// UMDialog.cpp : implementation file
// Author: J. Eckhardt, ECO Kommunikation
// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// History:
// Changes
// Yuri Khramov
// 01-jun-99: DisplayName key used in the Dialog (Localization)
// 11-jun-99: DlgHasClosed code changed to work with app closure
// 15-jun-99: Timer delay increased 1000ms
// Bug fixes and Changes Anil Kumar 1999
#include <afxwin.h> // MFC core and standard components
#include <afxext.h> // MFC extensions
#include "UManDlg.h"
#include "UMDialog.h"
#include "UMAbout.h"
#include "_UMDlg.h"
#include "_UMClnt.h"
#include "_UMTool.h"
#include "UMS_Ctrl.h"
#include "w95trace.h"
#include <WinSvc.h>
#include <htmlhelp.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include "deskswitch.c"
#include "ManageShellLinks.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// --------------------------------------------
// constants
#define IDC_ABOUT 10
// --------------------------------------------
// variables
static DWORD g_cClients = 0; static umclient_tsp g_rgClients = NULL; static DWORD s_dwStartMode = START_BY_OTHER; static BOOL s_fShowWarningAgain = TRUE; extern CUMDlgApp theApp; // --------------------------------------------
// C prototypes
static BOOL InitClientData(void); static BOOL StartClientsOnShow(); static BOOL WriteClientData(BOOL fRunningSecure); static BOOL IsStartAuto(); static BOOL CantStopClient(umclient_tsp client); static int GetClientNameFromAccelerator(WPARAM wVK);
extern "C" BOOL StartAppAsUser( LPCTSTR appPath, LPTSTR cmdLine, LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
// Help ID's for context sensitive help
DWORD g_rgHelpIds[] = { IDC_NAME_STATUS, 3, IDC_START, 1001, IDC_STOP, 1002, IDC_START_AT_LOGON, 1003, // TODO UE needs to update CS help
IDC_START_WITH_UM, 1004, IDC_START_ON_LOCK, 1005, // TODO UE needs to add to CS help
IDOK, 1100, IDCANCEL, 1200, ID_HELP, 1300, };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
extern "C"{ //--------------------------------
HWND g_hWndDlg = NULL; HWND aboutWnd = NULL; static HANDLE s_hDlgThread = NULL;
static HDESK s_hdeskSave = 0; static HDESK s_hdeskInput = 0;
// UnassignDesktop gets called after the thread has exited to
// close desktop handles opened in AssignDesktop.
inline void UnassignDesktop() { if (s_hdeskInput) { CloseDesktop(s_hdeskInput); s_hdeskInput = 0; } }
BOOL AssignDesktop(DWORD dwThreadId) { s_hdeskSave = GetThreadDesktop(dwThreadId); s_hdeskInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); if (!s_hdeskInput) { s_hdeskInput = OpenDesktop(_TEXT("Winlogon"),0,FALSE,MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); } if (s_hdeskInput) { BOOL fSet = SetThreadDesktop(s_hdeskInput); } return (s_hdeskInput)?TRUE:FALSE; }
DWORD UManDlgThread(LPVOID /* UNUSED */ in) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
UMDialog dlg;
// assign thread to the input desktop (have to do
// this here so it works on the winlogon desktop)
if (AssignDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId())) { // initialize COM *after* assign to input desktop
// because CoInitialize creates a hidden window on
// the current desktop.
CoInitialize(NULL); InitCommonControls();
if (InitClientData()) { Sleep(10); dlg.DoModal(); if (g_rgClients) { VirtualFree(g_rgClients,0,MEM_RELEASE); g_rgClients = NULL; } g_cClients = 0; g_hWndDlg = NULL; s_hDlgThread = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); // uninitialize COM
return 1; }
void StopDialog() { if (aboutWnd) { EndDialog(aboutWnd,0); aboutWnd = NULL; Sleep(10); } if (g_hWndDlg) { ::PostMessage(g_hWndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); g_hWndDlg = NULL; Sleep(10); UnassignDesktop(); } if (g_rgClients) { VirtualFree(g_rgClients,0,MEM_RELEASE); g_rgClients = NULL; } g_cClients = 0; }
#if defined(_X86_)
__declspec (dllexport) #endif
// UManDlg - Opens or closes the utilman dialog.
