Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
9.3 KiB

  1. //Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
  2. //
  3. #include "strings.h"
  5. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  6. //
  7. // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
  8. //
  9. #include <winuser.h>
  10. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  14. //
  16. //
  18. BEGIN
  19. "strings.h\0"
  20. END
  22. BEGIN
  23. "#include <winuser.h>\r\n"
  24. "\0"
  25. END
  27. BEGIN
  28. "\r\n"
  29. "\0"
  30. END
  31. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  32. #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  33. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  34. //
  35. // String Table
  36. //
  38. BEGIN
  39. idsISOoContext "Sorry, but I don't know what you mean. Please rephrase your question."
  40. idsISLangRef "Programming and Language Reference"
  41. idsPEB "bytes"
  42. idsPEKB "KB"
  43. idsPEMB "MB"
  44. idsPEGB "GB"
  45. idsPETB "TB"
  46. idsPEBytes "Bytes:"
  47. idsPEPages "Pages:"
  48. idsPEPara "Paragraphs:"
  49. idsPELines "Lines:"
  50. idsPEWords "Words:"
  51. idsPEChars "Characters:"
  52. END
  54. BEGIN
  55. idsPESlides "Slides:"
  56. idsPENotes "Notes:"
  57. idsPEHiddenSlides "Hidden Slides:"
  58. idsPEMMClips "Multimedia Clips:"
  59. idsPEFormat "Presentation Format:"
  60. idsPEText "Text"
  61. idsPEDate "Date"
  62. idsPENumber "Number"
  63. idsPEBool "Yes or No"
  64. idsPEUnknown "Unknown"
  65. idsPEStatName "Statistic Name"
  66. idsPEValue "Value"
  67. idsPEPropName "Name"
  68. idsPEType "Type"
  69. idsPETrue "Yes"
  70. idsPEFalse "No"
  71. END
  73. BEGIN
  74. idsPEAdd "A&dd"
  75. idsPEModify "&Modify"
  76. idsPEWarning "Warning"
  77. idsPEWarningText "The value entered does not match with the specified type. The value will be stored as text."
  78. idsMsftOffice "Microsoft Office"
  79. idsISNoTable "Online assistance is not available. Rerun Setup to make sure all necessary Help files are correctly installed."
  80. idsISOom "There is not enough memory to run the Answer Wizard. Quit any programs you don\222t need, delete any files you no longer need, or restart your computer"
  81. idsPESource "&Source:"
  82. idsPEValueColon "&Value:"
  83. idsFNNoDirMsg "The directory used for storing the templates for the ""%s"" category is missing! This directory used to contain a template, wizard or other templates related file, which some application requires to work properly.\n\n"
  84. idsFNNoDirQuery "Do you want to restore the missing directory, and the required template related files it used to contain?"
  85. idsFNNoDirConfirm "You may not be able to use an application unless you restore the template category and its files. You will have to reinstall the application associated to this directory in order to regain access to these templates.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?"
  86. END
  88. BEGIN
  89. idsCustomWarning "You have property changes that have not been applied.\n\nDo you want to apply these now?"
  90. idsMinute "Minute"
  91. idsMinutes "Minutes"
  92. idsBadSharedPath "Can not access your workgroup templates."
  93. idsBadFileClass """%s"" is not a valid template."
  94. idsBadFileIO "File I/O error."
  95. idsNoLocalPath "The path associated to the tab you are dragging a template to only exists on your current workgroup server. Do you want to create a matching path on local machine?"
  96. idsFNNoTempCat "No template categories found."
  97. idsFNNoLocalTempDir "The User Templates folder '%s' was not found.\nDo you want to create this folder now?"
  98. idsFNNoPreview "Preview not available."
  99. idsFNMoreTab "More..."
  100. idsFNLeak "Memory leak in FileNew: %s bytes."
  101. END
  103. BEGIN
  104. idsFNBadList "Garbage input to FileNew dialog: The lpstrCategory and lpstrRegNFT string lists must be double NULL terminated!!!"
  105. idsFNCreateError "Failed to create the directory!"
  106. idsFNFileExists "The file ""%s"" exist already in the selected template category. Do you want to replace it?"
  107. idsResolveShortcut "The file ""%s"" which was referenced through a shortcut is no longer accessible at this location. Sorry!"
  108. idsFNBadList2 "Garbage input to FileNew dialog: The lpstrCategory and lpstrRegNFT string lists must be double NULL terminated!!!"
