// File: simreg.h
// Contents: CRegFile
// Simple Win32/Win16 registry manipulation class
// Copyright (c)1996, Shaun Ivory
// All rights reserved
// Used with permission from Shaun hisself (shauniv)
// History: Sep-26-96 Davepl Created
#include "shtl.h"
#include "simreg.h"
#if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
#include <winreg.h>
#define HKEY_CURRENT_USER (( HKEY ) 0x80000001 )
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (( HKEY ) 0x80000002 )
#ifndef HKEY_USERS
#define HKEY_USERS (( HKEY ) 0x80000003 )
#define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA (( HKEY ) 0x80000004 )
#define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (( HKEY ) 0x80000005 )
#define HKEY_DYN_DATA (( HKEY ) 0x80000006 )
#if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg( HKEY keyRoot, const tstring &szRoot, unsigned char forceCreate, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) : m_hSubKey(0), m_hKeyRoot(0), m_bCreate(forceCreate != 0),m_lpsaSecurityAttributes(lpsa), m_bOpenSuccess(FALSE) { // Normal constructor
SetRoot( keyRoot, szRoot ); } #else
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg( HKEY keyRoot, const tstring &szRoot, unsigned char forceCreate) : m_hSubKey(0), m_hKeyRoot(0), m_bCreate(forceCreate != 0) { // Normal constructor
SetRoot( keyRoot, szRoot ); } #endif
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Assign( const CSimpleReg &other ) { #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
SecurityAttributes(other.SecurityAttributes()); #endif
m_bCreate = other.ForceCreate(); SetRoot( other.GetRootKey(), other.SubKeyName() ); return m_bOpenSuccess; }
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg( const CSimpleReg &other ) : m_hSubKey(0), m_hKeyRoot(0), m_bOpenSuccess(FALSE) { Assign( other ); }
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg::CSimpleReg(void) : m_bOpenSuccess(0), m_hSubKey(0), m_hKeyRoot(0) { #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
m_lpsaSecurityAttributes = NULL; #endif
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg& CSimpleReg::operator=(const CSimpleReg& other) { // Assignment operator
Assign(other); return (*this); }
__DATL_INLINE CSimpleReg::~CSimpleReg(void) { // Destructor
Close(); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::ForceCreate( unsigned char create ) { // Force creation of a key, if it doesn't exist
unsigned char Old = m_bCreate; m_bCreate = (create != 0); Open(); return (Old); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned long CSimpleReg::Size( const tstring &key ) { if (!*this) return (0); DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = 0; LONG Ret; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); #else
Ret = RegQueryValue( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, (LONG FAR *)&dwSize); #endif
if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
if (dwType == REG_SZ || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ || dwType == REG_LINK || dwType == REG_RESOURCE_LIST) return (dwSize / 2); #else
return (dwSize); #endif
} return (0); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned long CSimpleReg::Type( const tstring &key ) { if (!*this) return (0); DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = 0; LONG Ret; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); #else
Ret = RegQueryValue( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, (LONG FAR *)&dwSize); #endif
if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (dwType); } return (0); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, LPTSTR szValue, unsigned short maxLen ) { if (!*this) return (0); DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = maxLen; LONG Ret; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwSize); #else
Ret = RegQueryValue( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), szValue, (LONG FAR *)&dwSize); #endif
return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, tstring &value, unsigned short maxLen ) { // Get a REG_SZ (string) from the specified sub-key
if (!*this) return (0); if (!maxLen) maxLen = (unsigned short)(Size( key ) + 1); if (!maxLen) maxLen = 1; LPTSTR Buffer = new TCHAR[maxLen]; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = maxLen; LONG Ret; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)Buffer, &dwSize); #else
Ret = RegQueryValue( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), Buffer, (LONG FAR *)&dwSize); #endif
if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { value = tstring(Buffer); } delete[] Buffer; return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, DWORD &value ) { // Get a REG_DWORD (unsigned long int) from the specified sub-key
if (!*this) return (0); #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
DWORD Value; DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); LONG Ret; Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&Value, &dwSize); if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { value = Value; } return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); #else
