/*****************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows for Workgroups **/ /** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991-1992 **/ /*****************************************************************/
uiassert.c Environment specific stuff for the UIASSERT & REQUIRE macro
This file contains the environment specific (windows vs. OS/2/DOS) features of the assert macro, specifically, the output method (everything is hidden by the standard C-Runtime).
FILE HISTORY: johnl 10/17/90 Created johnl 10/18/90 Added OutputDebugString beng 04/30/91 Made a 'C' file beng 08/05/91 Withdrew expressions; reprototyped all functions beng 09/17/91 Withdrew additional consistency checks beng 09/26/91 Withdrew nprintf calls gregj 03/23/93 Ported to Chicago environment */
#include "npcommon.h"
#include "npassert.h"
extern "C" {
const CHAR szShouldBeAnsi[] = "String should be ANSI but isn't"; const CHAR szShouldBeOEM[] = "String should be OEM but isn't";
static CHAR szFmt0[] = "File %.40s, Line %u"; static CHAR szFmt1[] = "%.60s: File %.40s, Line %u"; static CHAR szMBCaption[] = "ASSERTION FAILED"; static CHAR szFAE[] = "ASSERTION FAILURE IN APP";
VOID UIAssertHelper( const CHAR* pszFileName, UINT nLine ) { CHAR szBuff[sizeof(szFmt0)+60+40];
wsprintf(szBuff, szFmt0, pszFileName, nLine); MessageBox(NULL, szBuff, szMBCaption, (MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK) );
FatalAppExit(0, szFAE); }
VOID UIAssertSzHelper( const CHAR* pszMessage, const CHAR* pszFileName, UINT nLine ) { CHAR szBuff[sizeof(szFmt1)+60+40];
wsprintf(szBuff, szFmt1, pszMessage, pszFileName, nLine); MessageBox(NULL, szBuff, szMBCaption, (MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK) );
FatalAppExit(0, szFAE); }
//========== Debug output routines =========================================
UINT uiNetDebugMask = 0xffff;
UINT WINAPI NetSetDebugMask(UINT mask) { #ifdef DEBUG
UINT uiOld = uiNetDebugMask; uiNetDebugMask = mask;
return uiOld; #else
return 0; #endif
UINT WINAPI NetGetDebugMask() { #ifdef DEBUG
return uiNetDebugMask; #else
return 0; #endif
#ifndef WINCAPI
#ifdef WIN32
#define WINCAPI __cdecl
#define WINCAPI __far __cdecl
#ifdef DEBUG
/* debug message output log file */
UINT g_uSpewLine = 0; PCSTR g_pcszSpewFile = NULL; CHAR s_cszLogFile[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; CHAR s_cszDebugName[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
UINT WINAPI NetSetDebugParameters(PSTR pszName,PSTR pszLogFile) { lstrcpy(s_cszLogFile,pszLogFile); lstrcpy(s_cszDebugName,pszName);
return 0; }
BOOL LogOutputDebugString(PCSTR pcsz) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; UINT ucb; char rgchLogFile[MAX_PATH];
if (IS_EMPTY_STRING(s_cszLogFile) ) return FALSE;
ucb = GetWindowsDirectory(rgchLogFile, sizeof(rgchLogFile));
if (ucb > 0 && ucb < sizeof(rgchLogFile)) {
lstrcat(rgchLogFile, "\\"); lstrcat(rgchLogFile, s_cszLogFile);
hfLog = ::CreateFile(rgchLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
if (SetFilePointer(hfLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END) != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { DWORD dwcbWritten;
bResult = WriteFile(hfLog, pcsz, lstrlen(pcsz), &dwcbWritten, NULL);
if (! CloseHandle(hfLog) && bResult) bResult = FALSE; } } }
return(bResult); }
CHAR *achDebugDisplayPrefix[] = {"t ","w ","e ","a ","t ","t ","t ","t ","t ","t ","t "};
void WINCAPI NetDebugMsg(UINT mask, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { char ach[1024]; UINT uiDisplayMask = mask & 0xff;
// Determine prefix
*ach = '\0'; if (uiNetDebugMask & DM_PREFIX) { // Add trace type
// Add component name
// Add thread ID
CHAR szThreadId[16]; ::wsprintf(szThreadId,"[%#lx] ",::GetCurrentThreadId()); ::lstrcat(ach,szThreadId); }
::wvsprintf(ach+::lstrlen(ach), pszMsg, (va_list)((&pszMsg) + 1)); ::lstrcat(ach,"\r\n");
if (uiNetDebugMask & DM_LOG_FILE) { LogOutputDebugString(ach); }
// Check if we need to display this trace
if (uiNetDebugMask & uiDisplayMask) { OutputDebugString(ach); } }
} /* extern "C" */