/*****************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows for Workgroups **/ /** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991-1992 **/ /*****************************************************************/
/* PROFILES.CPP -- Code for user profile management.
* * History: * 01/04/94 gregj Created * 06/28/94 gregj Use sync engine for desktop, programs reconciliation * 09/05/96 gregj Snarfed from MPR for use by IE4 family logon. */
#include "mslocusr.h"
#include "msluglob.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <npmsg.h>
#include <regentry.h>
#include <buffer.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
HRESULT LoadShellEntrypoint(void) { if (g_pfnSHFileOperationA != NULL) return S_OK;
HRESULT hres; ENTERCRITICAL { if (g_hmodShell == NULL) { g_hmodShell = ::LoadLibrary("SHELL32.DLL"); } if (g_hmodShell != NULL) { g_pfnSHFileOperationA = (PFNSHFILEOPERATIONA)::GetProcAddress(g_hmodShell, "SHFileOperationA"); } if (g_pfnSHFileOperationA == NULL) hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); else hres = S_OK; } LEAVECRITICAL
return hres; }
void UnloadShellEntrypoint(void) { ENTERCRITICAL { if (g_hmodShell != NULL) { ::FreeLibrary(g_hmodShell); g_hmodShell = NULL; g_pfnSHFileOperationA = NULL; } } LEAVECRITICAL }
extern "C" { extern LONG __stdcall RegRemapPreDefKey(HKEY hkeyNew, HKEY hkeyPredef); };
#ifdef DEBUG
extern "C" { BOOL fNoisyReg = FALSE; };
LONG MyRegLoadKey(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpszSubKey, LPCSTR lpszFile) { #ifdef DEBUG
if (fNoisyReg) { char buf[300]; ::wsprintf(buf, "MyRegLoadKey(\"%s\", \"%s\")\r\n", lpszSubKey, lpszFile); ::OutputDebugString(buf); } #endif
/* Since the registry doesn't support long filenames, get the short
* alias for the path. If that succeeds, we use that path, otherwise * we just use the original one and hope it works. */ CHAR szShortPath[MAX_PATH+1]; if (GetShortPathName(lpszFile, szShortPath, sizeof(szShortPath))) lpszFile = szShortPath;
return ::RegLoadKey(hKey, lpszSubKey, lpszFile); }
#ifdef DEBUG
LONG MyRegUnLoadKey(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpszSubKey) { if (fNoisyReg) { char buf[300]; ::wsprintf(buf, "MyRegUnLoadKey(\"%s\")\r\n", lpszSubKey); ::OutputDebugString(buf); } return ::RegUnLoadKey(hKey, lpszSubKey); } #endif
if (fNoisyReg) { char buf[300]; ::wsprintf(buf, "MyRegSaveKey(\"%s\")\r\n", lpszFile); ::OutputDebugString(buf); } #endif
/* Since the registry doesn't support long filenames, get the short
* alias for the path. If that succeeds, we use that path, otherwise * we just use the original one and hope it works. * * GetShortPathName only works if the file exists, so we have to * create a dummy copy first. */
HANDLE hTemp = ::CreateFile(lpszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hTemp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ::GetLastError(); ::CloseHandle(hTemp);
CHAR szShortPath[MAX_PATH+1]; if (::GetShortPathName(lpszFile, szShortPath, sizeof(szShortPath))) lpszFile = szShortPath;
return ::RegSaveKey(hKey, lpszFile, lpsa); }
#ifndef DEBUG
#define MyRegUnLoadKey RegUnLoadKey
LONG OpenLogonKey(HKEY *phKey) { return ::RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szLogonKey, phKey); }
void AddBackslash(LPSTR lpPath) { LPCSTR lpBackslash = ::strrchrf(lpPath, '\\'); if (lpBackslash == NULL || *(lpBackslash+1) != '\0') ::strcatf(lpPath, "\\"); }
void AddBackslash(NLS_STR& nlsPath) { ISTR istrBackslash(nlsPath); if (!nlsPath.strrchr(&istrBackslash, '\\') || *nlsPath.QueryPch(++istrBackslash) != '\0') nlsPath += '\\'; }
void GetDirFromPath(NLS_STR& nlsTempDir, LPCSTR pszPath) { nlsTempDir = pszPath;
ISTR istrBackslash(nlsTempDir); if (nlsTempDir.strrchr(&istrBackslash, '\\')) nlsTempDir.DelSubStr(istrBackslash); }
BOOL FileExists(LPCSTR pszPath) { DWORD dwAttrs = ::GetFileAttributes(pszPath);
if (dwAttrs != 0xffffffff && !(dwAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
BOOL DirExists(LPCSTR pszPath) { if (*pszPath == '\0') return FALSE;
DWORD dwAttrs = ::GetFileAttributes(pszPath);
if (dwAttrs != 0xffffffff && (dwAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
/* CreateDirectoryPath attempts to create the specified directory; if the
