** ** Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1990, All Rights Reserved. ** ** Multimedia Control Panel Applet for installing/configuring installable ** device drivers. See the ispec doc DRIVERS.DOC for more information. ** ** History: ** ** Tue Jul 31 1990 -by- MichaelE ** Created. ** ** Thu Oct 25 1990 -by- MichaelE ** Added restart, horz. scroll, added SKIPDESC reading desc. strings. ** ** Sat Oct 27 1990 -by- MichaelE ** Added FileCopy. Uses SULIB.LIB and LZCOPY.LIB. Finished stuff ** for case of installing a driver with more than one type. ** ** May 1991 -by- JohnYG ** Added and replaced too many things to list. Better management ** of removed drivers, correct usage of DRV_INSTALL/DRV_REMOVE, ** installing VxD's, replaced "Unknown" dialog with an OEMSETUP.INF ** method, proper "Cancel" method, fixed many potential UAE's. */
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntseapi.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cpl.h>
#include <cphelp.h>
#include "drivers.h"
#include "sulib.h"
typedef struct { int idIcon; int idName; int idInfo; BOOL bEnabled; DWORD dwContext; PSTR pszHelp; } APPLET_INFO;
#define NUM_APPLETS 1
#define OBJECT_SIZE 1024
APPLET_INFO near applets[NUM_APPLETS]; BOOL bBadOemSetup; BOOL bRestart = FALSE; int iRestartMessage = 0; BOOL bInstallBootLine = FALSE; BOOL bCopyVxD; BOOL bFindOEM = FALSE; BOOL bRelated = FALSE; BOOL bDriversAppInUse; BOOL bCopyingRelated; BOOL bDescFileValid; HANDLE myInstance; HWND hlistbox; UINT wHelpMessage; DWORD dwContext; PINF pinfOldDefault; char szDriversHlp[24]; char szLastQuery[20]; char szSetupInf[18]; char szKnown[250]; char szRestartDrv[80]; char szUnlisted[150]; char szRelatedDesc[30]; char szAppName[26]; char szDrivers[12]; char szRemove[12]; char szControlIni[20]; char szSysIni[20]; char szMCI[6]; char szOutOfRemoveSpace[54]; char szDriversDesc[38]; char szUserDrivers[38];
// Where the source of files to copy is - user updates
char szDirOfSrc[MAX_PATH]; char szAddDriver[36]; char szNoDesc[36]; char szError[20]; char szRemoveOrNot[250]; char szRemoveOrNotStrict[250]; char szStringBuf[128]; char szMDrivers[38]; char szMDrivers32[38]; char szFullPath[MAXFILESPECLEN]; char szSystem[MAX_PATH]; char szOemInf[MAX_PATH]; char aszClose[16]; char szFileError[50];
static HANDLE hIList; static HANDLE hWndMain;
* Global flag telling us if we're allowed to write to ini files */
BOOL IniFileWriteAllowed;
DWORD GetFileDateTime (LPSTR); PSTR GetProfile (PSTR,PSTR, PSTR, PSTR, int); int AddIDriver (HWND, PIDRIVER); void AddIDrivers (HWND, PSTR, PSTR); BOOL InitInstalled (HWND, PSTR); BOOL InitAvailable (HWND, int); void CloseDrivers (HWND); void RemoveAvailable (HWND); BOOL UserInstalled (PSTR); BOOL RestartDlg (HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG); BOOL AddUnlistedDlg (HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG); int AvailableDriversDlg (HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG); BOOL ListInstalledDlg (HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG); LONG CPlApplet (HWND, unsigned, UINT, LONG); void ReBoot (HWND);
* CheckSectionAccess() * * See if we can read/write to a given section */
BOOL CheckSectionAccess(char *szIniFile, char *SectionName) { static char TestKey[] = "TestKey!!!"; static char TestData[] = "TestData"; static char ReturnData[50];
* Check we can write, read back and delete our key */
return WritePrivateProfileString(SectionName, TestKey, TestData, szIniFile) &&
GetPrivateProfileString(SectionName, TestKey, "", ReturnData, sizeof(ReturnData), szIniFile) == (DWORD)strlen(TestData) &&
WritePrivateProfileString(SectionName, TestKey, NULL, szIniFile); }
* CheckIniAccess() * * Checks access to our 2 .ini file sections - DRIVERS_SECTION and * MCI_SECTION by just writing and reading some junk * * Basically if we don't have access to these sections we're not * going to allow Add and Remove. The individual MCI drivers must * take care not to put their data into non-writeable storage although * this completely messes up the default parameters thing so we're going * to put these into a well-known key in the win.ini file (ie per user). * */
BOOL CheckIniAccess(void) { return CheckSectionAccess(szSysIni, szDrivers) && CheckSectionAccess(szSysIni, szMCI) && CheckSectionAccess(szControlIni, szUserDrivers) && CheckSectionAccess(szControlIni, szDriversDesc) && CheckSectionAccess(szControlIni, szRelatedDesc); }
* QueryRemoveDrivers() * * Ask the user if they're sure. If the Driver is one required by the * system (ie not listed in [Userinstallable.drivers] in control.ini) * warn the user of that too. */
BOOL NEAR PASCAL QueryRemoveDrivers(HWND hDlg, PSTR szKey, PSTR szDesc) { char bufout[MAXSTR];
if (UserInstalled(szKey)) wsprintf(bufout, szRemoveOrNot, (LPSTR)szDesc); else wsprintf(bufout, szRemoveOrNotStrict, (LPSTR)szDesc);
return (MessageBox(hDlg, bufout, szRemove, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_YESNO) == IDYES ); }
* GetProfile() * * Get private profile strings. */
PSTR GetProfile(PSTR pstrAppName, PSTR pstrKeyName, PSTR pstrIniFile, PSTR pstrRet, int iSize) { char szNULL[2];
szNULL[0] = '\0'; GetPrivateProfileString(pstrAppName, (pstrKeyName==NULL) ? NULL : (LPSTR)pstrKeyName, szNULL, pstrRet, iSize, pstrIniFile); return(pstrRet); }
* * AddIDriver() * * Add the passed driver to the Installed drivers list box, return * the list box index. * *********************************************************************/
int AddIDriver(HWND hWnd, PIDRIVER pIDriver) { int iIndex; PIDRIVER pIDriverlocal;
iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); while ( iIndex-- > 0) if ( (int)(pIDriverlocal = (PIDRIVER)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L)) != LB_ERR) if (!FileNameCmp(pIDriverlocal->szFile, pIDriver->szFile)) return(0);
// create the list box item
if ((iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG)(LPSTR)pIDriver->szDesc)) != LB_ERR) SendMessage(hWnd, LB_SETITEMDATA, iIndex, (LONG)pIDriver);
return(iIndex); }
* * AddIDrivers() * * Add drivers in the passed key strings list to the Installed Drivers box. * *********************************************************************/
void AddIDrivers(HWND hWnd, PSTR pstrKeys, PSTR pstrSection) { PIDRIVER pIDriver; HWND hWndInstalled; PSTR pstrKey; PSTR pstrDesc;
hWndInstalled = GetDlgItem(hWnd, LB_INSTALLED); pstrKey = pstrKeys; pstrDesc = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAXSTR);
* parse key strings for profile, and make IDRIVER structs */
while ( *pstrKey ) { pIDriver = (PIDRIVER)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(IDRIVER)); if ( pIDriver ) { PSTR pstr;
if (*GetProfile(pstrSection, pstrKey, szSysIni, pIDriver->szFile, sizeof(pIDriver->szFile)) == '\0') { LocalFree((HANDLE)pIDriver); goto nextkey; }
for ( pstr=pIDriver->szFile; *pstr && (*pstr!=COMMA) && (*pstr!=SPACE); pstr++ ) ; *pstr = '\0';
if (bDescFileValid) #endif
* try to load the cached description */
GetProfile(szDriversDesc, pIDriver->szFile, szControlIni, pIDriver->szDesc, sizeof(pIDriver->szDesc));
* if we failed, then try to get the information from * mmdriver.inf or the exehdr */
if (pIDriver->szDesc[0] == '\0') { if (LoadDesc(pIDriver, pstrKey, pstrDesc) != DESC_NOFILE) { if (!*pstrDesc) { /*
* failed to load a description. * The file isn't in setup.inf * and doesn't have exehdr information */
lstrcpy(pIDriver->szDesc, pIDriver->szFile); lstrcat(pIDriver->szDesc, szNoDesc); } else lstrcpy(pIDriver->szDesc, pstrDesc);
WritePrivateProfileString(szDriversDesc, pIDriver->szFile, pIDriver->szDesc, szControlIni); } else { LocalFree((HANDLE)pIDriver); goto nextkey; } }
strncpy(pIDriver->szAlias, pstrKey, sizeof(pIDriver->szAlias)); pIDriver->szAlias[sizeof(pIDriver->szAlias) - 1] = 0; mbstowcs(pIDriver->wszAlias, pIDriver->szAlias, MAX_PATH);
strncpy(pIDriver->szSection, pstrSection,sizeof(pIDriver->szSection)); pIDriver->szSection[sizeof(pIDriver->szSection) - 1] = 0; mbstowcs(pIDriver->wszSection, pIDriver->szSection, MAX_PATH);
pIDriver->KernelDriver = IsFileKernelDriver(pIDriver->szFile); pIDriver->fQueryable = pIDriver->KernelDriver ? 0 : -1;
if (AddIDriver(hWndInstalled, pIDriver) < LB_OKAY) LocalFree((HANDLE)pIDriver); } else break; //ERROR Low Memory
nextkey: while (*pstrKey++); } LocalFree((HANDLE)pstrDesc); }
* * FindInstallableDriversSection() * *********************************************************************/
PINF FindInstallableDriversSection(PINF pinf) { PINF pinfFound;
pinfFound = infFindSection(pinf, szMDrivers32);
if (pinfFound == NULL) { pinfFound = infFindSection(pinf, szMDrivers); }
return pinfFound; }
* * InitInstalled() * * Add the drivers installed in [DRIVERS] and [MCI] to the Installed * Drivers list box. * *********************************************************************/
BOOL InitInstalled(HWND hWnd, PSTR pstrSection) { BOOL bSuccess=FALSE; PSTR pstr;
UINT wTime; BOOL fForce; char szOut[10];
wTime = LOWORD(GetFileDateTime(szControlIni)) >> 1; if (fForce = (GetPrivateProfileInt((LPSTR)szUserDrivers, (LPSTR)szLastQuery, 0, (LPSTR)szControlIni) != wTime)) { wsprintf(szOut, "%d", wTime); WritePrivateProfileString((LPSTR)szUserDrivers, (LPSTR)szLastQuery, szOut, (LPSTR)szControlIni); WritePrivateProfileString((LPSTR)szDriversDesc, NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)szControlIni); bDescFileValid = FALSE; } else bDescFileValid = TRUE; #endif
pstr = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, SECTION); if ( pstr ) { if (*GetProfile(pstrSection, NULL, szSysIni, pstr, SECTION )) { AddIDrivers(hWnd,pstr,pstrSection); bSuccess = TRUE; }
LocalFree((HANDLE)pstr); } return(bSuccess); }
static VOID CancelToClose(HWND hwnd) { char aszText[sizeof(aszClose)];
GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDCANCEL, aszText, sizeof(aszText)); if (lstrcmp(aszText, aszClose)) SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDCANCEL, aszClose); }
static BOOL fRemove=FALSE;
* * ListInstalledDlg() * * Display list of installed installable drivers. Return TRUE/FALSE * indicating if should restart windows. * ********************************************************************/
BOOL ListInstalledDlg(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { DRVCONFIGINFO DrvConfigInfo; HANDLE hWndI, hWnd; PIDRIVER pIDriver; int iIndex;
switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
// Window is redrawn twice at startup but showwindow does not fix it
// ShowWindow(hDlg, TRUE);
hWndI = GetDlgItem(hDlg, LB_INSTALLED); SendMessage(hWndI,WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
* Handle the fact that we may not be able to update our .ini * sections * */
IniFileWriteAllowed = CheckIniAccess();
if (!IniFileWriteAllowed) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_ADD),FALSE); { char szCantAdd[120]; LoadString(myInstance, IDS_CANTADD, szCantAdd, sizeof(szCantAdd)); MessageBox(hDlg, szCantAdd, szError, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL); } }
if (!(InitInstalled(hDlg, szDrivers) | InitInstalled(hDlg, szMCI))) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_CONFIGURE),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_REMOVE),FALSE); }
SendMessage(hWndI, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
case WM_COMMAND: hlistbox = hWndI = GetDlgItem(hDlg, LB_INSTALLED); hWndMain = hDlg;
iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWndI, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L);
pIDriver = (PIDRIVER)SendMessage(hWndI, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L);
switch ( LOWORD(wParam )) { case IDH_CHILD_DRIVERS: goto DoHelp;
