*** SCICALC Scientific Calculator for Windows 3.00.12 *** By Kraig Brockschmidt, Microsoft Co-op, Contractor, 1988-1989 *** (c)1989 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. *** *** scimain.c *** *** Definitions of all globals, WinMain procedure *** *** Last modification *** Fri 22-Nov-1996 *** *** -by- Jonathan Parati. [jonpa] 22-Nov-1996 *** Converted Calc from floating point to infinite precision. *** The new math engine is in ..\ratpak *** *** *** -by- Amit Chatterjee. [amitc] 05-Jan-1990. *** Calc did not have a floating point exception signal handler. This *** would cause CALC to be forced to exit on a FP exception as that's *** the default. *** The signal handler is defined in SCIFUNC.C, in WinMain we hook the *** the signal. \**************************************************************************/
#include "scicalc.h"
#include "calchelp.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "unifunc.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "scidisp.h"
#define BOOLIFY(x) ((x)?1:0)
/**************************************************************************/ /*** Global variable declarations and initializations ***/ /**************************************************************************/
int nCalc=0; /* 0=Scientific, 1=Simple. */ BOOL gbUseSep=FALSE; /* display the number with a separator */ ANGLE_TYPE nDecMode=ANGLE_DEG; /* Holder for last used Deg/Rad/Grad mode. */ UINT gnDecGrouping=0x03; /* Holds the decimal digit grouping number */ int nHexMode=0; /* Holder for last used Dword/Word/Byte mode. */
int nTempCom=0, /* Holding place for the last command. */ nParNum=0, /* Number of parenthases. */ nOpCode=0, /* ID value of operation. */ nOp[25], /* Holding array for parenthasis operations. */ nPrecOp[25], /* Holding array for precedence operations. */ nPrecNum=0, /* Current number of precedence ops in holding. */ gcIntDigits; /* Number of digits allowed in the current base */
eNUMOBJ_FMT nFE = FMT_FLOAT; /* Scientific notation conversion flag. */
HWND g_hwndDlg=0, /* Global handle to main window. */ hEdit=0, /* Handle to Clibboard I/O edit control */ hStatBox=0, /* Global handle to statistics box. */ hListBox=0; /* Global handle for statistics list box. */
HMENU g_hHexMenu=NULL; // Global handle for hex menu
HMENU g_hDecMenu=NULL; // Global handle for dec menu
HANDLE hAccel; // Accelerator handle.
HINSTANCE hInst; // Global instance.
BOOL bHyp=FALSE, // Hyperbolic on/off flag.
bInv=FALSE, // Inverse on/off flag.
bError=FALSE, // Error flag.
bColor=TRUE; // Flag indicating if color is available.
HNUMOBJ ghnoNum=NULL, // Currently displayed number used everywhere.
ghnoParNum[25], // Holding array for parenthasis values.
ghnoPrecNum[25], // Holding array for precedence values.
ghnoMem=NULL, // Current memory value.
ghnoLastNum = NULL; // Number before operation (left operand).
LONG nPrecision = 32, // number of digits to use in decimal mode
nDecimalPlaces = 10, // number of decimal places to show
nRadix=10, // the current base (2, 8, 10, or 16)
dwWordBitWidth = 64; // # of bits in currently selected word size
BOOL g_fHighContrast = FALSE; // Are we in High Contrast mode?