* create attempt fails, it tries to create each element of the path in case * any intermediate directories also don't exist. */ BOOL CreateDirectoryPath(LPCSTR pszPath) { BOOL fRet = ::CreateDirectory(pszPath, NULL);
if (fRet || (::GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) return fRet;
NLS_STR nlsTemp(pszPath); if (nlsTemp.QueryError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
LPSTR pszTemp = nlsTemp.Party(); LPSTR pszNext = pszTemp;
/* If it's a drive-based path (which it should be), skip the drive
* and first backslash -- we don't need to attempt to create the * root directory. */ if (::strchrf(pszTemp, ':') != NULL) { pszNext = ::strchrf(pszTemp, '\\'); if (pszNext != NULL) pszNext++; }
/* Now walk through the path creating one directory at a time. */
for (;;) { pszNext = ::strchrf(pszNext, '\\'); if (pszNext != NULL) { *pszNext = '\0'; } else { break; /* no more intermediate directories to create */ }
/* Create the intermediate directory. No error checking because we're
* not extremely performance-critical, and we can get errors if the * directory already exists, etc. With security and other things, * the set of benign error codes we'd have to check for could be * large. */ fRet = ::CreateDirectory(pszTemp, NULL);
*pszNext = '\\'; pszNext++; if (!*pszNext) /* ended with trailing slash? */ return fRet; /* return last result */ }
/* We should have created all the intermediate directories by now.
* Create the final path. */
return ::CreateDirectory(pszPath, NULL); }
UINT SafeCopy(LPCSTR pszSrc, LPCSTR pszDest, DWORD dwAttrs) { NLS_STR nlsTempDir(MAX_PATH); NLS_STR nlsTempFile(MAX_PATH); if (!nlsTempDir || !nlsTempFile) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
GetDirFromPath(nlsTempDir, pszDest);
if (!::GetTempFileName(nlsTempDir.QueryPch(), ::szProfilePrefix, 0, nlsTempFile.Party())) return ::GetLastError();
if (!::CopyFile(pszSrc, nlsTempFile.QueryPch(), FALSE)) { UINT err = ::GetLastError(); ::DeleteFile(nlsTempFile.QueryPch()); return err; }
::SetFileAttributes(pszDest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
// At this point, the temp file has the same attributes as the original
// (usually read-only, hidden, system). Some servers, such as NetWare
// servers, won't allow us to rename a read-only file. So we have to
// take the attributes off, rename the file, then put back whatever the
// caller wants.
::SetFileAttributes(nlsTempFile.QueryPch(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
if (!::MoveFile(nlsTempFile.QueryPch(), pszDest)) return ::GetLastError();
::SetFileAttributes(pszDest, dwAttrs);
::GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ft); ::CloseHandle(hFile);
DWORD dwAttrs = ::GetFileAttributes(pszLocalPath); if (dwAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { ::SetFileAttributes(pszLocalPath, dwAttrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } hFile = ::CreateFile(pszLocalPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::SetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ft); ::CloseHandle(hFile); } if (dwAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { ::SetFileAttributes(pszLocalPath, dwAttrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); } } }
UINT DefaultReconcile(LPCSTR pszCentralPath, LPCSTR pszLocalPath, DWORD dwFlags) { UINT err;
if (dwFlags & RP_LOGON) { if (dwFlags & RP_INIFILE) return SafeCopy(pszCentralPath, pszLocalPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(pszCentralPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); FILETIME ftCentral; if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ftCentral); ::CloseHandle(hFile); } else { ftCentral.dwLowDateTime = 0; /* can't open, pretend it's really old */ ftCentral.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
hFile = ::CreateFile(pszLocalPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); FILETIME ftLocal; if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &ftLocal); ::CloseHandle(hFile); } else { ftLocal.dwLowDateTime = 0; /* can't open, pretend it's really old */ ftLocal.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
LPCSTR pszSrc, pszDest;