// fShowDlg - TRUE if dialog should be shown, FALSE if dialog should be closed
// fWaitForDlgClose - TRUE if the function should not return until the dialog
// is closed or a desktop switch happens else FALSE.
// dwVersion - The utilman version
// returns TRUE if the dialog was opened or closed
// returns FALSE if the dialog could not be opened or it wasn't open
BOOL UManDlg(BOOL fShowDlg, BOOL fWaitForDlgClose, DWORD dwVersion) { BOOL fRv = FALSE; if (dwVersion != UMANDLG_VERSION) return FALSE;
if (fShowDlg) { if (!s_hDlgThread) { s_hDlgThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, UManDlgThread, NULL, 0, NULL); } else { SetForegroundWindow((aboutWnd)?aboutWnd:g_hWndDlg); }
if (s_hDlgThread && fWaitForDlgClose) { // This code is executed on the default desktop for the following cases:
// 1. Utilman #1 run from the start menu
// 2. Utilman #2 run from the start menu (utilman #1 is SYSTEM)
// 3. Utilman #2 run by utilman #1 in user's context
// Wait for either the dialog to close or a desktop switch then return.
// This will end this instance of utilman. If there is a utilman
// running as SYSTEM it will bring up the dialog on the other desktop.
HANDLE rghEvents[2];
rghEvents[0] = s_hDlgThread; rghEvents[1] = OpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, __TEXT("WinSta0_DesktopSwitch"));
while (TRUE) { DWORD dwObj = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(2, rghEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT ); switch (dwObj) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // the desktop is changing; close the dialog
StopDialog(); // intentional fall thru to cleanup code
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // the thread exited; clean up and return
CloseHandle(s_hDlgThread); s_hDlgThread = 0; CloseHandle(rghEvents[1]); return TRUE; break;
default: // process messages
{ MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } break; } } } } else { // This code is executed when utilman is running on the secure desktop. In
// that case, utilman brings up the dialog as a thread from its process.
// When the desktop switch is detected utilman calls this function to close
// the dialog. It will be restarted again on the new desktop.
fRv = (g_hWndDlg && s_hDlgThread);
StopDialog(); } return fRv; }
BOOL IsDialogUp() { return (g_hWndDlg && s_hDlgThread)?TRUE:FALSE; }
}//extern "C"
// CWarningDlg dialog
CWarningDlg::CWarningDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CWarningDlg::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CWarningDlg)
m_fDontWarnAgain = TRUE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
void CWarningDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CWarningDlg)
DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHK_WARN, m_fDontWarnAgain); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWarningDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWarningDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CWarningDlg message handlers
// UMDialog dialog
// --------------------------------------------
UMDialog::UMDialog(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(UMDialog::IDD, pParent) , m_fRunningSecure(FALSE) { m_szUMStr.LoadString(IDS_UM);
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
UMDialog::~UMDialog() { m_lbClientList.Detach(); } // --------------------------------------------
void UMDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(UMDialog)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
} // --------------------------------------------
// UMDialog message handlers
BOOL UMDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { // Override that allows use of function keys to launch applets when on
// the logon desktop. Only pay attention to key up to avoid dup calls.
if (m_fRunningSecure && WM_KEYUP == pMsg->message) { int iClient = GetClientNameFromAccelerator(pMsg->wParam); if (iClient >= 0) { m_lbClientList.SelectString(-1, g_rgClients[iClient].machine.DisplayName); OnStart(); return TRUE; } } return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
BOOL UMDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
// set the flag indicating if we are running in secure mode
desktop_ts desktop; QueryCurrentDesktop(&desktop, TRUE); m_fRunningSecure = RunSecure(desktop.type);
if (s_fShowWarningAgain && s_dwStartMode == START_BY_MENU) { CWarningDlg dlgWarn; dlgWarn.m_fDontWarnAgain = !s_fShowWarningAgain; dlgWarn.DoModal(); s_fShowWarningAgain = !dlgWarn.m_fDontWarnAgain; }
g_hWndDlg = m_hWnd;
// change system menu
CMenu *hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (hSysMenu) { CString str; hSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); str.LoadString(IDS_ABOUT_STRING); hSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING,IDC_ABOUT,LPCTSTR(str)); }
// handle any "start when utility manager starts" applets
// attach ListBox to member data and populate w/list of applications
m_lbClientList.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_NAME_STATUS)->m_hWnd); ListClients();
// Disable Help button if we are at WinLogon because the help
// dialog supports "Jump to URL..." exposing security risk.
