#pragma once
#include "util.h"
#define WINDOW_CLASS TEXT("_WindowsUpgradeAdvisor_")
class CDlgApp { private: HINSTANCE m_hInstance; // application instance
HWND m_hwnd; // window handle
HFONT m_hfontTitle; HFONT m_hfontHeader; HFONT m_hfontMenu; HFONT m_hfontText;
HBRUSH m_hbrPanel; HBRUSH m_hbrCenter;
COLORREF m_crTitleText; COLORREF m_crHeaderText; COLORREF m_crShadow;
COLORREF m_crNormalText;
COLORREF m_crCenterPanel; // Color of the center panel - only used for background colors behind text
COLORREF m_crBottomPanel; // Color of the bottom panel - only used for background colors behind text
HCURSOR m_hcurHand;
int m_cxClient; // width of the client area (changes on maximize / restore)
int m_cyClient; // height of the client area (changes on maximize / restore)
int m_cxTopPanel; // height of the top band of color
int m_cyBottomPanel; // height of the bottom band of color
int m_cTitleFontHeight; int m_cHeaderFontHeight; int m_cMenuFontHeight; int m_cTextFontHeight;
HDC m_hdcFlag; HDC m_hdcFlagRTL; HDC m_hdcGradientTop; HDC m_hdcGradientTop256; HDC m_hdcGradientBottom; HDC m_hdcGradientBottom256; HDC m_rghdcArrows[2][6][2]; // {hicolor x locolor} x {back, next, finish, cancel, radio-on, radio-off} x {normal, hover}
BOOL m_f8by6; // true if we're 800x600, false if we're 640x480
DWORD m_dwScreen; // screen we're on
BOOL m_fHighContrast; // true if high contrast options should be used
BOOL m_fLowColor; // true if we are in 256 or less color mode.
HPALETTE m_hpal; // palette to use if in palette mode
int m_iColors; // -1, 16, or 256 depending on the color mode we are in.
int m_cDesktopWidth; // width of desktop at app initialization
int m_cDesktopHeight; // height of desktop at app initialization
int m_iSelectedItem; // the index of the selected menu
BOOL m_fDynamicUpdate; // does user want to connect to the internet?
public: CDlgApp(); ~CDlgApp();
void Register(HINSTANCE hInstance); BOOL InitializeData(LPSTR pszCmdLine); void Create(int nCmdShow); void MessageLoop();
private: static LRESULT CALLBACK s_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK s_ButtonWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK s_WaitWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Window Messages
LRESULT OnCreate(HWND hwnd); LRESULT OnDestroy(); LRESULT OnActivate(WPARAM wParam); LRESULT OnPaint(HDC hdc); LRESULT OnEraseBkgnd(HDC hdc); LRESULT OnLButtonUp(int x, int y, DWORD fwKeys); LRESULT OnMouseMove(int x, int y, DWORD fwKeys); LRESULT OnSetCursor(HWND hwnd, int nHittest, int wMouseMsg); LRESULT OnCommand(int wID); LRESULT OnQueryNewPalette(); LRESULT OnPaletteChanged(HWND hwnd); LRESULT OnDrawItem(UINT iCtlID, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis); LRESULT OnChangeScreen(DWORD dwScreen); LRESULT OnLaunchApp(); LRESULT OnNextButton();
// helper functions
void _InvalidateRectIntl(HWND hwnd, RECT* pRect, BOOL fBackgroundClear); BOOL _SetColorTable(); BOOL _CreateFonts(HDC hdc); BOOL _CreateBitmaps(); BOOL _CreateArrowBitmaps(); BOOL _CreateGradientBitmaps(); void _DrawText(HDC hdc); void _PaintFlagBitmap();
BOOL _AdjustIconPlacement(); BOOL _GetButtonIntersect(int x, int y, UINT* pidMenuItem); UINT _StringWidth(HDC hdc, UINT idString, INT iLogPixelSx); UINT _StringHeight(HDC hdc, UINT idString, INT iLogPixelSx); BOOL _AdjustToFitFonts(); BOOL _DrawMenuIcon(HWND hwnd); BOOL _DrawMenuIcons(BOOL fEraseBackground); void _CreateMenu(); void _RedrawMenu(); };