// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: CInteractiveLogon.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File that implements encapsulation of interactive logon information.
// History: 2000-12-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "priv.h"
#include "CInteractiveLogon.h"
#include <winsta.h>
#include "GinaIPC.h"
#include "TokenInformation.h"
#include "UIHostIPC.h"
const TCHAR CInteractiveLogon::s_szEventReplyName[] = TEXT("shgina: InteractiveLogonRequestReply"); const TCHAR CInteractiveLogon::s_szEventSignalName[] = TEXT("shgina: InteractiveLogonRequestSignal"); const TCHAR CInteractiveLogon::s_szSectionName[] = TEXT("shgina: InteractiveLogonRequestSection");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::CRequestData
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CRequestData.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::CRequestData (void)
{ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::~CRequestData
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CRequestData.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::~CRequestData (void)
{ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::Set
// Arguments: pszUsername = Username.
// pszDomain = Domain.
// pszPassword = Password.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sets the information into the section object. Makes the data
// valid by signing it with a 4-byte signature.
// History: 2000-12-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::Set (const WCHAR *pszUsername, const WCHAR *pszDomain, WCHAR *pszPassword)
{ UNICODE_STRING passwordString;
_ulMagicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER; _dwErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; lstrcpyn(_szEventReplyName, s_szEventReplyName, ARRAYSIZE(s_szEventReplyName)); lstrcpyn(_szUsername, pszUsername, ARRAYSIZE(_szUsername)); lstrcpyn(_szDomain, pszDomain, ARRAYSIZE(_szDomain)); lstrcpyn(_szPassword, pszPassword, ARRAYSIZE(_szPassword)); ZeroMemory(pszPassword, (lstrlen(pszPassword) + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR)); _iPasswordLength = lstrlen(_szPassword); if (_iPasswordLength > 127) { _iPasswordLength = 127; } _szPassword[_iPasswordLength] = L'\0'; RtlInitUnicodeString(&passwordString, _szPassword); _ucSeed = 0; RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString(&_ucSeed, &passwordString); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::Get
// Arguments: pszUsername = Username (returned).
// pszDomain = Domain (returned).
// pszPassword = Password (clear-text) returned.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Extracts the information transmitted in the section across
// sessions in the receiving process' context. Checks the
// signature written by Set.
// History: 2000-12-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::Get (WCHAR *pszUsername, WCHAR *pszDomain, WCHAR *pszPassword) const
{ DWORD dwErrorCode;
if (_ulMagicNumber == MAGIC_NUMBER) { UNICODE_STRING passwordString;
lstrcpy(pszUsername, _szUsername); lstrcpy(pszDomain, _szDomain); CopyMemory(pszPassword, _szPassword, (PWLEN + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR)); passwordString.Length = (PWLEN * sizeof(WCHAR)); passwordString.MaximumLength = (PWLEN + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR); passwordString.Buffer = pszPassword; RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString(_ucSeed, &passwordString); pszPassword[_iPasswordLength] = L'\0'; dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::SetErrorCode
// Arguments: dwErrorCode = Error code to set.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Sets the error code into the section.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::SetErrorCode (DWORD dwErrorCode)
{ _dwErrorCode = dwErrorCode; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::GetErrorCode
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Returns the error code from the section.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::GetErrorCode (void) const
{ return(_dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::OpenEventReply
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Opens a handle to the reply event. The reply event is named
// in the section object.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CInteractiveLogon::CRequestData::OpenEventReply (void) const
{ return(OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, _szEventReplyName)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CInteractiveLogon
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CInteractiveLogon. Create a thread to wait
// on the auto-reset event signaled on an external request. This
// thread is cleaned up on object destruction and also on
// process termination.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInteractiveLogon::CInteractiveLogon (void) : _hThread(NULL), _fContinue(true), _hwndHost(NULL)
{ Start(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::~CInteractiveLogon
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Terminate the wait thread. Queue an APC to set the member
// variable to end the termination. The wait is satisfied and
// returns (WAIT_IO_COMPLETION). The loop is exited and the
// thread is exited.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CInteractiveLogon::~CInteractiveLogon (void)
{ Stop(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::Start
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Create the thread that listens on interactive logon requests.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::Start (void)
{ if (_hThread == NULL) { DWORD dwThreadID;
_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, CB_ThreadProc, this, 0, &dwThreadID); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::Stop
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Stop the thread that listens on interactive logon requests.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::Stop (void)
{ HANDLE hThread;
hThread = InterlockedExchangePointer(&_hThread, NULL); if (hThread != NULL) { if (QueueUserAPC(CB_APCProc, hThread, reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(this)) != FALSE) { (DWORD)WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hThread)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::SetHostWindow
// Arguments: hwndHost = HWND of the actual UI host.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sets the HWND into the member variable so that the message
// can be sent directly to the UI host rather than the status
// host which is a go-between.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::SetHostWindow (HWND hwndHost)
{ _hwndHost = hwndHost; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::Initiate
// Arguments: pszUsername = User name.
// pszDomain = Domain.
// pszPassword = Password.
// dwTimeout = Timeout value.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: External entry point implementing interactive logon requests.
// This function checks for privileges and mutexes and events
// and does the right thing.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::Initiate (const WCHAR *pszUsername, const WCHAR *pszDomain, WCHAR *pszPassword, DWORD dwTimeout)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode;
dwErrorCode = CheckInteractiveLogonAllowed(dwTimeout); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) { HANDLE hToken;
// First authenticate the user with the given credentials for an
// interactive logon. Go no further unless that's valid.
dwErrorCode = CTokenInformation::LogonUser(pszUsername, pszDomain, pszPassword, &hToken); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) { HANDLE hMutex;
hMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE | MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, SZ_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_REQUEST_MUTEX_NAME); if (hMutex != NULL) { dwErrorCode = WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, dwTimeout); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwErrorCode) { DWORD dwSessionID, dwUserSessionID; HANDLE hEvent;
// User is authenticated correctly. There are several cases
// that need to be handled.
dwSessionID = USER_SHARED_DATA->ActiveConsoleId;
// Determine if the session has the welcome screen displayed
// by opening the named signal event for the session.
hEvent = OpenSessionNamedSignalEvent(dwSessionID); if (hEvent != NULL) { TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEvent)); dwErrorCode = SendRequest(pszUsername, pszDomain, pszPassword); } else {
// Do whatever needs to be done to log the user on.
if (FoundUserSessionID(hToken, &dwUserSessionID)) { if (dwUserSessionID == dwSessionID) {
// User is the active console session. No further work needs
// to be done. Return success.
dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else {
// User is disconnected. Reconnect back to the user session.
// If that fails then return the error code back.
if (WinStationConnect(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, dwUserSessionID, USER_SHARED_DATA->ActiveConsoleId, L"", TRUE) != FALSE) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); } } } else { HANDLE hEvent;
// User has no session. If at the welcome screen then send the
// request to the welcome screen. Otherwise disconnect the
// current session and use a new session to log the user on.
dwErrorCode = ShellStartCredentialServer(pszUsername, pszDomain, pszPassword, dwTimeout); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) { dwErrorCode = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, dwTimeout); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEvent)); } else { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); } } } TBOOL(ReleaseMutex(hMutex)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hMutex)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hToken)); } } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CheckInteractiveLogonAllowed
// Arguments: dwTimeout = Timeout value.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Check whether the interactive logon request is allowed. To
// make this call:
// 1. You must have SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE.
// 2. There must be an active console session ID that's valid.
// 3. The machine must not be shutting down.
// 4. The logon mutex must be available.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::CheckInteractiveLogonAllowed (DWORD dwTimeout)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode;
// 1. Check for trusted call (SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE).
if (SHTestTokenPrivilege(NULL, SE_TCB_NAME) != FALSE) {
// 2. Check for active console session.
if (USER_SHARED_DATA->ActiveConsoleId != static_cast<DWORD>(-1)) {
// 3. Check for machine shutdown.
dwErrorCode = CheckShutdown(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) {
// 4. Check for mutex availability.
dwErrorCode = CheckMutex(dwTimeout); } } else { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; } } else { dwErrorCode = ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CheckShutdown
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Returns an error code indicating if the machine is shutting
// down or not. If the event cannot be opened then the request
// is rejected.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::CheckShutdown (void)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hEvent;
hEvent = OpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, SZ_SHUT_DOWN_EVENT_NAME); if (hEvent != NULL) { if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0)) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS; } else { dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEvent)); } else { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CheckMutex
// Arguments: dwTimeout = Timeout value.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Attempts to grab the logon mutex. This ensures that the state
// of winlogon is known and it's not busy processing a request.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::CheckMutex (DWORD dwTimeout)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hMutex;
hMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, SZ_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_MUTEX_NAME); if (hMutex != NULL) { dwErrorCode = WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, dwTimeout); if ((WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwErrorCode) || (WAIT_ABANDONED == dwErrorCode)) { TBOOL(ReleaseMutex(hMutex)); dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::FoundUserSessionID
// Arguments: hToken = Token of user session to find.
// pdwSessionID = Returned session ID.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Looks for a user session based on a given token. The match
// is made by user SID.
// History: 2001-04-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CInteractiveLogon::FoundUserSessionID (HANDLE hToken, DWORD *pdwSessionID)
{ bool fResult; PLOGONID pLogonIDs; ULONG ulEntries;
fResult = false; if (WinStationEnumerate(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, &pLogonIDs, &ulEntries) != FALSE) { ULONG ulIndex; PLOGONID pLogonID;
for (ulIndex = 0, pLogonID = pLogonIDs; !fResult && (ulIndex < ulEntries); ++ulIndex, ++pLogonID) { if ((pLogonID->State == State_Active) || (pLogonID->State == State_Disconnected)) { ULONG ulReturnLength; WINSTATIONUSERTOKEN winStationUserToken;
winStationUserToken.ProcessId = ULongToHandle(GetCurrentProcessId()); winStationUserToken.ThreadId = ULongToHandle(GetCurrentThreadId()); winStationUserToken.UserToken = NULL; if (WinStationQueryInformation(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, pLogonID->SessionId, WinStationUserToken, &winStationUserToken, sizeof(winStationUserToken), &ulReturnLength) != FALSE) { fResult = CTokenInformation::IsSameUser(hToken, winStationUserToken.UserToken); if (fResult) { *pdwSessionID = pLogonID->SessionId; } TBOOL(CloseHandle(winStationUserToken.UserToken)); } } }
// Free any resources used.
(BOOLEAN)WinStationFreeMemory(pLogonIDs); } return(fResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::SendRequest
// Arguments: pszUsername = Username.
// pszDomain = Domain.
// pszPassword = Password. This string must be writable.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: This function knows how to transmit the interactive logon
// request from (presumably) session 0 to whatever session is
// the active console session ID.
// pszUsername must be UNLEN + sizeof('\0') characters.
// pszDomain must be DNLEN + sizeof('\0') characters.
// pszPassword must be PWLEN + sizeof('\0') characters.
// pszPassword must be writable. The password is copied and
// encoded and erased from the source buffer.
// History: 2000-12-07 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CInteractiveLogon::SendRequest (const WCHAR *pszUsername, const WCHAR *pszDomain, WCHAR *pszPassword)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode, dwActiveConsoleID; HANDLE hEventReply;
// First get the active console session ID.
dwActiveConsoleID = USER_SHARED_DATA->ActiveConsoleId;
// Create a named event in that session named object space.
hEventReply = CreateSessionNamedReplyEvent(dwActiveConsoleID); if (hEventReply != NULL) { HANDLE hEventSignal;
hEventSignal = OpenSessionNamedSignalEvent(dwActiveConsoleID); if (hEventSignal != NULL) { HANDLE hSection;
// Create a named section that the UI host will open. This code
// is executed in the service context so it's always on session 0.
hSection = CreateSessionNamedSection(dwActiveConsoleID); if (hSection != NULL) { void *pV;
// Map the section into this process address space so we can put
// stuff it in.
pV = MapViewOfFile(hSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (pV != NULL) { __try { DWORD dwWaitResult; CRequestData *pRequestData;
// Fill the section data with the information given.
pRequestData = static_cast<CRequestData*>(pV); pRequestData->Set(pszUsername, pszDomain, pszPassword);
// Wake up the waiting thread in the UI host.
// Wait 15 seconds for a reply the UI host.
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(hEventReply, 15000);
// Return an error code accordingly.
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwWaitResult) { dwErrorCode = pRequestData->GetErrorCode(); } else { dwErrorCode = dwWaitResult; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } TBOOL(UnmapViewOfFile(pV)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSection)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEventSignal)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEventReply)); } return(dwErrorCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::FormulateObjectBasePath
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID of the named object space.
// pszObjectPath = Buffer to receive path.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Creates the correct path to the named object space for the
// given session ID.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::FormulateObjectBasePath (DWORD dwSessionID, WCHAR *pszObjectPath)
{ if (dwSessionID == 0) { (WCHAR*)lstrcpyW(pszObjectPath, L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\"); } else { wsprintfW(pszObjectPath, L"\\Sessions\\%d\\BaseNamedObjects\\", dwSessionID); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CreateSessionNamedReplyEvent
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID.
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Creates the named reply event in the target session ID.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CInteractiveLogon::CreateSessionNamedReplyEvent (DWORD dwSessionID)
{ NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hEvent; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING eventName; WCHAR szEventName[128];
FormulateObjectBasePath(dwSessionID, szEventName); (WCHAR*)lstrcatW(szEventName, s_szEventReplyName); RtlInitUnicodeString(&eventName, szEventName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &eventName, 0, NULL, NULL); status = NtCreateEvent(&hEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, &objectAttributes, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hEvent = NULL; } return(hEvent); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::OpenSessionNamedSignalEvent
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID.
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Opens the named signal event in the target session ID.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CInteractiveLogon::OpenSessionNamedSignalEvent (DWORD dwSessionID)
{ NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hEvent; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING eventName; WCHAR szEventName[128];
FormulateObjectBasePath(dwSessionID, szEventName); (WCHAR*)lstrcatW(szEventName, s_szEventSignalName); RtlInitUnicodeString(&eventName, szEventName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &eventName, 0, NULL, NULL); status = NtOpenEvent(&hEvent, EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, &objectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hEvent = NULL; } return(hEvent); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CreateSessionNamedSection
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID.
// Returns: HANDLE
// Purpose: Creates a named section object in the target session ID.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HANDLE CInteractiveLogon::CreateSessionNamedSection (DWORD dwSessionID)
{ NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hSection; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING sectionName; LARGE_INTEGER sectionSize; WCHAR szSectionName[128];
FormulateObjectBasePath(dwSessionID, szSectionName); (WCHAR*)lstrcatW(szSectionName, s_szSectionName); RtlInitUnicodeString(§ionName, szSectionName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, §ionName, 0, NULL, NULL); sectionSize.LowPart = sizeof(CRequestData); sectionSize.HighPart = 0; status = NtCreateSection(&hSection, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | SECTION_QUERY | SECTION_MAP_WRITE | SECTION_MAP_READ, &objectAttributes, §ionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hSection = NULL; } return(hSection); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::WaitForInteractiveLogonRequest
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Thread that executes in the UI host context of the receiving
// session. This thread waits in an alertable state for the
// signal event. If the event is signaled it does work to log the
// specified user on.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CInteractiveLogon::WaitForInteractiveLogonRequest (void)
{ HANDLE hEvent;
hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, s_szEventSignalName); if (hEvent != NULL) { DWORD dwWaitResult;
while (_fContinue) { dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, INFINITE, TRUE); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwWaitResult) { HANDLE hSection;
hSection = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, s_szSectionName); if (hSection != NULL) { void *pV;
pV = MapViewOfFile(hSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (pV != NULL) { __try { DWORD dwErrorCode; HANDLE hEventReply; CRequestData *pRequestData; INTERACTIVE_LOGON_REQUEST interactiveLogonRequest;
pRequestData = static_cast<CRequestData*>(pV); hEventReply = pRequestData->OpenEventReply(); if (hEventReply != NULL) { dwErrorCode = pRequestData->Get(interactiveLogonRequest.szUsername, interactiveLogonRequest.szDomain, interactiveLogonRequest.szPassword); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) { dwErrorCode = static_cast<DWORD>(SendMessage(_hwndHost, WM_UIHOSTMESSAGE, HM_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_REQUEST, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&interactiveLogonRequest))); } pRequestData->SetErrorCode(dwErrorCode); TBOOL(SetEvent(hEventReply)); TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEventReply)); } else { dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); pRequestData->SetErrorCode(dwErrorCode); } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } TBOOL(UnmapViewOfFile(pV)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSection)); } } else { ASSERTMSG((WAIT_FAILED == dwWaitResult) || (WAIT_IO_COMPLETION == dwWaitResult), "Unexpected result from kernel32!WaitForSingleObjectEx in CInteractiveLogon::WaitForInteractiveLogonRequest"); _fContinue = false; } } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hEvent)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CB_ThreadProc
// Arguments: pParameter = this object.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Callback function stub to member function.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD WINAPI CInteractiveLogon::CB_ThreadProc (void *pParameter)
{ static_cast<CInteractiveLogon*>(pParameter)->WaitForInteractiveLogonRequest(); return(0); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CInteractiveLogon::CB_APCProc
// Arguments: dwParam = this object.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Set object member variable to exit thread loop.
// History: 2000-12-08 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CALLBACK CInteractiveLogon::CB_APCProc (ULONG_PTR dwParam)
{ reinterpret_cast<CInteractiveLogon*>(dwParam)->_fContinue = false; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::InitiateInteractiveLogon
// Arguments: pszUsername = User name.
// pszPassword = Password.
// dwTimeout = Time out in milliseconds.
// Returns: BOOL
// Purpose: External entry point function exported by name to initiate
// an interactive logon with specified timeout.
// History: 2001-04-10 vtan created
// 2001-06-04 vtan added timeout
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI InitiateInteractiveLogon (const WCHAR *pszUsername, WCHAR *pszPassword, DWORD dwTimeout)
{ DWORD dwErrorCode;
dwErrorCode = CInteractiveLogon::Initiate(pszUsername, L"", pszPassword, dwTimeout); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErrorCode) { SetLastError(dwErrorCode); } return(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode); }