  109. idsISCantDisp "Sorry, the Answer Wizard cannot display the requested Help topic. Rerun Setup to make sure all necessary Help files are correctly installed."
  110. idsISAppMissing "Sorry, but the application that displays Help topics is not currently running."
  111. idsISTooManyTopics "There are several Help topics that may be related to your request. If you don't see a topic that looks helpful, please rephrase your question."
  112. idsRootTab "General"
  113. idsISNoTopicsFound "<<No Topics Found>>"
  114. idsACWeekday1 "Monday"
  115. idsACWeekday2 "Tuesday"
  116. idsACWeekday3 "Wednesday"
  117. idsACWeekday4 "Thursday"
  118. idsACWeekday5 "Friday"
  119. idsACWeekday6 "Saturday"
  120. END
  122. BEGIN
  123. idsACWeekday7 "Sunday"
  124. idsACAdd "A&dd"
  125. idsACReplace "&Replace"
  126. idsACRedefine "An AutoCorrect entry for '%s' already exists. Do you want to redefine it?"
  127. idsFNList "List"
  128. idsFNLargeIcon "Large Icons"
  129. idsFNDetails "Details"
  130. idsFNUnknown "Unknown"
  131. idsFNEmpty "0KB"
  132. idsFNSize "%dKB"
  133. idsHelpFile "QOFFICE.HLP"
  134. idsNewVerb "&New"
  135. idsSoundFileName "\\media\\The Microsoft Sound.wav"
  136. END
  138. BEGIN
  139. idsCustomName1 "Checked By"
  140. idsCustomName2 "Client"
  141. idsCustomName3 "Date Completed"
  142. idsCustomName4 "Department"
  143. idsCustomName5 "Destination"
  144. idsCustomName6 "Disposition"
  145. idsCustomName7 "Division"
  146. idsCustomName8 "Document Number"
  147. idsCustomName9 "Editor"
  148. idsCustomName10 "Forward To"
  149. idsCustomName11 "Group"
  150. idsCustomName12 "Language"
  151. idsCustomName13 "Mailstop"
  152. idsCustomName14 "Matter"
  153. idsCustomName15 "Office"
  154. idsCustomName16 "Owner"
  155. END
  157. BEGIN
  158. idsCustomName17 "Project"
  159. idsCustomName18 "Publisher"
  160. idsCustomName19 "Purpose"
  161. idsCustomName20 "Received From"
  162. idsCustomName21 "Recorded By"
  163. idsCustomName22 "Recorded Date"
  164. idsCustomName23 "Reference"
  165. idsCustomName24 "Source"
  166. idsCustomName25 "Status"
  167. idsCustomName26 "Telephone Number"
  168. idsCustomName27 "Typist"
  169. idsMSNNotInstalled "Microsoft Network shortcuts for Microsoft Office are not installed correctly. Use Microsoft Office to install the shortcuts."
  170. idsMSNCantStart "The Microsoft Network cannot be started. Run Windows Setup and reinstall the Microsoft Network."
  171. idsEMSNoFolders "No shortcuts to public Microsoft Exchange folders were found."
  172. idsAWTextFontName "Times"
  173. idsAWTextFontSize "18"
  174. END
  176. BEGIN
  177. idsAWNumberFontName "Times"
  178. idsAWNumberFontSize "22"
  179. idsAWNoAW "You must be running a Microsoft Office application in order to get online user assistance."
  180. idsNormalDot "Blank Document"
  181. idsEMSNoStorage "Cannot find the folder called 'Public Shortcuts Folder.' Please connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server to create this folder."
  182. idsEMSGeneralError "General Microsoft Exchange failure. Check your Exchange installation and try again."
  183. idsOpenVerb "&Open"
  184. idsTemplate "Template"
  185. idsSize "Size"
  186. idsType "Type"
  187. idsModified "Modified"
  188. idsPreviewPrompt1 "Select an icon to"
  189. idsPreviewPrompt2 "see a preview."
  190. idsACVowels "AEIOU"
  191. idsWorking "Working..."
  192. idsAWStupidWinHelp "Sorry, you must first close WinHelp/AnswerWizard that is already running from another Application."
  193. idsErrorOnSave "Changes to Custom properties could not be saved.\n\nThe file may be marked read-only or may be in use by another application."
  194. END
  195. #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  196. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  197. //
  198. // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
  199. //
  200. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  201. #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED