Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
var _bFriendlyUIEnabled = false; var _bMultipleUsersEnabled = false;
function PageInit() { top.window.PopulateLeftPane(idRelatedTaskContent.innerHTML, idLearnAboutContent.innerHTML);
var oWShell = top.window.GetWShell(); var strAbort = null;
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-298329-2001/03/30-jeffreys
// If the Netware client is installed, disable the friendly UI.
try { // This throws an error if the key or value doesn't exist
var strNetProviders = oWShell.RegRead("HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\NetworkProvider\\Order\\ProviderOrder");
if (-1 != strNetProviders.indexOf("NWCWorkstation") || -1 != strNetProviders.indexOf("NetwareWorkstation")) { // The Netware client is installed
strAbort = top.window.L_NetWareClient_ErrorMessage; } } catch (error) { // No provider info, so assume no Netware; proceed normally
if (null == strAbort) { //
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-307739-2001/03/14-jeffreys
// Some apps install their own Gina, which prevents the friendly
// logon UI and FUS from running.
try { // This throws an error if the key or value doesn't exist
var szGinaDLL = oWShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon\\GinaDLL");
// If that didn't throw an error, then a GinaDLL value exists.
// Doesn't matter what it is; disable everything and tell the user.
// See CSystemSettings::IsMicrosoftGINA in shell\ext\gina\systemsettings.cpp.
strAbort = top.window.L_NonStandardGina_ErrorMessage.replace(/%1/g, szGinaDLL); } catch (error) { // GinaDLL value is not set; proceed normally
} }
// If necessary, disable the page and quit.
if (null != strAbort) { idWelcomeGroup.checked = false; idWelcomeGroup.disabled = true; idShutdown.checked = false; idShutdownGroup.disabled = true; idOK.disabled = true; alert(strAbort); return; }
var oLocalMachine = top.window.GetLocalMachine(); _bFriendlyUIEnabled = oLocalMachine.isFriendlyUIEnabled; _bMultipleUsersEnabled = oLocalMachine.isMultipleUsersEnabled;
idWelcome.checked = _bFriendlyUIEnabled; idShutdown.checked = _bMultipleUsersEnabled;
idWelcome.onclick = OnClickWelcome; OnClickWelcome();
if (!_bMultipleUsersEnabled && oLocalMachine.isOfflineFilesEnabled && confirm(top.window.L_CSCNoFUS_ErrorMessage)) { top.window.GetShell().ShellExecute('rundll32.exe','cscui.dll,CSCOptions_RunDLL '+top.window.document.title); top.window.g_Navigator.back(); }
idWelcome.focus(); }
function OnClickWelcome() { // only allow Fast User Switching if Friendly Logon is ON
// and we're not running on ia64 and Offline Files is disabled (if FUS is already off).
if (idWelcome.checked && (_bMultipleUsersEnabled || !top.window.GetLocalMachine().isOfflineFilesEnabled)) { idShutdown.checked = _bMultipleUsersEnabled; idShutdownGroup.disabled = false; } else { idShutdown.checked = false; idShutdownGroup.disabled = true; } }
function ApplyAdvChanges() { var nErr = 0; var szMsg = null;
if (idShutdown.checked != _bMultipleUsersEnabled) { try { top.window.GetLocalMachine().isMultipleUsersEnabled = idShutdown.checked; _bMultipleUsersEnabled = idShutdown.checked; } catch (error) { nErr = (error.number & 0x7fffffff); szMsg = top.window.L_MultiUser_ErrorMessage;
// The interesting errors occur when disabling FUS
if (!idShutdown.checked) { switch (nErr) { case 0xA0046: // CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED
// We get Access Denied when we try to disable multiple
// user mode with multiple users logged on.
szMsg = top.window.L_MultiUserMulti_ErrorMessage; break;
// Can't disable FUS remotely.
szMsg = top.window.L_MultiUserRemote_ErrorMessage; break;
case 0x70032: // ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
// Can't disable FUS from the console when remote
// connections are enabled and we're not in session 0.
szMsg = top.window.L_MultiUserSession0_ErrorMessage; break; } }
idShutdown.checked = _bMultipleUsersEnabled; } }
if (idWelcome.checked != _bFriendlyUIEnabled) { if (0 == nErr) { try { top.window.GetLocalMachine().isFriendlyUIEnabled = idWelcome.checked; _bFriendlyUIEnabled = idWelcome.checked; } catch (error) { nErr = (error.number & 0x7fffffff); szMsg = top.window.L_FriendlyUI_ErrorMessage;
if (_bMultipleUsersEnabled && !_bFriendlyUIEnabled) { // We evidently enabled FUS above but failed to enable
// Friendly UI. FUS can't be on without Friendly UI,
// so turn it off again.
try { top.window.GetLocalMachine().isMultipleUsersEnabled = false; _bMultipleUsersEnabled = false; } catch (error) { // give up
} } } }
if (0 != nErr) { idWelcome.checked = _bFriendlyUIEnabled; OnClickWelcome(); } }
if (0 == nErr) top.window.g_Navigator.navigate("mainpage2.htm", true); else if (szMsg) alert(szMsg); }