// The m_fRunningSecure variable is TRUE if UI shouldn't expose help.
if (m_fRunningSecure) { EnableDlgItem(ID_HELP, FALSE, IDOK); }
// Disable "Start when UtilMan starts" unless user is an admin
// and we are running in non-secure mode.
if (s_dwStartMode != START_BY_MENU) { GetDlgItem(IDC_START_WITH_UM)->EnableWindow(IsAdmin() && !m_fRunningSecure); }
// Bring dialog to top and center on desktop window
RECT rectUmanDlg,rectDesktop; GetDesktopWindow()->GetWindowRect(&rectDesktop); GetWindowRect(&rectUmanDlg);
long lDlgWidth = rectUmanDlg.right - rectUmanDlg.left; long lDlgHieght = rectUmanDlg.bottom - rectUmanDlg.top; if (!m_fRunningSecure) { rectUmanDlg.left = (rectDesktop.right - lDlgWidth)/2; rectUmanDlg.top = (rectDesktop.bottom - lDlgHieght)/2; } else { rectUmanDlg.left = rectDesktop.left + (long)(lDlgWidth/10); rectUmanDlg.top = rectDesktop.bottom - lDlgHieght - (long)(lDlgHieght/10); }
// This looks a bit odd (SetForegroundWindow should also be activating
// the window) but if you don't call SetActiveWindow on the secure
// desktop then the second, etc... WinKey+U will bring up UM hidden
// behind the welcome "screen".
SetActiveWindow(); SetForegroundWindow(); SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost,rectUmanDlg.left,rectUmanDlg.top,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE); if (!m_fRunningSecure) { // on default desktop the above SetWindowPos makes the dialog initially
// on top and this call allows other apps to then be on top.
SetWindowPos(&wndNoTopMost,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE); }
// start checking every so often to see if we need to update our display
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// -----------------------------------------------------
void UMDialog::OnSysCommand(UINT nID,LPARAM lParam) { if (nID == IDC_ABOUT) { UMAbout dlg; dlg.DoModal(); aboutWnd = NULL; } else { CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID,lParam); } }//UMDialog::OnSysCommand
// ------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------
// CanStartOnLockedDesktop - returns TRUE if applets can
// be configured to be auto-started on the secure desktop
inline BOOL CanStartOnLockedDesktop(int iWhichClient, BOOL fRunningSecure) { // user can ask for auto start on secure desktop if they are logged on, the
// applet is OK'd to run on the secure desktop and the machine isn't using
// fast user switching (FUS) (w/FUS Ctrl+Alt+Del disconnects the user session
// rather than switching desktops).
BOOL fCanStartOnLockedDesktop = ( !fRunningSecure && g_rgClients[iWhichClient].user.fCanRunSecure && CanLockDesktopWithoutDisconnect() )?TRUE:FALSE;
return fCanStartOnLockedDesktop; }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnSelchangeNameStatus is called when the user navigates the list
// box items by clicking with the mouse or using up/down arrows.
void UMDialog::OnSelchangeNameStatus() { // Get the currently selected item and update the controls for
// the currently selected item.
int iSel; if (GetSelectedClient((int)g_cClients, iSel)) { // Group box label
CString str(g_rgClients[iSel].machine.DisplayName); CString optStr; optStr.Format(IDS_OPTIONS, str); GetDlgItem(IDC_OPTIONS)->SetWindowText(optStr);
// only enable options when started via WinKey+U
if (s_dwStartMode != START_BY_MENU) { // Disable "start at logon" at secure desktop to avoid mischief
if (!m_fRunningSecure) { GetDlgItem(IDC_START_AT_LOGON)->EnableWindow(TRUE); } else { // this may be set in an upgrade situation; clear it
g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartAtLogon = FALSE; GetDlgItem(IDC_START_AT_LOGON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); }
// Enable "start on locked desktop" if at default desktop and
// when applet can run on secure desktop
if (CanStartOnLockedDesktop(iSel, m_fRunningSecure)) { GetDlgItem(IDC_START_ON_LOCK)->EnableWindow(TRUE); } else { // this may be set in an upgrade situation; clear it
g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartOnLockDesktop = FALSE; GetDlgItem(IDC_START_ON_LOCK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } // Start option checkboxes
CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_AT_LOGON, (g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartAtLogon)?TRUE:FALSE); CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_ON_LOCK, (g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartOnLockDesktop)?TRUE:FALSE); CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_WITH_UM, (g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartWithUtilityManager)?TRUE:FALSE); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_START_AT_LOGON)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_START_ON_LOCK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_START_WITH_UM)->EnableWindow(FALSE); CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_AT_LOGON, FALSE); CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_ON_LOCK, FALSE); CheckDlgButton(IDC_START_WITH_UM, FALSE); }
// Start and stop buttons
DWORD dwState = g_rgClients[iSel].state;
if ((dwState == UM_CLIENT_RUNNING) && (g_rgClients[iSel].runCount >= g_rgClients[iSel].machine.MaxRunCount)) EnableDlgItem(IDC_START, FALSE, IDC_NAME_STATUS); else EnableDlgItem(IDC_START, TRUE, IDC_NAME_STATUS);
if ((dwState == UM_CLIENT_NOT_RUNNING) || CantStopClient(&g_rgClients[iSel])) EnableDlgItem(IDC_STOP, FALSE, IDC_NAME_STATUS); else EnableDlgItem(IDC_STOP, TRUE, IDC_NAME_STATUS);
}// else ignore selections not in a valid range
// --------------------------------------------
void UMDialog::OnClose() { // behave like cancel
CDialog::OnClose(); }//UMDialog::OnClose
// --------------------------------------------
// OnStart is called when the Start button is clicked. It starts
// the client ap then lets the timer update saved state.
void UMDialog::OnStart() { int iSel; if (GetSelectedClient((int)g_cClients, iSel)) { if (StartClient(m_hWnd, &g_rgClients[iSel])) { KillTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER); EnableDlgItem(IDC_STOP, TRUE, IDC_NAME_STATUS); ListClients(); SetTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER, 3000, NULL); if (g_rgClients[iSel].runCount+1 >= g_rgClients[iSel].machine.MaxRunCount) EnableDlgItem(IDC_START, FALSE, IDC_STOP); } else if (g_rgClients[iSel].runCount < g_rgClients[iSel].machine.MaxRunCount) { // Unable to start
CString str; str.LoadString((m_fRunningSecure)?IDS_SECUREMODE:IDS_ERRSTART); MessageBox(str, m_szUMStr, MB_OK); } } }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnStop is called when the Stop button is clicked. It stops
// the client ap then lets the timer update saved state.
void UMDialog::OnStop() { int iSel; if (GetSelectedClient((int)g_cClients, iSel)) { if (StopClient(&g_rgClients[iSel])) { KillTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER); GetDlgItem(IDC_START)->EnableWindow(TRUE); ListClients(); EnableDlgItem(IDC_STOP, FALSE, IDOK); SetTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER, 3000, NULL); } else { // Unable to stop
CString str; str.LoadString(IDS_ERRSTOP); MessageBox(str, m_szUMStr, MB_OK); } } }
void UMDialog::SaveCurrentState() { int iSel; if (GetSelectedClient((int)g_cClients, iSel)) { g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartAtLogon = (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_START_AT_LOGON))?TRUE:FALSE; g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartWithUtilityManager = (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_START_WITH_UM))?TRUE:FALSE; g_rgClients[iSel].user.fStartOnLockDesktop = (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_START_ON_LOCK))?TRUE:FALSE; } }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnOK is called when the user clicks the OK button to
// dismiss the UtilMan dialog.
void UMDialog::OnOK() { SaveCurrentState();
CDialog::OnOK(); }//UMDialog::OnOK
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OnTimer is called to check the status of client apps that are displayed
// in the UI. This keeps the UI consistent with the running client app's.
void UMDialog::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if (nIDEvent == UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER) { UINT uiElapsed = 3000; KillTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER);
// get current status and pick up new apps
if (CheckStatus(g_rgClients, g_cClients)) { ListClients(); // something has changed - update the UI
uiElapsed = 500; }
SetTimer(UPDATE_CLIENT_LIST_TIMER, uiElapsed, NULL); } CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnHelpInfo provides context sensitive help. It only does
// this if not on the WinLogon desktop.
BOOL UMDialog::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo) { if (m_fRunningSecure) return FALSE;
if ( pHelpInfo->iCtrlId == IDC_OPTIONS ) return TRUE;
::WinHelp((HWND)pHelpInfo->hItemHandle, __TEXT("utilmgr.hlp"), HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) (LPSTR) g_rgHelpIds);
return TRUE; }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnHelpInfo provides context sensitive help when the user
// right-clicks the dialog. It only does this if not on the
// WinLogon desktop.
void UMDialog::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point) { if (m_fRunningSecure) return;
::WinHelp(pWnd->m_hWnd, __TEXT("utilmgr.hlp"), HELP_CONTEXTMENU , (DWORD_PTR) (LPSTR) g_rgHelpIds); }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnHelp provides standard help. It only does this if not
// on the WinLogon desktop.
void UMDialog::OnHelp() { if (m_fRunningSecure) return; ::HtmlHelp(m_hWnd , TEXT("utilmgr.chm"), HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); }
// ----------------------------------
void UMDialog::EnableDlgItem(DWORD dwEnableMe, BOOL fEnable, DWORD dwFocusHere) { // when disabling a control that currently has focs switch it to dwFocusHere
if (!fEnable && (GetFocus() == GetDlgItem(dwEnableMe))) GetDlgItem(dwFocusHere)->SetFocus();
GetDlgItem(dwEnableMe)->EnableWindow(fEnable); }
void UMDialog::SetStateStr(int iClient) { switch (g_rgClients[iClient].state) { case UM_CLIENT_NOT_RUNNING: m_szStateStr.Format(IDS_NOT_RUNNING, g_rgClients[iClient].machine.DisplayName); break;
case UM_CLIENT_RUNNING: m_szStateStr.Format(IDS_RUNNING, g_rgClients[iClient].machine.DisplayName); break;
case UM_CLIENT_NOT_RESPONDING: m_szStateStr.Format(IDS_NOT_RESPONDING, g_rgClients[iClient].machine.DisplayName); break;
default: m_szStateStr.Empty(); break; } }
// --------------------------------------------
void UMDialog::ListClients() { // Re-do the client list box with latest state info
int iCurSel = m_lbClientList.GetCurSel(); if (iCurSel == LB_ERR) iCurSel = 0;
m_lbClientList.ResetContent(); for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_cClients; i++) { SetStateStr(i);
if (!m_szStateStr.IsEmpty()) { m_lbClientList.AddString(m_szStateStr); } } m_lbClientList.SetCurSel(iCurSel);
// Refresh button states in case they've changed
// (this happens on desktop switch)
OnSelchangeNameStatus(); }
// --------------------------------------------
// UpdateClientState updates the client list box with the current state
// of the application (running, not running, not responding)
void UMDialog::UpdateClientState(int iSel) { SetStateStr(iSel); m_lbClientList.DeleteString(iSel); m_lbClientList.InsertString(iSel, m_szStateStr); m_lbClientList.SetCurSel(iSel);
// --------------------------------------------
// OnStartAtLogon updates the state of the client in memory when the
// Start with Windows checkbox is checked or unchecked.
void UMDialog::OnStartAtLogon() { SaveCurrentState(); }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnStartWithUm updates the state of the client in memory when the
// Start with Utility Manager checkbox is checked or unchecked.
void UMDialog::OnStartWithUm() { SaveCurrentState(); }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnStartOnLock updates the state of the client in memory when the
// Start when I lock my desktop checkbox is checked or unchecked.
void UMDialog::OnStartOnLock() { SaveCurrentState(); }
// --------------------------------------------
// OnShowWindow
// This was added for a timing problem where utilman came up running in the system context on the users desktop
// this code here makes sure that that cannot happen by cheching right when the dialog is about to appear
void UMDialog::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) { HDESK hdesk; SID *desktopSID = NULL; hdesk = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); // this is expected to fail for the winlogon desktop and thats ok
if (hdesk) { TCHAR desktopName[NAME_LEN]; DWORD nl, SIDLen = 0; if (!GetUserObjectInformation(hdesk, UOI_NAME, desktopName, NAME_LEN, &nl)) goto StopDialog;
if (!GetUserObjectInformation(hdesk, UOI_USER_SID, desktopSID, 0, &SIDLen)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) goto StopDialog; } if (SIDLen > 0 && !lstrcmpi(desktopName, TEXT("Default"))) { desktopSID = (SID*)new BYTE[SIDLen]; if (!desktopSID) goto StopDialog; if (!GetUserObjectInformation(hdesk, UOI_USER_SID, desktopSID, SIDLen, &SIDLen)) goto StopDialog;
BOOL fError; HANDLE hUserToken = GetUserAccessToken(TRUE, &fError); if (fError) goto StopDialog; // We get a token only if there is a logged on user.
// If there is not then we can come up as system with no worries.
if (!hUserToken) goto LetDialogComeup;
BOOL fStatus = FALSE; BOOL fIsInteractiveUser = FALSE; PSID psidInteractive = InteractiveUserSid(TRUE);
if (!psidInteractive) goto StopDialog;
fStatus = CheckTokenMembership(hUserToken, psidInteractive, &fIsInteractiveUser);
//If the logged on user is the interactive user and we are running as system then it is a
// security risk to show UI. This can happen when rappidly switching desktops.
if ( fStatus && fIsInteractiveUser && IsSystem()) goto StopDialog; } }
LetDialogComeup: if (desktopSID) delete [] desktopSID; return; StopDialog: StopDialog(); if (desktopSID) delete [] desktopSID;
// C code
__inline void ReplaceDisplayName(LPTSTR szName, int iRID) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_APPLICATION_NAME_LEN]; if (LoadString(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), iRID, szBuf, MAX_APPLICATION_NAME_LEN)) lstrcpy(szName, szBuf); }
void SetLocalizedDisplayName() { // Make localization easier; don't require them to localize registry entries.
// Instead, replace our copy with the localized version. This appears to be
// duplicate code to that in umanrun.c however, that part of the code always
// runs as system and therefore the DisplayName is set to the default system
// language. This part of the code (the UI) runs as the logged on user when
// there is one so these resources will be the user's language. The resources
// and associated code should be removed from utilman.exe and this code and
// resources (from umandlg.dll) should be used.
for (DWORD i=0;i<g_cClients;i++) { if ( lstrcmp( g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName, TEXT("Magnifier") ) == 0 ) { ReplaceDisplayName(g_rgClients[i].machine.DisplayName, IDS_DISPLAY_NAME_MAGNIFIER); } else if ( lstrcmp( g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName, TEXT("Narrator") ) == 0 ) { ReplaceDisplayName(g_rgClients[i].machine.DisplayName, IDS_DISPLAY_NAME_NARRATOR); } else if ( lstrcmp( g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName, TEXT("On-Screen Keyboard") ) == 0 ) { ReplaceDisplayName(g_rgClients[i].machine.DisplayName, IDS_DISPLAY_NAME_OSK); } } }
static BOOL InitClientData(void) { BOOL fRv = TRUE;
// On initial run allocate and initialize client array
if (!g_rgClients || !g_cClients) { umc_header_tsp pHdr = 0; umclient_tsp c = 0; DWORD_PTR accessID,accessID2; g_cClients = 0; g_rgClients = NULL; fRv = FALSE;
pHdr = (umc_header_tsp)AccessIndependentMemory( UMC_HEADER_FILE, sizeof(umc_header_ts), FILE_MAP_READ, &accessID); if (!pHdr) { goto Cleanup; } s_dwStartMode = pHdr->dwStartMode; // capture the Utilman start mode
s_fShowWarningAgain = pHdr->fShowWarningAgain; // and warning dialog flag
