Source code of Windows XP (NT5)

28 lines
750 B

  1. // WARNING
  2. // localizable resources only
  3. // non-localizable resources should go in loadwc.rc
  4. #include <winuser.h>
  5. #include <commctrl.h>
  6. #include <shlobj.h>
  7. #include "resource.h"
  8. #include "loadwc.rcv"
  10. BEGIN
  11. IDS_DESKTOP "Internet Explorer"
  12. // Note to localizers: it is desirable (though not absolutely necessary)
  13. // to keep the following directory names synchronized with their counterparts
  14. // in shell\shell32\shell32.rc.
  15. IDS_CSIDL_PERSONAL_L "My Documents"
  16. IDS_CSIDL_FAVORITES_L "Favorites"
  17. IDS_CSIDL_APPDATA_L "Application Data"
  18. IDS_CSIDL_CACHE_L "Temporary Internet Files"
  19. IDS_CSIDL_COOKIES_L "Cookies"
  20. IDS_CSIDL_HISTORY_L "History"
  21. END