName, &vValue );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( !VariantDateToLLTime ( vValue.date, &rllData ) ) { hr = E_FAIL; } VariantClear( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall SlqTimeFromPropertyBag ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, WORD wFlags, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pstiDefault, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pstiData ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
assert ( NULL != pstiData );
if ( NULL == pstiData ) { hr = E_POINTER; } else {
// Todo: Error handling
// This method sets missing fields to default value.
switch (wFlags) { case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START:
pstiData->wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStartMode, pstiData->dwAutoMode );
if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pstiData->dwAutoMode ) { hr = LLTimeFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStartAtTime, pstiData->llDateTime );
} else { // Original state is stopped.
assert ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pstiData->dwAutoMode ); pstiData->llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE; } break;
case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP: pstiData->wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStopMode, pstiData->dwAutoMode ); if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AT == pstiData->dwAutoMode ) { pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; hr = LLTimeFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStopAtTime, pstiData->llDateTime );
} else if ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER == pstiData->dwAutoMode ) { pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStopAfterUnitType, pstiData->dwUnitType );
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlStopAfterValue, pstiData->dwValue ); } else { // Original state is stopped.
assert ( SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE == pstiData->dwAutoMode ); pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; pstiData->llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE; } break; case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE: { BOOL bUnitTypeMissing = FALSE; BOOL bUnitValueMissing = FALSE;
pstiData->wTimeType = pstiDefault->wTimeType; pstiData->dwAutoMode = pstiDefault->dwAutoMode; pstiData->wDataType = pstiDefault->wDataType;
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlSampleIntUnitType, pstiData->dwUnitType );
if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { pstiData->dwUnitType = pstiDefault->dwUnitType; bUnitTypeMissing = TRUE; }
hr = DwordFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlSampleIntValue, pstiData->dwValue );
if ( FAILED ( hr ) ) { pstiData->dwValue = pstiDefault->dwValue; bUnitValueMissing = TRUE; }
if ( bUnitTypeMissing || bUnitValueMissing ) { FLOAT fUpdateInterval;
// If unit type or unit count missing from the property bag,
// look for "UpdateInterval" value, from the Sysmon control object,
// and use it to approximate the sample time.
hr = FloatFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, cwszHtmlSysmonUpdateInterval, fUpdateInterval );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { pstiData->dwValue = (DWORD)(fUpdateInterval); pstiData->dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS; } } break; } // Restart mode stored as a single DWORD
case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_RESTART: default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } }
return hr; }
// Registry I/O
LONG _stdcall WriteRegistryStringValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, DWORD dwType, LPCWSTR pszBuffer, DWORD dwBufLen ) // writes the contents of pszBuffer to szValue under hKey
{ LONG dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBufByteCount; CONST BYTE *pLclBuffer;
assert ((dwType == REG_SZ) || (dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) || (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)); if ( NULL == pszBuffer ) { // substitute an empty string
pLclBuffer = (CONST BYTE *)cwszNull; dwBufByteCount = 0; } else { // use args passed in
pLclBuffer = (CONST BYTE *)pszBuffer; dwBufByteCount = dwBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR); }
dwStatus = RegSetValueExW (hKey, cwszValueName, 0L, dwType, (CONST BYTE *)pLclBuffer, dwBufByteCount );
return dwStatus; }
LONG _stdcall WriteRegistryDwordValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, LPDWORD pdwValue, DWORD dwType ) { LONG dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwValue = sizeof(DWORD);
assert ((dwType == REG_DWORD) || (dwType == REG_BINARY)); dwStatus = RegSetValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, 0L, dwType, (CONST BYTE *)pdwValue, dwValue);
return dwStatus; }
LONG _stdcall WriteRegistrySlqTime ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pstiData ) { LONG dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwValue = sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO);
dwStatus = RegSetValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, 0L, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *)pstiData, dwValue);
return dwStatus; }
LONG _stdcall ReadRegistryDwordValue ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, LPDWORD pdwValue ) { LONG dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwValue = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; SLQ_TIME_INFO slqLocal;
assert ( NULL != hKey ); assert ( NULL != pdwValue ); assert ( NULL != cwszValueName ); assert ( NULL_T != cwszValueName[0] );
memset (&slqLocal, 0, sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO));
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { if ( ( dwBufferSize == sizeof(DWORD) ) && ( ( REG_DWORD == dwType ) || ( REG_BINARY == dwType ) ) ) { // then there's something to read
dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwBufferSize); } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } // else dwStatus has error.
