// MyDocs.cpp
// Code to call or simulate CreateSharedDocuments in mydocs.dll
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TheApp.h"
#include "MyDocs.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "NetUtil.h"
#include "Sharing.h"
#include "unicwrap.h"
extern "C" void APIENTRY CreateSharedDocuments(HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); typedef void (APIENTRY* CREATESHAREDDOCS_PROC)(HWND, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int);
// Local functions
HRESULT MySHGetFolderPath(HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR pszPath);
#define CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE 0x8000 // combine with CSIDL_ value to force create on SHGetSpecialFolderLocation()
#ifndef IID_PPV_ARG
#define IID_PPV_ARG(IType, ppType) IID_##IType, reinterpret_cast<void**>(static_cast<IType**>(ppType))
#define IID_X_PPV_ARG(IType, X, ppType) IID_##IType, X, reinterpret_cast<void**>(static_cast<IType**>(ppType))
#define DEFINE_GUID_EMBEDDED(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
EXTERN_C const GUID name \ = { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } } DEFINE_GUID_EMBEDDED(CLSID_FolderShortcut_private, 0x0AFACED1,0xE828,0x11D1,0x91,0x87,0xB5,0x32,0xF1,0xE9,0x57,0x5D);
int GetSharedDocsDirectory(LPTSTR pszPath, BOOL bCreate) { *pszPath = TEXT('\0');
// Try to find the Shared Documents folder the official way...
HRESULT hr = MyGetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, pszPath);
// This version of the OS doesn't know about Common Documents
if (FAILED(hr)) { // Check for "Common Documents" registry entry
CRegistry reg; if (reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"), KEY_READ)) { if (reg.QueryStringValue(TEXT("Common Documents"), pszPath, MAX_PATH)) { DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(pszPath); if (dwAttrib != 0xFFFFFFFF && 0 != (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { goto done; } } }
int nFolder = bCreate ? CSIDL_PERSONAL | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE : CSIDL_PERSONAL; MySHGetFolderPath(NULL, nFolder, NULL, 0, pszPath);
int cch = lstrlen(pszPath); if (cch == 0 || pszPath[cch-1] != '\\') pszPath[cch++] = '\\'; theApp.LoadString(IDS_SHAREDDOCS, pszPath + cch, MAX_PATH - cch);
if (bCreate) CreateDirectory(pszPath, NULL); }
done: return lstrlen(pszPath); }
BOOL APIENTRY NetConn_IsSharedDocumentsShared() { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
TCHAR szSharedDocs[MAX_PATH]; if (GetSharedDocsDirectory(szSharedDocs)) { DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(szSharedDocs); if (dwAttrib != 0xFFFFFFFF && (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (IsFolderShared(szSharedDocs, TRUE)) { bResult = TRUE; } } }
return bResult; }
BOOL MyPathRenameExtension(LPTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR pszExt) { ASSERT(pszExt != NULL && *pszExt == _T('.'));
LPTSTR pszOldExt = FindExtension(pszPath); if (*pszOldExt != _T('\0') || *(pszOldExt-1) == _T('.')) { pszOldExt--; }
// Check that the new path won't exceed MAX_PATH, including trailing '\0'
int cch = (int)(pszOldExt - pszPath) + lstrlen(pszExt); if (cch >= MAX_PATH - 1) return FALSE; // path too long!
StrCpy(pszOldExt, pszExt); return TRUE; }
HRESULT MySHGetFolderPath(HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR pszPath) { ASSERT(hToken == NULL); // not supported
ASSERT(dwFlags == SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT); // other flags not supported
LPITEMIDLIST pidl; HRESULT hr; int nNakedFolder = (nFolder & ~CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE);
// Get the full path of the directory in question
if (nNakedFolder == CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS) // special-case shared docs
{ GetSharedDocsDirectory(pszPath, nFolder & CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE); hr = S_OK; } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, nNakedFolder, &pidl))) { hr = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszPath) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; ILFree(pidl); } else // folder doesn't exist, handle some special cases
{ if (nNakedFolder == CSIDL_PERSONAL) { GetWindowsDirectory(pszPath, MAX_PATH); theApp.LoadString(IDS_MYDOCS, pszPath + 3, MAX_PATH - 3); hr = S_OK; } }
// Create the directory if needed
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (nFolder & CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE) { if (!DoesFileExist(pszPath)) { if (!CreateDirectory(pszPath, NULL)) { // Unknown error (could be lots of things, all unlikely)
hr = E_FAIL; } } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT _MakeSharedDocsLink(CLSID clsid, LPCTSTR pszLinkFolder, LPCTSTR pszSharedDocsPath, LPTSTR pszExtension) { TCHAR wszComment[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH];
theApp.LoadString(IDS_SHAREDDOCSCOMMENT, wszComment, ARRAYSIZE(wszComment)); theApp.LoadString(IDS_SHAREDDOCS, wszName, ARRAYSIZE(wszName)); if (pszExtension) MyPathRenameExtension(wszName, pszExtension);
return MakeLnkFile(clsid, pszSharedDocsPath, wszComment, pszLinkFolder, wszName); }
HRESULT _MakeSharedDocsLink(CLSID clsid, UINT csidl, LPCTSTR pszSharedDocsPath, LPTSTR pszExtension) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = MySHGetFolderPath(NULL, csidl | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, szPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = _MakeSharedDocsLink(clsid, szPath, pszSharedDocsPath, pszExtension); } return hr; }
#define NET_INFO TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD\\VNETSUP")
void _GetMachineComment(LPTSTR pszBuffer, int cchBuffer) { pszBuffer[0] = TEXT('\0'); // null the buffer
// attempt to read the comment for the machine from the registry
HKEY hk; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NET_INFO, &hk)) { DWORD dwSize = cchBuffer*sizeof(TCHAR); RegQueryValueEx(hk, TEXT("Comment"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)pszBuffer, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hk); }
// either that failed, or the user set the comment to NULL, therefore we
// just read the computer name.
