#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <initguid.h>
#include "uuid.h"
#include <ccstock.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "security.h"
const TCHAR g_szKeyPolicy[] = TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\NetCache"); const TCHAR g_szKeyPrefs[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\NetCache"); const TCHAR g_szKeyCustomActions[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\NetCache\\CustomGoOfflineActions"); const TCHAR g_szValEnabled[] = TEXT("Enabled"); const TCHAR g_szValEncrypted[] = TEXT("Encrypted"); const TCHAR g_szValGoOfflineAction[] = TEXT("GoOfflineAction"); const TCHAR g_szValDefCacheSize[] = TEXT("DefCacheSize"); const TCHAR g_szValNoConfigCache[] = TEXT("NoConfigCache"); const TCHAR g_szValNoCacheViewer[] = TEXT("NoCacheViewer"); const TCHAR g_szValNoMakeAvailableOffline[] = TEXT("NoMakeAvailableOffline"); const TCHAR g_szValNoReminders[] = TEXT("NoReminders"); const TCHAR g_szValNoConfigReminders[] = TEXT("NoConfigReminders"); const TCHAR g_szValSyncAtLogoff[] = TEXT("SyncAtLogoff"); const TCHAR g_szValReminderFreqMinutes[] = TEXT("ReminderFreqMinutes"); const TCHAR g_szValInitialBalloonTimeout[] = TEXT("InitialBalloonTimeoutSeconds"); const TCHAR g_szValReminderBalloonTimeout[] = TEXT("ReminderBalloonTimeoutSeconds"); const TCHAR g_szValFirstPinWizardShown[] = TEXT("FirstPinWizardShown"); const TCHAR g_szValExpandStatusDlg[] = TEXT("ExpandStatusDlg"); const TCHAR g_szValFormatCscDb[] = TEXT("FormatDatabase"); const TCHAR g_szValEventLoggingLevel[] = TEXT("EventLoggingLevel"); const TCHAR g_szValPurgeAtLogoff[] = TEXT("PurgeAtLogoff"); const TCHAR g_szValExtExclusionList[] = TEXT("ExtExclusionList"); const TCHAR g_szValAlwaysPinSubFolders[] = TEXT("AlwaysPinSubFolders"); const TCHAR g_szNA[] = TEXT("<n/a>");
const DWORD POL_CU = 0x0001; // Current user
const DWORD POL_LM = 0x0002; // Local machine
const DWORD PREF = 1; const DWORD POLICY = 2;
LPTSTR GoOfflineActionText( int iValue, LPTSTR pszDest ) { LPCTSTR rgpsz[] = { TEXT("(Work offline)"), TEXT("(No offline)") };
if (iValue >= 0 && iValue < ARRAYSIZE(rgpsz)) lstrcpy(pszDest, rgpsz[iValue]); else lstrcpy(pszDest, TEXT("<unknown>"));
return pszDest; }
LPTSTR SyncAtLogoffText( int iValue, LPTSTR pszDest ) { LPCTSTR rgpsz[] = { TEXT("(Part sync)"), TEXT("(Full sync)") };
if (iValue >= 0 && iValue < ARRAYSIZE(rgpsz)) lstrcpy(pszDest, rgpsz[iValue]); else lstrcpy(pszDest, TEXT("<unknown>"));
return pszDest; }
LPTSTR DefCacheSizeText( int iValue, LPTSTR pszDest ) { wsprintf(pszDest, TEXT("(%2d.%02d %%)"), iValue / 100, iValue % 100); return pszDest; }
LPCTSTR BoolText(bool b) { static const LPCTSTR rgYN[] = { TEXT("No"), TEXT("Yes") }; return rgYN[int(b)]; }
LPCTSTR RegValStr( HKEY hkeyRoot, LPCTSTR pszSubkey, LPCTSTR pszValue, LPTSTR pszDest ) { DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwValue); DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwError = SHGetValue(hkeyRoot, pszSubkey, pszValue, &dwType, (LPVOID)&dwValue, &cbData);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { wsprintf(pszDest, TEXT("%d"), dwValue); } else if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError) { lstrcpy(pszDest, TEXT("<none>")); } else { wsprintf(pszDest, TEXT("Err %d"), dwError); } return pszDest; }
LPTSTR GetOsVersionInfoText( LPTSTR pszDest ) { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi);
*pszDest = TEXT('\0'); if (GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { static const TCHAR szUnknown[] = TEXT("Unknown OS"); static const struct { DWORD dwPlatform; DWORD dwMinorVersion; LPCTSTR pszPlatform;
} rgPlatforms[] = {{ VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s, (DWORD)-1, TEXT("Win32s") }, { VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS, 0, TEXT("Windows 95") }, { VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS, 10, TEXT("Windows 98") }, { VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT, (DWORD)-1, TEXT("Windows NT") }};
static const struct { DWORD dwOS; LPCTSTR pszOS;
} rgOS[] = {{ OS_WIN2000TERMINAL, TEXT("Windows 2000 Terminal") }, { OS_WIN2000PRO, TEXT("Windows 2000 Professional") }, { OS_WIN2000ADVSERVER, TEXT("Windows 2000 Advanced Server") }, { OS_WIN2000DATACENTER, TEXT("Windows 2000 Data Center") }, { OS_WIN2000SERVER, TEXT("Windows 2000 Server") }, { OS_WIN2000, TEXT("Windows 2000") }, { OS_NT5, TEXT("Windows NT") }, { OS_NT4, TEXT("Windows NT") }, { OS_NT, TEXT("Windows NT") }, { OS_MEMPHIS_GOLD, TEXT("Windows 98") }, { OS_MEMPHIS, TEXT("Windows 98 (beta)") }, { OS_WIN95, TEXT("Windows 95") }, { OS_WINDOWS, TEXT("Windows") }};
LPCTSTR pszPlatform = szUnknown; int i = 0;
// IsOS() is the shlwapi API for figuring out the OS type. Currently, it
// provides better granularity than GetVersionEx.
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgOS); i++) { if (IsOS(rgOS[i].dwOS)) { pszPlatform = rgOS[i].pszOS; break; } } //
// If IsOS() wasn't able to determine the platform, take the platform from
// the GetVersionEx results.
if (szUnknown == pszPlatform) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgPlatforms); i++) { if (rgPlatforms[i].dwPlatform == osvi.dwPlatformId) { if ((DWORD)-1 == rgPlatforms[i].dwMinorVersion || osvi.dwMinorVersion == rgPlatforms[i].dwMinorVersion) { pszPlatform = rgPlatforms[i].pszPlatform; break; } } } }
wsprintf(pszDest, TEXT("%s version %d.%d %s build %d\n\n"), pszPlatform, osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion, osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber); } return pszDest; }
void DumpRegStats(void) { TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; CConfig &config = CConfig::GetSingleton();
typedef bool (CConfig::*PBMF)(bool *bSetByPolicy) const; typedef int (CConfig::*PIMF)(bool *bSetByPolicy) const; typedef LPTSTR (*PDF)(int iValue, LPTSTR pszDest);
struct { LPCTSTR pszTitle; DWORD dwReg; HKEY hkeyRoot; LPCTSTR pszSubkey;
} rgRegKeys[] = {{ TEXT("Policy (LM)"), POL_LM, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyPolicy }, { TEXT("Policy (CU)"), POL_CU, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szKeyPolicy }, { TEXT("Pref (LM)"), PREF_LM, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyPrefs }, { TEXT("Pref (CU)"), PREF_CU, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szKeyPrefs }};
struct { LPCTSTR pszValue; DWORD dwReg; PBMF pfnBool; PIMF pfnInt; PDF pfnDesc;
} rgRegValues[] = { { g_szValDefCacheSize, POL_LM, NULL, (PIMF)&CConfig::DefaultCacheSize, &DefCacheSizeText }, { g_szValEnabled, POL_LM, &CConfig::CscEnabled, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValNoConfigCache, POL_BOTH, &CConfig::NoConfigCache, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValNoCacheViewer, POL_BOTH, &CConfig::NoCacheViewer, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValNoMakeAvailableOffline, POL_BOTH, &CConfig::NoMakeAvailableOffline, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValGoOfflineAction, PREF_CU | POL_BOTH, NULL, &CConfig::GoOfflineAction, &GoOfflineActionText }, { g_szValEventLoggingLevel, REG_ALL, NULL, &CConfig::EventLoggingLevel, NULL }, { g_szValFirstPinWizardShown, PREF_CU, (PBMF)&CConfig::FirstPinWizardShown, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValNoReminders, POL_BOTH | PREF_CU, &CConfig::NoReminders, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValPurgeAtLogoff, POL_LM, &CConfig::PurgeAtLogoff, NULL, NULL }, { g_szValSyncAtLogoff, POL_BOTH | PREF_CU, NULL, &CConfig::SyncAtLogoff, &SyncAtLogoffText }, { g_szValInitialBalloonTimeout, POL_BOTH, NULL, &CConfig::InitialBalloonTimeoutSeconds, NULL }, { g_szValReminderBalloonTimeout, POL_BOTH, NULL, &CConfig::ReminderBalloonTimeoutSeconds, NULL }, { g_szValReminderFreqMinutes, POL_BOTH | PREF_CU, NULL, &CConfig::ReminderFreqMinutes, NULL }, { g_szValAlwaysPinSubFolders, POL_LM, &CConfig::AlwaysPinSubFolders, NULL, NULL } };