* Find out which file is newer, and make that the source * for the copy. */
LONG lCompare = ::CompareFileTime(&ftCentral, &ftLocal); if (!lCompare) { ::dwProfileFlags |= PROF_CENTRALWINS; return WN_SUCCESS; /* timestamps match, no copy to do */ } else if (lCompare > 0) { pszSrc = pszCentralPath; pszDest = pszLocalPath; ::dwProfileFlags |= PROF_CENTRALWINS; } else { pszSrc = pszLocalPath; pszDest = pszCentralPath; ::dwProfileFlags &= ~PROF_CENTRALWINS; }
err = SafeCopy(pszSrc, pszDest, pszDest == pszCentralPath ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : attrLocalProfile); } else { err = SafeCopy(pszLocalPath, pszCentralPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (err == WN_SUCCESS) { /* copied back successfully */
#ifdef EXTENDED_PROFILES /* chicago doesn't special-case resident profiles */
if (dwFlags & PROF_RESIDENT) { DeleteProfile(pszLocalPath); /* delete temp file */ } #endif
SetProfileTime(pszLocalPath, pszCentralPath); } }
return err; }
#endif /* LOAD_PROFILES */
void GetLocalProfileDirectory(NLS_STR& nlsPath) { ::GetWindowsDirectory(nlsPath.Party(), nlsPath.QueryAllocSize()); nlsPath.DonePartying();
::CreateDirectory(nlsPath.QueryPch(), NULL); }
HRESULT GiveUserDefaultProfile(LPCSTR lpszPath) { HKEY hkeyDefaultUser; LONG err = ::RegOpenKey(HKEY_USERS, ::szDefaultUserName, &hkeyDefaultUser); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = ::MyRegSaveKey(hkeyDefaultUser, lpszPath, NULL); ::RegCloseKey(hkeyDefaultUser); } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
void ComputeLocalProfileName(LPCSTR pszUsername, NLS_STR *pnlsLocalProfile) { GetLocalProfileDirectory(*pnlsLocalProfile);
UINT cbPath = pnlsLocalProfile->strlen(); LPSTR lpPath = pnlsLocalProfile->Party(); LPSTR lpFilename = lpPath + cbPath;
*(lpFilename++) = '\\'; ::strcpyf(lpFilename, pszUsername); /* start with whole username */
LPSTR lpFNStart = lpFilename;
UINT iFile = 0; while (!::CreateDirectory(lpPath, NULL)) { if (!DirExists(lpPath)) break;
/* Couldn't use whole username, start with 5 bytes of username + numbers. */ if (iFile == 0) { ::strncpyf(lpFilename, pszUsername, 5); /* copy at most 5 bytes of username */ *(lpFilename+5) = '\0'; /* force null term, just in case */ lpFilename += ::strlenf(lpFilename); } else if (iFile >= 4095) { /* max number expressible in 3 hex digits */ lpFilename = lpFNStart; /* start using big numbers with no uname prefix */ if ((int)iFile < 0) /* if we run out of numbers, abort */ break; }
::wsprintf(lpFilename, "%03lx", iFile);
iFile++; }
pnlsLocalProfile->DonePartying(); }
HRESULT CopyProfile(LPCSTR pszSrcPath, LPCSTR pszDestPath) { UINT err = SafeCopy(pszSrcPath, pszDestPath, attrLocalProfile);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
BOOL UseUserProfiles(void) { HKEY hkeyLogon;
LONG err = OpenLogonKey(&hkeyLogon); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD fUseProfiles = 0; DWORD cbData = sizeof(fUseProfiles); err = ::RegQueryValueEx(hkeyLogon, (LPSTR)::szUseProfiles, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&fUseProfiles, &cbData); ::RegCloseKey(hkeyLogon); return (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) && fUseProfiles; }
return FALSE; }
void EnableProfiles(void) { HKEY hkeyLogon;
LONG err = OpenLogonKey(&hkeyLogon); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD fUseProfiles = 1; ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyLogon, (LPSTR)::szUseProfiles, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&fUseProfiles, sizeof(fUseProfiles)); ::RegCloseKey(hkeyLogon); } }
struct SYNCSTATE { HKEY hkeyProfile; NLS_STR *pnlsProfilePath; NLS_STR *pnlsOtherProfilePath; HKEY hkeyPrimary; };
* PrefixMatch determines whether a given path is equal to or a descendant * of a given base path. */ BOOL PrefixMatch(LPCSTR pszPath, LPCSTR pszBasePath) { UINT cchBasePath = ::strlenf(pszBasePath); if (!::strnicmpf(pszPath, pszBasePath, cchBasePath)) { /* make sure that the base path matches the whole last component */ if ((pszPath[cchBasePath] == '\\' || pszPath[cchBasePath] == '\0')) return TRUE; /* check to see if the base path is a root path; if so, match */ LPCSTR pszBackslash = ::strrchrf(pszBasePath, '\\'); if (pszBackslash != NULL && *(pszBackslash+1) == '\0') return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else return FALSE; }