if (!pHdr->numberOfClients) { goto Cleanup; } c = (umclient_tsp)AccessIndependentMemory( UMC_CLIENT_FILE, sizeof(umclient_ts)*pHdr->numberOfClients, FILE_MAP_READ, &accessID2); if (!c) { goto Cleanup; } g_rgClients = (umclient_tsp)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(umclient_ts)*pHdr->numberOfClients, MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_READWRITE); if (!g_rgClients) { goto Cleanup; } if (!VirtualAlloc(g_rgClients, sizeof(umclient_ts)*pHdr->numberOfClients, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) { goto Cleanup; }
fRv = TRUE; g_cClients = pHdr->numberOfClients; memcpy(g_rgClients,c,sizeof(umclient_ts)*pHdr->numberOfClients);
SetLocalizedDisplayName(); Cleanup: if (pHdr) { UnAccessIndependentMemory(pHdr, accessID); } if (c) { UnAccessIndependentMemory(c, accessID2); } if (!fRv && g_rgClients) { VirtualFree(g_rgClients, 0, MEM_RELEASE); g_rgClients = NULL; g_cClients = 0; }
// "Start when I log on" is per-user setting so get that
// each time the dialog is brought up
CManageShellLinks CManageLinks(STARTUP_FOLDER); for (DWORD i=0;i<g_cClients;i++) { g_rgClients[i].user.fStartAtLogon = CManageLinks.LinkExists(g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName); }
return fRv; }
// RegSetUMDwordValue - helper function to set a DWORD string value creating it if necessary
BOOL RegSetUMDwordValue(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszString, DWORD dwNewValue) { HKEY hSubkey; int iRv; DWORD dwValue = dwNewValue;
iRv = RegCreateKeyEx( hKey , pszKey , 0, NULL , REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , KEY_ALL_ACCESS , NULL, &hSubkey, NULL);
if (iRv == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx( hSubkey , pszString , 0, REG_DWORD , (BYTE *)&dwValue , sizeof(DWORD));
RegCloseKey(hSubkey); }
void WriteUserRegData(HKEY hKeyCU, BOOL fDoAppletData) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwRv = RegCreateKeyEx(hKeyCU , UM_HKCU_REGISTRY_KEY , 0 , NULL , REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL , &hkey, NULL);
if (dwRv == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRv = RegSetValueEx( hkey , UMR_VALUE_SHOWWARNING , 0, REG_DWORD , (BYTE *)&s_fShowWarningAgain , sizeof(DWORD));
if (fDoAppletData) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_cClients; i++) { RegSetUMDwordValue( hkey , g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName , UMR_VALUE_STARTLOCK , g_rgClients[i].user.fStartOnLockDesktop); } }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } }
// --------------------------------------------
static BOOL CopyClientData() { umclient_tsp c; DWORD_PTR accessID; if (!g_cClients || !g_rgClients) return TRUE; c = (umclient_tsp)AccessIndependentMemory( UMC_CLIENT_FILE, sizeof(umclient_ts)*g_cClients, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, &accessID); if (!c) return FALSE; memcpy(c,g_rgClients,sizeof(umclient_ts)*g_cClients); UnAccessIndependentMemory(c, accessID); return TRUE; }
static void CopyHeaderData() { umc_header_tsp pHdr; DWORD_PTR accessID;
pHdr = (umc_header_tsp)AccessIndependentMemory( UMC_HEADER_FILE, sizeof(umc_header_ts), FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, &accessID); if (pHdr) { pHdr->fShowWarningAgain = s_fShowWarningAgain; UnAccessIndependentMemory(pHdr, accessID); } }
// ----------------------------------
// WriteClientData - save settings to the registry
static BOOL WriteClientData(BOOL fRunningSecure) { // It only makes sense to do this if there are any applets being managed
// (shouldn't get here) and if there is a logged on user (otherwise the
// settings cannot be changed)
if (!g_cClients || !g_rgClients || fRunningSecure) return TRUE;
// The SYSTEM instance of utilman needs to be updated in case the user
// changed any options. This is so subsequent instances of the UI will
// get the correct options without having to read the registry.
CopyHeaderData(); CopyClientData();
// Write utilman settings data. Put "Start when UtilMan starts" in HKLM,
// "Start when I lock desktop" in HKCU, and "Start when I log on" into
// a startup link in the logged on user's shell folder.