_tprintf(TEXT("Registry Information:\n\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("%-30s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n"), TEXT("Value"), rgRegKeys[0].pszTitle, rgRegKeys[1].pszTitle, rgRegKeys[2].pszTitle, rgRegKeys[3].pszTitle, TEXT("Result"));
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < ARRAYSIZE(rgRegValues); iVal++) { PBMF pfnBool = rgRegValues[iVal].pfnBool; PIMF pfnInt = rgRegValues[iVal].pfnInt;
_tprintf(TEXT("%-30s"), rgRegValues[iVal].pszValue);
for (int iKey = 0; iKey < ARRAYSIZE(rgRegKeys); iKey++) { if (rgRegValues[iVal].dwReg & rgRegKeys[iKey].dwReg) { _tprintf(TEXT("%15s"), RegValStr(rgRegKeys[iKey].hkeyRoot, rgRegKeys[iKey].pszSubkey, rgRegValues[iVal].pszValue, szScratch)); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("%15s"), g_szNA); } } int iValue = 0; if (NULL != pfnBool) iValue = (config.*pfnBool)(NULL); else iValue = (config.*pfnInt)(NULL);
_tprintf(TEXT("%15d"), iValue); if (NULL != rgRegValues[iVal].pfnDesc) _tprintf(TEXT(" %s"), (*rgRegValues[iVal].pfnDesc)(iValue, szScratch)); _tprintf(TEXT("\n")); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n"));
CConfig::OfflineActionIter iter = config.CreateOfflineActionIter(); CConfig::OfflineActionInfo oai; _tprintf(TEXT("Offline action exceptions. Default is %s:\n\n"), GoOfflineActionText(config.GoOfflineAction(), szScratch)); _tprintf(TEXT("%-30s%s\n"), TEXT("Server"), TEXT("Action"));
while(S_OK == iter.Next(&oai)) { _tprintf(TEXT("%-30s%s\n"), oai.szServer, GoOfflineActionText(oai.iAction, szScratch)); } }
LPTSTR GetMachineName( LPTSTR pszDest, UINT cchDest ) { ULONG cchComputer = cchDest; GetComputerName(pszDest, &cchComputer); return pszDest; }
LPTSTR FormatDateTime( const SYSTEMTIME& time, LPTSTR pszDest, UINT cchDest ) { LPTSTR pszWrite = pszDest;
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &time, NULL, pszWrite, cchDest);
lstrcat(pszWrite, TEXT(" ")); int len = lstrlen(pszWrite); pszWrite += len; cchDest -= len; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, &time, NULL, pszWrite, cchDest);
return pszDest; }
LPTSTR GetCurrentDateTime( LPTSTR pszDest, UINT cchDest ) { SYSTEMTIME now; GetLocalTime(&now); return FormatDateTime(now, pszDest, cchDest); }
LPTSTR Int64ToCommaSepString( LONGLONG n, LPTSTR pszOut, int cchOut ) { ULONG ulTemp; UNICODE_STRING s; NUMBERFMTW nfmtW; LPWSTR pszFmtOutW; int cchFmtOut; WCHAR szTextW[30]; WCHAR szSep[5]; //
// Convert the 64-bit int to a text string.
s.Length = 0; s.MaximumLength = ARRAYSIZE(szTextW); s.Buffer = szTextW; RtlInt64ToUnicodeString(n, 10, &s); //
// Format the number with commas according to locale conventions.
nfmtW.NumDigits = 0; nfmtW.LeadingZero = 0; GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, szSep, ARRAYSIZE(szSep)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&s, szSep); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&s, 10, &ulTemp); nfmtW.Grouping = UINT(ulTemp); GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szSep, ARRAYSIZE(szSep)); nfmtW.lpDecimalSep = nfmtW.lpThousandSep = szSep; nfmtW.NegativeOrder = 0;
#ifndef UNICODE
// If ansi build we need a wide-char buffer as format destination.
WCHAR szNumW[30]; pszFmtOutW = szNumW; cchFmtOut = ARRAYSIZE(szNumW); #else
// If unicode build we can format directly to the destination buffer.
pszFmtOutW = pszOut; cchFmtOut = cchOut; #endif
GetNumberFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, szTextW, &nfmtW, pszFmtOutW, cchFmtOut); #ifndef UNICODE
// If ansi build, need extra step to convert formatted number string
// (wide char) back to ansi.
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszFmtOutW, -1, pszOut, cchOut, NULL, NULL); #endif
return pszOut; }
void PrintFileStatusFlags(void) { struct { DWORD dwFlags; LPCTSTR pszText;
} rgMap[] = {{ FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_DATA_LOCALLY_MODIFIED, TEXT("Data locally modified") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_ATTRIB_LOCALLY_MODIFIED, TEXT("Attrib locally modified") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_TIME_LOCALLY_MODIFIED, TEXT("Time locally modified") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_STALE, TEXT("Stale") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_LOCALLY_DELETED, TEXT("Locally deleted") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_SPARSE, TEXT("Sparse") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_ORPHAN, TEXT("Orphan") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_SUSPECT, TEXT("Suspect") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_LOCALLY_CREATED, TEXT("Locally created") }, { 0x00010000, TEXT("User has READ access") }, { 0x00020000, TEXT("User has WRITE access") }, { 0x00040000, TEXT("Guest has READ access") }, { 0x00080000, TEXT("Guest has WRITE access") }, { 0x00100000, TEXT("Other has READ access") }, { 0x00200000, TEXT("Other has WRITE access") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_IS_FILE, TEXT("Entry is a file") }, { FLAG_CSC_COPY_STATUS_FILE_IN_USE, TEXT("File in use") }, };
_tprintf(TEXT("\nFile status flags ------------------------\n\n")); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgMap); i++) { _tprintf(TEXT("0x%08X %s\n"), rgMap[i].dwFlags, rgMap[i].pszText); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n\n")); }
void PrintShareStatusFlags(void) { struct { DWORD dwFlags; LPCTSTR pszText;
} rgMap[] = {{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_MANUAL_REINT, TEXT("Manual Caching") }, // 0x00000000
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_MODIFIED_OFFLINE, TEXT("Modified offline") }, // 0x00000001
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_AUTO_REINT, TEXT("Auto Caching") }, // 0x00000040
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_VDO, TEXT("Virtually Disconnected Ops") }, // 0x00000080
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_NO_CACHING, TEXT("No Caching") }, // 0x000000C0
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_FINDS_IN_PROGRESS, TEXT("Finds in progress") }, // 0x00000200
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_FILES_OPEN, TEXT("Open files") }, // 0x00000400
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_CONNECTED, TEXT("Connected") }, // 0x00000800
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_MERGING, TEXT("Merging") }, // 0x40000000
{ FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_DISCONNECTED_OP, TEXT("Disconnected Op") }, // 0x80000000
_tprintf(TEXT("\nShare status flags -------------------\n\n")); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgMap); i++) { _tprintf(TEXT("%30s0x%08X %s\n"), TEXT(""), rgMap[i].dwFlags, rgMap[i].pszText); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n\n")); }
void PrintHintFlags(void) { struct { DWORD dwFlags; LPCTSTR pszText;
} rgMap[] = {{ FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_USER, TEXT("Pin User") }, // 0x00000001
{ FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_INHERIT_USER, TEXT("Pin Inherit User") }, // 0x00000002
{ FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_INHERIT_SYSTEM, TEXT("Pin Inherit System") }, // 0x00000004
{ FLAG_CSC_HINT_CONSERVE_BANDWIDTH, TEXT("Conserve Bandwidth") }, // 0x00000008
{ FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_SYSTEM, TEXT("Pin System") }, // 0x00000010
_tprintf(TEXT("\nFile hint flags -------------------\n\n")); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgMap); i++) { _tprintf(TEXT("0x%08X %s\n"), rgMap[i].dwFlags, rgMap[i].pszText); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n\n")); }
void DumpCacheStats(void) { DWORD dwStatus; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bEnabled = CSCIsCSCEnabled(); CSCSPACEUSAGEINFO sui;
ZeroMemory(&sui, sizeof(sui)); GetCscSpaceUsageInfo(&sui);
_tprintf(TEXT("Cache information:\n\n"));
_tprintf(TEXT("CSC enabled.........: %s\n"), BoolText(boolify(CSCIsCSCEnabled()))); _tprintf(TEXT("Volume..............: %s\n"), sui.szVolume); _tprintf(TEXT("Bytes on volume.....: %s\n"), Int64ToCommaSepString(sui.llBytesOnVolume, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))); _tprintf(TEXT("Bytes in cache......: %s\n"), Int64ToCommaSepString(sui.llBytesTotalInCache, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))); _tprintf(TEXT("Bytes used in cache.: %s\n"), Int64ToCommaSepString(sui.llBytesUsedInCache, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))); _tprintf(TEXT("Files in cache......: %d\n"), sui.dwNumFilesInCache); _tprintf(TEXT("Directories in cache: %d\n\n"), sui.dwNumDirsInCache);
CCscFindHandle hFind(CacheFindFirst(NULL, &fd, &dwStatus, NULL, NULL, NULL)); if (hFind.IsValid()) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; CSCSHARESTATS ss; CSCCACHESTATS cs; CSCGETSTATSINFO si = { SSEF_NONE, SSUF_NONE, true, false };
ZeroMemory(&cs, sizeof(cs));
_tprintf(TEXT("%-30s%-12s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%12s\n"), TEXT("Share"), TEXT("Status"), TEXT("Files"), TEXT("Dirs"), TEXT("Pinned"), TEXT("Modified"), TEXT("Sparse"), TEXT("USER"), TEXT("GUEST"), TEXT("OTHER"), TEXT("Offline?"), TEXT("OpenFiles?")); do { cs.cShares++; if (bResult = _GetShareStatistics(fd.cFileName, &si, &ss)) { _tprintf(TEXT("%-30s0x%08X %10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10s%12s\n"), fd.cFileName, dwStatus, ss.cTotal - ss.cDirs, ss.cDirs, ss.cPinned, ss.cModified, ss.cSparse, ss.cAccessUser, ss.cAccessGuest, ss.cAccessOther, BoolText(ss.bOffline), BoolText(ss.bOpenFiles));
cs.cTotal += ss.cTotal; cs.cPinned += ss.cPinned; cs.cModified += ss.cModified; cs.cSparse += ss.cSparse; cs.cDirs += ss.cDirs; cs.cAccessUser += ss.cAccessUser; cs.cAccessGuest += ss.cAccessGuest; cs.cAccessOther += ss.cAccessOther; cs.cSharesOffline += int(ss.bOffline); cs.cSharesWithOpenFiles += int(ss.bOpenFiles); } } while(bResult && CacheFindNext(hFind, &fd, &dwStatus, NULL, NULL, NULL));
_tprintf(TEXT("%-30s%-12s%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d%12d\n\n"), TEXT("SUMMARY"), TEXT(""), cs.cTotal - cs.cDirs, cs.cDirs, cs.cPinned, cs.cModified, cs.cSparse, cs.cAccessUser, cs.cAccessGuest, cs.cAccessOther, cs.cSharesOffline, cs.cSharesWithOpenFiles); } }
void DumpFileInformation(LPCTSTR pszFile) { TCHAR szExpanded[MAX_PATH*2]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszFile, szExpanded, ARRAYSIZE(szExpanded));
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szExpanded, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; if (GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, &fi)) { TCHAR szScratch[80]; ULARGE_INTEGER llSize = { fi.nFileSizeLow, fi.nFileSizeHigh }; FILETIME localfiletime; SYSTEMTIME systime; FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&fi.ftLastWriteTime, &localfiletime); FileTimeToSystemTime(&localfiletime, &systime);
_tprintf(TEXT("File.......: %s\n"), szExpanded); _tprintf(TEXT("Size.......: %s bytes\n"), Int64ToCommaSepString(llSize.QuadPart, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))); _tprintf(TEXT("Created....: %s\n\n"), FormatDateTime(systime, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))); }
CloseHandle(hFile); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("ERROR %d opening %s\n\n"), GetLastError(), szExpanded); } }
