/* (C) Microsoft Corp., 1991. All rights reserved. */
/* mapcopy.c - duplicates the MIDIMAP.CFG file because of poor design
* !!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NEEDLESS GRATUITIOUS CODE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * The MIDIMAP and applet were badly implemented and because of design * flaws needed this gratuitous file copy to back up the configuration * file. */
#include <mmsystem.h>
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <port1632.h>
#include "hack.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include "midi.h"
#define MAXBUF (10 * 1024) // size of default copy buffer
#define FOPEN(sz) (_lopen(sz,OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE))
#define FCREATE(sz) (_lcreat(sz,0))
#define FCLOSE(fh) (_lclose(fh))
#define FREAD(fh,buf,len) (_lread(fh,buf,len))
#define FWRITE(fh,buf,len) (_lwrite(fh,buf,len))
#define FALLOC(n) (LPVOID)GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (DWORD)(n)))
#define FFREE(n) (GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)HIWORD((DWORD)(n))),GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)HIWORD((DWORD)(n))))
#define SLASH(c) ((c) == '/' || (c) == '\\')
static int FileCopy(LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst);
#if defined(WIN16)
static BOOL FileCopy(LPSTR,LPSTR); static UINT GetFileAttributes(LPSTR); static DWORD DosDiskFree ( BYTE bDrive );
static int DosCWDrive (VOID);
* Get DOS file attributes */ static UINT GetFileAttributes(LPSTR lpszPath) { _asm { push ds ; Preserve DS lds dx,lpszPath ; DS:DI = lpszPath mov ax,4300h ; Get File Attributes int 21h jc GFAErr mov ax,cx ; AX = attribute jmp GFAExit ; Return attribute GFAErr: mov ah,80h ; Return negative error code GFAExit: pop ds ; Restore DS } }
int FAR PASCAL DosDelete(LPSTR szFile) { _asm { push ds ; Preserve DS lds dx,szFile mov ah,41h int 21h jc dexit xor ax,ax dexit: pop ds ; Restore DS } }
static DWORD DosDiskFree ( BYTE bDrive ) { WORD wSectors,wBytes,wClusters;
_asm { mov dl,bDrive mov ah,36h int 21h mov wSectors,ax mov wClusters,bx mov wBytes,cx }
if (wSectors == 0xffff) return -1; else return ((DWORD)wClusters*(DWORD)wSectors*(DWORD)wBytes); }
static int DosCWDrive () { _asm { mov ah,19h ; Get Current Drive int 21h sub ah,ah ; Zero out AH } } #endif //WIN16
* Create a duplicate map file for editing */
BOOL FAR PASCAL DupMapCfg(LPSTR lpstrCfgPath, LPSTR lpstrBakPath) { extern BOOL fReadOnly; UINT uAttr; OFSTRUCT of; int err; char szFunc[50],szMessage[256];
if (OpenFile(lpstrCfgPath,&of,OF_EXIST|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE) == HFILE_ERROR) { // We need to let the mapper create a new one.
return FALSE; }
uAttr = GetFileAttributes(lpstrCfgPath); if (uAttr != (UINT)(-1)) { if (uAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
LoadString(hLibInst, IDS_FCERR_WARN, szFunc, sizeof(szFunc)); LoadString(hLibInst, IDS_FCERR_READONLY, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage)); MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, szFunc, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
fReadOnly = TRUE; // Stay Read Only for the remainder
return FALSE; } } else return FALSE;
err = FileCopy(lpstrCfgPath,lpstrBakPath); if (err != IDS_FCERR_SUCCESS) { LoadString(hLibInst, IDS_FCERR_ERROR, szFunc, sizeof(szFunc)); LoadString(hLibInst, err, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage)); MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, szFunc, MB_ICONHAND | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_OK);
fReadOnly = TRUE; // Read Only if there is some kind of disk problem
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* Copy the duplicate map file over the original map file */ BOOL FAR PASCAL UpdateMapCfg(LPSTR lpstrCfgPath, LPSTR lpstrBakPath) { int err; char szFunc[50],szMessage[256];
if ((err = FileCopy(lpstrBakPath,lpstrCfgPath)) != IDS_FCERR_SUCCESS) { LoadString(hLibInst, IDS_FCERR_ERROR, szFunc, sizeof(szFunc)); LoadString(hLibInst, err, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage)); MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, szFunc, MB_ICONHAND | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_OK); }
return err; }
#if defined(WIN16)
/* So who was too lazy to write a comment? */ static int FileCopy(LPSTR szSrc,LPSTR szDst) { HFILE fhSrc,fhDst; WORD size; BOOL fComplete = TRUE; OFSTRUCT of; LPSTR lpbBuf; DWORD dwSrcSize,dwDestFree; BYTE bDrive; int err;
if (OpenFile(szSrc,&of,OF_EXIST|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE) == HFILE_ERROR) { err = IDS_FCERR_NOSRC; goto exit; //ERROR:File Not Found
fhSrc = FOPEN(szSrc);
if (fhSrc == HFILE_ERROR) { err = IDS_FCERR_NOSRC; return FALSE; //ERROR:File inaccessible
dwSrcSize = _llseek(fhSrc,0,2); //file size
if (*(szDst+1) == ':') { bDrive = (BYTE)(*(szDst) - 'A' + 1); } else bDrive = (BYTE)(DosCWDrive() + 1);
if ((LONG)(dwDestFree = DosDiskFree(bDrive)) != -1) { if (dwSrcSize > dwDestFree) { err = IDS_FCERR_DISKFULL; goto errclose1; } } /* This failed on a wierd 386 machine for no good reason, so removed.
MM Bug 6277. else { err = IDS_FCERR_DISK; goto errclose1; } */
if (lpbBuf == NULL) { err = IDS_FCERR_LOMEM; goto errclose1; //ERROR:Low Memory
fhDst = FCREATE(szDst);
if (fhDst == HFILE_ERROR) { err = IDS_FCERR_NODEST; goto errfree; //ERROR:Couldn't create Destination
while (size = FREAD(fhSrc,lpbBuf,MAXBUF)) { if (FWRITE(fhDst,lpbBuf,size) != size) { err = IDS_FCERR_WRITE; goto errclose; //ERROR:Write Error
errclose: // Close the Destination File
FCLOSE(fhDst); errfree: // Free the buffer
FFREE(lpbBuf); errclose1: // Close the Source File
FCLOSE(fhSrc); exit: return err; }
/* Copy the file szSrc to the file szDst, overwriting it if it already exists */ static int FileCopy(LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst) { if (CopyFile(szSrc, szDst, FALSE)) { return IDS_FCERR_SUCCESS; } else { switch (GetLastError()) { // ??? This is throwing away valuable error information!
default: return IDS_FCERR_NOSRC; } }
} /* FileCopy */ #endif //WIN16