/* File: except.h
Description: Basic exception class hierarchy.
I shamelessly based this on the MFC exception hierarchy.
CException CMemoryException - i.e. "Out of memory", "invalid index" CFileException - i.e. "device IO error" CSyncException - i.e. "mutext abandoned" CResourceException - i.e. "resource not found in image" COleException - i.e. "some critical OLE error" CNotSupportedException - i.e. "function not supported"
Revision History:
Date Description Programmer -------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- 09/16/97 Initial creation. BrianAu */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#ifndef _WINDOWS_
# include <windows.h>
// Very naive string implementation. Just need something simple to hold
// strings in exception objects when necessary.
// Ensures proper cleanup on dtor.
// Can't use CString here (I wanted to) because that creates a circular
// reference condition between strclass.h and except.h
class CExceptionString { public: explicit CExceptionString(LPCTSTR pszText = TEXT("")); ~CExceptionString(void) { delete[] m_pszText; }
CExceptionString(const CExceptionString& rhs); CExceptionString& operator = (const CExceptionString& rhs);
const TCHAR * const GetTextPtr(void) const { return m_pszText; }
private: LPTSTR m_pszText;
// Base class for all exceptions.
class CException { public: enum reason { none }; explicit CException(DWORD r) : m_reason(r) { }
DWORD Reason(void) const { return m_reason; }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return TEXT("Unknown"); } #endif // DBG
private: DWORD m_reason; };
// Exception class representing different "bad" things associated
// with memory use.
class CMemoryException : public CException { public: enum reason { alloc, // Memory allocation failure.
overflow, // Memory overflow.
index, // Bad index value.
range, // Value overrange for data type.
pointer, // Bad pointer (i.e. NULL).
num_reasons }; explicit CMemoryException(reason r) : CException((DWORD)r) { }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CMemoryException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return m_pszReasons[Reason()]; } private: static LPCTSTR m_pszReasons[num_reasons];
#endif // DBG
class CAllocException : private CMemoryException { public: CAllocException(void) : CMemoryException(CMemoryException::alloc) { } #if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CAllocException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return CMemoryException::ReasonText(); }
#endif // DBG
// Exception class representing file I/O errors.
class CFileException : public CException { public: enum reason { create, // Can't create file.
read, // Can't read file.
write, // Can't write file.
diskfull, // Disk is full.
access, // No access.
device, // Device write error.
num_reasons };
CFileException(reason r, LPCTSTR pszFile, DWORD dwIoError) : CException((DWORD)r), m_strFile(pszFile), m_dwIoError(dwIoError) { }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CFileException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return m_pszReasons[Reason()]; } #endif // DBG
const TCHAR * const FileName(void) const { return m_strFile.GetTextPtr(); } DWORD IoError(void) const { return m_dwIoError; }
private: DWORD m_dwIoError; CExceptionString m_strFile; #if DBG
static LPCTSTR m_pszReasons[num_reasons]; #endif // DBG
// Thread synchronization object exception.
class CSyncException : public CException { public: enum object { mutex, critsect, semaphore, event, thread, process, num_objects }; enum reason { create, timeout, abandoned, num_reasons }; CSyncException(object obj, reason r) : CException(r), m_object(obj) { }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CSyncException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return m_pszReasons[Reason()]; }
virtual LPCTSTR ObjectText(void) const { return m_pszObjects[Object()]; } #endif // DBG
object Object(void) const { return m_object; }
private: object m_object;
#if DBG
static LPCTSTR m_pszReasons[num_reasons]; static LPCTSTR m_pszObjects[num_objects]; #endif // DBG
// Windows resource exception.
class CResourceException : public CException { public: enum type { accelerator, anicursor, aniicon, bitmap, cursor, dialog, font, fontdir, group_cursor, group_icon, icon, menu, messagetable, rcdata, string, version, num_reasons };
CResourceException(type t, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT uResId) : CException(CException::none), m_type(t), m_uResId(uResId), m_hInstance(hInstance) { }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CResourceException"); }
virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const;
#endif // DBG
HINSTANCE Module(void) const { return m_hInstance; } enum type Type(void) const { return m_type; }
private: enum type m_type; UINT m_uResId; HINSTANCE m_hInstance;
#if DBG
static LPCTSTR m_pszReasons[num_reasons]; #endif // DBG
class COleException : public CException { public: explicit COleException(HRESULT hr) : CException(CException::none), m_hr(hr) { }
HRESULT Result(void) const { return m_hr; }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("COleException"); } virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return TEXT("not applicable"); } #endif // DBG
private: HRESULT m_hr; };
// Some requested operation is not supported.
class CNotSupportedException : public CException { public: CNotSupportedException(void) : CException(CException::none) { }
#if DBG
virtual LPCTSTR NameText(void) const { return TEXT("CNotSupportedException"); } virtual LPCTSTR ReasonText(void) const { return TEXT("not applicable"); } #endif // DBG