if ( !pszBuffer[0] ) { DWORD dwSize = cchBuffer; GetComputerName(pszBuffer, &dwSize); } }
BOOL MySHSetIniString(LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszEntry, LPCTSTR pszValue, LPCTSTR pszIniFile) { return WritePrivateProfileString(pszSection, pszEntry, pszValue, pszIniFile); }
BOOL GetShareName(LPTSTR pszName, UINT cchName) { TCHAR szBase[SHARE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; int cchBase = theApp.LoadString(IDS_SHAREDDOCS_SHARENAME, szBase, _countof(szBase));
if (cchBase != 0) { if (!g_fRunningOnNT) { CharUpper(szBase); } // Ensure that the share name is unique
StrCpyN(pszName, szBase, cchName); for (int i = 2; IsShareNameInUse(pszName); i++) { loop_begin: // Format name like "Documents2"
wnsprintf(pszName, cchName, TEXT("%s%d"), szBase, i);
// Ensure the new name isn't too long (rare rare rare rare!)
if (lstrlen(pszName) > SHARE_NAME_LENGTH) { ASSERT(cchBase > 0); // must be true, or string wouldn't be too long
// REVIEW: this isn't DBCS compliant, but it's such a rare
// case that I don't really care.
szBase[--cchBase] = _T('\0'); goto loop_begin; } } }
return cchBase != 0; }
BOOL ShareHelper(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCTSTR pszShareName, DWORD dwAccess, BYTE bShareType, LPCTSTR pszReadOnlyPassword, LPCTSTR pszFullAccessPassword);
void RenameShare(LPTSTR pszOldName, LPTSTR pszNewName) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare2; if (GetShareInfo502(pszOldName, &pShare2)) { pShare2->shi502_netname = pszNewName; SetShareInfo502(pszOldName, pShare2); NetApiBufferFree(pShare2); } }
void APIENTRY NetConn_CreateSharedDocuments(HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // Try to load the real version of this function
HINSTANCE hInstMyDocs = LoadLibrary(TEXT("mydocs.dll")); if (hInstMyDocs != NULL) { CREATESHAREDDOCS_PROC pfn = (CREATESHAREDDOCS_PROC)GetProcAddress(hInstMyDocs, "CreateSharedDocuments"); if (pfn != NULL) { (*pfn)(hwndStub, hAppInstance, pszCmdLine, nCmdShow); }
if (pfn != NULL) { if (!g_fRunningOnNT) { // rename share
TCHAR szSharedDocs[MAX_PATH]; GetSharedDocsDirectory(szSharedDocs, TRUE); TCHAR szShareName[SHARE_NAME_LENGTH+5]; if (ShareNameFromPath(szSharedDocs, szShareName, ARRAYSIZE(szShareName))) { TCHAR szNewShareName[SHARE_NAME_LENGTH+5]; if (GetShareName(szNewShareName, ARRAYSIZE(szNewShareName))) { RenameShare(szShareName, szNewShareName); } } }
return; } }
TCHAR szSharedDocs[MAX_PATH]; GetSharedDocsDirectory(szSharedDocs, TRUE);
// Save the folder path in the registry
CRegistry regFolders; if (regFolders.CreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"))) { regFolders.SetStringValue(TEXT("Common Documents"), szSharedDocs); regFolders.CloseKey(); }
// stash a desktop.ini in the folder, then when the netcrawler finds this object it will
// attempt to create the shortcut using this name
TCHAR szComment[64], szFormat[64], szDesktopIni[MAX_PATH]; MakePath(szDesktopIni, szSharedDocs, TEXT("desktop.ini"));
_GetMachineComment(szComment, _countof(szComment)); theApp.LoadString(IDS_SHARECOMMENT, szFormat, _countof(szFormat)); LPTSTR pszTemp = theApp.FormatStringAlloc(szFormat, szComment); MySHSetIniString(TEXT("FileSharingInformation"), TEXT("ShortcutName"), pszTemp, szDesktopIni); free(pszTemp);
SetFileAttributes(szDesktopIni, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); // ensure it's hidden
// Share the folder
if (!IsFolderShared(szSharedDocs, TRUE)) { TCHAR szShareName[SHARE_NAME_LENGTH+5];
if (GetShareName(szShareName, ARRAYSIZE(szShareName))) { ShareFolder(szSharedDocs, szShareName, NETACCESS_FULL, NULL, NULL); } }
// Create shortcut to Shared Docs if it's in another user's MyDocs folder
TCHAR szMyDocs[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(MySHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, szMyDocs))) { LPTSTR pchTemp = FindFileTitle(szSharedDocs) - 1; *pchTemp = TEXT('\0'); BOOL bMatch = !StrCmpI(szMyDocs, szSharedDocs); *pchTemp = TEXT('\\');
if (!bMatch) // don't create link right next to the folder itself
{ _MakeSharedDocsLink(CLSID_ShellLink, szMyDocs, szSharedDocs, TEXT(".lnk")); } }
// Create shortcut in SendTo folder
_MakeSharedDocsLink(CLSID_ShellLink, CSIDL_SENDTO, szSharedDocs, TEXT(".lnk")); }