var g_objFileSystem = null; var g_nTotalDialog = 0; var g_nTotalWeb = 0;
// The file is located in %Windir%\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1\extend<xx>.log
function DebugSquirt(strText, fClear) { if (true == fClear) { document.all.idStatus2.innerText = ""; }
document.all.idStatus2.innerText += strText; }
function MyOnLoad() { g_objFileSystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var objfolder = g_objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(1 /* %windir%\system32\ */); var strPath = objfolder.Path;
strPath += "\\LogFiles\\W3SVC1\\extend";
var nExists = 1;
// Find the last
while (true == g_objFileSystem.FileExists(strPath + (1 + nExists) + ".log")) { // alert("CHecking for: " + strPath + (1 + nExists) + ".log");
nExists++; }
strPath += (nExists + ".log"); // alert("strPath " + strPath);
document.all.idPath.value = strPath;
if (null != g_objFileSystem) { GetAllStatsFromPath(strPath); } }
function GetAllStatsFromPath(strIISLog) { g_nTotalDialog = 0; g_nTotalWeb = 0;
document.all.idStatus.innerText = "Please wait while loading the statistics...";
GetStatsFromPath(strIISLog, "/fileassoc/fileassoc.asp", "fileassoc.dialog.log", true); // Generate Results for Dialog
GetStatsFromPath(strIISLog, "/fileassoc/0409/xml/redir.asp", "fileassoc.web.log", false); // Generate Results for Click Thru To Web
function GetStatsFromPath(strIISLog, strUrlPath, strLogFile, fDialog) { var objDictionary = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
// alert("strIISLog: " + strIISLog + " strUrlPath: " + strUrlPath);
// try
{ if (g_objFileSystem.FileExists(strIISLog)) { DebugSquirt("Opening " + strIISLog, false); var objFile = g_objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strIISLog, 1, false);
if (null != objFile) { var nFieldIndex = -1; var strToFind = "#Fields:"; var strLine = "";
// Search for the "#Fields:" string
while (!objFile.AtEndOfStream) { strLine = objFile.ReadLine(); DebugSquirt("strLine: " + strLine, true); if (strLine.substring(0, strToFind.length) == strToFind) { CalcResults(objFile, objDictionary, GetFieldIndex(strLine, "cs-uri-query"), GetFieldIndex(strLine, "cs-uri-stem"), strUrlPath, fDialog); } }
DebugSquirt("Displaying Results", true); DisplayResults(strLogFile, objDictionary, fDialog);
objFile.Close(); } } } if (0) //catch (objException)
{ alert("EXCEPTION 2: " + objException.description + " LINE: " + objException.line); throw objException; } }
function GetFieldIndex(strLayout, strToken) { var nField = -1; var nParts = strLayout.split(" "); var nIndex;
// Find the index into strToken.
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < strLayout.length; nIndex++) { if (strToken == nParts[nIndex]) { nField = (nIndex - 1); break; } }
return nField; }
function CalcResults(objFile, objDictionary, nField, nFieldPath, strUrlPath, fDialog) { var strExtCached = null; var nExtCountCached = 0; var nTotal = ((true == fDialog) ? g_nTotalDialog : g_nTotalWeb);
if (-1 != nField) { while (!objFile.AtEndOfStream) { var strLine = objFile.ReadLine(); if (('#' != strLine.charAt(0)) && ("-" != strLine)) { var strArray = strLine.split(" "); if (null != strArray) { var strQuery = strArray[nField]; var strTheUrlPath = strArray[nFieldPath];
if ((null != strQuery) && (null != strTheUrlPath) && (strUrlPath == strTheUrlPath)) { var arrayExt = strQuery.split("Ext="); if ((null != arrayExt) && (0 < arrayExt.length)) { var strExt = arrayExt[1];
if (null != strExt) { try { // alert("strExt: " + strExt);
strExt = (strExt.split("&"))[0]; } catch (objException) { alert("Fat cow. strExt: " + strExt); }
// alert("strQuery: " + strQuery + " strExt: " + strExt);
if ((null != strExt) && ("" != strExt)) { nTotal++; if (strExtCached == strExt) { nExtCountCached++; } else { // First save off the cached ext
if (null != strExtCached) { // alert("1");
if (objDictionary.Exists(strExtCached)) { // alert("2a");
objDictionary.Item(strExtCached) = nExtCountCached; } else { // alert("2b");
objDictionary.Add(strExtCached, nExtCountCached); } // alert("3");
strExtCached = strExt; if (objDictionary.Exists(strExt)) { // alert("4a");
nExtCountCached = objDictionary.Item(strExt); } else { // alert("4b");
nExtCountCached = 0; } // alert("end");
nExtCountCached++; } } } } } } else alert("strArray is null"); } else { // break if we hit a new batch of log entries.
var strToFind = "#Fields:";
if (strLine.substring(0, strToFind.length) == strToFind) { break; } } }
// First save off the cached ext
if (null != strExtCached) { if (objDictionary.Exists(strExtCached)) { objDictionary.Item(strExtCached) = nExtCountCached; } else { objDictionary.Add(strExtCached, nExtCountCached); } } } else { document.all.idStatus.innerText = "ERROR: You need to have IIS include the URI Query (cs-uri-query) in the log file."; }
if (true == fDialog) { g_nTotalDialog = nTotal; } else { g_nTotalWeb = nTotal; } }
function DisplayResults(strLogFile, objDictionary, fDialog) { var strUI = ""; var nIndex; var strKeyArray = (new VBArray(objDictionary.Keys())).toArray(); var strCount;
var objfolder = g_objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(1 /* %windir%\system32\ */); var strPath = (objfolder.Path + "\\" + strLogFile);
var objDataBinding = null; var objTotalUsers = null; var nTotal; if (true == fDialog) { objDataBinding = document.all.dsoResults; objTotalUsers = document.all.idTotalDialogUsers; nTotal = g_nTotalDialog; } else { objDataBinding = document.all.dsoResults2; objTotalUsers = document.all.idTotalWebUsers; nTotal = g_nTotalWeb; }
try { g_objFileSystem.DeleteFile(strPath); } catch (objException) { // We don't care if we can't delete it.
var objFile = g_objFileSystem.CreateTextFile(strPath, true, false); objFile.WriteLine("col_Extension:String, col_Number:Int, col_Percent:String"); var strPercent; var fTotal = (nTotal * 1.0);
objTotalUsers.innerText = nTotal; if (0 != strKeyArray.length) { for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < strKeyArray.length; nIndex++) { strCount = objDictionary.Item(strKeyArray[nIndex]);
strPercent = ((strCount / fTotal) * 100.0) + ""; strPercent = strPercent.substring(0, 5) + "%"; objFile.WriteLine(strKeyArray[nIndex] + ", " + strCount + ", " + strPercent); } } else { objFile.WriteLine("None, 0, 100.00%"); }
objDataBinding.DataURL = strPath; // document.all.idStatus.innerText = "";
// document.all.idStatus.innerText = objDataBinding.DataURL;
try { objDataBinding.Reset(); } catch (objException) { // We don't care if we can't delete it.
document.all.idStatus.innerText += " objDataBinding.Reset() failed"; } }