HNUMOBJ g_ahnoChopNumbers[4]; // word size inforcement
BOOL bFarEast; // true if we need to use Far East localization
BOOL g_fLayoutRTL = FALSE; #endif
extern CALCINPUTOBJ gcio; extern BOOL gbRecord;
TCHAR szAppName[10]=TEXT("SciCalc"), /* Application name. */ szDec[5]=TEXT("."), /* Default decimal character */ gszSep[5]=TEXT(","), /* Default thousand seperator */ szBlank[6]=TEXT(""); /* Blank space. */
LPTSTR gpszNum = NULL; static TCHAR szInitNum[] = TEXT("0"); // text to init gpszNum with
/* rgpsz[] is an array of pointers to strings in a locally allocated */ /* memory block. This block is fixed such that LocalLock does not need */ /* to be called to use a string. */
TCHAR *rgpsz[CSTRINGS]; RECT rcDeg[6];
void ParseCmdLine( LPSTR pszCmdA ); BOOL InitializeWindowClass( HINSTANCE hPrevInstance ); void InitialOneTimeOnlySetup(); void EverythingResettingNumberSetup();
extern WNDPROC fpOrgDispEditProc; LRESULT CALLBACK SubDispEditProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
/**************************************************************************/ /*** Main Window Procedure. ***/ /*** ***/ /*** Important functions: ***/ /*** 1) Gets text dimensions and sets conversion units correctly. ***/ /*** ***/ /*** 2) Checks the display device driver for color capability. ***/ /*** If only 2 colors are available (mono, cga), bColor is ***/ /*** set to FALSE, and the background brush is gray. If ***/ /*** color is available, the background brush colors are read ***/ /*** from WIN.INI and the brush is created. ***/ /*** ***/ /*** 3) Window and hidden edit control are created. ***/ /*** ***/ /*** 4) Contains message loop and deletes the brushes used. ***/ /*** ***/ /**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { MSG msg; INT nx; LPTSTR psz; int cch = 0, cchTotal = 0; TCHAR szTempString[100] = {0}; #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
DWORD dwLayout; #endif
// A bunch of sanity checks to ensure nobody is violating any of the
// bazillion
// assumptions calc makes about the order of controls. Of course these
// asserts
// wouldn't prevent a really dedicated person from messing things up but they
// should help guide a rational person who might not be aware of calc's
// idiosyncrasies.
// Anyone who modifies the resource file should hit these asserts which
// will then
// alert them to the consequences of their actions.
// IDC_0 to IDC_F must be in sequential increasing order
ASSERT( 15 == (IDC_F - IDC_0) ); // Binary operators IDC_AND through IDC_PWR must be in order
ASSERT( (95-86) == (IDC_PWR - IDC_AND) ); // Unary operators IDC_CHOP through IDC_EQU must be in order
ASSERT( (112-96) == (IDC_EQU - IDC_CHOP) ); // menu item id's must be in order
if (GetProcessDefaultLayout(&dwLayout) && (dwLayout & LAYOUT_RTL)) { SetProcessDefaultLayout(dwLayout & ~LAYOUT_RTL); g_fLayoutRTL = TRUE; } #endif
ParseCmdLine( lpCmdLine );
hInst = hInstance;
if ( !InitializeWindowClass( hPrevInstance ) ) return FALSE;
// Read strings for keys, errors, trig types, etc.
// These will be copied from the resources to local memory. A larger
// than needed block is allocated first and then reallocated once we
// know how much is actually used.
try { psz = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, ByteCountOf(CCHSTRINGSMAX)); if (!psz) throw;
int cchResourceBuffer = CCHSTRINGSMAX, cchLeftInBuffer;
// build up an offset array in rgpsz
for (nx = 0; nx <= CSTRINGS; nx++) { INT_PTR iOffset; Retry: cchLeftInBuffer = cchResourceBuffer - cchTotal; cch = 1 + LoadString(hInstance, (UINT)(IDS_FIRSTKEY + nx), psz + cchTotal, cchLeftInBuffer);
if (cch == (cchResourceBuffer - cchTotal)) // woops: buffer was too small
{ LPTSTR pszTmp = (LPTSTR)LocalReAlloc(psz, ByteCountOf(cchResourceBuffer + CCHSTRINGSMAX), LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (!pszTmp) throw; psz = pszTmp; cchResourceBuffer += CCHSTRINGSMAX; goto Retry; }
iOffset = (INT_PTR)cchTotal; rgpsz[nx] = (LPTSTR)iOffset; // first pass is offset array
cchTotal += cch; } LPTSTR pszTmp = (LPTSTR)LocalReAlloc(psz, ByteCountOf(cchTotal), LMEM_MOVEABLE); if (!pszTmp) throw; psz = pszTmp;
// convert the array of offsets into an array of pointers
for (nx = 0 ; nx <= CSTRINGS ; nx++) rgpsz[nx] = psz + (INT_PTR)rgpsz[nx]; } catch ( ... ) { if (psz) LocalFree(psz); if (LoadString(hInst, IDS_NOMEM, szTempString, CharSizeOf(szTempString))) { MessageBox((HWND) NULL, szTempString, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND); } return FALSE; }
// The display in calc isn't really an edit control so we use this edit
// control to simplify cutting to the clipboard
// This initializes things that only need to be set up once, including a
// call to ratpak so that ratpak can create any constants it needs
// we store in the win.ini file our desired display mode, Scientific
// or Standard
nCalc = (INT)GetProfileInt(szAppName, TEXT("layout"), 1);
gbUseSep = (INT)GetProfileInt(szAppName, TEXT("UseSep"), 0);
// InitSciCalc creates a dialog based on what the value of nCalc is.
// A handle to the window that is created is stored in g_hwndDlg
hAccel = LoadAccelerators(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_ACCELTABLE));
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!hStatBox || !IsDialogMessage(hStatBox, &msg)) { if ( ((msg.hwnd == g_hwndDlg)||IsChild(g_hwndDlg, msg.hwnd)) && TranslateAccelerator (g_hwndDlg, (HACCEL)hAccel, &msg)) continue;
TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
LocalFree(psz); return (DWORD)msg.wParam; }
* * Command Line processing routines * * History * 22-Nov-1996 JonPa Wrote it * \**************************************************************************/
#define IsWhiteSpace( ch ) ((ch) == TEXT(' ') || (ch) == TEXT('\t'))
#define IsDigit( ch ) ((ch) >= TEXT('0') && (ch) <= TEXT('9'))
LPTSTR TtoL( LPTSTR psz, LONG *pl ) { LONG l = 0;
while( IsDigit( *psz ) ) { l = l * 10 + (*psz - TEXT('0')); psz = CharNext( psz ); }
*pl = l; return psz; }
void ParseCmdLine( LPSTR pszCmdA ) { BOOL fInQuote; LPTSTR pszCmdT = GetCommandLine();
// parse cmd line
// usage: -p:## -r:## -w:## -e -x -i
// -e, -x, and -i currently do nothing.
// Skip app name
while( *pszCmdT && IsWhiteSpace( *pszCmdT )) { pszCmdT = CharNext( pszCmdT ); }
fInQuote = FALSE; while( *pszCmdT && (fInQuote || !IsWhiteSpace(*pszCmdT)) ) { if (*pszCmdT == TEXT('\"')) fInQuote = !fInQuote; pszCmdT = CharNext( pszCmdT ); }
while( *pszCmdT ) { switch( *pszCmdT ) { case TEXT('p'): case TEXT('P'): // -p:## precision
pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT);
// Skip ':' and white space
while( *pszCmdT && (*pszCmdT == TEXT(':') || IsWhiteSpace(*pszCmdT)) ) { pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT); }
pszCmdT = TtoL( pszCmdT, &nPrecision );
// a percision > C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS will allow a string too long for it's buffer
if ( nPrecision > C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS) { ASSERT( nPrecision <= C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS ); nPrecision = C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS; }
// NOTE: this code assumes there MUST be a space after the number
case TEXT('r'): case TEXT('R'): // -r:## Radix
pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT);
// Skip ':' and white space
while( *pszCmdT && (*pszCmdT == TEXT(':') || IsWhiteSpace(*pszCmdT)) ) { pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT); }
pszCmdT = TtoL( pszCmdT, &nRadix );
// since the UI only has 16 keys for digit input, we only allow upto base 16
if (nRadix > 16) { ASSERT( nRadix <= 16 ); nRadix = 16; } else if (nRadix < 2) // you know some fool would try for base zero if you let them
{ ASSERT( nRadix >= 2 ); nRadix = 2; }
// NOTE: this code assumes there MUST be a space after the number
case TEXT('e'): case TEXT('E'): // -e extended mode
case TEXT('w'): case TEXT('W'): // -w:## Word size in bits
pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT);
// Skip ':' and white space
while( *pszCmdT && (*pszCmdT == TEXT(':') || IsWhiteSpace(*pszCmdT)) ) { pszCmdT = CharNext(pszCmdT); }
// Set bit count
pszCmdT = TtoL( pszCmdT, &dwWordBitWidth );
// NOTE: this code assumes there MUST be a space after the number
break; }
pszCmdT = CharNext( pszCmdT ); } }
// InitalizeWindowClass
BOOL InitializeWindowClass( HINSTANCE hPrevInstance ) { WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
if (!hPrevInstance) { wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); wndclass.style = 0; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = CalcWndProc; wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wndclass.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA; wndclass.hInstance = hInst; wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, TEXT("SC")); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE); wndclass.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDM_CALCMENU); wndclass.lpszClassName = szAppName; wndclass.hIconSm = NULL;
if (!RegisterClassEx(&wndclass)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// InitialOneTimeOnlyNumberSetup
void InitialOneTimeOnlySetup() { // Initialize the decimal input code. This ends up getting called twice
// but it's quick so that shouldn't be a problem. Needs to be done before
// SetRadix is called.
CIO_vClear( &gcio ); gbRecord = TRUE;
// we must now setup all the ratpak constants and our arrayed pointers
// to these constants.
// these rat numbers are set only once and then never change regardless of
// base or precision changes
g_ahnoChopNumbers[0] = rat_qword; g_ahnoChopNumbers[1] = rat_dword; g_ahnoChopNumbers[2] = rat_word; g_ahnoChopNumbers[3] = rat_byte;
// we can't call this until after we have set the radix (and thus called
// ChangeConstants) so we do it last.
NumObjAssign( &ghnoMem, HNO_ZERO ); }
// EverythingResettingNumberSetup
void EverythingResettingNumberSetup() { int i;
// Initialize the decimal input code.
CIO_vClear( &gcio ); gbRecord = TRUE;
NumObjAssign( &ghnoNum, HNO_ZERO ); NumObjAssign( &ghnoLastNum, HNO_ZERO );
// REVIEW: is it just me, or do we speew major memory wheneven this method
// executes?
// array used to handle ( and )
for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ghnoParNum); i++ ) ghnoParNum[i] = NULL;
// array used to handle order of operations
for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ghnoPrecNum); i++ ) ghnoPrecNum[i] = NULL;
gpszNum = (LPTSTR)NumObjAllocMem( sizeof(szInitNum) ); if (gpszNum) { lstrcpy( gpszNum, szInitNum ); } }
// InitSciCalc
VOID APIENTRY InitSciCalc(BOOL bViewChange) { TCHAR chLastDec; TCHAR chLastSep; int nLastSepLen; UINT nLastDecGrouping; HMENU hMenu; HWND hDispEdit; BOOL bRepaint=FALSE; RECT rect = {0,0,0,0}; TCHAR szGrouping[32];
// when we switch modes, we need to remind the ui that we are no longer
// inputing the number we were inputting before we switched modes.
gbRecord = FALSE; // REVIEW: This should not be needed with the new initialization
chLastDec = szDec[0]; chLastSep = gszSep[0]; nLastDecGrouping=gnDecGrouping;
GetProfileString(TEXT("intl"), TEXT("sDecimal"), TEXT("."), szDec, CharSizeOf(szDec)); GetProfileString(TEXT("intl"), TEXT("sThousand"), TEXT(","), gszSep, CharSizeOf(gszSep));
ZeroMemory(szGrouping,sizeof(szGrouping)); GetProfileString(TEXT("intl"), TEXT("sGrouping"), TEXT("3;0"), szGrouping, CharSizeOf(szGrouping));
// if the grouping pattern changed we always do the following things
if (gnDecGrouping != nLastDecGrouping) { nLastDecGrouping=gnDecGrouping; bRepaint=TRUE; } // if the thousands symbol has changed we always do the following things
if ( gszSep[0] != chLastSep ) { chLastSep = gszSep[0];
bRepaint = TRUE; } // if the decimal symbol has changed we always do the following things
if ( szDec[0] != chLastDec ) { chLastDec = szDec[0];
// Re-initialize input string's decimal point.
CIO_vUpdateDecimalSymbol(&gcio, chLastDec);
// put the new decimal symbol into the table used to draw the decimal
// key
*(rgpsz[IDS_DECIMAL]) = chLastDec;
// we need to redraw to update the decimal point button
bRepaint = TRUE; }
{ HIGHCONTRAST hc; hc.cbSize = sizeof(hc); if ( SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST, sizeof(hc), &hc, 0) ) { if ( BOOLIFY(hc.dwFlags & HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON) != g_fHighContrast ) { g_fHighContrast = BOOLIFY(hc.dwFlags & HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON); bRepaint = TRUE; } } }
if ( bViewChange ) { BOOL bUseOldPos = FALSE;
// if we are changing views we destory the old window and create
// a new window
if ( g_hwndDlg ) { SetMenu(g_hwndDlg, g_hDecMenu); bUseOldPos = TRUE; GetWindowRect( g_hwndDlg, &rect ); DestroyWindow( g_hwndDlg ); DestroyMenu(g_hHexMenu); g_hHexMenu=NULL; }
// create the correct window for the mode we're currently in
if ( nCalc ) { // switch to standard mode
g_hwndDlg = CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_STANDARD), 0, NULL); g_hDecMenu=GetMenu(g_hwndDlg);
if (g_fLayoutRTL) { SetWindowLong(g_hwndDlg, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(g_hwndDlg,GWL_EXSTYLE) | \ WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT); } #endif
} else { // switch to scientific mode
g_hwndDlg = CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SCIENTIFIC), 0, NULL); g_hDecMenu=GetMenu(g_hwndDlg); g_hHexMenu=LoadMenu(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDM_HEXCALCMENU));
if (g_fLayoutRTL) { SetWindowLong(g_hwndDlg, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(g_hwndDlg,GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT); } #endif
// Stat box is initially off, disable stat buttons.
for ( int iID = IDC_AVE; iID <= IDC_DATA; iID++ ) EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( g_hwndDlg, iID ), FALSE );
SwitchModes(10, nDecMode, nHexMode);
// If precision won't fit in display, then resize it
if (nPrecision > 32) { HWND hwndDisplay; RECT rc, rcMain;
hwndDisplay=GetDlgItem( g_hwndDlg, IDC_DISPLAY ); GetWindowRect( hwndDisplay, &rc ); GetClientRect( g_hwndDlg, &rcMain ); MapWindowPoints( g_hwndDlg, NULL, (LPPOINT)&rcMain, 2);
rc.left = rcMain.left + (rcMain.right - rc.right); OffsetRect( &rc, -(rcMain.left), -(rcMain.top) );
SetWindowPos(hwndDisplay, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER ); } }
if (hDispEdit = GetDlgItem(g_hwndDlg, IDC_DISPLAY)) { // subclass the Edit Control hide caret and filter out mouse msg
fpOrgDispEditProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(hDispEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC); if (fpOrgDispEditProc) SetWindowLongPtr(hDispEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)(WNDPROC)SubDispEditProc); } // keep calc in the same place it was before
if ( bUseOldPos ) { SetWindowPos( g_hwndDlg, NULL, rect.left, rect.top, 0,0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE ); }
// ensure the menu items for Scientific and Standard are set correctly
CheckMenuRadioItem(g_hDecMenu, IDM_SC, IDM_SSC, (nCalc == 0 ? IDM_SC : IDM_SSC), MF_BYCOMMAND);
if (g_hHexMenu) { CheckMenuRadioItem(g_hHexMenu, IDM_SC, IDM_SSC, (nCalc == 0 ? IDM_SC : IDM_SSC), MF_BYCOMMAND);
// To ensure that the call to SetRadix correctly update the active
// state of the buttons on
// SciCalc we must tell it to forget the previous Radix
{ extern long oldRadix; oldRadix = (unsigned)-1; }
// this will set the correct buttons on the UI
SetDlgItemText(g_hwndDlg, IDC_MEMTEXT, NumObjIsZero(ghnoMem) ? (szBlank) : (TEXT(" M")) );
ShowWindow( g_hwndDlg, SW_SHOW ); UpdateWindow(g_hwndDlg);
} // END if ( bViewChanged )
else if ( bRepaint ) { // no need to repaint if we just changed views
InvalidateRect( g_hwndDlg, NULL, TRUE ); } }