// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: statdlg.h
#ifndef _CSCST_H_
# include "cscst.h"
class CStatusDlg { public: enum Modes { MODE_NORMAL = 0, MODE_AUTOSYNC };
static int Create(HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR pszText, eSysTrayState eState, Modes mode = MODE_NORMAL);
private: CStatusDlg(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pszText, eSysTrayState eState, Modes mode = MODE_NORMAL);
int Run(HWND hwndParent);
void Destroy(void);
// An entry in the listview.
class LVEntry { public: LVEntry(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pszServer, bool bConnectable); ~LVEntry(void);
LPCTSTR Server(void) const { return m_pszServer; }
void GetStatusText(LPTSTR pszStatus, int cchStatus) const;
void GetInfoText(LPTSTR pszInfo, int cchInfo) const;
int GetImageIndex(void) const;
bool AddShare(LPCTSTR pszShare, const CSCSHARESTATS& s, DWORD dwCscStatus);
void GetStats(CSCSHARESTATS *ps, DWORD *pdwCscStatus) const;
int GetShareCount(void) const;
LPCTSTR GetShareName(int iShare) const;
bool IsModified(void) const { return (0 < m_stats.cModified); }
bool IsConnected(void) const { return (0 != (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_CONNECTED & m_dwCscStatus)); }
bool IsOffline(void) const { return (0 != (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_DISCONNECTED_OP & m_dwCscStatus)); }
bool IsConnectable(void) const { return m_bConnectable; } //
// Structure describing the display info for one listview entry.
struct DispInfo { UINT idsStatusText; UINT idsInfoText; int iImage; };
private: //
// Disp Info flags used to control what's displayed for the
// entry in the listview.
enum { DIF_MODIFIED = 0x00000001, DIF_AVAILABLE = 0x00000002, DIF_ONLINE = 0x00000004 };
HINSTANCE m_hInstance; CSCSHARESTATS m_stats; DWORD m_dwCscStatus; LPTSTR m_pszServer; HDPA m_hdpaShares; mutable int m_iDispInfo; // Index into s_rgDispInfo[]
bool m_bConnectable;
static const TCHAR s_szBlank[]; static const DispInfo s_rgDispInfo[];
int GetDispInfoIndex(void) const;
// Prevent copy.
LVEntry(const LVEntry& rhs); LVEntry& operator = (const LVEntry& rhs); };
HINSTANCE m_hInstance; HWND m_hwndDlg; HWND m_hwndLV; HIMAGELIST m_himl; LPTSTR m_pszText; Modes m_mode; // MODE_NORMAL etc.
eSysTrayState m_eSysTrayState; int m_cyExpanded; int m_iLastColSorted; bool m_bExpanded; bool m_bSortAscending; BOOL OnInitDialog(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnDestroy(void); void OnLVN_GetDispInfo(LV_DISPINFO *plvdi); void OnLVN_ColumnClick(NM_LISTVIEW *pnmlv);
void CreateListColumns(void); HIMAGELIST CreateImageList(void); void FillListView(void); void DestroyLVEntries(void); LVEntry *CreateLVEntry(LPCTSTR pszServer, bool bConnectable); LVEntry *FindLVEntry(LPCTSTR pszServer); bool ShouldIncludeLVEntry(const CStatusDlg::LVEntry& entry); bool ShouldCheckLVEntry(const CStatusDlg::LVEntry& entry); void PrepListForDisplay(void); void EnableListviewCheckboxes(bool bEnable);
static int CALLBACK CompareLVItems(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort); static INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void ExpandDialog(bool bExpand); void UpdateDetailsBtnTitle(void); void RememberUsersDialogSizePref(bool bExpanded); bool UserLikesDialogExpanded(void); HRESULT SynchronizeServers(void); HRESULT BuildFilenameList(CscFilenameList *pfnl); };
BOOL TransitionShareOnline(LPCTSTR pszShare, BOOL bShareIsAlive, BOOL bCheckSpeed, DWORD dwPathSpeed); HRESULT ReconnectServers(CscFilenameList *pfnl, BOOL bCheckForOpenFiles, BOOL bCheckSpeed);