#if 0
void ReportReconcileError(SYNCSTATE *pSyncState, TWINRESULT tr, PRECITEM pri, PRECNODE prnSrc, PRECNODE prnDest, BOOL fSrcCentral) { /* If we're copying the file the "wrong" way, swap our idea of the
* source and destination. For the purposes of other profile code, * source and destination refer to the entire profile copy direction. * For this particular error message, they refer to the direction * that this particular file was being copied. */ if (prnSrc->rnaction == RNA_COPY_TO_ME) { PRECNODE prnTemp = prnSrc; prnSrc = prnDest; prnDest = prnTemp; fSrcCentral = !fSrcCentral; }
/* Set the error status on this key to be the destination of the copy,
* which is the copy that's now out of date because of the error and * needs to be guarded from harm next time. */ pSyncState->uiRecError |= fSrcCentral ? RECERROR_LOCAL : RECERROR_CENTRAL;
pSyncState->dwFlags |= SYNCSTATE_ERROR;
if (pSyncState->dwFlags & SYNCSTATE_ERRORMSG) return; /* error already reported */
pSyncState->dwFlags |= SYNCSTATE_ERRORMSG;
RegEntry re(::szReconcileRoot, pSyncState->hkeyProfile); if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS && !re.GetNumber(::szDisplayProfileErrors, TRUE)) return; /* user doesn't want to see this error message */
PCSTR pszFile; UINT uiMainMsg;
switch (tr) { case TR_DEST_OPEN_FAILED: case TR_DEST_WRITE_FAILED: uiMainMsg = IERR_ProfRecWriteDest; pszFile = prnDest->pcszFolder; break; case TR_SRC_OPEN_FAILED: case TR_SRC_READ_FAILED: uiMainMsg = IERR_ProfRecOpenSrc; pszFile = prnSrc->pcszFolder; break; default: uiMainMsg = IERR_ProfRecCopy; pszFile = pri->pcszName; break; }
if (DisplayGenericError(NULL, uiMainMsg, tr, pszFile, ::szNULL, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, IDS_TRMsgBase) == IDNO) { re.SetValue(::szDisplayProfileErrors, (ULONG)FALSE); } }
#ifdef DEBUG
char szOutbuf[200]; #endif
* MyReconcile is a wrapper around ReconcileItem. It needs to detect merge * type operations and transform them into copies in the appropriate direction, * and recognize when the sync engine wants to replace a file that the user * really wants deleted. */ void MyReconcile(PRECITEM pri, SYNCSTATE *pSyncState) { if (pri->riaction == RIA_NOTHING) return;
/* Because we don't have a persistent briefcase, we can't recognize when
* the user has deleted an item; the briefcase will want to replace it * with the other version, which is not what the user wants. So we use * the direction of the profile's copy, and if the sync engine wants to * copy a file from the "destination" of the profile's copy to the "source" * because the "source" doesn't exist, we recognize that as the source * having been deleted and synchronize manually by deleting the dest. * * prnSrc points to the recnode for the item that's coming from the same * side of the transaction that the more recent profile was on; prnDest * points to the recnode for the other side. * * The test is complicated because we first have to figure out which of * the two directories (nlsDir1, the local dir; or nlsDir2, the central * dir) is the source and which the destination. Then we have to figure * out which of the two RECNODEs we got matches which directory. */ PRECNODE prnSrc; PRECNODE prnDest; LPCSTR pszSrcBasePath; BOOL fSrcCentral; if (pSyncState->IsMandatory() || (pSyncState->dwFlags & PROF_CENTRALWINS)) { pszSrcBasePath = pSyncState->nlsDir2.QueryPch(); fSrcCentral = TRUE; } else { pszSrcBasePath = pSyncState->nlsDir1.QueryPch(); fSrcCentral = FALSE; }
if (PrefixMatch(pri->prnFirst->pcszFolder, pszSrcBasePath)) { prnSrc = pri->prnFirst; prnDest = prnSrc->prnNext; } else { prnDest = pri->prnFirst; prnSrc = prnDest->prnNext; }
* If files of the same name exist in both places, the sync engine thinks * they need to be merged (since we have no persistent briefcase database, * it doesn't know that they were originally the same). The sync engine * sets the file stamp of a copied destination file to the file stamp of * the source file after copying. If the file stamps of two files to be * merged are the same, we assume that the files are already up-to-date, * and we take no reconciliation action. If the file stamps of two files * to be merged are different, we really just want a copy, so we figure out * which one is supposed to be definitive and transform the RECITEM and * RECNODEs to indicate a copy instead of a merge. * * The definitive copy is the source for mandatory or logoff cases, * otherwise it's the newer file. */ if (pri->riaction == RIA_MERGE || pri->riaction == RIA_BROKEN_MERGE) { BOOL fCopyFromSrc; COMPARISONRESULT cr;
if (pSyncState->IsMandatory()) fCopyFromSrc = TRUE; else { fCopyFromSrc = ! pSyncState->IsLogon();
if (pSyncState->CompareFileStamps(&prnSrc->fsCurrent, &prnDest->fsCurrent, &cr) == TR_SUCCESS) { if (cr == CR_EQUAL) { #ifdef MAXDEBUG
::OutputDebugString("Matching file stamps, no action taken\r\n"); #endif
return; } else if (cr==CR_FIRST_LARGER) fCopyFromSrc = TRUE; } }
if (fCopyFromSrc) ::OutputDebugString("Broken merge, copying from src\r\n"); else ::OutputDebugString("Broken merge, copying from dest\r\n"); #endif
prnSrc->rnaction = fCopyFromSrc ? RNA_COPY_FROM_ME : RNA_COPY_TO_ME; prnDest->rnaction = fCopyFromSrc ? RNA_COPY_TO_ME : RNA_COPY_FROM_ME; pri->riaction = RIA_COPY; }
* If the preferred source file doesn't exist, the sync engine is trying * to create a file to make the two trees the same, when the user/admin * really wanted to delete it (the sync engine doesn't like deleting * files). So we detect that case here and delete the "destination" * to make the two trees match that way. * * If the last reconciliation had an error, we don't do the deletion * if the site of the error is the current source (i.e., if we're * about to delete the file we couldn't copy before). Instead we'll * try the operation that the sync engine wants, since that'll be the * copy that failed before. */ if (prnSrc->rnstate == RNS_DOES_NOT_EXIST && prnSrc->rnaction == RNA_COPY_TO_ME && !((pSyncState->uiRecError & RECERROR_CENTRAL) && fSrcCentral) && !((pSyncState->uiRecError & RECERROR_LOCAL) && !fSrcCentral)) { if (IS_EMPTY_STRING(pri->pcszName)) { ::RemoveDirectory(prnDest->pcszFolder); } else { NLS_STR nlsTemp(prnDest->pcszFolder); AddBackslash(nlsTemp); nlsTemp.strcat(pri->pcszName); if (!nlsTemp.QueryError()) { #ifdef MAXDEBUG
if (pSyncState->IsMandatory()) ::OutputDebugString("Mandatory copy wrong way\r\n");
wsprintf(::szOutbuf, "Deleting 'destination' file %s\r\n", nlsTemp.QueryPch()); ::OutputDebugString(::szOutbuf); #endif
::DeleteFile(nlsTemp.QueryPch()); } } return; }
::OutputDebugString("Calling ReconcileItem.\r\n"); #endif
TWINRESULT tr; if ((tr=pSyncState->ReconcileItem(pri, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL)) != TR_SUCCESS) { ReportReconcileError(pSyncState, tr, pri, prnSrc, prnDest, fSrcCentral); #ifdef MAXDEBUG
::wsprintf(::szOutbuf, "Error %d from ReconcileItem.\r\n", tr); ::OutputDebugString(::szOutbuf); #endif
} else if (!IS_EMPTY_STRING(pri->pcszName)) pSyncState->dwFlags |= SYNCSTATE_SOMESUCCESS; }
* MakePathAbsolute examines a path to see whether it is absolute or relative. * If it is relative, it is prepended with the given base path. * * If the fMustBeRelative parameter is TRUE, then an error is returned if the * path was (a) absolute and (b) not a subdirectory of the old profile directory. */ BOOL MakePathAbsolute(NLS_STR& nlsDir, LPCSTR lpszBasePath, NLS_STR& nlsOldProfileDir, BOOL fMustBeRelative) { /* If the path starts with a special keyword, replace it. */
if (*nlsDir.QueryPch() == '*') { return ReplaceCommonPath(nlsDir); }
/* If the path is absolute and is relative to whatever the old profile
* directory was, transform it to a relative path. We will then make * it absolute again, using the new base path. */ if (PrefixMatch(nlsDir, nlsOldProfileDir)) { UINT cchDir = nlsDir.strlen(); LPSTR lpStart = nlsDir.Party(); ::memmovef(lpStart, lpStart + nlsOldProfileDir.strlen(), cchDir - nlsOldProfileDir.strlen() + 1); nlsDir.DonePartying(); } else if (::strchrf(nlsDir.QueryPch(), ':') != NULL || *nlsDir.QueryPch() == '\\') return !fMustBeRelative;
if (*lpszBasePath == '\0') { nlsDir = lpszBasePath; return TRUE; }
NLS_STR nlsBasePath(lpszBasePath); if (nlsBasePath.QueryError()) return FALSE; AddBackslash(nlsBasePath);