// "Start when UtilMan starts" settings... (only for admins)
DWORD i; if (IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(g_hWndDlg, IDC_START_WITH_UM))) { HKEY hHKLM; DWORD dwRv = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , UM_REGISTRY_KEY , 0 , NULL , REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE , KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL , &hHKLM, NULL); if (dwRv == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (i = 0; i < g_cClients; i++) { RegSetUMDwordValue( hHKLM , g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName , UMR_VALUE_STARTUM , g_rgClients[i].user.fStartWithUtilityManager); } RegCloseKey(hHKLM); } }
// "Start when I lock my desktop" settings... (any logged on user)
// and Don't show me the warning anymore setting
WriteUserRegData(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(g_hWndDlg, IDC_START_ON_LOCK)));
// manage shell folder link updates (logged on user only)
if (IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(g_hWndDlg, IDC_START_AT_LOGON))) { CManageShellLinks CManageLinks(STARTUP_FOLDER);
for (i = 0; i < g_cClients; i++) { LPTSTR pszAppName = g_rgClients[i].machine.ApplicationName; BOOL fLinkExists = CManageLinks.LinkExists(pszAppName);
// if should start at logon and there isn't a link then create one
// and if shouldn't start at logon and there is a link then delete it
if (g_rgClients[i].user.fStartAtLogon && !fLinkExists) { TCHAR pszAppPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszApp = 0;
// Following is TRUE *only* if pszAppPath is non-null string value
if (GetClientApplicationPath(pszAppName , pszAppPath , MAX_PATH)) { TCHAR pszFullPath[MAX_PATH*2+1]; // path + filename
TCHAR pszStartIn[MAX_PATH]; int ctch, ctchAppPath = lstrlen(pszAppPath);
// if pszAppPath is just base name and extension then prepend system path
if (wcscspn(pszAppPath, TEXT("\\")) != (size_t)ctchAppPath || wcscspn(pszAppPath, TEXT(":")) != (size_t)ctchAppPath) { TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE], szDir[_MAX_DIR]; _wsplitpath(pszAppPath, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL); lstrcpy(pszStartIn, szDrive); lstrcat(pszStartIn, szDir);
pszApp = pszAppPath; } else { ctch = GetSystemDirectory(pszStartIn, MAX_PATH);
lstrcpy(pszFullPath, pszStartIn); // save path to build full path
if (ctch + ctchAppPath + 2 > MAX_PATH*2) { DBPRINTF(TEXT("WriteClientData: Path is too short!\r\n")); } else { if (*(pszFullPath + ctch - 1) != '\\') lstrcat(pszFullPath, TEXT("\\"));
lstrcat(pszFullPath, pszAppPath); pszApp = pszFullPath; } }
if (pszApp) { // remove ending '\' from StartIn path
ctch = lstrlen(pszStartIn) - 1; if (*(pszStartIn + ctch) == '\\') *(pszStartIn + ctch) = 0;
CManageLinks.CreateLink( pszAppName , pszApp , pszStartIn , g_rgClients[i].machine.DisplayName , TEXT("/UM")); } } } else if (!g_rgClients[i].user.fStartAtLogon && fLinkExists) { CManageLinks.RemoveLink(pszAppName); } } }
return TRUE; } // --------------------------------------------
static BOOL CantStopClient(umclient_tsp client) { switch (client->machine.ApplicationType) { case APPLICATION_TYPE_APPLICATION: break; case APPLICATION_TYPE_SERVICE: { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; SC_HANDLE hService; SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (!hSCM) return TRUE; hService = OpenService(hSCM, client->machine.ApplicationName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); if (!hService) return TRUE; if (!QueryServiceStatus(hService, &ssStatus) || !(ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP)) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); return TRUE; } CloseServiceHandle(hService); break; } } return FALSE; }//CantStopClient
// We don't want UtilMan to startType to be Automatic
// It should only be made Automatic if it is required, When the user
// selects "Start when NT starts" through the GUI :a-anilk
static BOOL IsStartAuto() { #ifdef NEVER // MICW Don't start service anymore at logon because of TS
DWORD nClient; for(nClient = 0; nClient < g_cClients; nClient++) { if ( g_rgClients[nClient].user.fStartAtLogon == TRUE ) return TRUE; } #endif
return FALSE; }
static int GetClientNameFromAccelerator(WPARAM wVK) { for (int i=0;i<(int)g_cClients;i++) if (g_rgClients[i].machine.AcceleratorKey == wVK) return i; return -1; }
static BOOL StartClientsOnShow() { BOOL fOK = TRUE; for (int i=0;i<(int)g_cClients;i++) { if ( g_rgClients[i].user.fStartWithUtilityManager && !StartClient(g_hWndDlg, &g_rgClients[i])) fOK = FALSE; } return fOK; }