DWORD temp = value; if (QueryBin( key, &temp, sizeof(temp))) { value = temp; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); #endif
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, int &value ) { // Get a REG_DWORD (unsigned long int) from the specified sub-key
DWORD Temp; if (Query(key,Temp)) { value = (int)Temp; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, LONG &value ) { // Get a REG_DWORD (unsigned long int) from the specified sub-key
DWORD Temp; if (Query(key,Temp)) { value = (LONG)Temp; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, WORD &value ) { // Get a REG_DWORD (unsigned long int) from the specified sub-key
DWORD Temp; if (Query(key,Temp)) { value = (WORD)Temp; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Query( const tstring &key, BYTE &value ) { // Get a REG_DWORD (unsigned long int) from the specified sub-key
DWORD Temp; if (Query(key,Temp)) { value = (BYTE)Temp; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
#ifdef SIMREG_WIN32
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::SetBin( const tstring &key, void *value, DWORD size ) { if (!*this) return (0); LONG Ret; Ret = RegSetValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)value, size ); return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::QueryBin( const tstring &key, void *value, DWORD size ) { if (!*this) return (0); DWORD dwType = REG_BINARY; DWORD dwSize = size; LONG Ret; char *Value = new char[size]; Ret = RegQueryValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)Value, &dwSize); if (dwType != REG_BINARY) { delete[] Value; return (0); } if (dwSize != size) { delete[] Value; return (0); } if (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS) { memcpy( value, Value, size ); } delete[] Value; return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::SetBin( const tstring &key, void *value, DWORD size ) { if (!*this) return (0); unsigned char *Value = (unsigned char*)value; tstring Str; char Byte[4]; for (DWORD i=0;i<size;i++) { wsprintf( Byte, "%02X ", Value[i] ); Str = Str + Byte; } return (Set( key, Str )); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::QueryBin( const tstring &key, void *value, DWORD size ) { if (!*this) return (0); unsigned char *Value = (unsigned char *)value; tstring Str; if ((unsigned char)Query( key, Str, (unsigned short)(size * 3 + 1))==0) { return (FALSE); } if (strlen((const char *)Str) != size * 3) { return (FALSE); } tstring Temp; while (Str.length()) { Temp = Str.Left( 3 ); Str = Str.Right( strlen((const char *)Str) - 3 ); *Value = (unsigned char)strtoul((const char *)Temp,NULL,16); Value++; } return (TRUE); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Set( const tstring &key, const tstring &value ) { // Set a REG_SZ value for the specified key.
if (!*this) return (0); LONG Ret; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
Ret = RegSetValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)Totstring(value), value.length()+1 ); #else
Ret = RegSetValue( m_hSubKey, (LPCSTR)Totstring(key), REG_SZ, (LPCSTR)Totstring(value), value.length()+1 ); #endif
return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Set( const tstring &key, DWORD value ) { // Set a REG_SZ value for the specified key.
if (!*this) return (0); #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
LONG Ret; Ret = RegSetValueEx( m_hSubKey, Totstring(key), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&value, sizeof(DWORD) ); return (Ret==ERROR_SUCCESS); #else
return (SetBin( key, &value, sizeof(DWORD))); #endif
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Open(void) { // Open the specified sub key of the open root.
HKEY hKey; LONG Ret; Close(); if (m_bCreate) { #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
DWORD CreatedNewKey; if ((Ret = RegCreateKeyEx( m_hKeyRoot, Totstring(m_SubKeyName), 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, SecurityAttributes(), &hKey, &CreatedNewKey )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) #else
if ((Ret = RegCreateKey( m_hKeyRoot, Totstring(m_SubKeyName), &hKey )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif
{ m_hSubKey = hKey; m_bOpenSuccess = 1; } } else { #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
if ((Ret = RegOpenKeyEx( m_hKeyRoot, Totstring(m_SubKeyName), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) #else
if ((Ret = RegOpenKey( m_hKeyRoot, Totstring(m_SubKeyName), &hKey )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif
{ m_hSubKey = hKey; m_bOpenSuccess = 1; } } return (m_bOpenSuccess); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Close(void) { // If open, close key.
if (m_bOpenSuccess) RegCloseKey(m_hSubKey); m_bOpenSuccess = 0; return (1); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::SetRoot( HKEY keyClass, const tstring &newRoot ) { // Set the root class and key, open.
m_hKeyRoot = GetWin16HKey(keyClass); m_SubKeyName = newRoot; return (Open()); }
__DATL_INLINE unsigned char CSimpleReg::Delete( HKEY root, const tstring &key ) { return (RegDeleteKey(GetWin16HKey(root), Totstring(key)) == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
__DATL_INLINE DWORD CSimpleReg::CountKeys(void) { #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
TCHAR Class[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD ClassSize = sizeof(Class)/sizeof(Class[0]); DWORD subKeyCount=0; RegQueryInfoKey(GetSubKey(),Class,&ClassSize,NULL,&subKeyCount,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); return (subKeyCount); #else
char Name[256]; DWORD NameSize; DWORD subKeyCount=0; for (int i=0;;i++) { NameSize = sizeof(Name) / sizeof(Name[0]); if (RegEnumKey(GetSubKey(),i,Name,NameSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; subKeyCount++; } return (subKeyCount); #endif
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::DoRecurseKeys( HKEY key, const tstring &root, SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, void *extraInfo, int level, int recurseOrder, int failOnOpenError ) { TCHAR Name[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD NameSize; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
TCHAR Class[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD ClassSize; FILETIME FileTime; #endif
CSimpleReg reg(key,root); LONG res; if (!reg.OK()) { return (failOnOpenError ? 0 : 1); } DWORD subKeyCount = reg.CountKeys(); for (DWORD i=subKeyCount;i>0;i--) { NameSize = sizeof(Name)/sizeof(Name[0]); #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
ClassSize = sizeof(Class)/sizeof(Class[0]); if ((res=RegEnumKeyEx(reg.GetSubKey(),i-1,Name,&NameSize,NULL,Class,&ClassSize,&FileTime)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #else
if ((res=RegEnumKey(reg.GetSubKey(),i-1,Name,NameSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif
{ break; } CKeyEnumInfo EnumInfo; EnumInfo.Name = Name; EnumInfo.Root = reg.GetSubKey(); EnumInfo.Level = level; EnumInfo.ExtraData = extraInfo; if (enumProc && recurseOrder==PreOrder) if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) return (0); if (!DoRecurseKeys(reg.GetSubKey(),Name,enumProc,extraInfo,level+1,recurseOrder, failOnOpenError)) return (0); if (enumProc && recurseOrder==PostOrder) if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) return (0); } return (1); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::DoEnumKeys( HKEY key, const tstring &root, SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, void *extraInfo, int failOnOpenError ) { TCHAR Name[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD NameSize; #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
TCHAR Class[256]=TEXT(""); DWORD ClassSize; FILETIME FileTime; #endif
CSimpleReg reg(key,root); LONG res; if (!reg.OK()) { return (failOnOpenError ? 0 : 1); } DWORD subKeyCount = reg.CountKeys(); for (DWORD i=subKeyCount;i>0;i--) { NameSize = sizeof(Name)/sizeof(Name[0]); #if defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
ClassSize = sizeof(Class)/sizeof(Class[0]); if ((res=RegEnumKeyEx(reg.GetSubKey(),i-1,Name,&NameSize,NULL,Class,&ClassSize,&FileTime)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #else
if ((res=RegEnumKey(reg.GetSubKey(),i-1,Name,NameSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) #endif
{ break; } CKeyEnumInfo EnumInfo; EnumInfo.Name = Name; EnumInfo.Root = reg.GetSubKey(); EnumInfo.Level = 0; EnumInfo.ExtraData = extraInfo; if (!enumProc(EnumInfo)) return (0); } return (1); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::RecurseKeys( SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, void *extraInfo, int recurseOrder, int failOnOpenError ) { return (DoRecurseKeys(GetSubKey(), TEXT(""), enumProc, extraInfo, 0, recurseOrder, failOnOpenError )); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::EnumKeys( SimRegKeyEnumProc enumProc, void *extraInfo, int failOnOpenError ) { return (DoEnumKeys(GetSubKey(), TEXT(""), enumProc, extraInfo, failOnOpenError )); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::DeleteEnumKeyProc( CSimpleReg::CKeyEnumInfo &enumInfo ) { return (CSimpleReg::Delete( enumInfo.Root, enumInfo.Name )); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::DeleteRecursively( HKEY root, const tstring &name ) { if (CSimpleReg( root, name ).RecurseKeys( DeleteEnumKeyProc, NULL, CSimpleReg::PostOrder )) return (CSimpleReg::Delete( root, name )); return (0); }
__DATL_INLINE HKEY CSimpleReg::GetWin16HKey( HKEY key ) { #if !defined(SIMREG_WIN32)
if (key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || key == HKEY_USERS || key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || key == HKEY_DYN_DATA) return (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT); #endif
return (key); }
__DATL_INLINE int CSimpleReg::EnumValues( SimRegValueEnumProc enumProc, void *extraInfo ) { TCHAR Name[256]; DWORD Size; DWORD Type; int Result = 1; for (int i=0;;i++) { Size = sizeof(Name) / sizeof(Name[0]); if (RegEnumValue(GetSubKey(),i,Name,&Size,NULL,&Type,NULL,NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; CValueEnumInfo info; info.Name = Name; info.Type = Type; info.Size = Size; info.ExtraData = extraInfo; if (enumProc) { if (!enumProc(info)) { Result = 0; break; } } } return (Result); }