** ** Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1990, All Rights Reserved. ** ** Multimedia Control Panel Applet for removing ** device drivers. See the ispec doc DRIVERS.DOC for more information. ** ** History: ** ** Thu Oct 17 1991 -by- Sanjaya ** Created. Originally part of drivers.c */
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cpl.h>
#include <cphelp.h>
#include "drivers.h"
#include "sulib.h"
BOOL SetValidAlias (PSTR, PSTR);
#ifdef DOBOOT
BOOL FindBootDriver (char *); PSTR strstri (PSTR, PSTR); #endif // DOBOOT
* RemoveService(szFile) * * Remove the service corresponding to the file szFile * * returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
BOOL RemoveService(LPSTR szFile) { SC_HANDLE SCManagerHandle; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle; char ServiceName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL Status = FALSE;
* Extract the service name from the file name */
{ char drive[MAX_PATH], directory[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath(szFile, drive, directory, ServiceName, ext); }
* First try and obtain a handle to the service controller */
SCManagerHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (SCManagerHandle == NULL) {
char szMesg[MAXSTR]; char szMesg2[MAXSTR];
LoadString(myInstance, IDS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE, szMesg, sizeof(szMesg)); wsprintf(szMesg2, szMesg, szFile); MessageBox(hMesgBoxParent, szMesg2, szRemove, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_TASKMODAL); return FALSE; }
ServiceHandle = OpenService(SCManagerHandle, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (ServiceHandle != NULL) { SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; SC_LOCK ServicesDatabaseLock;
* Stop the service if possible. */
ControlService(ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus);
* Delete the service. * We aren't detecting if we can just carry on. */
* Lock the service controller database to avoid deadlocks * we have to loop because we can't wait */
for (ServicesDatabaseLock = NULL; (ServicesDatabaseLock = LockServiceDatabase(SCManagerHandle)) == NULL; Sleep(100)) { }
Status = DeleteService(ServiceHandle);
CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); } else {
* It's possible there was no services entry so the driver * wasn't really installed after all. */
LONG Error = GetLastError();
return Status; }
** PostRemove() ** ** Mark an installed driver for removal later AND remove the driver's entry ** in SYSTEM.INI to avoid conflicts when we add or remove later. */ LONG PostRemove(HWND hWnd, PIDRIVER pIDriver, BOOL bLookAtRelated, int iIndexMain) {
char *keystr; char allkeystr[MAXSTR]; char szfile[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hDriver; LONG Status = DRVCNF_CANCEL; PSTR pstr;
GetPrivateProfileString(pIDriver->szSection, pIDriver->szAlias, pIDriver->szFile, pIDriver->szFile, MAX_PATH, szSysIni);
* Remove parameters from file name */
for ( pstr=pIDriver->szFile; *pstr && (*pstr!=COMMA) && (*pstr!=SPACE); pstr++ ) ; *pstr = '\0';
if (bLookAtRelated && (!bRelated || pIDriver->bRelated)) strcpy(szRestartDrv, pIDriver->szDesc);
* If it's a kernel driver remove it from the config registry * and services controller */
if (pIDriver->KernelDriver) {
Status = RemoveService(pIDriver->szFile) ? DRVCNF_RESTART : DRVCNF_CANCEL;
if (Status == DRVCNF_CANCEL) { return DRVCNF_CANCEL; }
} else {
hDriver = OpenDriver(pIDriver->wszAlias, pIDriver->wszSection, 0L);
if (hDriver) {
* Removal can fail so don't mark as deleted in this case */
Status = SendDriverMessage(hDriver, DRV_REMOVE, 0L, 0L); CloseDriver(hDriver, 0L, 0L);
if (Status == DRVCNF_CANCEL) { return DRVCNF_CANCEL; } } }
SendMessage(hWnd, LB_DELETESTRING, iIndexMain, 0L); if (bLookAtRelated) { char allkeystr[MAXSTR];
if (GetPrivateProfileString(szRelatedDesc, pIDriver->szAlias, allkeystr, allkeystr, sizeof(allkeystr), szControlIni)) { int i, iIndex; BOOL bFound; PIDRIVER pIDriver; char szTemp[MAXSTR];
for (i = 1; infParseField(allkeystr, i, szTemp);i++) { bFound = FALSE;
iIndex = (int)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); while ( iIndex-- > 0 && !bFound) if ( (int)(pIDriver = (PIDRIVER)SendMessage(hWnd, LB_GETITEMDATA, iIndex, 0L)) != LB_ERR) { if (!FileNameCmp(pIDriver->szFile, szTemp)) { if (PostRemove(hWnd, pIDriver, FALSE, iIndex) == DRVCNF_RESTART) { Status = DRVCNF_RESTART; } bFound = TRUE; }
} } } }
// Remove the driver entry from SYSTEM.INI so you don't
// conflict with other drivers.
GetPrivateProfileString(pIDriver->szSection, NULL, NULL, allkeystr, sizeof(allkeystr), szSysIni); keystr = allkeystr; while (strlen(keystr) > 0) { GetPrivateProfileString(pIDriver->szSection, keystr, NULL, szfile, sizeof(szfile), szSysIni); if (!FileNameCmp(pIDriver->szFile, szfile)) RemoveDriverEntry(keystr, pIDriver->szFile, pIDriver->szSection, bLookAtRelated); keystr = &keystr[strlen(keystr) + 1]; } return Status; }
void RemoveDriverEntry (PSTR szKey, PSTR szFile, PSTR szSection, BOOL bLookAtRelated) {
* Remove entry for loading driver */
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, NULL, szSysIni);
* Delete entry for parameters for this driver */
WriteProfileString(szFile, szKey, NULL);
* Remove entry which says this is a user driver (as opposed to * a pre-installed one). */
WritePrivateProfileString(szUserDrivers, szKey, NULL, szControlIni);
* Remove description */
WritePrivateProfileString(szDriversDesc, szFile, NULL, szControlIni);
* Remove links to related drivers */
WritePrivateProfileString(szRelatedDesc, szKey, NULL, szControlIni);
#ifdef DOBOOT
FindBootDriver(szKey); #endif // DOBOOT
if (bLookAtRelated) SetValidAlias(szKey, szSection); }
* SetValidAlias() * * Check to see if the alias removed would create a hole in the device * numbering scheme. If so switch the last device number with the deleted one. */ BOOL SetValidAlias(PSTR pstrType, PSTR pstrSection) { char *keystr; static char allkeystr[MAXSTR]; static char szExKey[MAXSTR], szExFile[MAXSTR], szExDesc[MAXSTR]; BOOL bfound = FALSE, bExchange = FALSE; int val, maxval = 0, typelen, len;
* Getting length of alias */
len = typelen = strlen(pstrType);
// If the last char on the type is a number don't consider it
if (pstrType[typelen -1] > '0' && pstrType[typelen - 1] <= '9') typelen--;
// Get all the aliases in the drivers section
GetPrivateProfileString(pstrSection, NULL, NULL, allkeystr, sizeof(allkeystr), szSysIni); keystr = allkeystr; while (*keystr != TEXT('\0')) { // Compare the root of the aliases
if (!_strnicmp(keystr, pstrType, typelen) && ((keystr[typelen] <= '9' && keystr[typelen] > '0') || keystr[typelen] == TEXT('\0'))) {
//We found a common alias
bfound = TRUE; val = atoi(&keystr[typelen]); if (val > maxval) { maxval = val; strcpy(szExKey, keystr); } } //Pointer to next alias
keystr = &keystr[strlen(keystr) + 1]; } //If we found one
if (bfound) { if (len == typelen) bExchange = TRUE; else if (atoi(&pstrType[typelen]) < maxval) bExchange = TRUE;
// We need to exchange it with the one we found
if (bExchange) { //Exchanging the one in the drivers section in system.ini
GetPrivateProfileString(pstrSection, szExKey, NULL, szExFile, sizeof(szExFile), szSysIni); WritePrivateProfileString(pstrSection, szExKey, NULL, szSysIni); WritePrivateProfileString(pstrSection, pstrType, szExFile, szSysIni);
//Exchanging the one in the drivers description section of control.ini
GetPrivateProfileString(szDriversDesc, szExKey, NULL, szExDesc, sizeof(szExFile), szControlIni); WritePrivateProfileString(szDriversDesc, szExKey, NULL, szControlIni); WritePrivateProfileString(szDriversDesc, pstrType, szExDesc, szControlIni); #endif
//If any related drivers were present under old alias switch them
GetPrivateProfileString(szRelatedDesc, szExKey, NULL, szExDesc, sizeof(szExFile), szControlIni);
if (strlen(szExDesc)) { WritePrivateProfileString(szRelatedDesc, szExKey, NULL, szControlIni); WritePrivateProfileString(szRelatedDesc, pstrType, szExDesc, szControlIni); }
//If user installed driver under old alias switch them
GetPrivateProfileString(szUserDrivers, szExKey, NULL, szExDesc, sizeof(szExFile), szControlIni);
if (strlen(szExDesc)) { WritePrivateProfileString(szUserDrivers, szExKey, NULL, szControlIni); WritePrivateProfileString(szUserDrivers, pstrType, szExDesc, szControlIni); }
#ifdef DOBOOT
if (FindBootDriver(szExKey)) { static char szTemp[MAXSTR];
GetPrivateProfileString(szBoot, szDrivers, szTemp, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), szSysIni); strcat(szTemp, " "); strcat(szTemp, pstrType); WritePrivateProfileString(szBoot, szDrivers, szTemp, szSysIni); } #endif // DOBOOT
} } return(bExchange); }
#if 0 // Dead code !
* IsOnlyInstance() * * Check to see if this is the only occurance of an open driver, so we can * tell if a DRV_INSTALL message has been sent to the driver yet OR * if it is the last instance of the driver so we can send a * DRV_REMOVE message. */
BOOL IsOnlyInstance( HWND hwndLB, PIDRIVER pIDriver ) { int iEntries; PIDRIVER pIDTest;
if (pIDriver == NULL) return FALSE;
* Check Installed ListBox */
if ((iEntries = (int)SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L)) == LB_ERR) iEntries = 0; else while (iEntries-- > 0) { pIDTest = (PIDRIVER)SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_GETITEMDATA, iEntries, 0L); if (pIDTest == NULL) continue;
if (pIDriver == pIDTest) continue;
if (FileNameCmp(pIDTest->szFile,pIDriver->szFile) == 0) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; } #endif
int FileNameCmp(char far *pch1, char far *pch2) { LPSTR pchEOS;
while (*pch1 == ' ') pch1++; // eat spaces
while (*pch2 == ' ') pch2++; // eat spaces
for (pchEOS = pch1; *pchEOS && *pchEOS != ' '; pchEOS++);
return _strnicmp(pch1, pch2, pchEOS - pch1); }
#ifdef DOBOOT
PSTR strstri(PSTR pszStr, PSTR pszKey) { while (pszStr) if (!_strnicmp(pszStr, pszKey, lstrlen(pszKey))) return(pszStr); else pszStr++; return(NULL); }
* FindBootDriver() * Checks to see if the driver alias is on the drivers line of the * boot section. If so the alias is removed from the line. */
BOOL FindBootDriver(char *szKey) { char *ptr; int wKeyLen = (int)strlen(szKey); char *endkey; static char szDriverline[MAXSTR];
GetPrivateProfileString("boot", "drivers", szDriverline, szDriverline, MAX_PATH, szSysIni); ptr = strstri(szDriverline, szKey); if (ptr) {
if ((((ptr != szDriverline) && (*(ptr - 1) == ' ' )) || (ptr == szDriverline)) && (*(ptr + wKeyLen) == ' ' || *(ptr + wKeyLen) == NULL)) { endkey = ptr + wKeyLen; while (*endkey) *ptr++ = *endkey++; *ptr = NULL; WritePrivateProfileString("boot", "drivers", szDriverline, szSysIni); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); }
#endif // DOBOOT