/* ---File: memutil.c -----------------------------------------------------
* * Description: * Contains Control Panel memory allocation routines. * * This document contains confidential/proprietary information. * Copyright (c) 1990-1992 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved. * * Revision History: * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Notes -
Global Functions:
AllocMem () - AllocStr () - FreeMem () - FreeStr () - ReallocMem () - ReallocStr () -
Local Functions:
*/ //==========================================================================
// Include files
// C Runtime
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
// Application specific
#include "ups.h"
LPVOID AllocMem (DWORD cb) /*++
Routine Description:
This function will allocate local memory. It will possibly allocate extra memory and fill this with debugging information for the debugging version.
cb - The amount of memory to allocate
Return Value:
NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory
FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
--*/ { LPDWORD pMem; DWORD cbNew; LPVOID pRet = NULL;
cbNew = cb+2*sizeof(DWORD); if (cbNew & 3) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3);
// pMem = (LPDWORD)HeapAlloc (hHeap, 0, cbNew);
pMem = (LPDWORD)LocalAlloc (LMEM_FIXED, cbNew); if (pMem) { memset (pMem, 0, cbNew); // This might go later if done in NT
*pMem = cb; *(LPDWORD)((LPTSTR)pMem+cbNew-sizeof(DWORD)) = 0xdeadbeef;
pRet = (LPVOID)(pMem+1); } return pRet; }
BOOL FreeMem (LPVOID pMem, DWORD cb) { DWORD cbNew; LPDWORD pNewMem;
if (!pMem) return TRUE;
pNewMem = pMem; pNewMem--;
cbNew = cb+2*sizeof(DWORD); if (cbNew & 3) cbNew += sizeof(DWORD) - (cbNew & 3);
#ifdef DEBU
if ((*pNewMem != cb) || (*(LPDWORD)((LPTSTR)pNewMem + cbNew - sizeof(DWORD)) != 0xdeadbeef)) { OutputDebugStringA("Corrupt Memory in Control Panel : %0lx\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
return (((HLOCAL) pNewMem == LocalFree ((LPVOID)pNewMem))); }
LPTSTR AllocStr (LPTSTR lpStr) /*++
Routine Description:
This function will allocate enough local memory to store the specified string, and copy that string to the allocated memory
lpStr - Pointer to the string that needs to be allocated and stored
Return Value:
NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory containing the string
FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
--*/ { LPTSTR lpMem;
if (!lpStr) return 0;
if (lpMem = AllocMem (strlen (lpStr) + sizeof(TCHAR))) strcpy (lpMem, lpStr);
return lpMem; }
BOOL FreeStr (LPTSTR lpStr) { return lpStr ? FreeMem (lpStr, strlen (lpStr) + sizeof(TCHAR)) : FALSE; }
BOOL ReallocStr (LPTSTR *plpStr, LPTSTR lpStr) { FreeStr (*plpStr); *plpStr = AllocStr (lpStr);
return TRUE; }
int MyMessageBox (HWND hWnd, DWORD wText, DWORD wCaption, DWORD wType, ...) { char szText[256+PATHMAX], szCaption[256]; int ival; va_list parg;
va_start (parg, wType);
if (wText == LSFAIL) goto NoMem;
if (!LoadString(hModule, wText, szCaption, sizeof (szCaption))) goto NoMem;
wvsprintf(szText, szCaption, parg);
if (!LoadString(hModule, wCaption, szCaption, sizeof (szCaption))) goto NoMem;
if ((ival = MessageBox(hWnd, szText, szCaption, wType)) == 0) goto NoMem;
NoMem: va_end (parg);
ErrLoadString(hWnd); return 0; }
void ErrLoadString (HWND hParent) { MessageBox (hParent, szErrLS, szCtlPanel, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL); }
void ErrMemDlg (HWND hParent) { MessageBox (hParent, szErrMem, szCtlPanel, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL); }