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { *pdwValue = dwValue; }
return dwStatus; }
LONG _stdcall ReadRegistrySlqTime ( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cwszValueName, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pstiData ) { LONG dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; SLQ_TIME_INFO slqLocal;
assert ( NULL != hKey ); assert ( NULL != pstiData ); assert ( NULL != cwszValueName ); assert ( NULL_T != cwszValueName[0] );
memset (&slqLocal, 0, sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO));
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwBufferSize );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { if ( (dwBufferSize == sizeof(SLQ_TIME_INFO)) && ( REG_BINARY == dwType ) ) { // then there's something to read
dwType = 0; dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, cwszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&slqLocal, &dwBufferSize); } else { // nothing to read
dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { *pstiData = slqLocal; }
return dwStatus; }
// Wrapper functions for html to registry
HRESULT _stdcall StringFromPropBagAlloc ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropertyName, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, DWORD* pdwBufLen, DWORD* pdwStringLen ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR szLocalBuffer = *pszBuffer; DWORD dwLocalBufLen = *pdwBufLen;
hr = StringFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, szPropertyName, szLocalBuffer, &dwLocalBufLen );
assert ( dwLocalBufLen > *pdwBufLen );
if ( NULL != szLocalBuffer ) { delete szLocalBuffer; } szLocalBuffer = new WCHAR[ dwLocalBufLen ];
if ( NULL != szLocalBuffer ) { *pdwBufLen = dwLocalBufLen; hr = StringFromPropertyBag ( pPropBag, szPropertyName, szLocalBuffer, &dwLocalBufLen ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
*pszBuffer = szLocalBuffer; // Length of actual string returned.
if ( NULL != pdwStringLen ) { *pdwStringLen = dwLocalBufLen - 1; // Buffer length includes space for NULL
} return hr; }
DWORD _stdcall AddStringToMszBuffer ( LPCWSTR szString, LPWSTR szBuffer, DWORD* pdwBufLen, DWORD* pdwBufStringLen ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
assert ( NULL != szString );
if ( NULL == szString ) { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { DWORD dwNewBufStringLen = 0; DWORD dwStringLen; DWORD dwLocalBufStringLen;
if ( NULL == szBuffer ) { dwLocalBufStringLen = 0; } else { // Todo: Trust the user? Check in debug mode? If need to check in non-debug mode, then
// just calculate
dwStringLen = lstrlenW ( szString );
if ( *pdwBufStringLen > 0 ) { // Existing buffer length includes double NULL at end
dwLocalBufStringLen = *pdwBufStringLen - 1; } else { dwLocalBufStringLen = 0; }
dwNewBufStringLen = dwStringLen + 1 // NULL string end
+ dwLocalBufStringLen + 1; // NULL Msz buffer end
if ( dwNewBufStringLen > *pdwBufLen ) { *pdwBufLen = dwNewBufStringLen; dwStatus = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { LPWSTR szNextString;
szNextString = szBuffer + dwLocalBufStringLen;
lstrcpyW ( szNextString, szString );
szNextString += dwStringLen + 1; // +1 for string NULL
szNextString[0] = NULL_W; // Msz NULL
*pdwBufStringLen = dwNewBufStringLen; } } return dwStatus; }
HRESULT _stdcall AddStringToMszBufferAlloc ( LPCWSTR szString, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, DWORD* pdwBufLen, DWORD* pdwBufStringLen ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwLocalBufLen = *pdwBufLen; DWORD dwLocalBufStringLen = *pdwBufStringLen; LPWSTR szLocalBuffer = *pszBuffer;
dwStatus = AddStringToMszBuffer ( szString, szLocalBuffer, &dwLocalBufLen, &dwLocalBufStringLen );
LPWSTR szNewMszBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwNewBufSize = *pdwBufLen + DEFAULT_MSZ_BUF_LEN;
assert ( dwLocalBufLen < ( *pdwBufLen + dwNewBufSize ) );
if ( dwLocalBufLen < dwNewBufSize ) { dwLocalBufLen = dwNewBufSize; }
szNewMszBuffer = new WCHAR[ dwLocalBufLen ];
if ( NULL != szNewMszBuffer ) { if ( NULL != szLocalBuffer ) { memcpy ( szNewMszBuffer, szLocalBuffer, dwLocalBufStringLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ); delete szLocalBuffer; } szLocalBuffer = szNewMszBuffer;