ISTR istrStart(nlsDir); nlsDir.InsertStr(nlsBasePath, istrStart); return !nlsDir.QueryError(); } #endif /**** 0 ****/
* ReplaceCommonPath takes a relative path beginning with a special keyword * and replaces the keyword with the corresponding real path. Currently the * keyword supported is: * * *windir - replaced with the Windows (user) directory */ BOOL ReplaceCommonPath(NLS_STR& nlsDir) { NLS_STR *pnlsTemp; ISTR istrStart(nlsDir); ISTR istrEnd(nlsDir);
nlsDir.strchr(&istrEnd, '\\'); pnlsTemp = nlsDir.QuerySubStr(istrStart, istrEnd); if (pnlsTemp == NULL) return FALSE; /* out of memory, can't do anything */
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; if (!::stricmpf(pnlsTemp->QueryPch(), ::szWindirAlias)) { UINT cbBuffer = pnlsTemp->QueryAllocSize(); LPSTR lpBuffer = pnlsTemp->Party(); UINT cchWindir = ::GetWindowsDirectory(lpBuffer, cbBuffer); if (cchWindir >= cbBuffer) *lpBuffer = '\0'; pnlsTemp->DonePartying(); if (cchWindir >= cbBuffer) { pnlsTemp->realloc(cchWindir+1); if (!pnlsTemp->QueryError()) { ::GetWindowsDirectory(pnlsTemp->Party(), cchWindir+1); pnlsTemp->DonePartying(); } else fSuccess = FALSE; } if (fSuccess) { nlsDir.ReplSubStr(*pnlsTemp, istrStart, istrEnd); fSuccess = !nlsDir.QueryError(); } } delete pnlsTemp; return fSuccess; }
* GetSetRegistryPath goes to the registry key and value specified by * the current reconciliations's RegKey and RegValue settings, and * retrieves or sets a path there. */ void GetSetRegistryPath(HKEY hkeyProfile, RegEntry& re, NLS_STR *pnlsPath, BOOL fSet) { NLS_STR nlsKey;
re.GetValue(::szReconcileRegKey, &nlsKey); if (nlsKey.strlen() > 0) { NLS_STR nlsValue; re.GetValue(::szReconcileRegValue, &nlsValue); RegEntry re2(nlsKey, hkeyProfile); if (fSet) { re2.SetValue(nlsValue, pnlsPath->QueryPch()); if (!nlsKey.stricmp("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders")) { nlsKey = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; RegEntry reShell(nlsKey, hkeyProfile); reShell.SetValue(nlsValue, pnlsPath->QueryPch()); } } else re2.GetValue(nlsValue, pnlsPath); } }
/* CopyFolder calls the shell's copy engine to copy files. The source is a
* double-null-terminated list; the destination is a folder. */ void CopyFolder(LPBYTE pbSource, LPCSTR pszDest) { CHAR szDest[MAX_PATH];
::strcpyf(szDest, pszDest); szDest[::strlenf(szDest) + 1] = '\0';
fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_COPY; fos.pFrom = (LPCSTR)pbSource; fos.pTo = szDest; fos.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | FOF_NOERRORUI; fos.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; fos.hNameMappings = NULL; fos.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
g_pfnSHFileOperationA(&fos); }
* ReconcileKey performs reconciliation for a particular key in the * ProfileReconciliation branch of the registry. It reads the config * parameters for the reconciliation, sets up an appropriate twin in * the temporary briefcase, and performs the reconciliation. */ BOOL ReconcileKey(HKEY hkeySection, LPCSTR lpszSubKey, SYNCSTATE *pSyncState) { #ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwStart = ::GetTickCount(); #endif
BOOL fShouldDelete = FALSE;
RegEntry re(lpszSubKey, hkeySection); if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BUFFER bufSrcStrings(MAX_PATH); NLS_STR nlsSrcPath(MAX_PATH); NLS_STR nlsDestPath(MAX_PATH); NLS_STR nlsName(MAX_PATH); if (bufSrcStrings.QueryPtr() != NULL && nlsSrcPath.QueryError() == ERROR_SUCCESS && nlsDestPath.QueryError() == ERROR_SUCCESS && nlsName.QueryError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
/* Get the source path to copy. Usually it's in the profile,
* left over from the profile we cloned. If not, we take the * default local name from the ProfileReconciliation key. If * the path already in the registry is not relative to the cloned * profile directory, then it's probably set by system policies * or something, and we shouldn't touch it. */ if (pSyncState->pnlsOtherProfilePath != NULL) { GetSetRegistryPath(pSyncState->hkeyProfile, re, &nlsSrcPath, FALSE); if (nlsSrcPath.strlen() && !PrefixMatch(nlsSrcPath.QueryPch(), pSyncState->pnlsOtherProfilePath->QueryPch())) { return FALSE; /* not profile-relative, nothing to do */ } } if (!nlsSrcPath.strlen()) { re.GetValue(::szDefaultDir, &nlsSrcPath); if (*nlsSrcPath.QueryPch() == '*') { ReplaceCommonPath(nlsSrcPath); } }