void PrintOneEnumEntry(LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwPinCount, DWORD dwHintFlags) { _tprintf(TEXT("0x%08X %d 0x%08X %s\n"), dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags, pszPath); }
void EnumTree(LPTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszPathToPrint) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags;
CCscFindHandle hFind(CacheFindFirst(pszPath, &fd, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, NULL)); if (hFind.IsValid()) { do { if (!PathIsDotOrDotDot(pszPath)) { const bool bIsDir = 0 != (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & fd.dwFileAttributes); PathCombine(pszPathToPrint, pszPath, fd.cFileName); if (bIsDir) { lstrcat(pszPathToPrint, TEXT(" [DIR]")); } PrintOneEnumEntry(pszPathToPrint, dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags); if (bIsDir) { PathAppend(pszPath, fd.cFileName); EnumTree(pszPath, pszPathToPrint); } } } while(CacheFindNext(hFind, &fd, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, NULL)); } PathRemoveFileSpec(pszPath); }
void EnumFiles(void) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; DWORD dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags;
_tprintf(TEXT("Status PinCnt Hints Name\n")); CCscFindHandle hFind(CacheFindFirst(NULL, &fd, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, NULL)); if (hFind.IsValid()) { do { //
// We create only one path and print-path buffer that we pass
// into the recursive EnumTree() function. This way we don't have
// a path buffer on each call stack as we recurse.
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; // Working path buffer.
TCHAR szPathToPrint[MAX_PATH * 2]; // For printing only.
wsprintf(szPathToPrint, TEXT("%s [SHARE]"), fd.cFileName); PrintOneEnumEntry(szPathToPrint, dwStatus, dwPinCount, dwHintFlags);
lstrcpyn(szPath, fd.cFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); EnumTree(szPath, szPathToPrint); } while(CacheFindNext(hFind, &fd, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, NULL)); } _tprintf(TEXT("\n\n")); }
void ShowUsage(void) { _tprintf(TEXT("\aUsage: cscsniff [-f] [-c] [-r] [-e] [-a]\n\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("\t-f = Show file information.\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("\t-c = Show cache information.\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("\t-r = Show registry information.\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("\t-e = Enumerate all files.\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("\t-a = Show ALL output.\n\n")); _tprintf(TEXT("Default is -f -c -r\n")); }
void __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) {
// if (!IsCurrentUserAnAdminMember())
// {
// _tprintf(TEXT("\aYou must be an administrator on this computer to run cscsniff.\n"));
// return;
// }
const char chDash = '-'; const char chSlash = '/';
DWORD dwShow = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (chDash == argv[i][0] || chSlash == argv[i][0]) { switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'C': case 'c': dwShow |= SHOW_CACHEINFO; break;
case 'R': case 'r': dwShow |= SHOW_REGINFO; break;
case 'F': case 'f': dwShow |= SHOW_FILEINFO; break;
case 'E': case 'e': dwShow |= SHOW_ENUMFILES; break;
case 'A': case 'a': dwShow |= SHOW_ALL; break;
default: ShowUsage(); return; } } } if (0 == dwShow) { dwShow = SHOW_DEFAULT; }
TCHAR szScratch[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szComputer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; TCHAR szDateTime[80]; _tprintf(TEXT("Status of CSC for %s (%s)\n\n"), GetMachineName(szComputer, ARRAYSIZE(szComputer)), GetCurrentDateTime(szDateTime, ARRAYSIZE(szDateTime)));
_tprintf(TEXT("Operating system: %s\n\n"), GetOsVersionInfoText(szScratch));
if (dwShow & SHOW_FILEINFO) { _tprintf(TEXT("Binary file information:\n\n")); DumpFileInformation(TEXT("%systemroot%\\system32\\CSCDLL.DLL")); DumpFileInformation(TEXT("%systemroot%\\system32\\CSCUI.DLL")); }
if (dwShow & SHOW_CACHEINFO) { DumpCacheStats(); PrintShareStatusFlags(); } if (dwShow & SHOW_ENUMFILES) { EnumFiles(); PrintFileStatusFlags(); PrintHintFlags(); }
if (dwShow & SHOW_REGINFO) DumpRegStats(); }