#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "pbrusfrm.h"
#include "pbrusvw.h"
#include "minifwnd.h"
#include "cmpmsg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static CHAR BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "memtrace.h"
// CmpCenterParent retrieves a window to which a modal dialog should
// be centered (relative center).
// NOTE: The return value may be temporary!
CWnd* CmpCenterParent() { CWnd* pPopupWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();;
ASSERT(pPopupWnd != NULL);
if (pPopupWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMiniFrmWnd))) { // don't center relative to mini-frame windows
CWnd* pParentWnd = pPopupWnd->GetParent();
// instead use parent or main window...
if (pParentWnd != NULL) pPopupWnd = pParentWnd; else pPopupWnd = theApp.m_pMainWnd; }
return pPopupWnd; }
// composer message box, same interface as windows, but you give
// string id's not strings
// example: CmpMessageBox( IDS_OUTOFMEMORY, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK );
int CmpMessageBox( WORD wTextStringID, // string id of text
WORD wCaptionID, // string id of caption
UINT nType ) // same as message box
{ TCHAR FAR* lpText; TCHAR FAR* lpCaption; CString sText, sCaption;
if( wCaptionID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpCaption = NULL; else { VERIFY( sCaption.LoadString( wCaptionID ) );
lpCaption = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sCaption; }
if( wTextStringID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpText = TEXT(""); else { VERIFY( sText.LoadString( wTextStringID ) );
lpText = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sText; }
CWnd *pcWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pcWnd != NULL) { return pcWnd->MessageBox(lpText, lpCaption, nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } else { return ::MessageBox(NULL, lpText, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } }
int CmpMessageBoxString( CString& s, WORD wCaptionID, UINT nType ) { TCHAR FAR* lpCaption; CString sText, sCaption;
if( wCaptionID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpCaption = NULL; else { VERIFY( sCaption.LoadString( wCaptionID ) );
lpCaption = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sCaption; }
CWnd *pcWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pcWnd != NULL) { return pcWnd->MessageBox((const TCHAR *)s, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } else { return ::MessageBox(NULL, (const TCHAR *)s, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } }
int CmpMessageBox2( WORD wTextStringID, WORD wCaptionID, UINT nType, LPCTSTR szParam1, LPCTSTR szParam2 ) { TCHAR FAR* lpText; TCHAR FAR* lpCaption; CString sText, sCaption;
if( wCaptionID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpCaption = NULL; else { VERIFY( sCaption.LoadString( wCaptionID ) );
lpCaption = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sCaption; }
if( wTextStringID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpText = TEXT(""); else { AfxFormatString2( sText, wTextStringID, szParam1, szParam2);
lpText = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sText; }
CWnd *pcWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pcWnd != NULL) { return pcWnd->MessageBox(lpText, lpCaption, nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } else { return ::MessageBox(NULL, lpText, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } }
// composer message box, combines wsprintf, you continue to
// use string ids
// example:
// CmpMessageBoxPrintf( IDS_CANTOPEN, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK, lpszFileName );
#define nLocalBuf 512
extern "C" int CDECL CmpMessageBoxPrintf(WORD wTextStringID, // string id of text (format)
WORD wCaptionID, // string id of caption
UINT nType, // same as message box
... ) // wsprintf arguments
{ TCHAR FAR* lpText; TCHAR FAR* lpCaption; CString sText, sCaption; int nBuf; TCHAR szBuffer[nLocalBuf];
va_list args; va_start( args, nType );
if( wCaptionID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpCaption = NULL; else { VERIFY( sCaption.LoadString( wCaptionID ) );
lpCaption = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sCaption; }
if( wTextStringID == CMPNOSTRING ) lpText = TEXT(""); else { VERIFY( sText.LoadString( wTextStringID ) );
lpText = (TCHAR FAR*)(const TCHAR *)sText; }
nBuf = wvsprintf( szBuffer, lpText, args );
ASSERT( nBuf < nLocalBuf ); CWnd *pcWnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
if (pcWnd != NULL) { return pcWnd->MessageBox(szBuffer, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } else { return ::MessageBox(NULL, szBuffer, lpCaption,nType | MB_TASKMODAL); } }