/* Get the set of files to copy. Like NT and unlike win95, we
* want to clone the entire contents, not necessarily just the * files listed (for example, the desktop -- we want all the * files and subfolders, not just links). So, unless the string * is empty, which means don't copy any content, just set the reg * path, we change any pattern containing wildcards to *.*. */ re.GetValue(::szReconcileName, &nlsName); if (nlsName.strlen()) { if (::strchrf(nlsName.QueryPch(), '*') != NULL || ::strchrf(nlsName.QueryPch(), '?') != NULL) { nlsName = "*.*"; } }
/* Get the destination path. This is generated from the new
* profile directory and the LocalFile entry in the registry. * * Should always do this, even if we're not going to call the * copy engine, because we're going to write this path out to * the registry. */ re.GetValue(::szLocalFile, &nlsDestPath); ISTR istr(nlsDestPath); nlsDestPath.InsertStr(*(pSyncState->pnlsProfilePath), istr);
/* Always create the destination path, even if we don't copy
* any files into it because the source directory doesn't exist. */ CreateDirectoryPath(nlsDestPath.QueryPch());
/* Make sure the source directory exists so we won't get useless
* error messages from the shell copy engine. */ DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(nlsSrcPath.QueryPch()); if (dwAttr != 0xffffffff && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && nlsName.strlen()) {
/* Build up the double-null-terminated list of file specs to copy. */
UINT cbUsed = 0;
LPSTR lpName = nlsName.Party(); do { LPSTR lpNext = ::strchrf(lpName, ','); if (lpNext != NULL) { *(lpNext++) = '\0'; }
UINT cbNeeded = nlsSrcPath.strlen() + ::strlenf(lpName) + 1; if (bufSrcStrings.QuerySize() - cbUsed < cbNeeded) { if (!bufSrcStrings.Resize(bufSrcStrings.QuerySize() + MAX_PATH)) return FALSE; } LPSTR lpDest = ((LPSTR)bufSrcStrings.QueryPtr()) + cbUsed; ::strcpyf(lpDest, nlsSrcPath.QueryPch()); lpDest += nlsSrcPath.strlen(); ::strcpyf(lpDest, lpName); cbUsed += cbNeeded;
lpName = lpNext; } while (lpName != NULL);
*((LPSTR)bufSrcStrings.QueryPtr() + cbUsed) = '\0'; /* double null terminate */ nlsName.DonePartying();
CopyFolder((LPBYTE)bufSrcStrings.QueryPtr(), nlsDestPath.QueryPch()); }
* Set a registry key to point to the new local path to this directory. */ GetSetRegistryPath(pSyncState->hkeyProfile, re, &nlsDestPath, TRUE); } }
::wsprintf(::szOutbuf, "ReconcileKey duration %d ms.\r\n", ::GetTickCount() - dwStart); ::OutputDebugString(::szOutbuf); #endif
return fShouldDelete; }
* GetMaxSubkeyLength just calls RegQueryInfoKey to get the length of the * longest named subkey of the given key. The return value is the size * of buffer needed to hold the longest key name, including the null * terminator. */ DWORD GetMaxSubkeyLength(HKEY hKey) { DWORD cchClass = 0; DWORD cSubKeys; DWORD cchMaxSubkey; DWORD cchMaxClass; DWORD cValues; DWORD cchMaxValueName; DWORD cbMaxValueData; DWORD cbSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, &cchClass, NULL, &cSubKeys, &cchMaxSubkey, &cchMaxClass, &cValues, &cchMaxValueName, &cbMaxValueData, &cbSecurityDescriptor, &ftLastWriteTime); return cchMaxSubkey + 1; }
* ReconcileSection walks through the ProfileReconciliation key and performs * reconciliation for each subkey. One-time keys are deleted after they are * processed. */ void ReconcileSection(HKEY hkeyRoot, SYNCSTATE *pSyncState) { NLS_STR nlsKeyName(GetMaxSubkeyLength(hkeyRoot)); if (!nlsKeyName.QueryError()) { DWORD iKey = 0;
for (;;) { DWORD cchKey = nlsKeyName.QueryAllocSize();
UINT err = ::RegEnumKey(hkeyRoot, iKey, nlsKeyName.Party(), cchKey); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
nlsKeyName.DonePartying(); if (ReconcileKey(hkeyRoot, nlsKeyName, pSyncState)) { ::RegDeleteKey(hkeyRoot, nlsKeyName.QueryPch()); } else iKey++; } } }