case LB_INSTALLED: switch ( HIWORD(wParam) ) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: case LBN_SETFOCUS: { BOOL fConfigurable;
fConfigurable = ((iIndex >= LB_OKAY) && IsConfigurable(pIDriver, hDlg)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_CONFIGURE), fConfigurable); // Only enable the button if we are not in the
// process of removing a driver. Otherwise a
// button click can get stacked up, the line
// in the list box can get removed, perhaps as a
// related driver, and bad things start to happen.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_REMOVE), IniFileWriteAllowed && !fRemove && iIndex != LB_ERR); break; } case LBN_DBLCLK: if ( IsWindowEnabled(hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_CONFIGURE)) ) PostMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(ID_CONFIGURE, BN_CLICKED),(LONG)hWnd); break; } break;
case ID_ADD: DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_KNOWN), hDlg, AvailableDriversDlg); CancelToClose(hDlg); break;
case ID_CONFIGURE: { HANDLE hDriver;
hDriver = OpenDriver(pIDriver->wszAlias, pIDriver->wszSection, 0L);
if (hDriver) { InitDrvConfigInfo(&DrvConfigInfo, pIDriver); if ((SendDriverMessage( hDriver, DRV_CONFIGURE, (LONG)hDlg, (LONG)(LPDRVCONFIGINFO)&DrvConfigInfo) == DRVCNF_RESTART)) { iRestartMessage= 0; DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_RESTART), hDlg, RestartDlg); } CloseDriver(hDriver, 0L, 0L); CancelToClose(hDlg); } else OpenDriverError(hDlg, pIDriver->szDesc, pIDriver->szFile); } break;
case ID_REMOVE: // Prevent any more REMOVE button presses
// Otherwise one can get stacked up and cause trouble,
// particularly if it is assocated with a driver that
// is automatically removed. We have to use a static
// as any focus changes cause the button to change state.
fRemove = TRUE; EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_REMOVE),FALSE); if (QueryRemoveDrivers(hDlg, pIDriver->szAlias, pIDriver->szDesc)) { LONG Status; Status = PostRemove(hWndI, pIDriver, TRUE, iIndex); if (Status != DRVCNF_CANCEL) { // As we have removed a driver we need to reset
// the current selection
PostMessage(hWndI, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); iRestartMessage= IDS_RESTART_REM; if (Status == DRVCNF_RESTART) { DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_RESTART), hDlg, RestartDlg); } } } /* Reenable the Config/Remove buttons */ fRemove = FALSE; // Remove can be activated again
// Force the button state to be updated
PostMessage(hWndMain, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(LB_INSTALLED, LBN_SELCHANGE), (LONG)hWndI); CancelToClose(hDlg); break;
case IDCANCEL: wsStartWait();
* free the driver structs added as DATAITEM */
CloseDrivers(hWndI); wsEndWait(); EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break;
default: return(FALSE); } break;
default: if (uMsg == wHelpMessage) { DoHelp: WinHelp(hDlg, szDriversHlp, HELP_CONTEXT, IDH_CHILD_DRIVERS); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; break; } return(TRUE); }
* * * * * LB_AVAILABLE Dialog Routines * * * * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* DLG: LB_AVAILABLE * * InitAvailable() * * Add the available drivers from mmdriver.inf to the passed list box. * The format of [Installable.drivers] in setup.inf is: * profile=disk#:driverfile,"type1,type2","Installable driver Description","vxd1.386,vxd2.386","opt1,2,3" * * for example: * * driver1=6:sndblst.drv,"midi,wave","SoundBlaster MIDI and Waveform drivers","vdmad.386,vadmad.386","3,260" */
BOOL InitAvailable(HWND hWnd, int iLine) { PINF pinf; BOOL bInitd=FALSE; PSTR pstrKey; int iIndex; char szDesc[MAX_INF_LINE_LEN];
SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0L);
* Parse the list of keywords and load their strings */
for (pinf = FindInstallableDriversSection(NULL); pinf; pinf = infNextLine(pinf)) { //
// found at least one keyname!