dwStatus = AddStringToMszBuffer ( szString, szLocalBuffer, &dwLocalBufLen, &dwLocalBufStringLen );
} else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; dwLocalBufLen = 0; } } else {
assert ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwStatus );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { if ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER == dwStatus ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } }
*pszBuffer = szLocalBuffer; *pdwBufLen = dwLocalBufLen; *pdwBufStringLen = dwLocalBufStringLen; return hr; }
HRESULT _stdcall InitDefaultSlqTimeInfo ( DWORD dwQueryType, WORD wTimeType, PSLQ_TIME_INFO pstiData ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
assert ( NULL != pstiData );
if ( NULL == pstiData ) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { switch ( wTimeType ) { case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START: { SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; FILETIME ftLocalTime;
GetLocalTime (&stLocalTime); SystemTimeToFileTime (&stLocalTime, &ftLocalTime);
pstiData->wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_START; pstiData->dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER; pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; pstiData->llDateTime = *(LONGLONG *)&ftLocalTime;
break; } case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP: pstiData->wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_STOP; pstiData->dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_NONE; pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME; pstiData->llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE: pstiData->wTimeType = SLQ_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE; pstiData->dwAutoMode = SLQ_AUTO_MODE_AFTER; pstiData->wDataType = SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS; pstiData->dwUnitType = SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS;
if ( SLQ_COUNTER_LOG == dwQueryType ) { pstiData->dwValue = 15; } else if ( SLQ_ALERT == dwQueryType ) { pstiData->dwValue = 5; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
// Restart mode stored as a single DWORD
case SLQ_TT_TTYPE_RESTART: default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } } return hr; } /*
HRESULT ProcessStringProperty ( CPropertyBag* pPropBag, HKEY hKeyParent, LPCWSTR szHtmlPropertyName, LPCWSTR szRegPropertyName, DWORD dwRegType, LPWSTR* pszBuffer, DWORD* pdwBufLen ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = StringFromPropBagAlloc ( pPropBag, szPropertyName, *pszBuffer, *pdwBufLen );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { hr = WriteRegistryStringValue ( hKeyParent, szPropertyName, dwRegType, *pszBuffer ); }
return hr; } */
LPWSTR ResourceString ( UINT uID ) { #define STRING_BUF_LEN 256
#define NUM_BUFFERS 16
static WCHAR aszBuffers[NUM_BUFFERS][STRING_BUF_LEN]; static INT iBuffIndex = 0; static WCHAR szMissingString [8];
// Use next buffer
if (++iBuffIndex >= NUM_BUFFERS) iBuffIndex = 0;
// Load and return string
if (LoadStringW( NULL, uID, aszBuffers[iBuffIndex], STRING_BUF_LEN)) { return aszBuffers[iBuffIndex]; } else { lstrcpyW ( szMissingString, cwszMissingResourceString ); return szMissingString; } }
BOOL _stdcall IsLogManMessage ( DWORD dwMessageId, DWORD* pdwResourceId ) { BOOL bIsLogManMsg = FALSE; DWORD dwLocalId;
dwLocalId = dwMessageId & MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ID_MASK;
if ( 6000 <= dwLocalId && 6040 >= dwLocalId ) { bIsLogManMsg = TRUE; }
if ( NULL != pdwResourceId ) { *pdwResourceId = dwLocalId; }
return bIsLogManMsg; }
DWORD _stdcall FormatResourceString ( DWORD dwResourceId, LPWSTR szFormatted, va_list* pargList ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR szUnformatted = NULL;
// Format string into temporary buffer szFormatted
szUnformatted = ResourceString ( dwResourceId );
// Todo: Remove argument count restriction - currently 1 LPWSTR
if ( 0 != lstrcmpiW ( cwszMissingResourceString, szUnformatted ) ) { LPWSTR p1 = NULL; LPWSTR p2 = NULL; LPWSTR p3 = NULL; LPWSTR p4 = NULL; LPWSTR p5 = NULL; // Handle up to 5 arguments.
LPWSTR p6 = NULL; // dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, pargList );
p1 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR ); if ( NULL == p1 ) { dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted ); } else { p2 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR ); if ( NULL == p2 ) { dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, p1 ); } else { p3 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR ); if ( NULL == p3 ) { dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, p1, p2 ); } else { p4 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR ); if ( NULL == p4 ) { dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, p1, p2, p3 ); } else { p5 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR ); if ( NULL == p5 ) { dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, p1, p2, p3, p4 ); } else { p6 = va_arg ( *pargList, LPWSTR );\ assert ( NULL == p6 ); dwStatus = swprintf ( szFormatted, szUnformatted, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 ); } } } } } // Swprintf returns length of formatted string
if ( 0 != dwStatus ) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwStatus = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; }
} else { dwStatus = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; // No resource string found
return dwStatus;
void _stdcall DisplayResourceString ( DWORD dwResourceId, ... ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szTemp [MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; // Todo: Eliminate length restriction
va_list argList; va_start(argList, dwResourceId);
dwStatus = FormatResourceString ( dwResourceId, szTemp, &argList );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { wprintf ( szTemp ); } else { wprintf ( cwszNoErrorMessage ); } wprintf ( cwszNewLine );
return; }
void _stdcall DisplayErrorMessage ( DWORD dwMessageId, ... ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR szTemp [MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; // Todo: Eliminate length restriction
DWORD dwResourceId;
va_list(argList); va_start(argList, dwMessageId);
if ( IsLogManMessage ( dwMessageId, &dwResourceId ) ) {
dwStatus = FormatResourceString ( dwResourceId, szTemp, &argList ); } else {
// Format message into temporary buffer szTemp
dwStatus = FormatSystemMessage ( dwMessageId, szTemp, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, &argList );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { wprintf ( szTemp ); } else { wprintf ( cwszNoErrorMessage ); }; wprintf ( cwszNewLine ); va_end(argList);
return; }
DWORD _stdcall FormatSystemMessage ( DWORD dwMessageId, LPWSTR pszSystemMessage, DWORD dwBufLen, ... ) { DWORD dwReturn = 0; HMODULE hModule = NULL; LPVOID pMsgBuf = NULL; DWORD dwFlags; va_list(argList); va_start(argList, dwBufLen);
pszSystemMessage[0] = NULL_W;
hModule = LoadLibraryW ( cwszPdhDll );
if ( NULL != hModule ) { dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; }
dwReturn = ::FormatMessageW ( dwFlags, hModule, dwMessageId, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&pMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
// Todo: dwReturn seems to return failure even on success. Possibly because argList is non-Null?
if ( NULL != hModule ) { FreeLibrary ( hModule ); } // TODO: Check buffer length
if ( 0 == lstrlenW ( (LPWSTR)pMsgBuf ) ) { swprintf ( pszSystemMessage, cwszMessageIdFormatString, dwMessageId ); } else { swprintf ( pszSystemMessage, cwszSystemError, (LPWSTR)pMsgBuf ); }
LocalFree ( pMsgBuf );
va_end(argList); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
INT GetNumSeparators ( LPTSTR& rpDecimal, LPTSTR& rpThousand ) { #define NUM_BUF_LEN 4
INT iLength;
static TCHAR szDecimal[NUM_BUF_LEN]; static TCHAR szThousand[NUM_BUF_LEN];
rpDecimal = NULL; rpThousand = NULL;
if ( 0 != iLength ) { iLength = GetLocaleInfo ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szThousand, NUM_BUF_LEN );
if ( 0 != iLength ) { rpDecimal = szDecimal; rpThousand = szThousand; }
return iLength; }
BOOL _stdcall FileRead ( HANDLE hFile, void* lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToRead) { BOOL bSuccess ; DWORD nAmtRead ;
bSuccess = ReadFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToRead, &nAmtRead, NULL) ; return (bSuccess && (nAmtRead == nAmtToRead)) ; } // FileRead
BOOL _stdcall FileWrite ( HANDLE hFile, void* lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToWrite) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD nAmtWritten = 0; DWORD dwFileSizeLow, dwFileSizeHigh; LONGLONG llResultSize; dwFileSizeLow = GetFileSize (hFile, &dwFileSizeHigh); // limit file size to 2GB
if (dwFileSizeHigh > 0) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); bSuccess = FALSE; } else { // note that the error return of this function is 0xFFFFFFFF
// since that is > the file size limit, this will be interpreted
// as an error (a size error) so it's accounted for in the following
// test.
llResultSize = dwFileSizeLow + nAmtToWrite; if (llResultSize >= 0x80000000) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); bSuccess = FALSE; } else { // write buffer to file
bSuccess = WriteFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToWrite, &nAmtWritten, NULL) ; if (bSuccess) bSuccess = (nAmtWritten == nAmtToWrite ? TRUE : FALSE); if ( !bSuccess ) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); } } }
return (bSuccess) ;
} // FileWrite
// This routine extract the filename portion from a given full-path filename
if (pFileSpec) { pFileName = pFileSpec + lstrlen (pFileSpec) ;
while (*pFileName != DIRECTORY_DELIMITER1 && *pFileName != DIRECTORY_DELIMITER2) { if (pFileName == pFileSpec) { // done when no directory delimiter is found
break ; } pFileName-- ; }
if (*pFileName == DIRECTORY_DELIMITER1 || *pFileName == DIRECTORY_DELIMITER2) { // directory delimiter found, point the
// filename right after it
pFileName++ ; } } return pFileName ; } // ExtractFileName
BOOL _stdcall LoadDefaultLogFileFolder( TCHAR *szFolder ) { DWORD nErr; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwDataSize;
if (szFolder == NULL) return FALSE; nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog"), &hKey ); if (nErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
*szFolder = 0;
// NOTE: Assumes szFolder has enough storage for RegQuery to work
nErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, _T("DefaultLogFileFolder"), NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) szFolder, (LPDWORD) &dwDataSize ); RegCloseKey(hKey); return (nErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD _stdcall ParseFolderPath( LPCTSTR szOrigPath, LPTSTR szBuffer, INT* piBufLen ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
TCHAR szLocalPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR cPercent = _T('%'); TCHAR* pBeginSymChar; const TCHAR* pNonSymChar; TCHAR* pLocalPathNext; INT iTempLen;
// Return error if original buffer isn't large enough.
pNonSymChar = szOrigPath; pLocalPathNext = szLocalPath;
// Find and parse each symbol, adding to szLocalPath
while ( NULL != ( pBeginSymChar = _tcschr ( pNonSymChar, cPercent ) ) ) {
TCHAR* pEndSymChar;
// Move pre-symbol part of path to szLocalPath
// lstrcpyn count includes terminating NULL character.
iTempLen = (INT)( pBeginSymChar - pNonSymChar ) + 1; lstrcpyn ( pLocalPathNext, pNonSymChar, iTempLen ); // Move pointer to NULL terminator
pLocalPathNext += iTempLen - 1;
// Find end symbol delimiter
pEndSymChar = _tcschr ( pBeginSymChar + 1, cPercent );
if ( NULL != pEndSymChar ) { TCHAR szSymbol[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR* pszTranslated;
// Parse symbol
lstrcpyn ( szSymbol, pBeginSymChar + 1, (int)(pEndSymChar - pBeginSymChar) ); pszTranslated = _tgetenv ( szSymbol );
if ( NULL != pszTranslated ) { iTempLen = lstrlen (pszTranslated) + 1; lstrcpyn ( pLocalPathNext, pszTranslated, iTempLen ); // Move pointer to NULL terminator
pLocalPathNext += iTempLen - 1;
// Set up to find next symbol.
pNonSymChar = pEndSymChar + 1; if ( 0 == lstrlen (pNonSymChar) ) { // Done.
break; }
} else { // Path incorrect.
dwStatus = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; break; } } else { // Path incorrect.
dwStatus = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; break; } }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { // Move last part of path to szLocalPath
iTempLen = lstrlen (pNonSymChar) + 1; lstrcpyn ( pLocalPathNext, pNonSymChar, iTempLen );
// Move string to buffer, checking size.
// Add room for NULL termination
iTempLen = lstrlen (szLocalPath ) + 1;
if ( *piBufLen >= iTempLen ) { lstrcpy ( szBuffer, szLocalPath ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
*piBufLen = iTempLen; }
return dwStatus; }
DWORD SlqTimeToMilliseconds ( SLQ_TIME_INFO* pTimeInfo, LONGLONG* pllmsecs) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; // Success
if ( SLQ_TT_DTYPE_UNITS == pTimeInfo->wDataType ) {
switch (pTimeInfo->dwUnitType) { case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS: *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue; break; case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_MINUTES: *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; break;
case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_HOURS: *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_HOUR; break;
case SLQ_TT_UTYPE_DAYS: *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * SECONDS_IN_DAY; break;
default: bStatus = FALSE; *pllmsecs = 0; }
*pllmsecs *= 1000;
} else { bStatus = FALSE; }
return bStatus; }
static DWORD _stdcall ScanHexFormat( IN LPCWSTR szBuffer, IN ULONG ulMaximumLength, IN LPCWSTR szFormat, ...) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans a source szBuffer and places values from that buffer into the parameters as specified by szFormat.
szBuffer - Contains the source buffer which is to be scanned.
ulMaximumLength - Contains the maximum length in characters for which szBuffer is searched. This implies that szBuffer need not be UNICODE_NULL terminated.
szFormat - Contains the format string which defines both the acceptable string format contained in szBuffer, and the variable parameters which follow.
NOTE: This code is from \ntos\rtl\guid.c
Return Value:
Returns the number of parameters filled if the end of the szBuffer is reached, else -1 on an error.
--*/ { va_list ArgList; int iFormatItems;
va_start(ArgList, szFormat); for (iFormatItems = 0;;) { switch (*szFormat) { case 0: return (*szBuffer && ulMaximumLength) ? -1 : iFormatItems; case '%': szFormat++; if (*szFormat != '%') { ULONG Number; int Width; int Long; PVOID Pointer;
for (Long = 0, Width = 0;; szFormat++) { if ((*szFormat >= '0') && (*szFormat <= '9')) { Width = Width * 10 + *szFormat - '0'; } else if (*szFormat == 'l') { Long++; } else if ((*szFormat == 'X') || (*szFormat == 'x')) { break; } } szFormat++; for (Number = 0; Width--; szBuffer++, ulMaximumLength--) { if (!ulMaximumLength) return (DWORD)(-1); Number *= 16; if ((*szBuffer >= '0') && (*szBuffer <= '9')) { Number += (*szBuffer - '0'); } else if ((*szBuffer >= 'a') && (*szBuffer <= 'f')) { Number += (*szBuffer - 'a' + 10); } else if ((*szBuffer >= 'A') && (*szBuffer <= 'F')) { Number += (*szBuffer - 'A' + 10); } else { return (DWORD)(-1); } } Pointer = va_arg(ArgList, PVOID); if (Long) { *(PULONG)Pointer = Number; } else { *(PUSHORT)Pointer = (USHORT)Number; } iFormatItems++; break; } /* no break */ default: if (!ulMaximumLength || (*szBuffer != *szFormat)) { return (DWORD)(-1); } szBuffer++; ulMaximumLength--; szFormat++; break; } } }
DWORD _stdcall GuidFromString( IN PUNICODE_STRING GuidString, OUT GUID* Guid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves a the binary format of a textual GUID presented in the standard string version of a GUID: "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}".
GuidString - Place from which to retrieve the textual form of the GUID.
Guid - Place in which to put the binary form of the GUID.
NOTE: This code is from \ntos\rtl\guid.c
Return Value:
Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if the buffer contained a valid GUID, else ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the string was invalid.
--*/ { USHORT Data4[8]; int Count;
if (ScanHexFormat(GuidString->Buffer, GuidString->Length / sizeof(WCHAR), cwszGuidFormat, &Guid->Data1, &Guid->Data2, &Guid->Data3, &Data4[0], &Data4[1], &Data4[2], &Data4[3], &Data4[4], &Data4[5], &Data4[6], &Data4[7]) == -1) { return (DWORD)(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } for (Count = 0; Count < sizeof(Data4)/sizeof(Data4[0]); Count++) { Guid->Data4[Count] = (UCHAR)Data4[Count]; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD __stdcall IsValidDirPath ( LPCWSTR cszPath, BOOL bLastNameIsDirectory, BOOL bCreateMissingDirs, BOOL& rbIsValid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates the directory specified in szPath and any other "higher" directories in the specified path that don't exist.
IN LPCWSTR cszPath directory path to create (assumed to be a DOS path, not a UNC)
IN BOOL bLastNameIsDirectory TRUE when the last name in the path is a Directory and not a File FALSE if the last name is a file
IN BOOL bCreateMissingDirs TRUE will create any dirs in the path that are not found FALSE will only test for existence and not create any missing dirs.
OUT BOOL rbIsValid TRUE if the directory path now exists FALSE if error (GetLastError to find out why)
Return Value:
rbIsValid = FALSE;
ZeroMemory ( szLocalPath, sizeof ( szLocalPath ) );
if ( 0 < GetFullPathNameW ( cszPath, MAX_PATH, szLocalPath, NULL ) ) {
szEnd = &szLocalPath[3];
if ( NULL_W != *szEnd ) { // then there are sub dirs to create
while ( NULL_W != *szEnd ) { // go to next backslash
while ( ( BACKSLASH_W != *szEnd ) && ( NULL_W != *szEnd ) ) { szEnd++; } if ( BACKSLASH_W != *szEnd ) { // terminate path here and create directory
*szEnd = NULL_W; if (bCreateMissingDirs) { if (!CreateDirectoryW (szLocalPath, lpSA)) { // see what the error was and "adjust" it if necessary
dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwStatus ) { // this is OK
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; rbIsValid = TRUE; } else { rbIsValid = FALSE; } } else { // directory created successfully so update count
rbIsValid = TRUE; } } else { if ((dwAttr = GetFileAttributesW(szLocalPath)) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // make sure it's a dir
if ((dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { rbIsValid = TRUE; } else { // if any dirs fail, then clear the return value
rbIsValid = FALSE; } } else { // if any dirs fail, then clear the return value
rbIsValid = FALSE; } } // replace backslash and go to next dir
*szEnd++ = BACKSLASH_W; } } // create last dir in path now if it's a dir name and not a filename
if ( bLastNameIsDirectory ) { if (bCreateMissingDirs) { if (!CreateDirectoryW (szLocalPath, lpSA)) { // see what the error was and "adjust" it if necessary
dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwStatus ) { // this is OK
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; rbIsValid = TRUE; } else { rbIsValid = FALSE; } } else { // directory created successfully
rbIsValid = TRUE; } } else { if ((dwAttr = GetFileAttributesW(szLocalPath)) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // make sure it's a dir
if ((dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { rbIsValid = TRUE; } else { // if any dirs fail, then clear the return value
rbIsValid = FALSE; } } else { // if any dirs fail, then clear the return value
rbIsValid = FALSE; } } } } else { // else this is a root dir only so return success.
dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; rbIsValid = TRUE; } } else { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } return dwStatus; }
BOOL _stdcall IsValidFileName ( LPCWSTR cszFileName ) { LPWSTR szNext; BOOL bRetVal = TRUE;
if ( MAX_PATH < lstrlenW(cszFileName) ) { bRetVal = FALSE; } else { szNext = const_cast<LPWSTR>(cszFileName); while(*szNext != '\0'){ if (*szNext == '?' || *szNext == '\\' || *szNext == '*' || *szNext == '|' || *szNext == '<' || *szNext == '>' || *szNext == '/' || *szNext == ':' || *szNext == '.' || *szNext == '\"' ){ bRetVal = FALSE; break; } szNext++; } } return bRetVal; }