#include "privcpp.h"
CPackage_IAdviseSink::CPackage_IAdviseSink(CPackage *pPackage) : _pPackage(pPackage) { ASSERT(_cRef == 0); }
CPackage_IAdviseSink::~CPackage_IAdviseSink() { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE,"CPackage_IAdviseSink destroyed with ref count %d",_cRef); }
// IUnknown Methods...
HRESULT CPackage_IAdviseSink::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppv) { return _pPackage->QueryInterface(iid,ppv); }
ULONG CPackage_IAdviseSink::AddRef(void) { _cRef++; // interface ref count for debugging
return _pPackage->AddRef(); }
ULONG CPackage_IAdviseSink::Release(void) { _cRef--; // interface ref count for debugging
return _pPackage->Release(); }
// IAdviseSink Methods...
void CPackage_IAdviseSink::OnDataChange(LPFORMATETC, LPSTGMEDIUM) { // NOTE: currently, we never set up a data advise connection with
// anyone, but if we ever do, we'll want to set our dirty flag
// when we get a datachange notificaiton.
DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "pack as - OnDataChange() called."); // when we get a data change notification, set our dirty flag
_pPackage->_fIsDirty = TRUE; return; }
void CPackage_IAdviseSink::OnViewChange(DWORD, LONG) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "pack as - OnViewChange() called."); //
// there's nothing to do here....we don't care about view changes.
// we are always viewed as an icon and that can't be changed by the server
// which is run when the contents are activated. the icon can
// only be changed through the edit package verb
return; }
void CPackage_IAdviseSink::OnRename(LPMONIKER) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "pack as - OnRename() called."); //
// once again, nothing to do here...if the user for some unknown reason
// tries to save the packaged file by a different name when he's done
// editing the contents then we'll just give not receive those changes.
// why would anyone want to rename a temporary file, anyway?
return; }
void CPackage_IAdviseSink::OnSave(void) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "pack as - OnSave() called.");
// if the contents have been saved, then our storage is out of date,
// so set our dirty flag, then the container can choose to save us or not
_pPackage->_fIsDirty = TRUE;
// NOTE: even though Word sends us OnSave, it doesn't actually save
// the file. Getting IPersistFile here and calling Save
// fails with RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_INASYNCCALL. W2K didn't pick
// up Word's save either...
// we just notifiy our own container that we've been saved and it
// can do whatever it wants to.
if (_pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder) _pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave(); }
void CPackage_IAdviseSink::OnClose(void) { DebugMsg(DM_TRACE, "pack as - OnClose() called.");
switch(_pPackage->_panetype) { case PEMBED: // get rid of advsiory connnection
_pPackage->_pEmbed->poo->Unadvise(_pPackage->_dwCookie); _pPackage->_pEmbed->poo->Release(); _pPackage->_pEmbed->poo = NULL;
// this updates the size of the packaged file in our _pPackage->_pEmbed
if (FAILED(_pPackage->EmbedInitFromFile(_pPackage->_pEmbed->pszTempName, FALSE))) { ShellMessageBox(g_hinst, NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_UPDATE_ERROR), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_APP_TITLE), MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); }
if (_pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder) _pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave();
if (!_pPackage->_fNoIOleClientSiteCalls) _pPackage->_pIOleClientSite->OnShowWindow(FALSE);
// we just notify out own container that we've been closed and let
// it do whatever it wants to.
if (_pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder) _pPackage->_pIOleAdviseHolder->SendOnClose();
case CMDLINK: // there shouldn't be anything to do here, since a CMDLINK is always
// executed using ShellExecute and never through OLE, so who would be
// setting up an advisory connection with the package?
break; } }