bInitd = TRUE; if ( (pstrKey = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_SYS_INF_LEN)) != NULL ) infParseField(pinf, 0, pstrKey); else break; /*
* add the installable driver's description to listbox, and filename as data */
infParseField(pinf, 3, szDesc);
if ( (iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG)(LPSTR)szDesc)) != LB_ERR )
SendMessage(hWnd, LB_SETITEMDATA, iIndex, (LONG)pstrKey);
if (iLine == UNLIST_LINE) { //
// Add the "Install unlisted..." choice to the top of the list
// box.
LoadString(myInstance, IDS_UPDATED, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc)); if ((iIndex = (int)(LONG)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)szDesc)) != LB_ERR) SendMessage(hWnd, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0); } if (bInitd)
SendMessage(hWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
SendMessage(hWnd,WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L); return(bInitd); }
* DLG: LB_AVAILABLE * * RemoveAvailable() * * Remove all drivers from the listbox and free all storage associated with * the keyname */
void RemoveAvailable(HWND hWnd) { int iIndex; HWND hWndA; PSTR pstrKey;
hWndA = GetDlgItem(hWnd, LB_AVAILABLE); iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); while ( iIndex-- > 0) { if (( (int)(pstrKey = (PSTR)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L)) != LB_ERR ) && pstrKey) LocalFree((HLOCAL)pstrKey); } }
* DLG: LB_AVAILABLE * * AvailableDriversDlg() * * List the available installable drivers or return FALSE if there are none. */
int AvailableDriversDlg(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { PSTR pstrKey; //-jyg- added
HWND hWndA, hWndI; int iIndex;
switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: ShowWindow(hWnd, TRUE); wsStartWait(); if (pinfOldDefault) { infSetDefault(pinfOldDefault); pinfOldDefault = NULL; }
if ( !InitAvailable(hWndA = GetDlgItem(hWnd, LB_AVAILABLE), UNLIST_LINE)) { /*
* We weren't able to find the [installable.drivers] section * of the * mmdriver.inf OR it was corrupt. Go ahead and query the * user to find an oemsetup.inf to make our default. This * is a bad state. */ EndDialog(hWnd, FALSE); bFindOEM = TRUE; strcpy(szDrv, szOemInf); if (DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_INSERTDISK), hWnd, AddDriversDlg) == TRUE) PostMessage(hWnd, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0L); else pinfOldDefault = infSetDefault(pinfOldDefault);
bFindOEM = FALSE; } wsEndWait(); break;
switch ( LOWORD(wParam )) { case IDH_DLG_ADD_DRIVERS: goto DoHelp;
// Hm... We've picked it.
if ( HIWORD(wParam) == LBN_DBLCLK ) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0L); break;
case IDOK:
* We've made our selection */
hWndA = GetDlgItem(hWnd, LB_AVAILABLE);
if ( (iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L)) != LB_ERR) { if (!iIndex) { /*
* The first entry is for OEMs */
int iFound; bBadOemSetup = FALSE;
bFindOEM = TRUE; hMesgBoxParent = hWnd; while ((iFound = DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_INSERTDISK), hWnd, AddDriversDlg)) == 2); if (iFound == 1) { RemoveAvailable(hWnd); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, LB_AVAILABLE, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); PostMessage(hWnd, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0L); } bFindOEM = FALSE; } else { /*
* The user selected an entry from our .inf */
* The data associated with the list item is * the driver key name (field 0 in the inf file). */
pstrKey = (PSTR)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L); bCopyingRelated = FALSE; bQueryExist = TRUE;
if (InstallDrivers(hWndMain, hWnd, pstrKey)) { hWndI = GetDlgItem(hWndMain, LB_INSTALLED); PostMessage(hWndI, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); PostMessage(hWndMain, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(LB_INSTALLED, LBN_SELCHANGE), (LONG)hWndI); wsEndWait();
* If bRestart is true then the system must * be restarted to activate these changes */
if (bRestart) { iRestartMessage= IDS_RESTART_ADD; DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_RESTART), hWnd, RestartDlg); } } else wsEndWait();
bRestart = FALSE; bRelated = FALSE; } } EndDialog(hWnd, FALSE); break;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hWnd, FALSE); break;
default: return(FALSE); } break;
case WM_DESTROY: //
// free the strings added as DATAITEM to the avail list
RemoveAvailable(hWnd); return(FALSE);
default: if (uMsg == wHelpMessage) { DoHelp: WinHelp(hWnd, szDriversHlp, HELP_CONTEXT, IDH_DLG_ADD_DRIVERS); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; break; } return(TRUE); }
/* Main CPL proc. This is for communication with CPL.EXE
LONG CPlApplet(HWND hCPlWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT lParam1, LONG lParam2) { int i; LPNEWCPLINFO lpCPlInfo; char strOldDir[MAX_PATH], strSysDir[MAX_PATH];
switch( uMsg ) { case CPL_INIT: wHelpMessage = RegisterWindowMessage("ShellHelp"); return(TRUE);
case CPL_GETCOUNT: return(1);
case CPL_NEWINQUIRE: i = 0; lpCPlInfo = (LPNEWCPLINFO)lParam2; lpCPlInfo->hIcon = LoadIcon(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(applets[i].idIcon));
if(!LoadString(myInstance, applets[i].idName, lpCPlInfo->szName, sizeof(lpCPlInfo->szName))) lpCPlInfo->szName[0] = 0;
if(!LoadString(myInstance, applets[i].idInfo, lpCPlInfo->szInfo, sizeof(lpCPlInfo->szInfo))) lpCPlInfo->szInfo[0] = 0;
lpCPlInfo->dwSize = sizeof(NEWCPLINFO); lpCPlInfo->lData = (LONG)i; lpCPlInfo->dwHelpContext = applets[i].dwContext; lstrcpy(lpCPlInfo->szHelpFile, applets[i].pszHelp); break;
case CPL_DBLCLK: if (bDriversAppInUse) { MessageBeep(0); return (FALSE); }
bDriversAppInUse = TRUE; pinfOldDefault = NULL;
GetSystemDirectory(strSysDir, MAX_PATH); GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, strOldDir);
* Switch to the system directory for our work */
* Call initialization routine */
if (DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_INSTALLED), hCPlWnd, ListInstalledDlg)) { /*
* they changed configuration of a driver and said 'yes, restart' */
ReBoot(hCPlWnd); } infClose(NULL);
* Restore current directory setting */
bDriversAppInUse = FALSE; return (TRUE); break;
case CPL_EXIT: break; } return(0L); }
BOOL DllInitialize( IN PVOID hInstance , IN DWORD ulReason , IN PCONTEXT pctx OPTIONAL ) { if (ulReason != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) return TRUE;
myInstance = hInstance; LoadString(myInstance, IDS_CLOSE, aszClose, sizeof(aszClose)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_DRIVERDESC, szDriversDesc, sizeof(szDriversDesc)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_FILE_ERROR, szFileError, sizeof(szFileError)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_INSTALLDRIVERS, szMDrivers, sizeof(szMDrivers)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_INSTALLDRIVERS32, szMDrivers32, sizeof(szMDrivers)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_RELATEDDESC, szRelatedDesc, sizeof(szRelatedDesc)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_USERINSTALLDRIVERS, szUserDrivers, sizeof(szUserDrivers)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_UNLISTED, (LPSTR)szUnlisted, sizeof(szUnlisted)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_KNOWN, szKnown, sizeof(szKnown)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_OEMSETUP, szOemInf, sizeof(szOemInf)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_SYSTEM, szSystem, sizeof(szSystem)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_OUT_OF_REMOVE_SPACE, szOutOfRemoveSpace, sizeof(szOutOfRemoveSpace)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_NO_DESCRIPTION, szNoDesc, sizeof(szNoDesc)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_ERRORBOX, szError, sizeof(szError)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_REMOVEORNOT, szRemoveOrNot, sizeof(szRemoveOrNot)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_REMOVEORNOTSTRICT, szRemoveOrNotStrict, sizeof(szRemoveOrNotStrict)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_SETUPINF, szSetupInf, sizeof(szSetupInf)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_APPNAME, szAppName, sizeof(szAppName));
LoadString(myInstance, IDS_DRIVERS, szDrivers, sizeof(szDrivers)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_REMOVE, szRemove, sizeof(szRemove)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_CONTROLINI, szControlIni, sizeof(szControlIni)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_SYSINI, szSysIni, sizeof(szSysIni)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_MCI, szMCI, sizeof(szMCI)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_DEFDRIVE, szDirOfSrc, sizeof(szDirOfSrc)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_CONTROL_HLP, szDriversHlp, sizeof(szDriversHlp)); LoadString(myInstance, IDS_LASTQUERY, szLastQuery, sizeof(szLastQuery));
applets[0].idIcon = DRIVERS_ICON; applets[0].idName = IDS_NAME; applets[0].idInfo = IDS_INFO; applets[0].bEnabled = TRUE; applets[0].dwContext = IDH_CHILD_DRIVERS; applets[0].pszHelp = szDriversHlp; return TRUE; }
void DeleteCPLCache(void) { HKEY hKeyCache;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Control Panel\\Cache\\multimed.cpl"), &hKeyCache)) { for ( ; ; ) { TCHAR Name[50];
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hKeyCache, 0, Name, sizeof(Name) / sizeof(Name[0]))) { HKEY hSubKey;
RegDeleteKey(hKeyCache, Name); } else { break; // leave loop
} }
RegDeleteKey(hKeyCache, NULL); RegCloseKey(hKeyCache); } }
** RestartDlg() ** ** Offer user the choice to (not) restart windows. */ BOOL RestartDlg(HWND hDlg, unsigned uiMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { switch (uiMessage) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: //
// don't restart windows
EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break;
case IDOK: //
// do restart windows, *dont* dismiss dialog incase
// the user canceled it.
ReBoot(hDlg); SetActiveWindow(hDlg); //EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE);
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE;
** Delete the control panel's cache so it will get it ** right! */
if (iRestartMessage) { char szMesg1[300]; char szMesg2[300];
LoadString(myInstance, iRestartMessage, szMesg1, sizeof(szMesg1)); wsprintf(szMesg2, szMesg1, (LPSTR)szRestartDrv); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDS_RESTARTTEXT, (LPSTR)szMesg2); } return TRUE;
case WM_KEYUP: if (wParam == VK_F3) //
// don't restart windows
EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break;
default: break; } return FALSE; }
* UserInstalled() * * */
BOOL UserInstalled(PSTR szKey) { char buf[MAXSTR];
if (*GetProfile(szUserDrivers, (LPSTR)szKey, szControlIni, buf, MAXSTR) != '\0') return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); }
* AddUnlistedDlg() * * The following function processes requests by the user to install unlisted * or updated drivers. * * PARAMETERS: The normal Dialog box parameters * RETURN VALUE: The usual Dialog box return value */
BOOL AddUnlistedDlg(HWND hDlg, unsigned nMsg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) { switch (nMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HWND hListDrivers; BOOL bFoundDrivers;
wsStartWait(); hListDrivers = GetDlgItem(hDlg, LB_UNLISTED);
/* Search for drivers */ bFoundDrivers = InitAvailable(hListDrivers, NO_UNLIST_LINE); if (!bFoundDrivers) { //
// We weren't able to find the MMDRIVERS section of the
// setup.inf OR it was corrupt. Go ahead and query the
// user to find an oemsetup.inf to make our default. This
// is a bad state.