* ReconcileFiles is called just after the user's profile and policies are * loaded at logon, and just before the profile is unloaded at logoff. It * performs all file type reconciliation for the user's profile, excluding * the profile itself, of course. * * nlsOtherProfilePath is the path to the profile which is being cloned, * or an empty string if the default profile is being cloned. */ HRESULT ReconcileFiles(HKEY hkeyProfile, NLS_STR& nlsProfilePath, NLS_STR& nlsOtherProfilePath) { HRESULT hres = LoadShellEntrypoint(); if (FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if (nlsOtherProfilePath.strlen()) { ISTR istrBackslash(nlsOtherProfilePath); if (nlsOtherProfilePath.strrchr(&istrBackslash, '\\')) { ++istrBackslash; nlsOtherProfilePath.DelSubStr(istrBackslash); } }
RegEntry re(::szReconcileRoot, hkeyProfile); if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SYNCSTATE s; s.hkeyProfile = hkeyProfile; s.pnlsProfilePath = &nlsProfilePath; s.pnlsOtherProfilePath = (nlsOtherProfilePath.strlen() != 0) ? &nlsOtherProfilePath : NULL; s.hkeyPrimary = NULL;
RegEntry rePrimary(::szReconcilePrimary, re.GetKey()); RegEntry reSecondary(::szReconcileSecondary, re.GetKey()); if (rePrimary.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ReconcileSection(rePrimary.GetKey(), &s);
if (reSecondary.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { s.hkeyPrimary = rePrimary.GetKey(); ReconcileSection(reSecondary.GetKey(), &s); } } }
HRESULT DefaultReconcileKey(HKEY hkeyProfile, NLS_STR& nlsProfilePath, LPCSTR pszKeyName, BOOL fSecondary) { HRESULT hres = LoadShellEntrypoint(); if (FAILED(hres)) return hres;
RegEntry re(::szReconcileRoot, hkeyProfile); if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SYNCSTATE s; s.hkeyProfile = hkeyProfile; s.pnlsProfilePath = &nlsProfilePath; s.pnlsOtherProfilePath = NULL; s.hkeyPrimary = NULL;
RegEntry rePrimary(::szReconcilePrimary, re.GetKey()); if (rePrimary.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (fSecondary) { RegEntry reSecondary(::szReconcileSecondary, re.GetKey()); s.hkeyPrimary = rePrimary.GetKey(); ReconcileKey(reSecondary.GetKey(), pszKeyName, &s); } else ReconcileKey(rePrimary.GetKey(), pszKeyName, &s); } }
HRESULT DeleteProfileFiles(LPCSTR pszPath) { HRESULT hres = LoadShellEntrypoint(); if (FAILED(hres)) return hres;
lstrcpy(szFrom, pszPath);
/* Before we build the complete source filespec, check to see if the
* directory exists. In the case of lesser-used folders such as * "Application Data", the default may not have ever been created. * In that case, we have no contents to copy. */ DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(szFrom); if (dwAttr == 0xffffffff || !(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return S_OK;
AddBackslash(szFrom); lstrcat(szFrom, TEXT("*.*")); szFrom[lstrlen(szFrom)+1] = '\0'; /* double null terminate from string */
fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fos.pFrom = szFrom; fos.pTo = NULL; fos.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | FOF_NOERRORUI; fos.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; fos.hNameMappings = NULL; fos.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
return NOERROR; }
HRESULT DeleteProfile(LPCSTR pszName) { RegEntry re(::szProfileList, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
if (re.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { { /* extra scope for next RegEntry */ RegEntry reUser(pszName, re.GetKey()); if (reUser.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NLS_STR nlsPath(MAX_PATH); if (nlsPath.QueryError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { reUser.GetValue(::szProfileImagePath, &nlsPath); if (reUser.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hres = DeleteProfileFiles(nlsPath.QueryPch()); } else hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER);
} else hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(nlsPath.QueryError()); } else hres = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER); } if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { ::RegDeleteKey(re.GetKey(), pszName); NLS_STR nlsOEMName(pszName); if (nlsOEMName.QueryError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { nlsOEMName.strupr(); nlsOEMName.ToOEM(); ::DeletePasswordCache(nlsOEMName.QueryPch()); } } } else hres = E_UNEXPECTED;
return hres; }