int iFound;
bFindOEM = TRUE; bBadOemSetup = TRUE; while ((iFound = DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_INSERTDISK), hMesgBoxParent, AddDriversDlg)) == 2); bFindOEM = FALSE; if (iFound == 1) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, LB_AVAILABLE, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); PostMessage(hDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0L); } EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); } SendMessage(hListDrivers, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L); wsEndWait();
break; }
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDH_DLG_ADD_UNKNOWN: goto DoHelp;
case LB_UNLISTED: if (HIWORD(wParam) != LBN_DBLCLK) break;
// else Fall through here
case IDOK: { HWND hWndI, hWndA; int iIndex; PSTR pstrKey;
hWndA = GetDlgItem(hDlg, LB_UNLISTED); if ( (iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L)) != LB_ERR) { wsStartWait(); pstrKey = (PSTR)SendMessage(hWndA, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L); bCopyingRelated = FALSE; bQueryExist = TRUE; if (InstallDrivers(hWndMain, hDlg, pstrKey)) { hWndI = GetDlgItem(hWndMain, LB_INSTALLED); PostMessage(hWndI, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0L ); PostMessage(hWndMain, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(LB_INSTALLED, LBN_SELCHANGE), (LONG)hWndI);
wsEndWait(); if (bRestart) { iRestartMessage= IDS_RESTART_ADD; DialogBox(myInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_RESTART), hDlg, RestartDlg); } } else wsEndWait(); bRelated = FALSE; bRestart = FALSE; } EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); } break;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, wParam); break;
default: return FALSE; }
default: if (nMsg == wHelpMessage) { DoHelp: WinHelp(hDlg, szDriversHlp, HELP_CONTEXT, IDH_DLG_ADD_UNKNOWN); break; } else return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*
* ReBoot() * * Restart the system. If this fails we put up a message box */
void ReBoot(HWND hDlg) { DWORD Error; BOOLEAN WasEnabled;
* We must adjust our privilege level to be allowed to restart the * system */
RtlAdjustPrivilege( SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE, TRUE, FALSE, &WasEnabled ); /*
* Try to reboot the system */
if (!ExitWindowsEx(EWX_REBOOT, 0xFFFFFFFF)) {
Error = GetLastError();
* Put up a message box if we failed */
if (Error != NO_ERROR) { char szCantRestart[80]; LoadString(myInstance, Error == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD || Error == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED || Error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ? IDS_CANNOT_RESTART_PRIVILEGE : IDS_CANNOT_RESTART_UNKNOWN, szCantRestart, sizeof(szCantRestart));
MessageBox(hDlg, szCantRestart, szError, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL); } } }
* CloseDrivers() * * Make free memory for drivers. */ void CloseDrivers(HWND hWnd) { PIDRIVER pIDriver; int iIndex;
* Go through the drivers remaining in the Installed list */ iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); while ( iIndex-- > 0 ) if ( (int)(pIDriver = (PIDRIVER)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L)) != LB_ERR) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)pIDriver); }
void OpenDriverError(HWND hDlg, LPSTR szDriver, LPSTR szFile) { char szMesg[MAXSTR]; char szMesg2[MAXSTR];
LoadString(myInstance, IDS_INSTALLING_DRIVERS, szMesg, sizeof(szMesg)); wsprintf(szMesg2, szMesg, szDriver, szFile); MessageBox(hDlg, szMesg2, szError, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL);